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“‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad,’ the conspirators have perverted the nation's minds through control of "education" and mass communication. We must open our ears, eyes and minds to the things that they do not want us to know, and suppress” -Emanuel Josephson, M.D.

In 1952 Emanuel Josephson eloquently and urgently warned of a “conspiracy” to transform and transition the U.S. into part of a totalitarian world government. Josephson, like others at the time, warned of communist subversion and conquest. There actually were quite a few spies and communists like Alger Hiss and Lauchlin Currie lurking about.
That said, the dialectic arm will not be the Soviet Union as Josephson feared but communist China, which was also setup by the overlords, particularly The OrdeRockefeller Syndicate with Nixon, Bush Sr. and Kissinger etc.
Communist China is the NWO control model. The overlords love totalitarianism. China is the “social experiment” David Rockefeller gushed about in The NY Times in 1973.
”The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
-David Rockefeller
That said, thanks to Covid-1984 and the first Jesuit Pope openly teaming with the Rothschilds pushing for a planetary “Great Reset,” it’s getting harder to dismiss the planned totalitarian world government Dr. Josephson warned of nearly 70 years ago.
It’s a rather long read but I think it’s worth it.
Emanuel Josephson writes:
”The enemy in our midst has woven a web of conspiracy for half a century. It is well on its way to accomplishing its purpose of replacing our Republic with a totalitarian monarchy of the "1984" pattern, and to use it to attain a world conquest with the aid of the Soviets and of even less highly organized gangsters such as the Mafia.
What can we do to save our country, ourselves and our fortunes ?
The problem is complicated by the fact that so many of us accept the conspirators' propaganda that "security" is to be preferred to freedom, even though it means serfdom. Inertia leads many to accept rule imposed on them by more aggressive, unscrupulous and ruthless elements. They are satisfied so long as their bellies are filled, their other animal cravings satisfied and they are diverted. Lacking these, they generally revolt. But there is grave danger that once the conspirators have destroyed freedom, modern techniques of enslavement devised by "social scientists" are so cruel, brutal and barbaric that any attempt at revolt would be doomed. To avert such a fate, immediate action must be taken to undo all the treacheries that have been perpetrated.
It would be unwise to be deluded by the "Freedom" movements mockingly launched by the conspirators. They are intended to divert attention from their destruction of our freedom at home by making a noisy pretense of restoring freedom to others.
The Constitution, as it originally stood, without its negating amendments, and the Bill of Rights are the instruments that endowed us with the large measure of freedom which we alone among the nations long enjoyed. They were drawn up, as a compromise, by a group that included some of the wisest, sincerest philosophers that ever assembled to draw up a blueprint of human organization. That blueprint was the first written expression of the concept that freedom, for which mankind had fought and died from the beginning of time, shall be the basis of government. Despite the fact that it was a compromise that has never been given full expression, or has actually been negated, in our laws that should have carried out its letter and spirit, it had assured our people the freedom that made our country what it is.
The Constitution is the chief obstacle to the plan of the conspirators. For this reason they call this eternal philosophy "obsolete"! With slyness, cunning and stealth they perpetually seek to pervert and erode it—by amendments, laws, "legal" decision, evasions and "established" practises. Their objective is to destroy it principally by the strategy of demented Karl Marx who speciously, but plaus- ibly, undertook to convince mankind that the devices that spelled abject slavery for centuries mean "security" and improvement on freedom.
The United Nations "Treaty" was entered into as has been related by the conspirators for the avowed purpose of thereby turning over to themselves our sovereignty, annulling the Constitution and superseding it as our basic law with a UN charter that will better serve their totalitarian objectives.
Our Constitution and law require, as has been related, that the conspirators be condemned, that all commitments to the UN in which they have treacherously involved us must be denounced, and our troops withdrawn from foreign lands without and more delay than is consonant with their security. The conspirators' "revolution by stealth and deceit" must be undone as rapidly as possible. For the menace to our security and solvency are grave. And day by day, more of our men are falling, victims of the most shameful betrayal in history.
Mindful of the adage: "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad", the conspirators have perverted the nation's minds through control of "education" and mass communication. We must open our ears, eyes and minds to the things that they do not want us to know, and suppress. Education, especially in the formative ages, must be made nationalist, patriotic and pro-Constitutional. For if the mind is warped in childhood to reject freedom and the Constitution that gave birth to it, and to accept the slavery of Rockefellerism, we are lost. We must eliminate censorship from all channels of mass information and make them common carriers of political thought, subject solely to the limitation of loyal support of the Constitution. Censorship of radio and television, reinforced by limitation of station licenses subject to political approval, are especially menacing. For stations are compelled to broadcast the conspirators' subversive propaganda as "non-controversial" and loyal views that uphold the Constitution are barred as "controversial".
The Constitution gave our government the form of a democratic republic, a representative government in which, theoretically, all citizens have the right to vote. The conspirators have expressed their intent ultimately to rob the people, openly, of their franchise. Stealthily, they already have robbed the nation of its power to choose their representatives, and of any effective representation, by seizing control of all parties' nominating machinery.
