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The Ultimate IW Easter Egg Guides: Mephistopheles (Remastered Guide)

Thanks go to; @dankmagician2521 for some extra suggestions regarding card selection as well as boss fight strategies!

What is 'Mephistopheles' & what does it give you?

What is it? Mephistopheles is the final boss fight in IW, where our 4 characters have to defeat the Devil who Willard sold his soul to
What does it give me?
Mephistopheles give you 3 things;
1) The 'Demon Slayer' calling card (Barracks > Calling Cards > Soul Challenges > Secret)
2) Willard Wyler as playable on Zombies in Spaceland (Activation Code is Left Left Down Up Up Right)
Note: You must have Director's Cut already unlocked to play as Willard. You do not need to have any talismans in order to unlock Willard
3) The Director's Cut Weapon Camo

Setup: Fate & Fortune Cards, Perks & Loadout

Cards: Solo > Reanimated, Hide & Seek, Twist of Fate/Explosive Touch/Stimulus, On The Money/Punching Bags & 5 Second Muscle &/orBest For Last
- You should active 'Reanimated' at the start of the Beast boss fight and refill your deck in the arcade if you lose it so you can use it again in the Meph fight
- You should use 'Hide & Seek' to make the 99 second step in the Beast boss a breeze if you feel like you might get trapped
- Use 'Twist or Fate' or 'Explosive Touch' in the final stage of the Meph fight (preferably 'Explosive Touch'). If you do not have either then you should use 'Stimulus' (if you are going to use 'Stimulus' you should also use it for the 99 second countdown step in the Beast boss fight as a precaution if necessary, then just refill your deck again in the arcade so you can use it for Meph)
- The cards 'On The Money' or 'Punching Bags' will be used as a way for you to make a lot of points in order to help you get set up for the Beast boss fight easily and quickly as not to waste time. I will provide links to videos that will explain how to maximise points from these cards. If you do not have the Masochist variant of the DCM-8 shotgun then you should use 'On The Money'
How To Use: 'On The Money' Effectively by EpicSwagGaming69
How To Use: 'DCM-8 Masochist Effectively by Sliq Killa
- The cards '5 Second Muscle' or 'Best For Last' are both good cards for slighting increasing damage output on enemies. Preferably activate just before you enter the Beast boss fight as after killing the Rhinos you'll be able to active 'Reanimated'. Alternatively, you could use this card slot for 'Hide And Seek' (but only if you have no 'Reanimated') as a easier way to escape getting trapped on the 99 second step, however, you could just use 'Stimulus' instead as a bonus card to 'Twist of Fate'/'Explosive Touch'
Cards: Co-Op > Same as for Solo but with a few changes
- Only 1 player should have 'On The Money', all other players should swap out this card for either 'Hide and Seek' or 'Stimulus' (As a way of protecting teammates in both Boss fights, in addition to 1 or 2 players also holding either 'Explosive Touch' or 'Twist of Fate'). Once the player is done using 'On The Money' have them dashboard, swap it back out for a priority card, then re-join
- If any of your teammates have 'Rising Phoenix' they must have this card on, I recommend at least 2 or 3 players have the card on just incase 3 players go down in the Meph fight and you can't reach them to revive
- One player could carry 'Black Friday', activate it, then dashboard their game, then re-join, activate it and dashboard their game. Repeat this multiple times till everyone has their desired weapons. Then once you're done with the card, swap it back out for a priority card like 'Rising Phoenix' (or any other recommended card they originally swapped it out for)
- The 'Reanimated' card is pretty useless on Co-OP so swap it out for 'Hide and Seek' if you have it. If not, just use either 'Best for Last' or '5 Minute Muscle' (whichever is not already in your deck if 1 of them is already in your deck for the game)
- Also there is no need to use 'Ego Trip', for both Co-Op or Solo. If you've got the card on solo there is no harm in using it but tried to avoid it if you can help it. On Co-Op, just keep running the Rhinos around in a loop when shooting them, avoiding shooting them in the centre since the flames will block the ammo box
- 'Skull Hacker'** can also be used (see why below in 'What if I have someone without Director's Cut in my game?'. After using the card (if you used it) dashboard, swap it out for a priority card, and rejoin
Perks: Solo > Up N' Atoms, Bang Bangs, Tuff Nuff', Racing Stripes & Quickies/Deadeye Dewdrops
Note: Deadeye can help to remove recoil and can increase damage so you could use it as an alternative to Quickies but given the cards I will recommend you use you should preferably use Quickies
Perks: Co-Op > Up N' Atoms, Bang Bangs, Tuff Nuff', Racing Stripes & Quickies/Deadeye Dewdrops
Note: On Co-Op, Deadeye could be used by at least half of your teammates if you want an extra damage boost
Loadout: Solo & Co-Op >
Primary: Mauler, Atlas, Auger, FHR or VPR
Note: If you have the Sentinel variant for the Mauler this is the weapon you'll want to use. Otherwise, try go for the Atlas, Auger or VPR (Atlas has more ammo, Auger is slightly weaker but has more ammo and the FHR is the most powerful but lacks ammo). If your luck with the wheel is absolutely terrible you can grab the VPR from the wall in the theatre. Also, the Windfall variant for the FHR is also a great variant to use since it can replenish your health when killing enemies.
You could also use the EBR - Bomber variant on solo since this works very well at taking them out fast alongside Ego Trip but once you are in the afterlife arcade preparing for the Meph fight, swap this weapon out for another one of the recommended guns.
Secondary: Kendall-44, Venom-X or Spartan
- Kendall-44 is your best option as a secondary weapon and you should definitely try to get it if you can. The Venom-X is a close 2nd to the Kendall-44 and you should use it if you can't get the Kendall. If you can't get either you can either use the Spartan or have a second primary weapon (E.g. An LMG and an SMG like Mauler + FHR). Here is a guide to how to unlock the Venom-X if you want to unlock it rather than testing your luck on the wheel.
Venom-X Unlock Guide by SeanEDawgz
- If you have the Kendall-44 as your secondary weapon you can grab the Venom-X as your mule weapon. Alternatively, you could do the 3 weapon glitch in order to have a permanent 3rd gun, so you could have Mauler, Kendall & Venom all at once (making sure to remove Mule Kick as to avoid 4 gun switching trauma).
Note: Only use the 4 gun glitch if you are comfortable switching between 3 different weapons. Not recommended for newer players. Here is a guide on how to do it if you're interested.
4 Weapon Glitch by Swaara

What if I have someone without Director's Cut in my game?

If for some reason you have decided to carry someone without Director's Cut through the Mephistopheles fight (which I strongly advise not to - all players should have Director's Cut if you're trying to defeat Mephistopheles, that's unless you've beat Meph before and want to help someone get Meph out of the way before you help them unlock Director's Cut) you have 3 options.
Option #1 (Simplistic): Use the 5 recommended perks I advised before for Solo players.
Option #2 (Advised): Have someone in your game have the Skull Hacker card in replace of one of the priority cards I recommended earlier (E.g. 'Rising Phoenix'). Once activating the card everyone will need to interact with the Ghosts & Skulls machine in the Theatre Arcade and then once you've completed the game, the person(s) without Director's Cut will be given a permanent perkaholic.
Option #3 (Last Resort - Try To Avoid): If you find it impossible to play with the person without Director's Cut and you still want to get them Meph done before they unlock Director's Cut then once you get to the end of the Meph fight have the Host send them an invite so once they join you can finish the boss fight and they won't have to do anything. To avoid errors when they join they should follow this method;
1) Restart IW
2) Go to a custom match, selecting Beast as the map
3) Wait until it says only 'Waiting...' in the bottom right corner
4) Join immediately once they get the invite

Mephistopheles: Pre-Boss

After the Beast boss fight all players will be spawned into the Afterlife Arcade for 5 minutes. There will be a free magic wheel, a Fate & Fortune card machine and 5 free perks that anyone can collect (I.e. if you have someone in your game that doesn't have Director's Cut and you haven't done the Skull Hacker thing for them).
Use this time to take turns spinning the wheel for key weapons such as the Mauler, FHR, Kendall or Venom if you do not already have them. Make sure at least 1 person (or 2) has the Venom in your game for when you go into Meph. Alternatively, if you are already prepared for the Meph boss you can use this time for toilet breaks as well as time to play on the arcade machines as a way to relax.
Once all players are ready to start the Meph boss you can either wait for the timer to run to 0 or everyone in your game can interact with the exit door to start the cutscene that leads to the fight.
Note: Refilling your card deck will decrease the rate that you can get your cards back so you will likely only be able to use a maximum of 3 in Meph itself. Try not to use up your top priority cards during the Beast boss (I.e. **Twist of Fate/Explosive Touch, Stimulus & Rising Phoenix) unless absolutely necessary

Mephistopheles: All Possible Attacks

Before you enter the Meph boss fight you are going to need to know the basics of the fight which include all possible attacks and how to avoid them all with ease. Here is a list of all the possible attacks and how to avoid them.
Summoning Skeletons: Meph will raise his hands and skeletons will spawn out of the ground. Sometimes a whole horde will spawn, sometimes only a few will spawn. Simply take them out with any weapon. I would recommend killing them as soon as you can so you can focus your attention to Meph as to dodge his other attacks that he may throw at you.
Note: Skeletons will constantly spawn even if Meph doesn't summon them, though they will spawn in generally lesser numbers when they are not summoned so they shouldn't be much of a problem to handle.
Fireballs: The most common attack. Simple run away from the fireballs when he throws them, or just jump to the side (best to just run, jumping sideward can be a bit risky).
Fire Breath: Meph will spit fire from his hand and glide across the arena, breathing fire across the centre of the arena. Try to stick to the sides when he does this and avoid the central area of the area.
Black Hole: Meph will form a black hole in his hand, doing a demonic laugh and shoot it into the centre of the arena, pulling you in. In order to avoid getting sucked in you should jump away from it or jump backwards, whichever you prefer. Alternatively, when you see him forming it in his hand and do the demonic laugh you can go prone just before he shoots the black hole out to the centre so that you will not get pulled in to the black hole.
Meteorite: Meph will either overarm with 1 hand or throw a meteorite with both hands at a specific player. Best way to avoid it is to run towards Meph, he will not be able to hit you with the meteorite. Alternatively, you could just run to the other side of the arena and go behind a pillar but this will not always guarantee your safety.
Fire Wall: Meph will clap his hands together shooting a fire wall straight across the centre of the map, temporarily trapping you on one half of the arena. If you're on Co-Op, try to have everyone split into groups quickly on opposite sides just before he spawns the fire wall so if he targets a specific side of the firewall, the other players will be safe.
Note: Touching the wall will harm you and has the potential to insta kill the player, so be cautious. Also, if Meph does a black hole while the wall is there you will not be sucked in. Once the fire wall attack is over, the wall will retreat backwards and disappear. By the way, sometimes if someone is at the back of the map and they are directly hit by the fire wall they can be knocked out of the map so keep that in mind when he does the attack.
Ground Slam: Meph will spawn into the centre of the arena slowly rising up before slamming loudly onto the ground with both of his fists. There are 3 ways to avoid this attack; either go behind a pillar, go to the very back of the arena or stand on the very outer edge of the arena.
Fire Tornado: The hardest attack to dodge. Meph will move his hands in a circular motion and a large flame will spawn in the centre, spiralling outwards forming small and larger gaps. The best way to dodge the flames is to quickly move across the arena with your eyes on the spinning fire, looking for bigger gaps to get through. When you see a gap appear stand where it is (so the fire moves past you) but do not move towards it because the fire will hurt you or even down you.
Note: Meph can do either a black hole or a fireball while the fire is swirling. If he is doing a black hole don't worry but if he does a fireball then the best thing to do is try to avoid the fireball before getting through the larger gaps created by the fire tornado. Also, hiding behind the pillars will not always protect you from the tornado.

Mephistopheles Fight: The Talismans

When entering the fight, there will be 5 large circles on the ground, representing each map. You will need to charge each talisman individually according to the following steps;
1) You will need to stand on the talisman for an accumulated total of 30 seconds (*amount of players, E.g. 2 players is 60 seconds, 3 players is 90 seconds etc...) while dodging Meph's various attacks. Try to stay on the talisman as long as possible, leaving it when necessary to avoid attacks before hopping back on. Watch out for skeletons! If you're defending someone who is on the talisman make sure to keep the skeletons off of them so they can stay on the circle as long as possible.
Here is a table to help you strategize easily.

Number of Players Number of People - Standing on Talisman Number of People - Defending those Standing on the Talisman
2 1 1
3 1/2 (Depends on preference) 1/2 (Depends on preference)
4 2 2
Note: You should use your primary weapons for small amounts of skeletons. When Meph summons a horde of skeletons, shoot your Venom onto the floor to kill them all immediately (press LB/L1 to activate shot immediately after firing). Also, if nobody is on the talisman for a certain amount of time, the talisman will start to lose it's charge until it depletes completely (if this happens just interact with the talisman again to start charging it back up or choose a different talisman).
2) Once the talisman is completely charged, blue souls will come out of it and you will no longer need to be standing on the talisman. Using your entangler, you will need to shoot a total of 4 souls (*amount of players, E.g. 2 players is 8 souls, 3 players is 12 souls, etc...) at Meph.
Once enough souls have hit him, Meph will be shocked and the symbol on his body representing the talisman you've charged will highlight in gold on his body. You will need to shoot this symbol with any weapon until the symbol imprints in gold on him.
If you have done it successfully he will teleport to the back of the map and block out the light with a boulder and the arena will go dark. If you do not successfully shoot his symbol he will teleport to the back of the arena but souls will still come out of the talisman and Meph will be attacking you again.
3) You will need to complete steps 1 & 2 a total of 5 times, once for each talisman. Between each talisman there will be a stage known as 'The Darkness Stage'. This will be when Meph blocks out the lights and the arena goes dark.

Mephistopheles Fight: 'The 'Darkness Stage'

This stage will occur a total of 4 times (after the 5th talisman will be 'The Final Stage' rather than 'The Darkness Stage'). In this stage, multiple enemies will spawn of various kinds. Here is a table showing you which enemies will spawn for each new stage.

Enemies New Enemy
Talisman #1 Zombies, Cryptids, Phantoms & Clowns
Talisman #2 Zombies, Cryptids, Phantoms, Clowns & The Slasher The Slasher
Talisman #3 Zombies, Cryptids, Phantoms, Clowns & Ninjas Ninjas
Talisman #4 Zombies, Cryptids, Phantoms, Clowns & 2 Blue Rhinos 2 Blue Rhinos (regular Rhino health)
After you clear out all of the enemies, the light will become unblocked and a bunch of mini meteors will spawn. Go behind the pillars for this until the meteors have stopped and then you can start the next talisman.

Mephistopheles Fight: The Final Stage

After completing the 5th and final talisman, and shooting Meph's final glowing symbol on his body, Meph will spit flames and then he will teleport to the back of the arena, beginning the final stage.
You will need to shoot all of Meph's symbols until all of the talismans rise up. Once they've all been raised up, you will be able to interact with them.
Once they've all been activated they will wipe out all enemies and connect shooting a laser beam at Meph, teleporting into the middle of the arena where you can shoot him until he dies and the cutscene begins.
Note: Cryptids, Phantoms, Zombies & Clowns will spawn as the starting enemies before Ninjas are introduced about a minute in. After a further minute the Slasher will spawn and then a further minute or 2 later, a Blue Rhino will spawn (which can charge you down) so try to get all of the talisman raised as quickly as you can as to avoid the later enemies spawning.
Tips & Tricks for 'The Final Stage'
- On solo, activate 'Explosive Touch', 'Twist of Fate' or 'Stimulus' (Priority card) once the 1st or 2nd talisman has been raised up so you can focus your weapons on Meph and have the card taking care of any enemies that are trying to attack you.
- While Meph is doing a ground slam or a black hole (preferably accompanied with a fire wall since he can't suck you in) you can use it to your advantage and focus more fire on Meph since he won't be able to attack you and you can easily get a lot more damage on him than when other attacks are going on.
Note: Neither of these cards are very successful in taking out Phantoms and they will not harm either the Slasher or the Rhinos so try to take out Phantoms once they spawn while you have 1 of these cards activated.
- On Co-Op, follow this strategy >
2 Players - Have 1 player activate 'Stimulus', and have the other player activate either 'Twist of Fate or Explosive Touch'
3 Players - Have 1 player activate stimulus, have 1 player activate either 'Twist of Fate or Explosive Touch' & have 1 player have 'Rising Phoenix' ready to use if everyone but them goes down
4 Players - Have 2 played activate Stimulus (activate the 2nd after the 1st has run out), have 1 player activate 'Twist of Fate' or 'Explosive Touch' & have 1 player ready to active 'Rising Phoenix' if everyone but them goes down

Common Questions W/Answers

1) What is the best variant against the Blue Rhinos?
Mauler - Sentinel. The 3rd strongest variant in the game, and has a lot of ammo. What more is there to love?!
2) How long does this whole easter egg take?
Depends on the number of players in your game. On Solo, it should take you about 45 minutes to an hour. On Co-Op it should take you about an hour. Use this knowledge to plan when to run Meph with friends.
3) What is the best number of players to do this with?
Best to do it with 4 players but in some cases, 3 players might work better for you. I would recommend testing out both 3 and 4 players in the Beast and Meph boss battles and see which fits your preference.
4) Is it possible to increase magic wheel luck?
No. This is a complete myth.
5) Where can I find extra players for Xbox to help me with this?
There are 3 ways you can find more players;
1) Make a group post
2) Go to the club, 'IW Zombie Saviours' and make a post requesting players
3) Go to the club, 'Zombies Successors Official Gaming Club' (ZSOG) and make a post requesting players

If you have any other questions, leave them below and I will try to answer them the best I can. I hope this guide helped. If you can, share this guide with your friends that also need some advice with Meph so they can become pro's of it. Appreciate the support :)

Meph Challenges I've done
1) Proteus + Fate Cards Only (Flawless) 2) OSA Only 3) Snipers Only (Flawless) 4) No Jugg + Fate Cards (Flawless) 5) No Sprinting + Fate Cards (Flawless) 6) Meph World Record Speedrun (24:59)
My other EE Guides
1) Zombies in Spaceland - Easter Egg Guide
2) Shaolin Shuffle - Easter Egg Guide
3) Attack of The Radioactive Thing - Chemical Step Guide
submitted by DaRkShAdOwYlaf to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2021 mock draft V4

Draft order was from tankathon
1 - New York Jets - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson - There’s not really much I can say here that hasn't been said. Lawrence is an absolute lock for #1. Dont fuck this up, Jets.
2 - Jacksonville Jaguars - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State - Fields had a REALLY ugly game against Indiana, but he’s still pretty clearly QB2 in the class, and I still feel like he’s closer to Lawrence than the rest of the field.
3 - Cincinnati Bengals - Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon - Holy shit please protect Burrow. His injury just looks worse and worse. Cincy’s probably going to lose out and that means they’ll have a near guaranteed shot at Sewell, but if they somehow drop out of the top 3, IMO they NEED to take BPA OT. I dont care how good Parsons, Chase, etc might end up being, because Burrow is their franchise savior, and they must 1000% protect him with everything they got. Hell, draft an entire offensive line this year. This class is solid enough to where it might be possible. Also, hire a better OL coach.
4 - Dallas Cowboys - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama - Last time Dallas picked this high, they had to make a hard choice between a game changing RB and the best DB prospect in recent memory. This year, there’s no game changing RB on the level of Zeke, so the choice is pretty easy, especially with how bad the Cowboys secondary is. Outside of the injured Diggs, who else is really a building block for the future? Surtain should give them a solid once.
5 - Washington Football Team - Trey Lance, QB, NDSU - There’s been a lot of hype around Zach Wilson recently, and I won't disagree that Wilson has been fantastic, but Lance is still my QB3 for this class. Some things you just cant teach, like arm strength, and if the success of guys like Josh Allen or Lamar Jackson have shown, its that teams can build around these game breaking QBs successfully. Yes, Wilson might be more of a finished product, but why the hell would Washington want a more pro-ready guy? They aren't even close to contending right now, and sitting Lance behind Alex Smith for a year ala Mahomes could allow for deja vu, or at least Lance to become a pretty good QB once Washington is ready to contend again.
6 - Chicago Bears (via LAC - Sends 1.16, 3.80, 2022 CHI 1st, 2022 CHI 2nd for 1.08, 2022 LAC 4th) - Zach Wilson, QB, BYU - At this point, I think Zach Wilson has raised his stock enough to where it’s very unlikely he’s falling out of the top 10, and that means the really QB needy teams are going to have to pay through the nose to move up to get him. Chicago might not end up being the team that picks him, but I think they’re currently by far the most desperate, for good reason. They’re a contender level team hamstrung by terrible QB and OL play, and Wilson might be the panacea they need for their offensive woes. His reckless brilliance has been exciting to watch at BYU, and if Chicago can hit here, they’ll blow their Super Bowl window right back open.
7 - New York Giants - Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU - When you’re a team that’s as bad as the Giants, just take BPA. And BPA here is arguably the single best WR prospect in recent memory. Darius Slayton is a solid WR, but he’s a better fit at WR2 than the main guy, and the rest of the Giants WR corps isnt really worth talking about. With Daniel Jones showing off enough potential to earn another year and all 4 of the top QBs gone, New York grabs themselves a guy who should be an absolute monster coming into the league, considering he was better than current stud and MIN WR Justin Jefferson.
8 - Atlanta Falcons - Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami - Is the third time a charm for Atlanta? Atlanta loves their raw, athletic EDGE, but the last two guys in Vic Beasley and Takk McKinley have not panned out great, to put it lightly. Rousseau is a different beast than them though. Someone who lined up all over the Miami D line, he’s got the versatility to be a great chess piece while possessing enough speed and motor to be a consistent force on the EDGE. There is still some rawness to his technique, but this is a pass rusher who doesnt stop until he’s gotten into the backfield, with an extremely high ceiling. He’d be an integral part of the defense if Atlanta ever wants to return to the SB with Matt Ryan and Julio Jones.
9 - Miami Dolphins - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama - I honestly think DeVonta Smith is significantly closer to Chase than the rest of the WR group, enough to where he’s almost WR1B to Chase’s WR1A. And what better spot than back with his old college QB who he dominated with? Dont forget on a loaded roster with 3 other first round WRs including Jerry Jeudy, Henry Ruggs, and near lock R1 pick Jaylen Waddle, it was DeVonta Smith who led the team in yards and TDs. With excellent separation, hands as soft as that Minnesota - Purdue OPI call, and great route running along with an established connection to Tua, Smith might help out the Dolphin’s franchise QB by giving him a security blanket.
10 - Carolina Panthers - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State - And the best LB in the class drops to the Panthers, who just lost Luke Kuechly. It must be fate, I guess. Personally, I’d try to look for a new QB, but Bridgewater is good enough to where no QB available is an immediate improvement, and Parsons is so good to where it’s a perfect fit of BPA and need. He should be the new Kuechly for Carolina for the next decade or so.
11 - Detroit Lions - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama - The Lions CBs havent been great but Amani O and Okudah still have promise, and there’s not really an LB I’d pick this high, barring JOK getting an even more meteoric rise. So onto the last big need, WR. Golladay is a WR1, but Jones is clearly past his prime, and all 3 of the Lions top WRs are free agents this offseason. They need at the very last a new WR2, and Jaylen Waddle is good enough to be both an interesting complement to Golladay, or his own WR1. He’s an electric WR who can stretch the field and pull defenses apart the way the best deep threats can, and even has bonus functionality as a kick/punt returner. Golladay, if he’s back, and Waddle would make for an electric WR duo for Stafford to play with.
12 - Minnesota Vikings - Wyatt Davis, OG, Ohio State - Kirk Cousins has shown that he still has some juice, and although he’s not a Mahomes/Brady type QB who can lead to the SB, he’s certainly good enough to be a QB who wont cost you the SB trip. But if the Vikings want to keep Kirk consistently at his best, they need the OL, and especially the interior OL, to be as good as possible. Thats why they cant pass up on Davis here, who has almost no flaws and might be the best iOL prospect since Quenton Nelson. With Dozier’s return uncertain due to cap issues and Cleveland possibly moving to LT, there are holes in the interior that must be addressed. Worst comes to worst, the Vikings have two great OGs on their team. That’s a problem most teams would kill for.
13 - Arizona Cardinals (via NE - sends 1.20, 3.84, 2022 ARI 2nd for 1.13) - Caleb Fairley, CB, Virginia Tech - The Cardinals have an elite offense with Murray, Hopkins, and Kingsbury calling the shots, but man that pass defense is ugly. With Patrick Peterson aging every day and his contract expiring, they need a replacement for him ASAP. So Steve Keim, who’s no stranger to bold moves, mortgages a bit of the future to grab arguably the second best CB in the class, Caleb Farley. Farley is an outstanding press corner in the same mold as Peterson, someone who mirrors well and sticks to receivers like glue. He should seamlessly replace PPat if they choose to move on from the All-Pro this offseason, or learn greatly next to him if they bring him back.
14 - San Francisco 49ers - Creed Humphrey, C, Oklahoma - The lifeblood of the 49ers is their run game, built on the zone blocking scheme of Kyle Shanahan. Thats why the center position is so important to the 49ers. And its been a bit of an issue the last 2 seasons. Weston Richburg is oft injured and cant be relied on, and I’d be hesitant to rely on Daniel Bruskill for anything more than being a solid replacement iOL. Creed Humphrey here fit the 49ers scheme like a glove, having played a ton in Lincoln Riley’s zone blocking offense. He’d be an instant starter and with his high IQ as well as excellent leadership, should be a great fit for a young, hungry 49ers team that might be losing Richard Sherman this offseason.
15 - Denver Broncos - Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State - With QB off the table here, the Broncos still really need a better CB1. AJ Bouye is mediocre on the field when he isnt injured. Bryce Callahan has been good but he was injured recently and might not be back this offseason to make room for Bolles and Simmons extensions. Michael Ojemudia showed promise to start the year but was snubbed completely vs the Raiders and Dolphins. There’s no Talib or CHJr anymore in Denver, a CB1 that Denver can rely on to erase opposing WRs. But Shaun Wade could be that. A great slot corner who also can move outside and defend the run at a high level (run defense ala Trae Waynes), he could be the lockdown CB that helps the Broncos defense return to their former glory once Von Miller returns.
16 - Los Angeles Chargers (Via CHI) - Christian Darrisaw, OT, Virginia Tech - The Chargers should heed the Burrow injury as a serious warning of what might happen to their young franchise QB if they don't protect him. So, they grab the rising Christian Darrisaw out of VT, a massive mauling tackle who knows how to use his hands and possesses an excellent anchor. There are still some technique issues he needs to hone out, mainly his footwork, but once those are cleaned up, he can easily be an utterly dominant force on the OL for the chargers.
17 - Miami Dolphins - Jeremiah Owusu-Koramah, LB, Notre Dame - Miami doesnt go Parsons, but they get the next best thing in the class, a stud who's also exploded up the draft boards recently. JOK's ascent reminds me a lot of Devin Bush’s, who also went from a fringe R1-R2 player to a mid first lock. He’s small at 6’1, 215, but utterly explosive and flies around the field in both run stopping and pass coverage. With the Miami defense looking for playmakers, JOK can be that guy who establishes himself as the QB of the defense, and a swarming pest for any offense.
18 - Baltimore Ravens - Alex Leatherwood, OG/OT, Alabama - The Baltimore offense looks almost nothing like it did a year ago. The playcalling has gotten stale, the WRs cant catch and Lamar seems to have regressed, but the biggest problem is the significant step back the OL has taken after the loss of Marshall Yanda. Alex Leatherwood might be an OT at the college level, but he has the ability and anchor to be a mauling guard, something which the Ravens would love for their run game heavy offense.
19 - Philadelphia Eagles - Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina - The Eagles secondary has been a thorn in their side for so long now. They just cant seem to get their CBs to play well for some reason, and with WR hopefully fixed after the emergence of Fulgham and the addition of Reagor, CB needs to be addressed. A physical aggressive corner who knows how to properly use his size as leverage against opposing WRs, Jaycee Horn would hopefully shore up CB2 for the Eagles alongside Darius Slay, and be a building block that the Eagles can build around for the future.
20 - New England Patriots (via ARI) - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida - If there’s two things BB loves, its trading down and versatile players. Well, Pitts is one of the most versatile TEs when it comes to receiving, able to line up all over the field for a team with one of the single worst receiving corps in the league. He’ll be a super versatile weapon for the Patriots, and if anyone knows how to get the best out of a freak TE, its gotta be Belicheck.
21 - Las Vegas Raiders - Kwity Paye, EDGE, Michigan - Paye somehow falls to the Raiders here, and they better run to the stage for this pick. For a team that still needs pass rush inside and out, Paye would be a perfect fit, able to play both DE/EDGE and slide inside to cause problems if necessary. He’s excellent at causing pressure, and Im sure Gruden would love this Gruden Grinder beast of an EDGE.
22 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas - Donovan Smith is not the long term answer at LT. And even if Brady leaves/retires this offseason, they still need to bolster the offensive line. Samuel Cosmi is an athletic specimen of an OT who moves well all over, someone who is smart enough to plan out his attack and possesses a huge mean streak. He should be a great fit at either LT or RT, cementing himself and Wirfs as a great pair of bookends.
23 - Indianapolis Colts - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota - TY Hilton is very done, and although Pittman has shown flashes of promise so far, 2 excellent WRs are almost necessary nowadays in the NFL. Bateman would fit great here as a big play machine and YAC beast, especially if the Colts keep Phillip Rivers for another season.
24 - Cleveland Browns - Jayson Oweh, EDGE, Penn State - Myles Garrett might be a beast, but he cant do it all by himself. The Browns need to find a better compliment to him, someone who can also put pressure on the QB so the opposing offense cant just focus on him. Jayson Oweh could be that. A freak athlete who’s been rising up the draft rankings recently, Oweh has all the tools to be a monster EDGE in the NFL. He does need polishing on his technique, but this is a high ceiling guy who could give the Browns their dominant EDGE duo of the future.
25 - New York Jets (Via SEA) - Terrace Marshall Jr, WR, LSU - Now that the Jets have their QB of the future, they should probably give him better weapons than the Jets currently have. Mims has promise, and Crowder is a solid WR, but it’s hard to picture either becoming the WR1 for New York right now. Terrace Marshall Jr could be that, however. He’s been a monster for LSU after they lost both Justin Jefferson and Ja’Marr Chase, and with how bad LSU has been, thats a serious accomplishment. There’s all the physical traits to be elite, and with his ability to break press coverage and grab contested balls, he’ll could be the guy that Lawrence develops an excellent bond with in the future.
26 - Green Bay Packers - Jay Tufele, DT, USC - The Packers have a stud in Kenny Clark and a decent DT in Keke Kingsley, but outside of that, the DT depth is pretty dire. And with the best DT prospect in the class dropping right into their laps, its too hard to pass up Tufele here. Jay Tufele can be a dominant force when he’s on, almost completely unblockable at times, and can play both the 1/3T, allowing for Clark to be able to move around if needed for better matchups. WIth his explosiveness and powerful hands, a defensive line of Clark, Keke, and Tufele could be an absolute nightmare for the OLines of the NFC North.
27 - Tennessee Titans - Joseph Ossai, EDGE, Texas - The Titans pass rush has been anemic, and it’s certainly not going to get better after the likely loss of Jadeveon Clowney this offseason. They need someone to pair with Harold Landry, and Joseph Ossai could be the answer here. A quick trigger pass rusher who has plenty of room for improvement, Ossai presents a tantalizing option for Tennessee as someone who has the ability to become a very dominant pass rusher. He’d be a great fit in the Titans hybrid defense, and could grow into a cornerstone alongside Simmons and Landry on the DL.
28 - Buffalo Bills - Eric Stokes, CB, Georgia - There’s a huge hole in the Bills defense opposite of Tre White, something that has caused their defense to go from elite to horrid in one year. They need someone to help out White, and Eric Stokes could be that guy. No stranger to being paired up with great CBs, Stokes has actually outplayed his more hyped partner in Tyson Campbell this year, and with his excellent agility and great instincts, can be a smothering corner who can lock down WR1s with the help of his FS.
29 - Jacksonville Jaguars (via LAR) - Liam Eichenburg, OT, Notre Dame - As I mentioned before, if you have a young franchise QB, you need to protect him. With serious problems on their OL and Justin Fields coming in as their new savior, the Jaguars look to protect their investment by solidifying one of the tackle spots on the OL. Liam Eichenburg is another product of the Notre Dame OL machine, with an excellent build and great strength to thrive in power blocking schemes. He’s especially effective at clearing the way, which is not only great for James Robinson and the run game, but mobile QBs like Fields if they need to scramble outside the pocket. Whether he’s at LT or RT, Eichenburg should be a solid and well-coached OT for the Jaguars.
30 - Kansas City Chiefs - Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama - The Chiefs overall have been elite once again this year, but there’s one clear flaw in their team, the run defense, which ranks in the bottom 5 in the league. Good thing Dylan Moses is available here. He’s an elite athlete with plenty of range and can hit like a truck. He also knows when to wrap up and is generally a sure tackler, which is a rather underappreciated trait. He does need to improve his ability to diagnose plays and shed blocks, but overall, he’s a force at ILB, and would greatly help out Chiefs ailing run defense.
31 - New Orleans Saints - Paris Ford, S, Pittsburgh - The Saints are hilariously over the cap next year, needs to cut about $95 million in order to become cap compliant. That means that S Marcus Williams is probably gone, as the Saints simply wont have the money to replace him, which leads to a big hole in the NO secondary. Paris Ford should be a seamless replacement for him. With the ability to play anything from single high to a role closer to the LOS, Ford is an instant starter, who excels especially in pass coverage. Interestingly enough, he also seems to try to become a missile too much of the time and needs improvement on his tackling form, so hopefully the Saints teach this safety how to wrap up properly.
32 - Pittsburgh Steelers - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson - The Steelers dont have a ton of needs, and OT is probably the safest pick here, but James Conner is an FA after this year and there are questions if the Steelers should pay him big money. Travis Etienne is also the best RB in the class and easily BPA here. Etienne is an elite RB, who can break off huge chunks of yardage at a time and rip defenses apart with his burst. He’s also improved his catching ability to where he can be a every down RB. With Pittsburgh still a SB contender for the near future and possibly question marks on James Connor’s future, Etienne seems like a great fit here to both replace Connor’s production and keep Pittsburgh in title contention for the near future.
submitted by kcheng686 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