For decades the candidates for important offices have been a "parade of Rockefeller dummies". The voters had no real choice at the polls, for the candidates of both parties were pledged to betray the nation into new Rockefeller "Crusades".
Voting machines that can be fixed as readily as the slot machines turned out by the same manufacturers, trick the voter and have made voting futile. All pretense of real opposition between the parties has been adandoned. Nominations are held by the parties, successively, in the same meeting places, for the acknowledged purpose of "saving expenses"—that are obviously defrayed by the same individuals. The nominations of "opposing" candidates are obviously idle gestures of the conspirators for contemptuous diversion of the "peasants".
“Eisenhower, Stassen, Warren, Taft and all candidates of both the Republican and Democratic parties, nominated by the conspirators, will run, like Sen. Estes Kefauver, in the words of Walter Trohan, on a "Benedict Arnold platform."
The nation must repudiate all of these candidates of the group whom Harry Shippe Truman accused of "treason". It must seize the nominating power from the conspirators, however completely they have stolen it from the nation. If it is impossible to secure amendment of the laws in regard to nominations, the public can resort to "write-ins" for Presidential and other candidates. The situation is critical. It must be done now or never.
Control of nominations must be taken out of the hands of private cliques and given to the people, if our franchise is not to rival in absurdity the one-party tickets of the Soviets. Any honest loyal American who seeks to serve the nation would be preferable to any of the candidates groomed by the conspirators, and should be given an equal opportunity to offer himself and his program to the nation. Nomination and election campaigns should be financed by the Treasury, to avoid moneyed dictatorship, and monarchy. Public officers who betray their trust and fail to uphold the Constitution must be impeached under its provisions.
Freedom of life and other property rights assured by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, have been destroyed by the conspirators. The Constitution gives the right to draft life and property for the defense of the U.S. only. For more than three decades, men have been drafted, denied the freedom of life, and met death in the battlefields around the world, and the nation bled by taxation, primarily for the expansion of a hostile power, the Rockefeller Empire, and the support and defense of its allies, in violation of the Constitution.
Private property rights assured by the Constitution have been completely abrogated by the conspirators and the wealth of the nation confiscated in various manners. Farmers have been denied the use of their land for crops. Their losses were subsidized by the nation as a whole, because they constitute a vociferous majority. But property owners, who are a minority, have been forced to subsidize lower rents for the public, under "rent control", by outright confiscation of their property and other rights, by bureaucratic edict from which there is no appeal, in complete disregard of honesty, principle or the Constitution,—robbed as effectively as if a gun were held to their heads.
The slyest methods that the conspirators have adopted for looting the nation is Karl Marx's program of progressive income tax, which they have incorporated into the Constitution by the 16th Amendment, and inheritance taxes. An income tax can be the most just form of taxation if it is made to comply with the Constitution and if it is honestly administered by law, not by bureaucratic edict. As proposed by Karl Marx, and as adopted in our law, it is a device for confiscation of wealth and forcing a revolutionary "new social order."
Under its provision neither income nor capital belong to the citizen except by consent of Congress, whose power of taxation is unlimited. Capital is being confiscated by legal and bureaucratic interpretation of capital gains as current income. The nation has not suspected the extinction of property rights until recently because the conspirators have gone slowly about the process of confiscation of wealth, until now it is faced with such wholesale looting by taxation that extinction of property rights is obviously imminent unless the Amendment and law are revoked.
As might be expected, the conspirators have exempted themselves from income tax and inheritance tax looting, by loopholes they have written into the laws and regulations. They have provided tax exemption for their bogus "foundations", for oil drilling, for earnings on foreign holdings, for their labor goons and racketeers and their union rackets, and an endless array of other devices the use of which they reserve to themselves. Through nepotism and corruption this income tax thievery has been converted into a means of rewarding friends and oppressing enemies. Blackmail of citizens by bureaucrats and their criminal associates is a natural outgrowth, and plays an important role in maintaining conspirators in power. The effectiveness of income tax in oppression and looting of the nation is enhanced by making evasion of income taxes the most heinous crime.
To make the tax more palatable to the ”peasants", it has been made "progressive", or "soak the rich", class legislation that initially exempted a large section of the nation. The exempted were too shortsighted to realize that it would be merely a matter of time before they also would be victimized.”
”For national salvation the entire income tax thievery and fraud must be wiped off the statute books. There must be written into the Federal and State Constitutions a limit of total tax assessable by the government of 10% of income. Multiplicty of taxes and hidden taxes must be abolished. Excise taxes on poisons, such as liquor and tobacco, that leads officialdom to encourage victimization of the public, also should be abolished as unethical, as well as futile. For in most instances these taxes serve only to support the parasitic bureaucrats that administer them; and in more than one instance that cost amounts to more than the tax collected.
”The power to tax is the power to destroy" is an old adage, that is eternally true. Limitation of that power will do much to protect our government and ourselves from destruction by the enemies in our midst. The power to intensify tax looting in "emergencies" and wars is often the reason why the plotters precipitate wars, as in the case of Korea. In the words of John Foster Dulles, wars serve the purpose of keeping the nation "artificially alarmed" and creating "justification" for intensifying the looting. In this, the maneuvers of the Rockefeller Soviet Axis have served so well that the tax looted from the country during the Truman Administration, in the years 1945-51, have mounted to more than the $260,000,000,000 tax levied by the Federal Government in the century and a half prior. In the meantime the conspirators have placed an ever larger number of employees on the Government payroll and made so large a proportion of the citizenry dependent upon it that their Marxist goal of making everyone the servant of a totalitarian State is rapidly looming in sight.
More subtle than even the income tax device for looting nations, is the control of currency. In these matters the Rockefeller Empire has been guided by the principal German agents of the Bismarxian conspiracy, Felix and Paul Warburg, sons of M. M. Warburg, representative of the Rothchilds and banker for the German governments, including Hitler's. The Warburgs became partners of Rockefeller's bankers, Kuhn Loeb & Co. at the beginning of the century, directly after their arrival in this country from Germany. With the cooperation of the Rockefeller interests, represented by Senator Aldrich, they promptly set about creating the Federal Reserve Bank as a private corporation that, in violation of the Constitution, controls our currency system, and through it, manipulates and steadily absorbs the wealth of the nation for the conspirators, and dominates the industry, commerce and policies of the nation.
A quick understanding of the extent of the looting that can be accomplished by this control of the currency system by the conspirators, without going into the technicalities of the mechanism, can be conveyed by one simple statement, to wit: The same conspirators, with the same mechanics that they are employing in the U.S., engineered the devastating inflation in Germany that wiped out the wealth of the citizenry and destroyed their freedom. They also planted revolution and Communism in Russia. Every device and method that they employed in those countries has been adopted in their domestic conspiracy. Every move that they make in their pretense of fighting inflation is deliberately designed to increase it and to hasten the debacle.
The staggering taxation, which they pretend will cut the purchasing power of the people and prevent inflation, is the most powerful factor in increasing inflation. Taxes are an integral part of cost, often multiplied many times. The increased revenue from taxes also increases the amount of money available for spending by the government itself, the most powerful factor in speeding inflation. On the other hand the conspirators block increased production, the only final deflationary force, even more directly, by rigid restrictions of production. To these devices they add the tremendous costs of a vast bureaucracy, of welfare and social security trickery, of increased wages fostered for their own advantages through class, "labor" legislation and "collective bargaining", deficit financing and by enormous and steadily rising appropriations for "defense", the Point 4 program and Marshall Plan and pretense of "fighting Communism" in Korea and Europe, most of which flows directly into the kitty of their gigantic swindle, and to the bolstering of the Soviets.
The value of ruinous inflation for the success of the totalitarian conspiracy was pointed out long ago by both Marx and Lenin. In one stroke the ”new social order" can be attained by individual and national bankruptcy. Inflation by manipulation of currency, the squandering of the wealth of the nation, deficit financing and ruinous taxation must all be checked and the plotters ousted, if we are ever to recover our freedom and survive as a nation.
The solution of the currency problem is not a difficult one, if there arises a will to solve it. The solution lies in exactly the opposite direction from the measure imposed on the nation by the conspirators. It lies primarily in the direction of stimulating maximum production of the necessities of life, a surplus economy instead of the present restriction of production and scarcity economy. Such maximum production is only feasible if provision is made for stabilizing the value of what is produced, and for storing it for long periods against time of need. It is the solution that Joseph offered Pharaoh, according to the Bible—the lesson that the conspirators do not wish their puppet economists to teach. The device has succeeded under normal conditions as applied to gold, in the form of the gold standard. It inevitably will succeed as well in maintaining the monetary value of other staples if the monetary standard is rationally extended to include all staples. Coupled with true freedom of employment that would eliminate all need for labor unionism and associated rackets that are operated in the pretended interest of the workers, it would enable us to attain the form of government that was envisaged by the wise authors of our Constitution. For a detailed discussion of an obvious solution of this problem, the reader is referred to the author's books, Your Life Is Their Toy and The Strange Death Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The conspirators are rapidly converting government into a totalitarian tyranny. They are making our Government a device for harassing, oppressing, looting, and for executing citizens in wars cooked up by them. We are further from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights than the country was at the time of the Declaration of Independence.
Normal intelligence and regard for the security of the nation demands that only loyal, native-born citizens should be eligible for public office. For persons who would not feel some allegiance to the land of their birth, could not be expected to be capable of allegiance to their land of adoption, and they should be rejected, therefore, for citizenship. On the other hand, persons whose loyalty is divided, cannot be regarded as wholly dependable in conflicts involving the two countries. They, therefore, should be ineligible for public office. Restricting public office to native-born, provably loyal citizens would serve to eliminate the presently widely prevailing practise of foreign governments sending their spies and agents here to become "naturalized", and to serve them in the capacity of bogus "American" citizens, often in top, policymaking capacities. Lauchlin Currie, for instance, actually held public office before he became a citizen. He was planted in the White House as Assistant to President Roosevelt, where he was in a position to influence our national policies, and did so, to our sad disadvantage.