NRS buff philosophy scares me for the future.

Throughout the history of this game, we've had characters that needed buffs.
Raiden was super underwhelming and boring to watch. So what did NRS do? Made him into a 50/50 slot machine.
Kano was considered bottom 5. What did they do to him? Made him plus ALL THE TIME. Oh and btw he's also a 50/50 slot machine.
Sindel benefits from the custom system, but again: 50/50 slot machine.
Everybody's been using the metaphor of the characters missing the "sauce on their spaghetti." Well we also need to make sure we're using the right type of sauce. You wouldn't (I really hope you wouldn't) make a spaghetti with Ghost pepper chili sauce. Things like Dragon drop being an unblockable move that tracks, has a 32% KB, and has a choosable window of 30 frames where she can come down whenever she likes.
It really makes me fear for characters like Shao Khan and Skarlet getting turned into the same brain off 50/50 style they seem to be pushing.
submitted by DethRaze to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

21 Mock Draft v.1

Draft order was from tankathon
1 - New York Jets - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson - The Jets are terrible in every faucet, but Sam Darnold certainly hasnt inspired any confidence he can be the QBOTF this season even once Adam Gase is removed. Trevor Lawrence has been QB1 for this draft ever since his first game for Clemson and I dont see this changing any time soon.
2 - Atlanta Falcons (via New York Giants - Trades 1.06, 2.37, 2022 2nd for 1.02) - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State - This move will likely be a bit of a shocker, but I truly believe the Falcons need a reset. Matt Ryan might be a great QB, but he’s 35 at this point, and there isnt much future left in Atlanta. Justin Fields has been electric at Ohio State, and plopping him down into a team with a decent OL and fantastic receivers will make the somewhat murky future of the Falcons that much brighter. Is this a steep price? Yes. Is it worth every penny? Also yes.
3 - Miami Dolphins (via Jacksonville Jaguars - Trades 1.04, 2.49, 4.113 for 1.03, 3.67) - Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon - Assuming Tua is the franchise QB for the Dolphins, the Phins NEED to protect him, especially considering his reputation for frailty. So they offer the Jaguars an offer they can refuse in order to grab Penei Sewell, who might be the best OT prospect since Joe Thomas came out of Wisconsin. Sewell should be an immediate rock at RT for Tua, and fill the hole that Tunsil left when he was traded.
4 - Jacksonville Jaguars (via Miami Dolphins via Houston Texans) - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama - The Jaguars have needs everywhere. The WR corps is good but lacks a true star, the EDGE group has been toothless following Josh Allen’s injury, and Schobert has been atrocious after signing that big contract. But the CB most of all has needed help, considering the Jaguars defense has been torched through the air. Surtain is an elite cover corner in every way, and should provide a nice young CB tandem for the Jaguars to replace the one they lost.
5 - Dallas Cowboys - Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami - Demarcus Lawrence is still pretty good, but Aldon Smith is not a long term solution at EDGE. Rousseau, however, can be. He’s a fantastic athlete with an array of moves, and with Surtain off the board here, Rousseau is my pick for the player who will help beef up the Cowboys defense the most.
6 - New York Giants (via Atlanta Falcons) - Jamarr Chase, WR, LSU - This was a close one here. The Giants really need an inside linebacker and Darius Slayton has been a great player for them. But Jamarr Chase is just that good. And the rest of the Giants receivers outside of Slayton dont exactly inspire any confidence. Daniel Jones might or might not still be the Giants QB of the future, but Jamarr Chase should absolutely be their WR1 going forward.
7 - Washington Football Team - Trey Lance, QB, NDSU - Haskins is probably done. I dont foresee any sort of happy conclusion to his time in Washington, and thus Ron Riveria is probably going to look to install his own guy at QB. Trey Lance might not be a near finished product the top 2 QBs are, but he has gobs of potential and has a ceiling that might even surpass Fields or Lawrence. Will Trey Lance end up being Mahomes/Josh Allen or just another big armed bust? That’ll be up to the Washington coaching staff, but he’s a fantastic prospect for Washington to figure out.
8 - Los Angeles Chargers - Alex Leatherwood, OG/T, Alabama - Herbert looks like a franchise QB so far, so the Chargers look to fix the most glaring issue on their team, their offensive line. Leatherwood has been a starter on the Alabama OL ever since he got on campus, and he’s got plenty of experience protecting Tua, Mac Jones, and all those Bama QBs. He should be a day 1 starter at RT, and if Bulaga and Turner both come back and play at high levels, he can still contribute by sliding inside to RG or LG.
9 - New England Patriots - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama - The Patriots desperately need a QB of the future, but even if they did draft one, who exactly would he be throwing to? The receiving corps is more barren than the Sahara, especially thanks to some brutal misses at WR. stares at N’keal Harry. Enter DeVonta Smith, who’s surpassed his teammate Waddle as the #2 WR on my big board. Any concerns he had last year are all gone now, especially with Waddle out. It’s been the DeVonta showdown at Alabama, punctuated with a 200+ yard 4 TD performance against Mississippi State. Smith has Charmin soft hands and fantastic route running, and most importantly, gets fantastic separation. He’s a bit thin at only 175, but his frame should fill out nicely once he gets to the NFL. He should easily be the best receiver on the Patriots, and could be their best WR since Randy Moss and Wes Welker still play for New England.
10 - Minnesota Vikings - Wyatt Davis, iOL, Ohio State - Kirk Cousins isnt the answer in Minnesota, but throwing a rookie QB behind that O-line might as well be throwing them to the wolves. So, the Vikings grab the best iOL prospect in the class and beef up their interior with Wyatt Davis. Davis is an absolute bulldozer up front, and will run over almost anyone in his way. There's very few flaws with his game, and he should be a plug and play guy from day 1. Count this pick as killing 3 birds with one stone. Helping Cousins, helping Dalvin Cook and the run game, and protecting whoever the Vikings pick as the QB of the future.
11 - Chicago Bears (Via Cincinnati Bengals - Sends 1.18, 3.82, 2022 CHI first for 1.11) - Zach Wilson, QB, BYU - Trubisky isn't it, and the Bears pretty much threw away a 4th and cap space trading for Foles. The Bears need an answer at QB, and with the Panthers looking to pounce on the very last of the top tier QB prospects in my eyes, the Bears bite the bullet. With an aging defense and their Super Bowl window closing fast, they jump just over Carolina to draft Zach Wilson. Wilson has been flying up the draft boards recently, torching defenses on his possible Heisman campaign. He’s got great mobility, especially when it comes to extending plays, and solid pocket presence. Most of all, there’s a bit of reckless brilliance that reminds me a little of guys like Stafford, Mahomes and Allen. Its a fine line to balance and Wilson does have his flaws - such as too much aggressiveness and concerns about his shoulder’s durability, but if the Bears can keep Allen Robinson, then I can foresee a very fruitful connection in the future between the two, as well as a chance for Wilson to be the best QB in Bears history (Yes, its that bad).
12 - Carolina Panthers - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State - Every few years or so, there’s a blue chip prospect that drops too far. Guys like Ceedee Lamb, Derwin James, or Marshon Lattimore that fall out of the top 10 due to no fault of their own, but the needs of the teams before them. This year, that guy is Micah Parsons, who falls into the waiting laps of the ecstatic Panthers. Parsons is a special linebacker, athletic, versatile, rangy and smart. He’s disruptive everywhere, and his ability to slip blocks and penetrate the offensive line definitely shows his background as a defensive end. Outside of perhaps not being the most consistent run defender, something thats barely an issue, the only flaws are nitpicky. A year after losing Luke Kuechly, Carolina has their replacement.
13 - Detroit Lions - Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama - The Lions really need some interior help on the defensive line, but in all honesty, I dont really like much of this iDL class. The #1 guy on my board is only there because everyone above him dropped like a rock. So, I have the Lions addressing another need at Linebacker with Dylan Moses. While it is unfortunate that Parsons didnt drop one more pick, Moses is certainly no consolation prize. He’s a fantastic linebacker in his own right, He’s an elite athlete with plenty of range and can hit like a truck. He also knows when to wrap up and is generally a sure tackler, which is a rather underappreciated trait. He does need to improve his ability to diagnose plays and shed blocks, but overall, he’s a force at ILB, and would be a great replacement for both the uninspiring. Jarrad Davis or Jahlani Tavai.
14 - Denver Broncos - Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State - From what Ive seen of the Broncos, Drew Lock has shown plenty of promise, and Garrett Bolles has actually been playing at a near elite level all season. That leaves one last problem for the Broncos, their secondary. Bryce Callahan has been fantastic all year and I've heard some praise for Michael Ojemudia, but AJ Bouye has been a disappointment, and that's when he’s on the field. Shaun Wade should be able to be that final piece in the Broncos secondary they need. It was close between Farley and Wade, but with the season the Broncos have had, Wade’s ability to stay on the field was the tiebreaker. Of course, that's only a bonus to Wade’s fantastic coverage ability, especially from the slot, and his run defense reminds me of Trae Waynes’s ability to stop the run at corner. With how complex NFL offenses are now, Wade’s ability to be both a slot and outside corner means he can follow a #1 WR wherever they go, which is surely should help him become an elite CB at the next level.
15 - San Francisco 49ers - Creed Humphrey, iOL, Oklahoma - The 49ers offense depends on their run game, and their run game depends heavily on their offensive line. And although the 49ers OL isn't as bad as it was early in the season, it's still comfortably in the bottom half of the league. Not to mention with Trent Williams becoming an FA as well as almost all their corners, C Weston Richburg is probably gone, and possibly the rest of the interior OL as well. So, the 49ers grab the first replacement in Creed Humphrey. Shanahan has historically run a zone blocking scheme for his OL, and that makes center an extremely important position for the 49ers to address. With plenty of experience in Oklahoma’s zone blocking scheme, Humphrey and the 49ers should be a match made in heaven. Thats not even mentioning his football smarts or his leadership. Humphrey should be a centerpiece in the 49ers offensive line for years to come.
16 - Miami Dolphins - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama - Although EDGE is definitely a more pressing need for the Dolphins, how can anyone pass up reuniting Tua and his old college buddy? Of course, Waddle isnt just Tua’s former WR. He’s an explosive receiver who shreds the turf just like his former teammate Henry Ruggs III, a player with a great catch radius and the ability to dart to the holes in coverages, and a great kick/punt returner. Adding a burner like Waddle who can stretch the field should only help Tua, Parker, Williams, and the rest of the Miami offense.
17 - Las Vegas Raiders - Azeez Ojulari, EDGE, Georgia - The Raiders EDGE corps isnt barren the way it was two years ago, but Maxx Crosby hasnt lived up to the hype he had after a stellar rookie season, and although Clelin Ferrell is an elite run defender, he’s nowhere near as good of a pass rusher. They need to add someone who can GET after the QB, and although there are better EDGEs left, I think Ojulari is the best pure pass rusher on the board. He’s got fantastic hand usage and his low center of gravity lets him bend the corner through contact really well. There’s some work to be done on run defense, but Ojulari does give me flashes of Ngakoue at times, and his versatility would allow for Ferrell to slide inside and be a mismatch there. This might be a little high on his currently, but I dont think Ojulari is someone who will end up rising on draft boards in the future.
18 - Cincinnati Bengals (via Chicago Bears) - Dillion Radunz, OT, NDSU - The Bengals offensive line is injured to hell, but even when they were healthy, it was pretty obvious they were not protecting Joe Burrow all that well. When losing Bobby Hart is an actual problem, then you know the OL is terrible. Thats why I have the Bengals selecting OT Dillion Radunz out of NDSU. There are some question marks about athleticism and competition level, but Radunz’s technique is elite, and his toughness is unquestionable. He should be a welcome addition to the Bengals offensive line, and will provide solid protection for Burrow.
19 - Philadelphia Eagles - Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech - The Eagles WR situation was looking dire, but thanks to the emergence of second year WR Travis Fulgham, they can look to shore up another issue. The Eagles secondary has been pretty terrible for a few years now, and they need to find a solid answer. Farley can be that. He’s an outstanding press corner, and mirrors opposing receivers so well that he might as well be running their routes. He’s long, physical, and impressively sticky. He should be able to lock down the #1 CB position for the Eagles that they have sorely missed.
20 - Cleveland Browns - Kwity Paye, EDGE, Michigan - Myles Garrett is having a DPOY level season, but once again he’s missing someone disruptive on the opposite side of him. Oliver Vernon is gone soon, and Clayborn is no long term solution. They need to grab the compliment to Garrett, who although is a one-man wrecking ball, is still one man. Kwity Paye is a very strong power rusher who can uses his bull rush well to set the LOS. He’s a tank with fantastic explosiveness and a pretty high ceiling, and his ability to cause problems against the opposing offensive line should be welcome on the Browns defense.
21 - Jacksonville Jaguars (Via Los Angeles Rams) - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida - The Jaguars TE group is pretty weak right now, and Pitts talent should place him much higher than here. He’s an extremely versatile weapon in the way that most modern TEs are, able to line up all over and cause issues for the opposing defense. He’s not an elite blocker, but the effort is there and it's just simply an issue of fixing his technique and making him stronger. As a receiver, he’s a fantastic route runner with soft hands and a huge catch radius, just as good as any TE or even some WRs. Pitts should be a fantastic weapon for Minshew or whoever the Jaguars decide their QBOTF is.
22 - Arizona Cardinals - Jay Tufele, iDL, USC - The Cardinals passing defense is pretty terrible, and corner is a definite need. However, there’s more ways to improve a passing defense than just adding corners, and Tufele is too much value to pass up here for the Cardinals. Tufele can be a dominant force at 1 or 3T, with his explosiveness and powerful hands, which allows him to be utterly unblockable at times. And adding such an interior force would boost the Cardinals pass rush even more, which could also help improve their defense. If Tufele can become more consistent, there’s no good reason why the Cardinals defensive line can’t become one of the best in the NFL.
23 - Indianapolis Colts - Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina - Xavier Rhodes has had a resurgence for the Colts, but its hard to say how long that will last, and there have been issues with the other corners getting torched. Jaycee Horn should help with that problem. A physical aggressive corner who knows how to properly use his size as leverage against opposing WRs, Horn would benefit greatly from Rhodes, and could be a great compliment alongside him as well.
24 - Baltimore Ravens - Trey Smith, iOL, Tennessee - With the retirement of Marshall Yanda, the Ravens have had a huge hole at LG that they still haven't been able to fill. And with their offense becoming more and more run heavy due to the addition of JK Dobbins and Lamar Jackson’s rushing abilities, one guy came to mind here. Trey Smith, the OG out of Tennessee, seemed like the natural fit. Smith is an absolute road grader in the run game, absolutely flattening whatever defensive players who are unfortunately enough to get into his way. He’s solid enough in pass protection, but more importantly, his fantastic run blocking paired alongside Orlando Brown Jr should lend itself to an absolutely terrifying run game from the Ravens.
25 - New Orleans Saints - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota - Emmanuel Sanders is a fine WR2, but there’s definitely room for improvement, and with Michael Thomas becoming more erratic in his behavior, it wouldn't hurt to pick up an insurance policy here. Thats why Ive got New Orleans picking Bateman, as he’d provide a great compliment to Thomas, while also being good enough to be a star WR in his own right. Bateman’s a big play machine, someone who not only runs great routes, but gobbles up YAC once he has the ball. He should be a fantastic addition to the potent Saints offense, and would be a great 3rd option after Thomas and Kamara.
26 - Tennessee Titans - Joseph Ossai, EDGE, Texas - The Titans went up against a Bengals Oline that was starting 3rd stringers and recorded 0 sacks. Thats all I need to say about how terrible the Titans pass rush is. Landry is still pretty promising, but at this point Clowney is neither an answer to the pass rush woes nor is he likely staying long term in Tennessee. Joseph Ossai could be the answer to both, though. A quick trigger pass rusher who has plenty of room for improvement, Ossai presents a tantalizing option for Tennessee as someone who has the ability to become a very dominant pass rusher. He’d be a great fit in the Titans hybrid defense, and could grow into a cornerstone alongside Simmons and Landry on the DL.
27 - Green Bay Packers - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson - Yes, I know the Packers have Aaron Jones and Jamaal Williams and that they picked an RB in the second last year. But the thing is that David Bahktiari is also a free agent this year, and considering he’s going to demand a market resetting deal, cuts will need to be made somewhere. And that's not even mentioning Davante Adam’s contract is expiring a year later. With those two thoughts in mind, I dont think either Jones nor Williams will be back due to cap issues. But with Rodgers still wanting to win now, a stud like Etienne will be a great replacement, if not more. Etienne is an elite RB, who can break off huge chunks of yardage at a time and rip defenses apart with his burst. He’s also improved his catching ability to where he can be a every down RB. With Green Bay still a SB contender for the near future, Etienne can be that thing that pushes them into Super Bowl winners.
28 - Jacksonville Jaguars (via Buffalo Bills - sends 2.36, 4.116 for 1.28) - Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas - With so much drat capital at their hands, the Jaguars part a little with their haul in order to jump into the first round and secure a quality OT. Cosmi is an intriguing prospect with tons of athleticism and excellent smarts, someone who wins via brains and technique rather than pure brawn. With enough practice and proper coaching, Cosmi can be a stonewall OT for whoever the Jaguars decide to ride with in the future.
29 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Quincy Roche, EDGE, Miami - The Buccaneers defensive overall has been absolutely elite this year, but there are some question marks on the future of their defensive line. Both Suh and Barrett are on one year deals, and Gholston certainly isnt the future at EDGE/DE. Grabbing someone young for the future is a definite need, someone like Quincy Roche. Roche is a fluid, explosive and long EDGE with great hands and a ton of moves. He’s got the ability to play both EDGE and rush LB, although he does need to bulk up a little bit at the NFL level. Still, overall Roche should be a great successor on the EDGE position for Tampa Bay.
30 - Kansas City Chiefs - Terrane Marshall Jr, WR, LSU - The Chiefs do have a ton of needs everywhere else, but sometimes talent is just way too much to pass up. Marshall has been fantastic at LSU with Chase out - which is more impressive with how bad LSU has been, and he’s got all the physical traits to be an elite WR. He rarely gets caught in press coverage and with his ball skills and frame, excels in contested catch situations. With a very deep iOL class and Watkins very likely gone in a season or two, adding Marshall Jr to that already deadly Chiefs offense will make nightmare fuel for opposing defensive coordinators.
31 - New York Jets - Josh Myers, iOL, Ohio State - The Jets interior offensive line has been a serious issue for the last few years, which has hamstring the run game and severely hurt their QBs. Replacing one of their iOL with Josh Myers is a good first step to fixing that issue. Myers is a very mobile iOL who is a great anchor and provides stability in both the pass and run game. With Trevor Lawrence now on the team, protecting him should be priority 1, and Myers can be his Jeff Saturday.
32 - Pittsburgh Steelers - Daniel Faalele, OT, Minnesota - Steelers LT Villanueva’s contract will expire soon, and although the Steelers have some great prospect that could replace him, neither is really a sure thing. Adding another OT could better mitigate that risk, just in case Villanueva leaves and neither Banner nor Okorafor end up panning out. Faalele is a very risky but high upside OT, who’s an absolute dancing bear. He might be huge, but his mobility is insane for his size, and he possesses excellent feet as well as a strong anchor against power rushers. There’s definitely technique issues here that need to be ironed out, but Faalele has the tools to be an absolutely dominant OT, and with how good the steelers have been historically at coaching up offensive line, he should definitely become a stalwart on the OL.
submitted by kcheng686 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