Our enemies defy us with impunity and our so-called "allies" and "friends" betray us, confident in the knowledge that their highly placed spies and agents, in our government and in the UN, will protect them from reprisals and render us impotent.
All public officers whose loyalty comes under the slightest question, must be driven out and prosecuted to the full limit of the law. Execution for treason must be restored to practise.
It is a sad commentary on the state of the nation that it is the women, led by the brilliant and courageous Vivien Kellem, and the patriotic, truly American housewives of Marshall, Texas, who alone have had the courage to revolt against the conspiracy that is rapidly betraying our country to ruin and destruction. Even sadder is the picture of the rejection of Kellem's candidacy for public office in favor of subversive puppets of the conspirators.
Unless the rank and file of the nation can be awakened and induced to slough off their excitement over forms of amusement such as so-called "sports", ball games, "fixes", movie stars and television and comics, and devote their energies wholeheartedly to the measures that spell their survival —life or death—our outlook is black. If, however, the nation can be as completely aroused, as are those intelligent and courageous women, past performance indicates that the cowardly conspirators will run for cover. Chameleon-like they will try to change color, much as they have when confronted with the nation's change of sentiment regarding Communism—they now all pretend to be "Socialists" or American Democrats for Action. The nation would be imbecilic indeed, if it permits itself to be deceived by those turncoats.
As for the master conspirators, and their ill-gotten gains, their fate can be entrusted to an aroused American public. The lives that they have cost our people can not be recovered. The wealth can be regained by the nation.
-Emanuel M. Josephson, M.D.
Rockefeller “Internationalist” The Man Who Misrules the World 1952 (p.430-440)
submitted by DeadEndFred to conspiracy [link] [comments]

The next Detroit: The catastrophic collapse of Atlantic City

With the closure of almost half of Atlantic City's casinos, Newark set to vote on gambling and casinos or racinos in almost every state, it seems as if the reasons for the very existence of Atlantic City are in serious jeopardy.
Israel Joffe
Atlantic City, once a major vacation spot during the roaring 20s and 1930s, as seen on HBOs Boardwalk Empire, collapsed when cheap air fare became the norm and people had no reason to head to the many beach town resorts on the East Coast. Within a few decades, the city, known for being an ‘oasis of sin’ during the prohibition era, fell into serious decline and dilapidation.
New Jersey officials felt the only way to bring Atlantic City back from the brink of disaster would be to legalize gambling. Atlantic City’s first casino, Resorts, first opened its doors in 1978. People stood shoulder to shoulder, packed into the hotel as gambling officially made its way to the East Coast. Folks in the East Coast didn't have to make a special trip all the way to Vegas in order to enjoy some craps, slots, roulette and more.
As time wore on, Atlantic City became the premier gambling spots in the country.
While detractors felt that the area still remained poor and dilapidated, officials were quick to point out that the casinos didn't bring the mass gentrification to Atlantic City as much as they hoped but the billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of jobs for the surrounding communities was well worth it.
Atlantic City developed a reputation as more of a short-stay ‘day-cation’ type of place, yet managed to stand firm against the 'adult playground' and 'entertainment capital of the world' Las Vegas.
Through-out the 1980s, Atlantic City would become an integral part of American pop culture as a place for east coast residents to gamble, watch boxing, wrestling, concerts and other sporting events.
However in the late 1980s, a landmark ruling considered Native-American reservations to be sovereign entities not bound by state law. It was the first potential threat to the iron grip Atlantic City and Vegas had on the gambling and entertainment industry.
Huge 'mega casinos' were built on reservations that rivaled Atlantic City and Vegas. In turn, Vegas built even more impressive casinos.
Atlantic City, in an attempt to make the city more appealing to the ‘big whale’ millionaire and billionaire gamblers, and in effort to move away from its ‘seedy’ reputation, built the luxurious Borgata casino in 2003. Harrah’s created a billion dollar extension and other casinos in the area went through serious renovations and re-branded themselves.
It seemed as if the bite that the Native American casinos took out of AC and Vegas’ profits was negligible and that the dominance of those two cities in the world of gambling would remain unchallenged.
Then Macau, formally a colony of Portugal, was handed back to the Chinese in 1999. The gambling industry there had been operated under a government-issued monopoly license by Stanley Ho's Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau. The monopoly was ended in 2002 and several casino owners from Las Vegas attempted to enter the market.
Under the one country, two systems policy, the territory remained virtually unchanged aside from mega casinos popping up everywhere. All the rich ‘whales’ from the far east had no reason anymore to go to the United States to spend their money.
Then came the biggest threat.
As revenue from dog and horse racing tracks around the United States dried up, government officials needed a way to bring back jobs and revitalize the surrounding communities. Slot machines in race tracks started in Iowa in 1994 but took off in 2004 when Pennsylvania introduced ‘Racinos’ in an effort to reduce property taxes for the state and to help depressed areas bounce back.
As of 2013, racinos were legal in ten states: Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and West Virginia with more expected in 2015.
Tracks like Delaware Park and West Virginia's Mountaineer Park, once considered places where local degenerates bet on broken-down nags in claiming races, are now among the wealthiest tracks around, with the best races.
The famous Aqueduct race track in Queens, NY, once facing an uncertain future, now possesses the most profitable casino in the United States.
From June 2012 to June 2013, Aqueduct matched a quarter of Atlantic City's total gaming revenue from its dozen casinos: $729.2 million compared with A.C.'s $2.9 billion. It has taken an estimated 15 percent hit on New Jersey casino revenue and climbing.
And it isn't just Aqueduct that's taking business away from them. Atlantic City's closest major city, Philadelphia, only 35-40 minutes away, and one of the largest cities in America, now has a casino that has contributed heavily to the decline in gamers visiting the area.
New Jersey is the third state in the U.S. to have authorized internet gambling. However, these online casinos are owned and controlled by Atlantic City casinos in an effort to boost profits in the face of fierce competition.
California, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and Texas are hoping to join Delaware, Nevada, New Jersey and the U.S. Virgin Islands in offering online gambling to their residents.
With this in mind, it seems the very niche that Atlantic City once offered as a gambling and entertainment hub for east coast residents is heading toward the dustbin of history.
Time will tell if this city will end up like Detroit. However, the fact that they are losing their biggest industry to major competition, much like Detroit did, with depressed housing, casinos bankrupting/closing and businesses fleeing , it all makes Atlantic City’s fate seem eerily similar.
submitted by IsraelJoffeusa to u/IsraelJoffeusa [link] [comments]

If You See Graffiti Reading "FOR A GOOD TIME CALL:", follow this "Rule of the Road"...

The following contains a transcript from a short radio broadcast that has been picked up by various listeners across the continental United States. Many have been perplexed by its sudden appearance and how it seems to preempt whatever song or radio program they are listening to at the time. It has even been known to appear on streaming programs such as podcasts or Spotify. Listeners have described hearing different episodes and there have been many situations and incidents.
A 23 year old college student named Yuvisela contacted me with her account of hearing the broadcast. She and her boyfriend had encountered the broadcast while driving one sultry summer afternoon from Austin, TX.
So I have this thing with waterfalls. I’m a little obsessed with them. In my free time and when I’m not paying attention in lecture, I like to look on the internet at pictures of them and daydream that I’m there: the roar of the splashing water, the white foamy spray, my bare toes dipped into the icy spring. I’ve got a Pinterest page with hundreds of falls that I would like to visit one day. Niagara, Havasu, Victoria Falls, Gullfoss, Iguazu; they’re all on there. I keep them all catalogued for my bucket list.
Yet, how many people go to the grave with their bucket list hardly finished? I bet a lot.
My boyfriend, Gabriel, likes to mess with me about my obsession. He’ll come up behind me while I’m on my computer or look over my shoulder at my phone and see that I’m looking at waterfalls.
“Don’t go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to,” he’ll sing when he catches me. It’s this old song he knows, TLC or something. He’s about six years older than me. I’ll joke with him to leave me alone and quit singing that old music, ask him if he used to listen to that on an 8-track or something.
“No, my older sister listened to it on CD. You know CD’s? Those little plastic things with the holes in them? That little slot in your car’s stereo, a CD goes in there. They don’t make ‘em in the new cars anymore.”
We’ve had a variation of this same conversation a bunch of times. It’s kind of a running joke between the two of us—him poking fun at my waterfall obsession and me making fun of how old he is—and while he thinks the waterfall thing is a cute little quirk of mine, he also has been supportive of my passion. That’s why he surprised me with the trip that summer. He knew that I was yearning to see some of these places. He knew that he wanted to make me happy. He knew that my resources were limited. He knew that we weren’t getting any younger; I was 23 and still had a semester to go.
But he also knew that we weren’t getting any richer, either. At least not anytime soon. I know I’m a little bit older for a college student, but it’s taken me a bit longer on account of having to work and stuff. I can’t take a full load every semester. Money’s always tight. I work full time and barely stay ahead, even sending some of my money to help my mom out. Gabriel offered to help me out some and we’d even talked about moving in together, but we had only been together a year at that point and I wasn’t quite ready.
Before my dad had passed, I’d promised him that I was going to get my college degree and I wanted to do it all on my own. While I loved Gabriel and could see myself marrying him, I didn’t want to deal with a transition like that so close to the finish line. Besides, we were getting along so well as it was. Why mess with a good thing?
And it was a good thing that kept better. Just when I thought that I couldn’t love Gabriel more, on my birthday he surprised me with the best present I’ve ever gotten. It was a little black notebook with this kind of leathery cover. While the notebook itself was nice, it was what was inside that was the true present. At some point, he had gone onto my Pinterest page and written down page after page of waterfalls, organizing them by country and state. He had put little squares beside them, boxes to check off. The last two pages were Texas and Oklahoma. He had written a note there. It read:
“Let’s start now...”