2021 Draft V2

Draft order was from tankathon
1 - New York Jets - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson - Jets are still winless? Yup. I think its pretty clear at this point that Darnold isnt the future and Trevor Lawrence is the best QB prospect since Andrew Luck. Honestly, it really doesnt matter what team picks here, because I'm near 100% sure Lawrence should go 1. Jets land themselves a franchise QB. Lets hope Adam Gase isnt around to ruin him as well.
2 - Jacksonville Jaguars - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State - Losing is winning for Jacksonville right now, with both Minshew and Luton looking like capable near starters but neither being THE guy for the Jaguars. Those problems should be set to rest with the arrival of Justin Fields, however. Fields has been utterly electric this year for the Buckeyes and would be a nice shot in the arm for a Jacksonville passing attack that has been pretty poor this decade.
3 - Dallas Cowboys - Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon - The Great Wall of Dallas must be a distant memory at this point for the Cowboys, with the current line a shadow of its former self. Tyron Smith’s contract is also up soon getting older, and with Dak likely demanding a huge payday as well as Smith, C Tyler Biasdiaz and RT La’el Collins coming off injuries, there’s a lot of uncertainty around the Dallas OLine right now. Penei Sewell would go a long way of addressing those concerns. The best OT prospect to come out of college since Joe Thomas, Sewell would be an immediate starter on either side of the line, and should be a rock on either side of Dak.
4 - New York Giants - Ja’marr Chase, WR, LSU - This was a close one here. The Giants really need an inside linebacker and Darius Slayton has been a great player for them. But Jamarr Chase is just that good. And the rest of the Giants receivers outside of Slayton dont exactly inspire any confidence. Daniel Jones might or might not still be the Giants QB of the future, but Jamarr Chase should absolutely be their WR1 going forward.
5 - Washington Football Team - Trey Lance, QB, NDSU - Haskins is probably done. I dont foresee any sort of happy conclusion to his time in Washington, and thus Ron Riveria is probably going to look to install his own guy at QB, with Alex Smith obviously not having it and Kyle Allen having peaked at handing off to CMC. Trey Lance might not be a near finished product the top 2 QBs are, but he has gobs of potential and has a ceiling that might even surpass Fields or Lawrence. Will Trey Lance end up being Mahomes/Josh Allen or just another big armed bust? That’ll be up to the Washington coaching staff, but he’s a fantastic prospect for Washington to figure out.
6 - Chicago Bears (Via Los Angeles Chargers - Sends 1.16, 3.80, 2022 CHI 1st, 2022 CHI Second for 1.06, 2022 LAC 3rd) - Zach WIlson, QB, BYU - After watching that horrid display of the Chicago offense on Sunday, I think it's clear the Bears NEED a different QB if they want to win it all. They were anemic against a pretty horrid Titans defense and with 3 of the top 4 QB prospects off the board, the Bears bite the bullet. With an aging defense and their Super Bowl window closing fast, they jump up high to draft Zach Wilson. Wilson has been flying up the draft boards recently, torching defenses on his possible Heisman campaign. He’s got great mobility, especially when it comes to extending plays, and solid pocket presence. Most of all, there’s a bit of reckless brilliance that reminds me a little of guys like Stafford, Mahomes and Allen. Its a fine line to balance and Wilson does have his flaws - such as too much aggressiveness and concerns about his shoulder’s durability, but if the Bears can keep Allen Robinson, then I can foresee a very fruitful connection in the future between the two, as well as a chance for Wilson to be the best QB in Bears history (Yes, its that bad).
7 - Miami (Via Houston Texans) - Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami - Miami’s pass rush wasnt as anemic as it was last year, but it certainly still isnt good. They need help there, and Rousseau could be the replacement they have been looking for ever since they lost Robert Quinn and Cam Wake. Rousseau is still very raw, but the potential here is sky high and his punch is elite. If he can develop his this repertoire some more, he could be as scary as someone like Chase Young, who he was able to keep up with in 2019.
8 - Cincinnati Bengals - Alex Leatherwood, OT/OG, Alabama - Parsons and Surtain are tempting here, but when you just drafted a franchise QB #1 overall, protecting him should be priority 1, 2, and 3, especially after how many hits Joe Burrow took to begin the year. The Bengals need line help everywhere, especially on the right side, and Leatherwood is a 4 year starter who can excel at both OT and OG. He should be an immediate upgrade to either Bobby Hart or Trey Hopkins/Alex Redmond/whoever the hell starts at RG for the Bengals and hopefully significantly improve the protection of Burrow.
9 - Carolina Panthers - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State - Miach Parsons is a special linebacker, athletic, versatile, rangy and smart. He’s disruptive everywhere, and his ability to slip blocks and penetrate the offensive line definitely shows his background as a defensive end. Outside of perhaps not being the most consistent run defender, something that's barely an issue, the only flaws are nitpicky. There isnt much else to say about this pick. A year after losing Luke Kuechly, Carolina has their replacement.
10 - Atlanta Falcons - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama - Pretty easy pick here. Surtain II is an elite cover corner in every way and should be a lock down guy day 1 for whatever team he starts on, which is a boon for the Falcons. With Matt Ryan and Julio Jones both aging and their title window almost nailed shut, Surtain II might be able to pry it open just enough to where the Falcons can go for one last shot at a ring.
11 - Detroit Lions - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama - There’s been a lot of rumblings about Kenny Golloday’s unhappiness in Detroit, and although I do think they ought to pay him, if they cant come to an agreement and franchise tag him, they’ll likely need a replacement. And thats not even mentioning both Marvin Jones Jr and Danny Amendola are also free agents at the end of this year. That makes WR a pretty big need for the Lions. Enter DeVonta Smith, who’s surpassed his teammate Waddle as the #2 WR on my big board. Any concerns he had last year are all gone now, especially with Waddle out. It’s been the DeVonta showdown at Alabama, punctuated with a 200+ yard 4 TD performance against Mississippi State. Smith has Charmin soft hands and fantastic route running, and most importantly, gets fantastic separation. He’s a bit thin at only 175, but his frame should fill out nicely once he gets to the NFL. Whether he’s the Lions new #1 or a #2, either way he should be an elite weapon for Stafford to play with.
12 - Minnesota Vikings - Wyatt Davis, OG, Ohio State - The Vikings OL has two possible building blocks of the future in Ezra Cleveland and Brian O’Neil as well as an OK starter in Garrett Bradbury, but that leaves two rather large holes on the offensive line. Dakota Dozier’s a free agent at the end of this year, Cleveland might end up moving to OT, Pat Eiflen hasnt shown much to be excited about and I think the only time Vikings fans want to see Dru Samia on the field is if he’s starting for the opponents. Wyatt Davis is the last of the truly elite prospects in this class, an elite guard prospect who will run over anyone in his way and a plug, play and forget guy from Day 1. Count this pick as killing 3 birds with one stone. Helping Cousins, helping Dalvin Cook and the run game, and protecting whoever the Vikings pick as the QB of the future.
13 - Jacksonville Jaguars (Via New England Patriots via San Francisco 49ers - Sends 1.22, 3.66 for 1.13) - Dillion Radunz, OT, NDSU - After drafting their QBOTF in Justin Fields, the Jaguars now need to protect him. And with so much draft capital on their hands, they part ways with some of it in order to move up and grab the last OT I could consider a possible day 1 starter, OT Dillion Radunz out of NDSU. There are some question marks about athleticism and competition level, but Radunz’s technique is elite, and his toughness is unquestionable. He should be a welcome addition to the Jaguars offensive line, and will provide solid protection for Fields.
14 - Denver Broncos - Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State - From what Ive seen of the Broncos, Drew Lock has shown plenty of promise, and Garrett Bolles has actually been playing at a near elite level all season. That leaves one last problem for the Broncos, their secondary. Bryce Callahan has been fantastic all year and I've heard some praise for Michael Ojemudia, but AJ Bouye has been a disappointment, and that's when he’s on the field. Shaun Wade should be able to be that final piece in the Broncos secondary they need. It was close between Farley and Wade, but with the season the Broncos have had, Wade’s ability to stay on the field was the tiebreaker. Of course, that's only a bonus to Wade’s fantastic coverage ability, especially from the slot, and his run defense reminds me of Trae Waynes’s ability to stop the run at corner. With how complex NFL offenses are now, Wade’s ability to be both a slot and outside corner means he can follow a #1 WR wherever they go, which is surely should help him become an elite CB at the next level.
15 - San Francisco 49ers - Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech - The 49ers have 0 total CBs under contract in 2022. Yes, ZERO. That makes CB a huge huge need for them. Fortunately, Caleb Farley has dropped into their laps. He’s an outstanding press corner, and mirrors opposing receivers so well that he might as well be running their routes. He’s long, physical, and impressively sticky, and should be an elite outside corner for the 49ers. Grabbing Farley would allow for the 49ers to more easily part ways with Sherman or Verrett, as the #1 CB spot should not be an issue for them anymore.
16 - Los Angeles Chargers (Via Chicago Bears) - Creed Humphrey, iOL, Oklahoma - Herbert looks like a franchise QB so far, so the Chargers look to fix the most glaring issue on their team, their offensive line. With plenty of experience in Oklahoma’s zone blocking scheme and having protected both Kyler Murray and Spencer Rattler, Humphrey should slot into the Charger’s ZBS scheme perfectly. Thats not even mentioning his football smarts or his leadership, both of which would be huge boons for the Chargers offense. Humphrey should be a centerpiece in the Chargers offensive line for years to come.
17 - Miami Dolphins (via Cleveland Browns - sends 1.21, 3.87 for 1.17, 4.114) - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama - How can anyone pass up reuniting Tua and his old college buddy? Of course, Waddle isnt just Tua’s former WR. He’s an explosive receiver who shreds the turf just like his former teammate Henry Ruggs III, a player with a great catch radius and the ability to dart to the holes in coverages, and a great kick/punt returner. Adding a burner like Waddle who can stretch the field should only help Tua, Parker, Williams, and the rest of the Miami offense.
18 - Indianapolis Colts - Jaycee Horn, CB, - Xavier Rhodes has had a resurgence for the Colts, but it's hard to say how long that will last, and there have been issues with the other corners getting torched. Jaycee Horn should help with that problem. A physical aggressive corner who knows how to properly use his size as leverage against opposing WRs, Horn would benefit greatly from Rhodes, and could be a great compliment alongside him as well. You want to see him at his best? Watch his game against Auburn and think of the ceiling.
19 - Philadelphia Eagles - Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia - The Eagles WR situation was looking dire, but thanks to the emergence of second year WR Travis Fulgham, they can look to shore up another issue. The Eagles secondary has been pretty terrible for a few years now, and they need to find a solid answer. Tyson Campbell has been excellent at Georgia. He’s a bit thin at 6-2 185, but possesses outstanding athleticism and has very loose hips as well as great agility, making him an extremely interesting prospect. He is a bit raw and would need some development, but if the Eagles can properly develop him, Campbell can be an island in the NFL.
20 - Arizona Cardinals - Jay Tufele, iDL, USC - The Cardinals passing defense is pretty terrible, and corner is a definite need. However, there’s more ways to improve a passing defense than just adding corners, and Tufele is too much value to pass up here for the Cardinals. Tufele can be a dominant force at 1 or 3T, with his explosiveness and powerful hands, which allows him to be utterly unblockable at times. And adding such an interior force would boost the Cardinals pass rush even more, which could also help improve their defense. If Tufele can become more consistent, there’s no good reason why the Cardinals defensive line can’t become one of the best in the NFL.
21 - Cleveland Browns (Via Miami Dolphins) - Kwity Paye, Michigan, EDGE -Myles Garrett is having a DPOY level season, but once again he’s missing someone disruptive on the opposite side of him. Oliver Vernon is gone soon, and Clayborn is no long term solution. They need to grab the compliment to Garrett, who although is a one-man wrecking ball, is still one man. Kwity Paye is a very strong power rusher who can uses his bull rush well to set the LOS. He’s a tank with fantastic explosiveness and a pretty high ceiling, and his ability to cause problems against the opposing offensive line should be welcome on the Browns defense.
22 - New England Patriots (Via Jacksonville Jaguars via Los Angeles Rams) - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida - TEs and the Patriots, name a more iconic duo. BB cant ignore BPA here any longer, and grabs the stud TE out of Florida in Kyle Pitts. He isnt in the same mold as the traditionally favored type the Patriots like, but he’s at least a willing blocker and can be coached up in that area. More importantly, He’s an extremely versatile weapon in the way that most modern TEs are with fantastic routes, soft hands, a huge catch radius and an excellent understanding of how to beat zone, able to line up all over and cause issues for the opposing defense. With the receiving corps is more barren than the Sahara, especially thanks to some brutal misses at WR Cough N’Keal Harry Cough, Pitts should be a great weapon for BB to play around with, and can carry the mantle of excellent Patriots tight ends that have been held by Gronkowski, Hernandez and Coates.
23 - Las Vegas Raiders - Azeez Ojulari, EDGE, Georgia - The Raiders EDGE corps isnt barren the way it was two years ago, but Maxx Crosby hasnt lived up to the hype he had after a stellar rookie season, and although Clelin Ferrell is an elite run defender, he’s nowhere near as good of a pass rusher. They need to add someone who can GET after the QB, and although there are better EDGEs left, I think Ojulari is the best pure pass rusher on the board. He’s got fantastic hand usage and his low center of gravity lets him bend the corner through contact really well. There’s some work to be done on run defense, but Ojulari does give me flashes of Ngakoue at times, and his versatility would allow for Ferrell to slide inside and be a mismatch there. This might be a little high on his currently, but I dont think Ojulari is someone who will end up rising on draft boards in the future
24 - Baltimore Ravens (Via Tennessee Titans - sends 1.27, 4.112 for 1.24) - Trey Smith, OG, Tennessee - With the retirement of Marshall Yanda, the Ravens have had a huge hole at LG that they still haven't been able to fill. And with their offense becoming more and more run heavy due to the addition of JK Dobbins and Lamar Jackson’s rushing abilities, one guy came to mind here. Trey Smith, the OG out of Tennessee, seemed like the natural fit. Smith is an absolute road grader in the run game, absolutely flattening whatever defensive players who are unfortunately enough to get into his way. He’s solid enough in pass protection, but more importantly, his fantastic run blocking paired alongside Orlando Brown Jr should lend itself to an absolutely terrifying run game from the Ravens.
25 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas - The Buccaneers OL was absolutely dominated by the Saints, and Donovan Smith really isnt the answer at LT. osmi is an intriguing prospect with tons of athleticism and excellent smarts, someone who wins via brains and technique rather than pure brawn. With enough practice and proper coaching, Cosmi and Wirfs can be excellent bookends for the Buccaneers in the future.
26 - New York Jets (Via Seattle Seahawks) - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota - Trevor Lawrence is now in New York, but he needs weapons if they want him to succeed. Denzel Mims is still a prospect, and although Jamison Crowder has been good, I dont think he’s anyone’s idea of a #1 WR. Thats why Ive got New York picking Bateman. Bateman’s a big play machine, someone who not only runs great routes, but gobbles up YAC once he has the ball. He should be a fantastic addition to the Jets offense, as a reliable target for Lawrence, and could build a fantastic rapport with him.
27 - Tennessee Titans (Via Baltimore Ravens) - Joseph Ossai, EDGE, Texas - The Titans went up against a Bengals Oline that was starting 3rd stringers and recorded 0 sacks. Thats all I need to say about how terrible the Titans pass rush is. Landry is still pretty promising, but at this point Clowney is neither an answer to the pass rush woes nor is he likely staying long term in Tennessee, and Derick Roberson has had 1 good game against a terrible Bears OL. Joseph Ossai could be the answer here, though. A quick trigger pass rusher who has plenty of room for improvement, Ossai presents a tantalizing option for Tennessee as someone who has the ability to become a very dominant pass rusher. He’d be a great fit in the Titans hybrid defense, and could grow into a cornerstone alongside Simmons and Landry on the DL.
28 - Buffalo Bills - Josh Myers, iOL, Ohio State - The Bills have been carried by the brilliance of Josh Allen, Stefon Diggs, and the pass attack, but the rushing attack has been terrible this year, ranking in the bottom third. Replacing one of their iOL with Josh Myers is a good first step to fixing that issue. Myers is a very mobile iOL who is a great anchor and provides stability in both the pass and run game. He was an integral part of helping JK Dobbins dominate at Ohio State, and would hopefully allow the flagging run game to pick up potency once again, as well as being a stalwart on the line.
29 - Green Bay Packers - Terrace Marshall Jr, WR, LSU - Davante Adams might be the best WR in the league, but there’s a reason why he gets so many targets from Aaron Rodgers. The rest of the Packers WR corps doesnt inspire that much confidence. Not to mention that the talent is too much here to pass up. Marshall has been fantastic at LSU with Chase out - which is more impressive with how bad LSU has been, and he’s got all the physical traits to be an elite WR. He rarely gets caught in press coverage and with his ball skills and frame, excels in contested catch situations. He’ll be a fantastic addition alongside Adams for the Packers offense, as someone who is good enough to be a WR#1 himself, someone who should be a complete mismatch going against CB2s.
30 - Kansas City Chiefs - Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama - The Chiefs overall have been elite once again this year, but there’s one clear flaw in their team, the run defense, which ranks in the bottom 5 in the league. Good thing Dylan Moses is available here. He’s an elite athlete with plenty of range and can hit like a truck. He also knows when to wrap up and is generally a sure tackler, which is a rather underappreciated trait. He does need to improve his ability to diagnose plays and shed blocks, but overall, he’s a force at ILB, and would greatly help out Chiefs ailing run defense.
31 - Carolina Panthers (via New Orleans Saints - sends 2.42, 4.106, 2022 3rd for 1.31) - Kyle Trask, QB, Florida - Teddy Bridgewater is a good stopgap, but the Panthers need a long term solution at QB if they dont want to waste CMC’s career. So, they trade up for Kyle Trask in a move reminiscent of the Ravens trade for Lamar Jackson in 2018 to secure the 5th year option. Trask is still very raw, but he’s been excellent at Florida, and has especially excellent in short routes and RPO plays. He’s also quite good at extending plays, and his ability to manipulate the defense with his eyes is very advanced. With CMC as a safety valve, Trask should be able to be a very nice fit for Joe Brady’s offense, which has excelled with Bridgewater and Burrow, both of whom are very accurate passers the same way Trask is.
32 - Pittsburgh Steelers - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson - The Steelers dont have a ton of needs, and OT is probably the safest pick here, but James Conner is an FA after this year and there are questions if the Steelers should pay him big money. Travis Etienne is also the best RB in the class and easily BPA here. Etienne is an elite RB, who can break off huge chunks of yardage at a time and rip defenses apart with his burst. He’s also improved his catching ability to where he can be a every down RB. With Pittsburgh still a SB contender for the near future and possibly question marks on James Connor’s future, Etienne seems like a great fit here to both replace Connor’s production and keep Pittsburgh in title contention for the near future.
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2021 Mock Draft V3