* * *
So far, the trip had been a blast. We had started out in Abilene where we both lived and where I attended college. From there, we went to a place called Gorman Falls at this state park. It was one of the tallest waterfalls in the state and all of the foliage and moss around it was lush and green and for a while, if I crossed my eyes just right it was like I wasn’t even in Texas.
We couldn’t hit all the sites in a day. It was a road trip with multiple nights in hotels. After Gorman Falls and staying at a hotel, we headed towards Austin and stopped off at Hamilton Pool Preserve. The waterfall wasn’t as tall as Gorman, but I have to say I liked it better. The water formed a curtain as it poured off of a rocky shelf and into this sunken grotto of blue green water.
We stayed at this magical place for hours, swimming in the water and soaking up the sun. I could’ve stayed longer, but it was starting to get crowded, so we headed to Austin for a night on the town on 6th Street.
The next day we slept in and got a late start on the road. Lunch was at a Whataburger outside Waco. We sat and ate our food and looked at our phones. I browsed Instagram and my eyes skimmed over a gorgeous site. Yep, another waterfall. I slid my phone over to Gabriel.
“Look!” I said.
“Am I supposed to be looking at the butt or the waterfall?” he asked. An Instagram model was standing with her back to the camera, looking up at the water in awe.
“The waterfall, silly.”
“Seriously, that skinny white girl ain’t got nothing on you. Better let me take a look, just to be sure.”
I stood and twirled around quickly, teasing him. “Ok, so back to the waterfall. Did you look at it?”
“Yeah, it’s beautiful babe. Where was this one?”
“Iceland,” I sighed.
“Oh, right.”
“It’s not looking good for the time being. Maybe in a few years, yeah?”
“Just gotta see how the election goes. I ain’t holding my breath.”
See, neither of us were U.S. citizens. We were what you call DACA recipients. Both of us had wound up in America via illegal means on behalf of our parents, back when we were kids. This was when we were too young to have any say in the matter. I can hardly remember my life before, my life back in Mexico. I grew up here, went to school here. Texas and America is the only home I’ve ever known. Gabriel, he was originally from Guatemala. His situation is more or less the same.
If we were to leave the country, then we might risk not being able to get back in. You could apply for eligibility to travel if you had special circumstances, but they didn’t allow travel for leisure. We didn’t even have passports. Until then, our dreams of traveling—something we both wanted to do—were just that: dreams.
There was a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Obama and that DREAM act, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You know, the dreamers or whatever? That’s what they call us. I guess they call it that because it’s just a freaking fantasy that disappears at the slightest thing—the sunrise, your phone alarm—out of your grasp as soon as you start your day.
Anyways, I applied for the DREAM act, but it hasn’t been a guarantee. We’re all stuck in a sort of limbo, waiting for the people in Washington to figure out what the hell to do with us, using us as a bargaining chip.
Not Gabriel though, he didn’t apply for the act. Part of it was that he was bad about procrastinating. The other part was that he was paranoid about signing up. I told him that he was an idiot and if he blew his chance to become a legal permanent resident, then I wouldn’t follow him to Guatemala if he got deported. He told me that he didn’t trust the program, that once they had you in the system they could track you easier, keep tabs on you. Said he knew a guy that got deported this way. I told him that the guy must’ve gotten into some legal trouble, a DUI or something, to have been deported.
“We’re all just one slip up from some legal trouble. Hell, some people consider us illegal right now,” he had said.
It was hard to argue against that, I guess. At least he knew where he stood, didn’t have that false hope. Sometimes I think it’s the hope that gets you, makes things worse.
Gabriel frowned and handed the phone back to me, looked out the window and took a sip of his Coke. I suddenly felt bad and ungrateful. Here was this amazing man that had planned out an awesome road trip just for me and I was busy looking at other far off adventures, not appreciating what I had right in front of me, the moment I was living in right now.
I leaned forward and kissed him. "I don't care where I'm at as long as you're with me," I said and he smiled.
What I told him just then, it was true. That didn’t mean I was going to grow complacent and quit dreaming.
They did call us dreamers after all.
It was one of those giant truck stops, the kind that was a little smaller than a Wal-Mart or Target, but just barely. We filled up and paced around inside and looked at the aisles and aisles of candy, the funny toys and souvenirs, and the tacky t-shirts.
“Hey Yuvi, whaddaya say? It’s your size.” Gabriel asked, holding up a black t-shirt with glittery letters. “PROUD TRUCKER WIFE” it read.
“Only if you get that one,” I said, pointing at a T-shirt with a semi-truck on it that read “I JUST DROPPED A LOAD”.
“Eww,” Gabriel said, laughing.
We both wandered around on our own. They had a huge candy section and I was looking to see if they had any vero elotes candy. I had just found a bag on a bottom shelf when Gabriel came skipping up.
“We are so getting this,” he said, holding up a plastic CD case.
“What is it?”
“Best of the ‘90s. It’s got your song on there, see? ‘Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls.’ Can we get it? It’s only 3.99.”