Order taken from tankathon. Seems like there were a LOT less trades this time.
1 - New York Jets - Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson - Another week another loss. The Jets are currently undefeated in the Tank for Trevor sweepstakes, leading the way with a pristine 0-9 record. It’ll be interesting to see how Lawrence plays after his bout with COVID, but realistically, no matter who ends up picking first, the choice should be Lawrence. He’s the best QB prospect since Andrew Luck, and should be the centerpiece for the Jets for the rest of the decade.
2 - Jacksonville Jaguars - Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State - The Jaguars manage to pull out a very close loss against the Packers, ensuring that they stay in the coveted second spot position to keep their dreams of a new franchise QB still alive. And although both Minshew and Luton would make great backups and ok starters, neither have the ceiling that Fields has shown off this year in an electric Ohio State offense. There are concerns on how much of his play is from the system and his WR and how much of it is from himself, but I think most people have seen more than enough to crown him the clear second best QB prospect in this class behind Lawrence.
3 - San Diego Chargers (via WFT - Sends 1.05, 3.67, 2022 SDC 2nd for 1.3) - Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon - Right now the Chargers plan A-Z should be about protecting Herbert, because he’s looked like an elite QB so far. Penei Sewell is the best QB prospect since Joe Thomas decided to declare out of Wisconsin, and he should be able to man either side of Herbert at an All-Pro level for the next decade.
4 - Dallas Cowboys - Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama - The Cowboys defense has been atrocious to say the least. Half their defensive backs are also free agents and who knows how many will return? The only true building block in the secondary currently is the currently injured Trevon Diggs. So here comes another Alabama CB to complete the pair. Surtain II should be an elite cover corner from day 1, someone who can lock down an opponent’s #1 WR and should hopefully help the Cowboys become a playoff contender again once Dak returns.
5 - Washington Football Team(Via SDC) - Trey Lance, QB, NDSU - Haskins is probably done. I dont foresee any sort of happy conclusion to his time in Washington, and thus Ron Riveria is probably going to look to install his own guy at QB. Will it be Trey Lance or the rapidly rising Zach Wilson? Who knows, but I currently think Lance will be the slightly more tantalizing prospect. Trey Lance might not be a near finished product the top 2 QBs are, but he has gobs of potential and has a ceiling that might even surpass Fields or Lawrence. Will Trey Lance end up being Mahomes/Josh Allen or just another big armed bust? That’ll be up to the Washington coaching staff, but he’s a fantastic prospect for Washington to figure out.
6 - Miami (Via Houston Texans) - Jamarr Chase, WR, LSU - Its Tua time in Miami, and although DeVante Parker is the dude in Miami, having 2 alpha receivers is becoming more and more popular. Chase is the best WR prospect in this class, an elite route runner who can also get plenty of yards after the catch. He dominated in 2019 as the clear best WR in the league, and honestly reminds me a bit of Titans star WR AJ Brown as a WR who isnt necessarily the biggest or most athletic, but excels when it comes to situations after the catch. He needs to be a bit better when it comes to his short/med routes, but his ability to separate vertically or snag balls and take it for a home run should be a great boon to the Miami offense.
7 - Cincinnati Bengals - Alex Leatherwood, OT/OG, Alabama - Parsons and Surtain are tempting here, but when you just drafted a franchise QB #1 overall, protecting him should be priority 1, 2, and 3, especially after how many hits Joe Burrow took to begin the year. The Bengals need line help everywhere, especially on the right side, and Leatherwood is a 4 year starter who can excel at both OT and OG. He should be an immediate upgrade to either Bobby Hart or Trey Hopkins/Alex Redmond/whoever the hell starts at RG for the Bengals and hopefully significantly improve the protection of Burrow. Wyatt Davis was also a serious consideration here, but I believe Leatherwood is good enough to where his ability to play RT outweighs the gap in talent.
8 - Chicago Bears (via NYG - Sends 1.16, 3.80, 2022 CHI 1st, 2022 CHI 2nd for 1.08, 2022 NYG 4th) - Zach Wilson, QB, BYU - The Giants incite a bidding war between SF and Chicago, and the Bears end up offering an offer NYG cant refuse. And theres good reason for why Chicago goes all in. They were anemic against a pretty horrid Titans defense and with 3 of the top 4 QB prospects off the board, the Bears bite the bullet. With an aging defense and their Super Bowl window closing fast, they jump up high to draft Zach Wilson. Wilson has been flying up the draft boards recently, torching defenses on his possible Heisman campaign. He’s got great mobility, especially when it comes to extending plays, and solid pocket presence. Most of all, there’s a bit of reckless brilliance that reminds me a little of guys like Stafford, Mahomes and Allen. Its a fine line to balance and Wilson does have his flaws - such as too much aggressiveness and concerns about his shoulder’s durability, but if the Bears can keep Allen Robinson, then I can foresee a very fruitful connection in the future between the two, as well as a chance for Wilson to be the best QB in Bears history (Yes, its that bad).
9 - Carolina Panthers - Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State - Micah Parsons is a special linebacker, athletic, versatile, rangy and blah blah blah. Im sure you all have read it before. Micah Parsons is really fucking good. There’s not much else to say here.
10 - Atlanta Falcons - Gregory Rousseau, EDGE, Miami - The Falcons historically have had a type at EDGE, elite athletic EDGE who are still a little raw technique wise. Well, Rousseau fits that type to a T. The potential here is sky high and his punch is elite. If he can develop his this repertoire some more, he could be as scary as someone like Chase Young, who he was able to keep up with in 2019. With both Matt Ryan and Julio Jones aging, Rousseau might be able to revitalize their defense enough to where the Falcons can try to go for one last deep run.
11 - Denver Broncos - Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State - Lock has been unstable but with such an injured Denver team, he probably deserves another season, and Garrett Bolles has actually been playing at a near elite level all season. That leaves one last problem for the Broncos, their secondary. Bryce Callahan has been fantastic all year and I've heard some praise for Michael Ojemudia, but AJ Bouye has been a disappointment, and that's when he’s on the field. Shaun Wade should be able to be that final piece in the Broncos secondary they need. It was close between Farley and Wade, but with the season the Broncos have had, Wade’s ability to stay on the field was the tiebreaker. Of course, that's only a bonus to Wade’s fantastic coverage ability, especially from the slot, and his run defense reminds me of Trae Waynes’s ability to stop the run at corner. With how complex NFL offenses are now, Wade’s ability to be both a slot and outside corner means he can follow a #1 WR wherever they go, which is surely should help him become an elite CB at the next level.
12 - San Francisco 49ers - Caleb Fairley, CB, Virginia Tech - The 49ers have 0 total CBs under contract in 2022. Yes, ZERO. That makes CB a huge huge need for them. Fortunately, Caleb Farley has dropped into their laps. He’s an outstanding press corner, and mirrors opposing receivers so well that he might as well be running their routes. He’s long, physical, and impressively sticky, and should be an elite outside corner for the 49ers. Grabbing Farley would allow for the 49ers to more easily part ways with Sherman or Verrett, as the #1 CB spot should not be an issue for them anymore. Wyatt Davis was considered here, but Shanahan has not historically valued guards highly, mostly focusing on OT and C.
13 - Detroit Lions - DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama - There’s been a lot of rumblings about Kenny Golloday’s unhappiness in Detroit, and although I do think they ought to pay him, if they cant come to an agreement and franchise tag him, they’ll likely need a replacement. And thats not even mentioning both Marvin Jones Jr and Danny Amendola are also free agents at the end of this year. That makes WR a pretty big need for the Lions. Enter DeVonta Smith, who’s surpassed his teammate Waddle as the #2 WR on my big board. Any concerns he had last year are all gone now, especially with Waddle out. It’s been the DeVonta showdown at Alabama, punctuated with a 200+ yard 4 TD performance against Mississippi State. Smith has Charmin soft hands and fantastic route running, and most importantly, gets fantastic separation. He’s a bit thin at only 175, but his frame should fill out nicely once he gets to the NFL. Whether he’s the Lions new #1 or a #2, either way he should be an elite weapon for Stafford to play with.
14 - Minnesota Vikings - Wyatt Davis, OG, Ohio State - The Vikings OL has two possible building blocks of the future in Ezra Cleveland and Brian O’Neil as well as an OK starter in Garrett Bradbury, but that leaves two rather large holes on the offensive line. Dakota Dozier’s a free agent at the end of this year, Cleveland might end up moving to OT, Pat Eiflen hasnt shown much to be excited about and I think the only time Vikings fans want to see Dru Samia on the field is if he’s starting for the opponents. Wyatt Davis is the last of the truly elite prospects in this class, an elite guard prospect who will run over anyone in his way and a plug, play and forget guy from Day 1. Count this pick as killing 3 birds with one stone. Helping Cousins, helping Dalvin Cook and the run game, and protecting whoever the Vikings pick as the QB of the future.
15 - New England Patriots - Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama - The Patriots receiving corps seems to have 1 saving light right now in Jakobi Myers, but that doesnt mean the rest of the receiving corps isnt absolutely putrid. With no QB really worth the pick here, Waddle is the clear best fit, an electric speed demon who can take the top off of defenses, a player with a great catch radius and the ability to dart to the holes in coverages, and a great kick/punt returner. Adding a burner like Waddle who can stretch the field should only help the Patriots offense and might allow Harry to finally be productive, as he excelled at ASU when paired up with a speed demon as well.
16 - New York Giants (via CHI) - Jaycee Horn, CB, South Carolina - The Giants land an absolute haul, and still managed to grab a fantastic player in Jaycee Horn. A physical aggressive corner who knows how to properly use his size as leverage against opposing WRs, Horn would short up the CB2 position for the Giants, and could become the CB1 in. You want to see him at his best? Watch his game against Auburn and think of the ceiling.
17 - Cleveland Browns - Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah, LB, Notre Dame - Outside of Zach Wilson, no player has boosted his draft stock as much as JOK has. His ascent reminds me a lot of Devin Bush’s, who also went from a fringe R1-R2 player to a mid first lock. He’s small at 6’1, 215, but utterly explosive and flies around the field in both run stopping and pass coverage. With the Browns LB play this year being pretty horrid after the loss of Joe Schobert, JOK should be able to become the immediate QB of the defense.
18 - Tennessee Titans - Kwity Paye, EDGE, Michigan - The Titans went up against a Bengals Oline that was starting 3rd stringers and recorded 0 sacks. Thats all I need to say about how terrible the Titans pass rush is. Landry is still pretty promising, but at this point Clowney is neither an answer to the pass rush woes nor is he likely staying long term in Tennessee, and Derick Roberson has had 1 good game against a terrible Bears OL. Kwity Paye could be though, as one of the very few bright spots in a horrid season for Michigan. He is a very strong power rusher who can uses his bull rush well to set the LOS. He’s a tank with fantastic explosiveness and a pretty high ceiling, and his ability to cause problems against the opposing offensive line should be welcome on the Titans defense alongside Harold Landry.
19 - Philadelphia Eagles - Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota - Fulgham is a great WR, and Reagor has a ton of potential, but I dont think the Eagles can really pass up on Bateman here. Bateman’s a big play machine, someone who not only runs great routes, but gobbles up YAC once he has the ball. He should be a fantastic addition to the Eagles offense as a compliment with both Fulgham and Reagor.
20 - Arizona Cardinals - Creed Humphrey, C, Oklahoma - Kyler Murray is reunited with his old college center. What a story. Aside from that, the Cardinals zone-blocking scheme puts a heavy emphasis on center play, and Humphrey is the best center in the class. Humphrey should slot into the Cardinals ZBS scheme perfectly. Thats not even mentioning his football smarts or his leadership, both of which would be huge boons for the offense. Humphrey should be a centerpiece in the Cards offensive line for years to come, the Jeff Saturday to Murray’s Peyton Manning.
21 - New York Jets (Via SEA) - Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida - With Lawrence on the roster, the Jets need to get him some receiving weapons, and Pitts is easily the best receiving weapon left on the board. He’s an extremely versatile weapon in the way that most modern TEs are with fantastic routes, soft hands, a huge catch radius and an excellent understanding of how to beat zone, able to line up all over and cause issues for the opposing defense. He might not be a WR, but with a very deep WR class in R2 and Pitt’s ability to play everywhere on the field, he’ll be an awesome addition to a pretty terrible Jets offense.
22 - Miami Dolphins - Joseph Ossai, EDGE, Texas - The Dolphins have added an offensive playmaker with their first pick in Ja’Marr Chase, so its time they add a defensive playmaker with their second first. A quick trigger pass rusher who has plenty of room for improvement, Ossai presents a tantalizing option for Miami as someone who has the ability to become a very dominant pass rusher. He’d be a great fit in the Miami defense, and could grow into the EDGE the Dolphins have lacked since losing Cam Wake and Robert Quinn.
23 - Indianapolis Colts - Terrace Marshall Jr, WR, LSU - T.Y. Hilton is done, Parris Campbell can't seem to stay healthy enough to play, and although MIchael Pittman Jr is good, he still needs a lot more games to prove himself to be the WR1. Its a perfect opportunity for Terrace Marshall Jr to take over here. Marshall has been fantastic at LSU with Chase out - which is more impressive with how bad LSU has been, and he’s got all the physical traits to be an elite WR. He rarely gets caught in press coverage and with his ball skills and frame, excels in contested catch situations. He’ll be a fantastic addition for the Colts offense, and could usher in a new era for the Colts.
24 - Baltimore Ravens - Trey Smith, iOL, Tennessee - With the retirement of Marshall Yanda, the Ravens have had a huge hole at LG that they still haven't been able to fill. And with their offense becoming more and more run heavy due to the addition of JK Dobbins and Lamar Jackson’s rushing abilities, one guy came to mind here. Trey Smith, the OG out of Tennessee, seemed like the natural fit. Smith is an absolute road grader in the run game, absolutely flattening whatever defensive players who are unfortunately enough to get into his way. He’s solid enough in pass protection, but more importantly, his fantastic run blocking paired alongside Orlando Brown Jr should lend itself to an absolutely terrifying run game from the Ravens.
25 - Jacksonville Jaguars (via LAR) - Dillion Radunz, OT, NDSU - After drafting their QBOTF in Justin Fields, the Jaguars now need to protect him. And with so much draft capital on their hands, they part ways with some of it in order to move up and grab the last OT I could consider a possible day 1 starter, OT Dillion Radunz out of NDSU. There are some question marks about athleticism and competition level, but Radunz’s technique is elite, and his toughness is unquestionable. He should be a welcome addition to the Jaguars offensive line, and will provide solid protection for Fields.
26 - Las Vegas Raiders - Jay Tufele, DT, USC - The Raiders need pass rush help badly along their DL. Maxx Crosby hasnt lived up to the hype he had after a stellar rookie season, and although Clelin Ferrell is an elite run defender, he’s nowhere near as good of a pass rusher. They need to add someone who can GET after the QB, and Jay Tufele is too much talent to pass up on here.T ufele can be a dominant force at 1 or 3T, with his explosiveness and powerful hands, which allows him to be utterly unblockable at times. And adding such an interior force would boost the Raiders pass rush, as Tufele should be the shot in the arm the Raiders DL needed.
27 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Christian Darrisaw, OT, Virginia Tech - The Buccaneers OL was absolutely dominated by the Saints, and Donovan Smith really isnt the long term answer at LT. Christian Darrisaw is an interesting OT prospect who has bee flying up the big boards recently, as a massive mauling tackle who knows how to use his hands and possesses an excellent anchor. There are still some technique issues he needs to hone out, mainly his footwork, but once those are cleaned up, he can easily be an utterly dominant force on the OL.
28 - Buffalo Bills - Tyson Campbell, CB, Georgia - The Bills have had serious issues this year at CB2, which has been a huge factor in the regression of the Bills defense from elite last year to absolutely horrid this year. Tyson Campbell has had some issues this year, but he’s still a very tantalizing prospect overall. He’s a bit thin at 6-2 185, but possesses outstanding athleticism and has very loose hips as well as great agility. Although he is a bit raw and would need some development, if McDermott and the Bills can properly develop him, Campbell can be an island in the NFL.
29 - Green Bay Packers - Azeez Ojulari, EDGE, Georgia - The Packers pass rush was supposed to be a strength this year, but it's been mostly a weakness. They did show some signs of life against Jacksonville, but that's just one game and the Jaguars OL is near the bottom of the league. Plus, you can never have too much pass rush. Azeez Ojulari is a player who can GET after the QB, and I think Ojulari is the best pure pass rusher on the board. He’s got fantastic hand usage and his low center of gravity lets him bend the corner through contact really well. There’s some work to be done on run defense, but Ojulari does give me flashes of Ngakoue at times, and could be a great fit either alongside Gary or with him if the Packers move Gary to DE for a few snaps.
30 - Kansas City Chiefs - Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama - The Chiefs overall have been elite once again this year, but there’s one clear flaw in their team, the run defense, which ranks in the bottom 5 in the league. Good thing Dylan Moses is available here. He’s an elite athlete with plenty of range and can hit like a truck. He also knows when to wrap up and is generally a sure tackler, which is a rather underappreciated trait. He does need to improve his ability to diagnose plays and shed blocks, but overall, he’s a force at ILB, and would greatly help out Chiefs ailing run defense.
31 - New Orleans Saints - Paris Ford, S, Pittsburgh - The Saints are hilariously over the cap next year, needs to cut about $95 million in order to become cap compliant. That means that S Marcus Williams is probably gone, as the Saints simply wont have the money to replace him, which leads to a big hole in the NO secondary. Paris Ford should be a seamless replacement for him. With the ability to play anything from single high to a role closer to the LOS, Ford is an instant starter, who excels especially in pass coverage. Interestingly enough, he also seems to try to become a missile too much of the time and needs improvement on his tackling form, so hopefully the Saints teach this safety how to wrap up properly.
32 - Pittsburgh Steelers - Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson - The Steelers dont have a ton of needs, and OT is probably the safest pick here, but James Conner is an FA after this year and there are questions if the Steelers should pay him big money. Travis Etienne is also the best RB in the class and easily BPA here. Etienne is an elite RB, who can break off huge chunks of yardage at a time and rip defenses apart with his burst. He’s also improved his catching ability to where he can be a every down RB. With Pittsburgh still a SB contender for the near future and possibly question marks on James Connor’s future, Etienne seems like a great fit here to both replace Connor’s production and keep Pittsburgh in title contention for the near future.
submitted by kcheng686 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

Online Cheating FAQ

Free tools & menus
Although the majority of free menus ARE viruses, scams, detected etc. As far as I know there is 1 decent free menu, decent as in safe to use any paid menu can easily out-class it and can probably crash there game.
The free tools/menu that I would recommend are
Kiddons Modest Menu - https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/grand-theft-auto-v/433685-kiddions-modest-external-menu.html
This is the one and only free mod menu out there. Its recovery options and tools are lacking however you can set your own experience level with it. It also has a god mode option and a basic vehicle spawner. You can make a decent amount of cash with this menu by going into Online Services/Casino/Rig Slot Machines and remove the limit. With this play the Egyptian themed slot machine and always bet max. You will win every time and you’ll make around 2.5mil per loop, you can cash out the chips to cash. It’s a slow method but the most effective one with kiddons and it still beats dropping yourself or grinding.
GTAHaX - https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/grand-theft-auto-v/275597-gtahax-1-52-external.html
This is a stat editor for GTA 5, it’s only really useful for setting your character stats, unlocking locked items and skipping heist preps. You cannot modify your xp or cash with this although there might be a way to modify your health, which would be pointless as all menus include a god option. This is also free, Its not a menu but I still include it as it is a cheating tool.
GTA 5 Online Mechanics to know for modding
GTA 5 is a P2P, or Peer to Peer game for online. There are two special types of players used for this, Host and Script Host. Hosts will be hosting the lobby and most menus, except for kiddons ofc, have an option to use a host kick that will kick ANY player in the game, regardless of what protections they have enabled. This is basically an UNBLOCKABLE kick, this is why becoming host is so valued, some people will even kick ½ the lobby in order to gain host. As a host your game can still be crashed or kicked by other modders though, it depends on whether or not your menu is good enough to withstand the kick. Some mod menu’s. You then only need to kick one person. After host there is script host, you can take this away from any player WITHOUT kicking them, although kicking them also works, Script host has a stronger kick than normal but it can still be blocked, so even though it’s nice to be script host it isn’t required or even super helpful.
Paid Menus and what they are good at
I’ll be listing menu’s then talking about them and what they have pros/cons at. There isn’t an exact tier-list however as it mainly depends on what you want
Luna – This is the mod menu I personally usually use, its quick to update and has pretty good recovery options, kicks and protections. As far as I know it’s got the best protections from other menu’s as well as kicks/crashes. It’s not the most stable menu however and I’ve noticed that I crash more with it than normal, although not an extremely high amount. It costs $25 and can be got from https://lunacheats.org/welcome/ Not taking sides, menu was either taken down by a C&D or it was an exitscam. There is no proof of a C&D, articles use Luna as source and Luna use Articles as source but there is also no proof of an exitscam as menu was doing pretty well at the time they got rid of it.
Impulse – Impulse has a few tiers, I’m not too familiar with the individual tiers however Impulse is usually known for its good trolling options, last I checked its recovery options were not that good however it’s still a good menu if you’re looking to troll. It can cost $15 - $50 depending on what tier you get. You can get Impulse from https://impulse.one/
Disturbed – Disturbed is a medium tier menu in my opinion, its not good at crashing other people or protecting against other menu’s however it has great recoveries and it is cheap. It costs around $10-$15. I would not recommend buying Disturbed VIP as your better off getting a different menu. You can get it from https://www.w1tch.pro/
Phantom-X – Phantom-X is also a cheaper menu, It compares to Impulse in the sense that it’s good for trolling and I’ve even seen some people say its better for trolling. However Phantom-X doesn’t seem to be good at that much else. From what I’ve heard its pretty stable. It can be brought from https://recoverygods.xyz/ there main website is pretty hard to find and after 30 minutes of searching I could not find it’s official website as I’ve not personally used Phantom-X.
Paragon – Paragon is one of the more expensive menus. It’s very stable and has a pretty nice looking menu in my opinion. I’ve used it for a while during the free weekend and liked it. It used to be known for its great protections but recently it’s been lacking in protections. However it has decent trolling options, more recently it seems like an all-around menu. You can get it from https://paragoncheats.com/
Ozark – I haven’t tried Ozark much, it’s a cheaper menu but its also in beta. It looks promising and has some unique features. Apparently it has a WIP Lua Injector which is great news for people who are in special groups or know how to code Lua. You can get it from https://ozark.gg/
2Take1 – 2Take1 is usually considered to be the best menu out there, especially if you know Lua as it is the only menu with a working Lua injector. However it is also the most expensive menu and it also partially uses a subscription model, the menu costs $140 to permanently keep and it can be brought from https://2take1.menu/
Menu’s that you should NEVER get
I’ll just list these off without much elaboration as they are usually stolen code, have poor support or are viruses.
Free Youtube/Ebay/Discord Menus – 99% of these are going to be viruses and the other 1% is going to be detected. Don’t install Kiddons from a youtube video go to the unknowncheats link I posted, make an account and get it from there if you want it.
Kingpin – Pretty bad over-all, usually considered to be the worst menu out there.
Never get any mod menu’s that are new, they can be exit-scams and will usually take the cash
and bail after a month. Examples of these exit scam menu’s are
- Over
- Hypno
- Indara
A lot of these exit scam menu’s are also using stolen code.
Since most mod menu’s use bitcoin only there are resellers which can sometimes charge at a slightly higher price but will deliver the menu and accept payment forms like PayPal. These are resellers that I know of/am aware of. If you know of a reseller comment it below and I'll add it.

Disturbed keys can only be brought through there discord. You can find a link through there site (W1tch.pro)

Updates: V1.1 Added more Resellers, Crossed out Luna
submitted by Game-Crunch to GTAOnlineCheats [link] [comments]

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[Standard] BO3 - Just in time for the PT and MIQ, The Teenage Mutant Grixis Buddies are coming to a ladder near you! Here's an in-depth write up of my favourite archetype of the Ikoria format and beyond.