“Ha, ok. But only if you buy me this,” I said, handing him the candy.
There was traffic from hell just south of Denton on account of construction and a car wreck or two. We were stop-and-go for what seemed like an hour. I was passenger side and Gabriel idled along.
“Ok. I think now’s the time to break out this bad boy,” Gabriel said as he started tearing at the plastic wrap around the CD case.
“I think this is the first time I’ve even used the CD player in this car.”
“Aw hell yeah,” Gabriel said as the first song started playing. “Gettin’ Jiggy With It.”
“Getting what, now?”
“It’s your boy, Will Smith. Y’know the Fresh Prince? Betcha didn’t know he had a little music career.”
“That guy from I Am Legend and Aladdin?”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “I guess. His older work is much better.”
“Well I don’t know. You act like you're this old and wise millennial. You’re not that much older than me, y’know.”
“I’m telling ya, my Gen-X sister raised me on all of this stuff. I think she was Gen-X. I don’t know the damn cutoffs. Anyways, she babysat me a lot growing up while Mama was working and stuff. She cultured my little ass. Ooh, here it is!”
A new song started playing. I couldn’t help but laugh at how it started. “It sounds like porn music!”
“Nah, shhhh. Shhh.” Gabriel bobbed his head along to the beat.
The chorus started to worm it’s way into my head. The song was ok, I guess. I still can’t really listen to it to this day.
“You gotta listen to this dope rap coming up,” Gabriel said.
There was the sound of hissing and popping, wet logs burning in a fire. Whispers intermingled with the sound effects. One of the voices rose above the others and said “Listen!” harshly in Spanish, you know, “Escuchen! Escuchen!”, several times.
We both looked at each other with wide eyes. The traffic crept forward slowly and Gabriel kept his hands on the wheel and I kept mine in my lap and that’s when he started to talk. It was this happy sounding older guy, talking right there on my car’s speakers.
Gooood afternoon folks, Buck Hensley here with a special rush hour edition of “The Rules of the Road”. Hope ya’ll are doing alright out there while you’re idling on the clogged arteries of America’s highways and byways, breathing in those delicious exhaust fumes. I know that good ol’ Mother Earth likes to take a big fat rip of that stuff from time to time, although as of late she seems to be getting quite a contact high from that delicious Co2 and starting to feel the effects just a little too much.
And yet you all keep puff-puffing and passing, never slowing down. What with your jet planes and your driving and your travel and your neverending consumption and your cow farts and whatnot. All I’m saying is that you folks might wanna slow down a bit on that stuff, because I’ve seen the end results and all I can say is that they are hilarious. But I understand if you wanna keep on keeping on and having a good time. All I can say is smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.
Speaking of good times, that reminds me of today’s special “Rule of the Road”. You’re gonna want to listen to this one as it’s all about good times. Why that was Carla’s favorite sitcom for a spell there, “Good Times”. She’d watch reruns on into the night, the TV casting a pale glow that was kinda comforting across the bed, and I’d wake up to live studio laughter and her snoring softly beside me, the serene look of slumber on her face and the years I’d wasted.
Gabriel and I both looked at eachother. He shrugged and reached for the stereo. I shooed his hand away. I wanted to listen to it. The voice continued.
But I digress...well now, on to today’s “Rule of the Road”. If at any point during your journey you stop off for a pitstop or a potty break and you enter a public restroom to do your business, take note of the writing on the stalls. You might notice some graffiti that reads, “For a Good Time, Call” and then a phone number listed after it. If you do notice this, then take the number down for later use. Whenever you are in dire need of a good time, then give that number a call.
Now before you go off with a bee in your bonnet and tell me how you ain’t gonna call no sketchy phone number taken off a lady’s or men’s room wall, let me just tell you that this will be worth it. You can trust me. When has old Bucky ever let ya down?
I know what you’re gonna say next though, you’re gonna say, “Buck, I don’t ever call no numbers on my phone. I’m deathly afraid of voices on the other line. If I can’t text and send little emojis and the like, then forget it. If I can’t use an app to order Thai food or a pizza, then I go hungry that night. I haven’t even made an appointment to a doctor since I’ve lived with my parents. What if since we can’t see each other’s faces we start talking at the same time and we talk over each other and then say, ‘oops sorry, no you go ahead’ and then we both say it again at the same time and then we both start trying to talk again and then get stuck in some sort of infinite loop?”
And to that I say, “fair enough.” Don’t use the phone. The consequences of not following this rule are a little less dire than previous rules you may have heard. If you don’t follow this rule then you will simply miss out on a good time. That’s it. But you wouldn’t want to miss out on anything, would ya?
Welp. That’s all I’ve got on this fine late afternoon. May the wind be always at your back, your picnic basket full of snacks, and your cheese ever be pepper jack. Ya’ll stay sane out there. Stay symbiotic. Stay lonely. I'm Buck Hensley and these are "The Rules of the Road".
The voice instantly stopped and the song returned playing. Gabriel had a dumbfounded look on his face.