Hello! Have you ever wanted to play a deck that doesn’t really do any of the things decks in the format are doing? Have you ever wanted to play a deck that doesn’t really do anything particularly well, but finds wins out of nowhere? Have you ever wanted to play a deck that looks like a mix of draft-chaff and cards you got on a quarantine BOGO deal? If so.. Welcome to Grixis mutate! The weirder, aggressively more aggressive, Teferi-free, drain you for 15 version of mutate that does stuff real fast and reasonably well.
A little about me: I’ve been playing Magic over the course of 4 years now, but seriously looked to the competitive scene during the release of Throne of Eldraine. I took my personal version of Clover Knights to a paper PTQ and did quite well. After draining opponents for 20 to close out games, I was hooked. I’ve hit Mythic the past four seasons and have laddered aggressively since the release of Ikoria (mutate fits very heavily into my play style), top 4’d the first spikes invitational and am currently sitting in the top 300 as of writing this article, with a 76-46 record for a 62% win rate across the board (and a 42-21 run from p4 to mythic). **All that being said; I know that this play style isn’t for everyone and despite my personal success with the deck I am the first to realize that the deck isn’t meta-warping or world-breaking. It’s just fun as hell and is certainly worth taking for a spin if you’ve got the cards, especially right before a big meta-shift.**
1 [[Umori, the Collector]] (IKO) 231
4 [[Knight of the Ebon Legion]] (M20) 105
4 [[Stonecoil Serpent]] (ELD) 235
4 [[Pollywog Symbiote]] (IKO) 63
4 [[Marauding Raptor]] (M20) 150
4 [[Sea-Dasher Octopus]] (IKO) 66
4 [[Insatiable Hemophage]] (IKO) 93
4 [[Everquill Phoenix]] (IKO) 114
3 [[Porcuparrot]] (IKO) 128
2 [[Dirge Bat]] (IKO) 84
4 [[Pouncing Shoreshark]] (IKO) 64
4 [[Blood Crypt]] (RNA) 245
4 [[Steam Vents]] (GRN) 257
4 [[Watery Grave]] (GRN) 259
3 [[Island]] (UND) 89
3 [[Swamp]] (UND) 91
3 [[Mountain]] (UND) 93
2 [[Fabled Passage]] (ELD) 244
1 Umori, the Collector (IKO) 231
3 [[Flame Sweep]] (M20) 139
4 [[Leyline of the Void]] (M20) 107
4 [[Mystical Dispute]] (ELD) 58
2 [[Dirge Bat]] (IKO) 84
1 [[Murderous Rider]] (ELD) 97
Let’s break this bad-boy down!
Aggressive base creatures with a pretty steady curve
Stacking creature cost reduction
Built-in card filtering
Can play effectively with 2-3 lands
Incredible utility, especially in creature match ups
Flash creatures catching your opponent off guard
Excellent at closing games out
Painful manabase
Not the most aggressive deck in the format
Soft to sweepers, especially Extinction Event
Struggles with spot removal
Cheap creatures are great Claim and Casket targets
Companion: Our oozy buddy, Umori.
Role: Big body, cost reduction, discard fodder to Pollywog Symbiote.
Pros: Free card, fuels the engine once on board, big butt.
Cons: Costs 3 to bring to hand, light deck building restriction, tricky to cast on curve at times.
Playing Umori is a bit of a no-brainer for this style of deck. We could be in Sultai colours and play 3-4 Season of Growth to draw a million cards, or we could stick to a streamlined aggressive gameplan that focuses on curving out early and playing a combo style mid/late game. I chose the latter. I find myself pitching Umori more often than I cast it, as once we’ve hit a point of having 0-2 cards in hand, grabbing that ooze and tossing it in the bin to keep our mutate creatures in hand is critical.
The aggressors
Role: Deal damage, scale well, cheap, ideal mutate targets.
Knight of the Ebon Legion
Pros: Great mana sink during a stalemate, scales with damage as the game progresses, cheap.
Cons: Deathtouch is an activated ability and can be too expensive early, dies to raptor.
Stonecoil Serpent
Pros: Excellent scaling and mana sink, protection from multicolour (read: T3feri), trample and reach.
Cons: Dies to glass casket, dies to artifact removal before being mutated onto.
The Enablers
Role: Early body, creature cost reduction, good toughness, card filtering.
Pollywog Symbiote
Pros: Card filtering, mutate cost reduction, tertiary mutate target, 3 toughness to stall aggro.
Cons: Not pure card draw resulting in having to pitch combo pieces at times, dies to removal
Marauding Raptor
Pros: Good body, creature cost reduction, puts pressure on opponents early.
Cons: Deal 2 ETB makes casting additional creatures tricky, suboptimal mutate target
The Mutants
Role: Provide utility, damage, and combo in a machine-gun style to close games out
Sea-Dasher Octopus
Pros: Flash, cheap early mutation that provides card draw, 1-cost with enablers for combo chaining
Cons: Suboptimal body making it inefficient to cast on its own, 1-for-2 into early removal
Insatiable Hemophage
Pros: Centrepiece of the combo, provides damage from multiple angles, lifegain, deathtouch
Cons: Inefficient to cast on its own, mutated onto raptor kills any future creatures you play
Pros: Picks off any creatures when mutated with hemophage, tap effect keeps blocker up for 2-for-1
Cons: Weakest utility mutate creature unless you build a wide board
Dirge Bat
Pros: Creature and planeswalker removal, flash, evasion via flying
Cons: Expensive mutate cost, double black can be tough on the mana at times
Everquill Phoenix
Pros: Strong aggressive body best with cost reduction, evasion via flying, resilience to removal
Cons: Little on-board utility provided, can be a blowout when exiled
Pouncing Shoreshark
Pros: Provides tempo advantage through bounce effect, flash, wins games against creature decks
Cons: 3 toughness makes it vulnerable to scorching dragonfire
The lands
Shocks - 4x4x4 Blood Crypt, Steam Vents, Watery Grave
Pros: Two colours coming into play untapped
Cons: Ouch
Basics - 3x3x3 Mountain, Island, Swamp
Pros: Untapped single colour fixing
Cons: They’re basic lands
Fabled Passage - 2
Pros: Mana fixing with an untapped source turn 4+
Cons: Tapped land entering play turns 1-3
After 100 matches running 24 lands with 4x3 shocks and 4x3 basics, I’ve cut the manabase down to 23 lands as we have a ton of built in cost reduction as well as card filtering and a little card draw. The deck feels terrible when you flood and has serious difficulty closing out winnable games when flooding does occur. 23 lands feels like the sweet spot despite the high-costed mutate creatures.
The not-so-popular-anymore 14 card sideboard
Flame Sweep
Pros: Instant-speed near-boardwipe against sac and mono-r, our creatures have big butts
Cons: Doesn’t kill Anax and Mayhem Devil
Leyline of the Void
Pros: Exiles everything our opponents toss into the yard/sac, free t0 play, easy discard
Cons: Not something we want to be casting and expensive if we are casting it
Mystical Dispute
Pros: Stops Teferi, Narset, Uro, and a tapped-out Explosion
Cons: Pretty useless once midgame rolls around, keeping 1 mana up hinders combo slightly
Dirge Bat
Pros: More removal out of the sideboard and in our theme
Cons: Takes up slots in the side with no room for it in the main, double black can be tricky at times
Murderous Rider
Pros: Lifelink, planeswalker and creature removal, can mutate onto it, 5th Dirge Bat
Cons: Double black can be tricky on turn 3 at times
**The sideboard is always a work in progress and will shift as the meta shifts. I have 14 variations of the deck and plenty of them are from sideboard changes and tweaks. ALWAYS REMOVE UMORI WHEN SIDEBOARDING IF YOU ARE FOREGOING THE DECKBUILDING RESTRICTIONS*\*
Let’s get into gameplay!
The deck has two main ways to win the game
  1. Combo-kill our opponent while also turning our creatures sideways a little (or not)
  2. Kill our opponent through turning our creatures sideways
How to win with method #1
This method of winning is a little grindier than the first, but it has a much more efficient mid-game and more ways of interacting with your opponent, finishing them off with a heavily stacked mutate creature that is draining life, bouncing creatures, and pinging face or other creatures. The method of winning in this playstyle still relies on cost reduction and early board presence when on the draw, but a little less of the early presence on the play.
Optimal hand: 3x land (ideally 2 shocks and a basic or a t1 passage), 1x Stonecoil Serpent, 1x Pollywog Symbiote, 1x Insatiable Hemophage, 1x Sea-Dasher Octopus or Porcuparrot or Insatiable Hemophage or Marauding Raptor
Play pattern: Play your 1 drop or play a tap land, play symbiote into your 1 drop and a mutate on turn 3, chain mutates onwards as long as your creature is safe. Once you have had the opportunity to begin mutating, you’ll be filtering your hand and finding the cards needed for your matchup. Stacking two Hemophages onto each other and flashing in an Octopus under that is a deceptively high amount of damage/lifegain.
*This style of gameplay is a little trickier to execute but is the original intention for the deck. All of the cost reduction and flashy creatures produces a machine-gun style combo finish that can catch opponents off guard while also providing necessary utility.*
How to win with method #2
With a low curve aided by cost reduction and a suite of aggressive creatures, the deck is very capable of getting 1-2 early mutations out onto a creature or two and swing for lethal by turn 5. I find aiming for this gameplan to be optimal for g1 on the play or draw, so mulling to 6 or 5 isn’t a death sentence if we have a synergistic hand.
Optimal hand: 2x land (ideally 2 shocks or a shock and a basic in the colours we need), 1x Stonecoil Serpent or 1x Knight of the Ebon Legion, 1x Marauding Raptor and 1x Pollywog Symbiote, 1x Sea-Dasher Octopus or Insatiable Hemophage, 1x Insatiable Hemophage or Everquill Phoenix
Play pattern - Knight or Serpent into Raptor, drop Symbiote then mutating a creature onto your 1 drop for 1 mana, filtering your hand and swinging. When the stars align, we’re going to be able to pitch lands we don’t need and keep refilling our hand with gas. We do have to play around potential removal at times, but the deck is capable of finishing games before any serious removal hits us.
*This hand is the nuts, We have plays on turns 1-3 and depending on the creature lineup in hand, we have the potential to deal 10 damage (if not more if you’ve played a hemophage or two) by turn 4. By turn 5 or 6 we’ve won or lost as our hand will normally be depleted with 1-2 cards remaining.*
**Do not be afraid to mulligan. The deck can operate off of 2 lands in the early game as long as you have the right pieces. Turn 1 1-drop into turn 2 and 3 Raptor with a mutate is a ridiculous way to start a game out, especially on the play.**
Nifty Interactions
Playing around Aether Gust - We have three mutators that are outside of the range of Aether Gust, if you’ve got a Phoenix on top and are in range of closing the game out, toss an Octopus or a Shark on top and finish them off next turn.
Deathtouch & Trample - There have been a ton of instances where my opponent lines up their blocks thinking they’re avoiding lethal, only to forget that a creature with deathtouch and trample only needs to deal 1 damage to each creature in order to deal lethal damage. Don’t be afraid to lose your creature if a swing is going to bring you into closing range.
Playing around Elspeth Conquers Death - Seeing an opponent drop Azorious mana is a pretty solid indication that they are running ECD. If you’re in a situation where you can chain your combo without needing to swing, create your mutate stack underneath your creature and save them from exile.
Phoenix doing Phoenix things - The first card you should be looking to discard multiples of is the Phoenix. Mutate one, bin the other to Symbiote, recur it at your opponent’s end-step. Another way to interact with non-exile removal is to mutate an Octopus underneath your Phoenix and bring your Phoenix back whenever necessary.
Mutation stacks - Don’t forget that your Hemophages and Shoresharks stack. For example: You have an unmutated Serpent and the means to cast two Hemophages and an Octopus. You will maximize your damage by playing Hemophage-Hemophage-Octopus draining for 1-4-6 for a total of 11 damage. With the right boardstate that is very achievable in a turn.
3 lands is the sweet spot - Don’t be afraid to keep a 2 lander if you have the tandem of Raptor and Symbiote in hand with a mutator. The deck wins games off of 3-4 lands due to all the cost reduction and you’ll find the rest from looting. Find your sweet spot, you’re always better off playing with a lower land count than flooding come turn 4/5.
Cards I’ve considered for the 75, and other M21 ideas
Main deck
Dreamtail Heron - I found myself trying to work around this card in early iterations of Grixis and Sultai mutate, but the card just doesn’t cut it. Card draw is excellent and so is evasion, but if we’re ever casting this for its full mutate cost, we aren’t going to win the game.
Midnight Reaper - Again, card draw is excellent! Unfortunately with a painful manabase and running Marauding Raptor, this bad boy is a no-go.
Murderous Rider - Great card and the lifelink is no joke, but we can get the same effect (at the same price sometimes) through Dirge Bat, so I’m passing on more than 1 Rider in the 75.
Chamber Sentry - I’ve run into a version of this deck once on the ladder playing this and Brazen Borrower, Sentry is neat and works well with Porcuparrot and Hemophage, but I’d rather have the stacking damage from Knight of the Ebon Legion than rely on cute interactions.
Mysterious Egg - Of all the cards listed here, this is the card I’d consider most for the 1 drop slot, especially with Knight rotating in the fall. Counters are relevant, it can get huge, but it may be better suited to a Sultai version of the deck that can give creatures trample more reliably.
Embereth Shieldbreaker - Dealing with artifacts for 1 mana is always a deal I'm willing to make, especially if it means getting rid of an Oven or a Stonecoil Serpent. The body attached to it is decently aggressive but dying to Raptor and not being a creature we can mutate onto hurts. I'm pretty high on this card and can see myself adding it to the sideboard if Leyline loses effectiveness or artifacts become more relevant.
Brazen Borrower - Another strong consideration for the 75, and may get moved to the sideboard at some point. The bounce is very relevant and can buy time when flooding, and the evasive body with flash is a great way to close out a tight game.
The Royal Scions - Looting, creature pumping, and a respectable ultimate, the twins have got a lot of what mutate is looking for. I literally hadn’t considered this card until I began writing this article but it may make its way into the 75.
Cry of the Carnarium - A mana-intensive way to get rid of cat and co. I’ll stick with the instant speed Flame Sweep as it fills the exact same role with a Leyline down anyway.
M21 Ideas
Let’s look at what cards could impact mutate in M21 standard:
Sparkhunter Masticore
Pros: Protection from Planeswalkers, activated indestructible, pings planeswalkers for 1
Cons: Discarding a card on etb hurts
*If there’s a card from M21 that has a guaranteed home in the deck, it’s this bad-boy right here. I could see running a 2/2 split between the maindeck and sideboards and adjusting the dirge bat count to 4 in the side and adjusting accordingly. It’s strong against aggro, it’s effective against Teferi, and we can mutate on it and protect it quite well. What’s not to love?*
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
Pros: Doubles life loss when we gain life, survives Raptor, decent mutate target if we can protect it
Cons: Body on rate is not excellent if we aren’t casting at a discounted rate, activation is expensive
*I think Vito could find a very happy home in a Dimir or Sultai version of mutate, those decks are better equipped to protect a card like Vito. But frick do I love this card.*
Ghostly Pilferer
Pros: Discard for unblockable is great for board stalls, generates value against escape, pay 2 draw
Cons: Dies to raptor, generates the most value when you attack with it
*I think the Ghostly Pilferer could find a home in the sideboard if we moved to a full creature focus or see even more Uro than ever before. The card seems like it could be very valuable in creature matchups where we are incentivized to clear the board and attack, and also synergizes quite well with Porcuparrot.*
Hooded Blightfang
Pros: Deathtouch, solid toughness, synergizes very well with Porcuparrot
Cons: 3-mana 1-power isn’t very aggressive, deathtouch tribal incentive doesn’t really apply
*Hooded Blightfang could be real sweet coming out of the sideboard into matchups where our opponent is slamming planeswalkers or a ton of low-power creatures. I think there is room for a card like this in the 75 if the direction is to continue with Umori post-board.*
Pros: Take our opponent’s most problematic card, we can deal with zombies very well
Cons: Isn’t a creature, double black can be tricky to achieve on turn 3
*I’m pretty high on this card in a version of mutate that is more about machine-gun comboing our opponents down, and I certainly find it better for this style of deck than Unmoored Ego (zombies aren’t a problem, but our opponents getting more cards can be). There will definitely be a home for this card, maybe in a control-heavy Dimir flash style mutate deck. But if the meta shifts in a way that requires more answers to board wipes and combo pieces, I think this card could make it in.*
Pros: Counters early boardwipes for a cheap 1 mana, protects our creatures
Cons: Isn’t a creature, doesn’t hit Planeswalkers/artifacts/enchantments
*Having the ability to protect our board from a boardwipe on turns 4 and 5 is pretty huge. The cost reduction our creatures provide will allow us to make a play or two on turn 3 and still hold up mana for a counter. Comboing Miscast with Mystical Dispute could give the deck a solid set of answers to u/W based control without hampering the effectiveness of the deck.*
Tormod’s Crypt
Pros: Free, deals with graveyards effectively
Cons: Not a creature, not the best topdeck in the mid-late game if we’ve already seen one
*I can easily see the Crypt replacing Leyline as M21 hits, both cards share a similar purpose but Crypt is free to cast and comes down for 0 when I need it, whereas hardcasting Leyline just feels terrible.*
Brash Taunter
Pros: Indestructible, built-in fight effect as a mana-sink, best flavour text in the set
Cons: Expensive, dies to any -x/-x effect
*If there was a world where we could consistently get this card out on turn 3, I’d be playing this chump. We don’t live in that world.*
Terror of the Peaks
Pros: Must remove threat, evasion on a solid body, allows an alternate gameplan and win-con
Cons: Weak to sweepers and ECD
*I think the Terror of the Peaks would be right at home in a Temur flavour of mutate. Ripping this off the top of an Auspicious Starrix mutation would be backbreaking for the opponent and much more of a consistent way to win the game than finish the opponent off with End-Raze Forerunners.*
How well can this pile win matches against the meta?
Temur Reclamation - 50/50 split, 55/45 post-board (60% personal winrate)
How to Win (#2): Kill them before they can initiate their gameplan. Win condition #2 is the way to go here. If we resolve enough early aggression and start beefing up a Stonecoil Serpent, we’re in a good spot. Don’t be afraid of overextending, it’s the way we keep them on their toes and take game 1. Games 2 and 3 or more reliant on lining the pieces up and killing them over a few turns early while countering key components of their early tempo.
What to watch out for: Scorching Dragonfire is the biggest stop to the success of the deck game 1. Try to get a creature out of range ASAP and keep smacking them. Everquill Phoenix and Insatiable Hemophage are our strongest mutators in this matchup.
Play/Draw: Out - Bat x2, Porcuparrot x2 In - Dispute x4
Our opponent is likely to bring in Nightpack Ambusher and Aether Gust, potentially removing countermagic in the process. These changes allow us to connect a dispute on an otherwise lethal Explosion or a crucial Aether Gust and close out the game.
Jund Food - 40/60, 45/55 post-board (45% personal winrate)
How to Win (#1): Grixis Mutate has the tools to deal with the creature portion of Jund, but has difficulty struggling with the insane card advantage the deck can generate when left unchecked through Trail of Crumbs. Claim the Firstborn can hamper our early aggression, and Priest of Forgotten Gods crushes the deck if we don’t swarm the board early. Stonecoil Serpent is the big boy in this matchup so get a 4 cmc mutator onto it early and start swinging in. Our best mutator is Pouncing Shoreshark as it slows the tempo they are generating with their cheap creatures.
What to watch out for: Claim the Firstborn and their sac engine will stop our game plan completely if we try to get creatures down early and keep them below the 3 cmc requirement for Claim. The matchup can be very difficult game 1, so look to initiate how to win method #1 and try to keep pace with their card advantage after turn 3. If we know they’re on Jund very early we can hold off from dropping creatures until we can have an explosive turn chaining mutates and finding our Hemophages, Shoresharks and Porcuparrots.
Play: Out - Bat x2, Phoenix x2 In - Leyline x4
Draw: Out - Knight x4, Phoenix x4, Porcuparrot x1 In - Leyline x4, Flame Sweep x3, Bat x1, Rider x1
On the play we’re going to bring the aggression to them and get early creatures down. Get out of Claim range early and try to kill them in the air. Save a bounce for a t4/t5 Korvold and you should be able to take the game. On the draw the gameplan is going to be focused around sniping Mayhem Devils and Korvolds and sweeping the rest of the smaller creatures. T0 Leyline is ideal here, so if you don’t see one in your opener and don’t have an ideal start, ship it, you can always discard extra copies with Pollywog.
Rakdos Sac - 45/55, 50/50 post-board (45% personal winrate)
How to Win (#1): Like the matchup against Jund, we’ve got the tools to deal with Rakdos’ creatures, but struggle to maintain our board against Priest and Claim. If the deck gets off to an early start, we have the capability of keeping their Priest off the board and render their Mayhem Devils ineffective.
What to watch out for: If the opponent plays a t3 Priest with 1 red mana available, they’re Claiming it, sacrificing their creatures and keeping us off the board. The deck is a little more consistent in the sacrifice gameplan but is a lot softer to bounce effects. Stonecoal Serpent is the best answer to Dreadhorde Butcher, it’s safe to let them attack once to gain a counter, and then you can keep a 1/1 Serpent on board to block it all day.
Play: Out - Octopus x2, Phoenix x2 In - Leyline x4
Draw: Out - Knight x4, Phoenix x4 In - Leyline x4, Flame Sweep x3, Rider x1
On the play we’re going to rely on aggression early by swarming the board, and transition into a tempo-based playstyle with our creature cost reduction, bouncing their creatures and draining them for the win. The draw is centred around keeping our opponent from taking/sacrificing our creatures and landing a big Flame Sweep to get rid of their Priests and other 2 toughness bodies, from there we’re looking to stack up a cheap Serpent with some Raptors and Symbiotes on board and start chaining the combo.
Bant Ramp - 60/40, 60/40 post-board (60% personal winrate) [Works for UW Control as well]
How to Win (#2): We have the ability to close out the game against Bant very quickly. Early aggression is key. If you don’t see a Stonecoil Serpent early, make sure you’re getting two creatures down to have an answer to a resolved Teferi. The deck will typically turn the corner turn 4, and with a Phoenix and a Hemophage the game is typically over with a big swing.
What to watch for: You have the ability to play around Aether gust and Glass Casket with a well-timed mutate thanks to flash so long as Teferi isn’t on the board. Phoenix is our key creature to have up early and you can use it to bait a boardwipe. In a longer game, ECD will crush us so look to mutate under a sizeable Stonecoil Serpent or Knight and finish the game before a boardwipe resolves.
Play/Draw: Out - Porcuparrot x3, Shoreshark x2 In - Dispute x4, Bat x1
The key to success in this matchup is being able to maintain aggression while having answers to your opponent’s blue spells early in the game. Our cheap creatures and cost reduction give us the ability to play multiple spells on turns 3 and 4 while holding up mana for a Dispute. The rest of the playstyle remains the same throughout the match, keep turning creatures sideways until you can’t anymore.
Sultai Ramp - 55/45, 55/45 post-board (60% personal winrate)
How to Win (#2): Very similar to the Bant Ramp matchup, aggression is the best way to win this match. Stonecoil Serpent is our ideal mutate target as it can block Krasis and Uro with no issue and it dodges Casualties of War. What Sultai Ramp has over Bant is the access to better single target removal at instant speed and Extinction Event. Sea-Dasher Octopus onto an attacking 1-drop is the best way to get the ball rolling here, and then closing out with Pouncing Shoreshark to bounce Nissa lands.
What to watch for: Try to maintain a board of creatures with opposite cmcs in order to dodge half of Extinction Event. It’s much easier to rebuild your board with a base creature than having to start from nothing, many of our creatures are of even cmc so always play with Extinction Event in mind. Sultai tends to runs a few more creatures than Bant, and the Cavalier variants can do a solid job of stalling the game via reach until they land a haymaker. Use the Shoresharks and the Hemophage-Porcuparrot combo to snipe their threats and clear the way for a kill.
Play/Draw: Out - Porcuparrot x1, Shoreshark x1 In - Bat x2
Sultai plays more targets that we want to kill, but can’t effectively counter. We’re only making small changes to the deck to bring in more mutate-based removal, with the option of hard casting the creature on our opponent’s end step to avoid removal. A well timed Dirge Bat can swing a game in our favour as we have the ability to kill multiple creatures/planeswalkers a turn. Mutating a Shoreshark onto a Dirge Bat is exactly what we want to be doing here.
Mono Red 70/30, 70/30 post-board (70% personal winrate) [Works for Mardu Knights as well]
How to win (#1/2): Though I have lost in this matchup a handful of times, we are favoured in all stages of the game. Our creatures come down as early as theirs, they have bigger butts, and they gain us life/interact with their board while they struggle to catch up. We can be aggressive or just sit back and block until we have our combo pieces. A well timed Shoreshark bouncing an Embercleave carrier will end the game on the spot. We also have access to Porcuparrot blocking and pinging their 1/1’s and Hemophage giving us that much needed life.
What to watch for: The matchup becomes a lot more difficult when we don’t have a few early plays and ways to get around shocking all of our lands in. Look to keep a hand with both Raptor and Symbiote in it and roll from there. Mono Red can get off to a very quick start and deal too much damage for us to recover from if we don’t see a Shoreshark or Porcuparrot for protection.
Play/Draw: Out - Bat x2, Phoenix x1 In - Flame Sweep x3
Sideboarding in the matchup is quite simple. You can drop early Knights to block aggression and not have to worry about them dying to Flame Sweep if you don’t mutate on top of them in time. Sweep is an instant speed answer to their go-wide nature while keeping our 3-toughness creatures intact. Though Sweep doesn’t hit Anax, the deck has plenty of ways to deal with it. Look to get early bodies down and then respond to the decisions your opponent is making on their turn with Shoreshark and Octopus. Don't be afraid to block with a Phoenix, you're likely to get it back. Be on the lookout for Lava Coil and Redcap Melee as those are the only ways Mono Red has to deal with our creatures.
Mono Green 70/30, 60/40 post-board [Works for Gruul as well]
How to win (#1): Another matchup similar to Mono Red featuring bigger creatures and main deck removal. We win the game by keeping our opponent’s creatures off of the board with well-timed bounce effects and deathtouch pings. Ram Through is a heck of a card and does a lot of work in this matchup, as does Vivien 4 so be prepared to play more on your opponent’s turn and block/ping/bounce creatures effectively. Don’t be afraid to take early damage to keep your enablers intact. You can win the game from 5 life, but you need creatures to do it.
What to watch for: Mono Green plays main deck creature removal that can be very difficult to play around once they’ve established a board. Do your best to keep their big creatures in their hand and deal with the small ones effectively. The deck can handle three creatures at once with the right mutate setup. Keep an eye on your unmutated Stonecoil Serpent, try to mutate onto it as early as possible to avoid it getting destroyed by a Gemrazer.
Play: Out - Phoenix x1 In - Bat x1
Draw: Out - Phoenix x3 In - Bat x2, Rider x1
Our main goal in this matchup is to keep their creatures off the board and continue mutating and getting damage in. The ideal keep is a hand full of cheap creatures and mutators so we can establish our combo and get our bodies big enough to dodge an early Ram Through or Prey Upon. We focus more heavily on removal when on the draw as their creatures can get out of hand very quickly and we need to deal with them immediately. Stick to the original game plan, play to the deck’s strengths and you should be in the clear.
Well, that’s enough from me. Enjoy the deck and let me know of any thoughts, improvements and feedback you have! Thanks for reading!!
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