"What the hell?" he said and tried to rewind the CD.
"Umm, was that part of the song? Maybe a different version?"
"No way," he said and kept rewinding and playing the song over. The little skit that we heard never returned.
“Weird,” I said.
“Beats the heck out of me.”
“Maybe the CD is haunted. That was pretty spooky, y’know? That voice telling us to listen.”
“Maybe it was like a hidden track or something. They used to put those on CD’s back in the day. And this CD was pretty cheap and has all these songs on it. Could’ve been like a pirated deal.”
We weren’t really scared by the broadcast or whatever it was, just more confused. It was only looking back that we saw the importance of what we had heard and how from there our path seemed to be led a certain way.. At the time it was just this weird little thing, a funny little mystery that was forgettable for the time being.
We crept along for a while without incident, the traffic slowly gaining momentum. The music on the CD played on as usual and we heard no extra voices. The songs played like they were supposed to. Everything was fine.
Of course, outside of Gainesville, it hit me. I had been trying to ignore it and power through until we stopped for the night, but I had the sudden urge to pee. All that slow traffic and iced tea and a bottle of water must’ve caught up with me. This was intense. Usually I could hold it pretty good, but I had to get Gabriel to stop at the first exit we saw.
It was this gas station kind of off by itself and it was all dingy and old and faded and didn’t look the cleanest. Gabriel parked and my lower stomach and bladder ached as soon as I stood up and got out of the car. I burst into the place and made a beeline towards the restroom, over in the corner past the ATM and the glass fridges down a hall with burnt out fluorescent lights.
They were singles that you could lock, one for men and one for women. The floor was sticky and paper towels piled out of a trash can and a strip of toilet paper floated in a pool of standing water. A condom dispensing machine was on the wall opposite the toilet.
It wasn’t the worst public restroom I’d ever used and I didn’t have many options; I was literally about to piss myself. I would have to do the hover move over the toilet seat. No seat covers in a joint like this and I didn’t have time to prep it with toilet paper anything.
So I was doing my business, my thighs burning from the squat, and kind of laughing to myself at the condom dispenser machine with its brands like the “FRENCH TICKLER” and that’s when I saw it, the graffiti written in Sharpie, right there on the vending machine. It said, “For A Good Time, Call 9xx-XXX-XXXX [Redacted]”.
After I finished and had washed my hands, I snapped a pic of the graffiti. I figured Gabriel would get a kick out of it.
“You’re supposed to call it. That’s the rule,” Gabriel said when I showed him.
“I’m too nervous. You call. You heard it, too.”
“How many of those things do you even see? I’ve seen them all the time. I bet it’s just dudes pranking each other or fucking with their ex-girlfriends.”
“Well I found it in the ladies room, so hopefully it wasn’t dudes.”
“Okay, you enter it in your phone and I’ll dial. I’ll try to do a caller ID block or something. Let’s just see what happens.”
“Are you sure?”
“Eh come on. Maybe it’s fate.”
The Texas travel center appeared on the southbound side of the interstate and we were soon crossing the Red River on into Oklahoma as I transcribed the numbers from the picture to the keypad on my dialer.
A large casino came into view. It was ginormous with this sort of facade of all these famous buildings on its outside. I could see Big Ben and that Roman coliseum and all these other world architecture things. The casino just stretched on and on.
“Aw, not again,” Gabriel said.
I had just finished transposing the number into the phone. The crazy casino had distracted me. “What is it, babe?”
“Another jam.”
The traffic was veering into the right hand lane, but it was still moving at a decent clip, like 45 mph or something. After a mile of this, I could see a couple of highway patrol cars parked across the interstate, blocking both lanes of traffic. A state trooper stood out in the middle, waving a flashlight thing and directing traffic to take the exit. There was still about an hour of daylight left and you couldn’t even see the light. He was just using it as a baton. Somewhere off in the distance there was a thick wall of smoke filling the evening sky with this surreal haze.
“Wonder what’s going on?” I asked.
“Who knows? Grassfire, maybe.”
We followed the other cars and trucks down the exit ramp. Some turned right, some turned left.
“Right or left? Right or left?” Gabriel asked.
There seemed to be more cars turning left. Maybe they knew something we didn’t. But then, we would be stuck behind them and it was getting dark and we were already behind schedule. I wanted to get the hell out of the car.
“Um, right! Right,” I said, trying to pull up the GPS on my phone. It was lagging and my service had kicked over to 3G. “Freaking Verizon,” I muttered.
We drove down a highway past empty fields fenced off by barbed wire. There were houses and barns and oilfield pump jacks every so often, but not much else. No gas stations or a sign of a town or much else, really. After driving into all this nothingness for a while, my phone completely lost all signal. The cars around us thinned out and there was only a black SUV in front of us.
“Hey babe, I have no service and can’t pull up the GPS. Wanna turn back around?”
“Nah, let’s just keep going. We’ve come this far, yeah? We’ll hit a main road eventually, get some service.”
I sighed in response as he kept driving, let him know I didn’t approve.
“We’ll turn north soon, ok? All roads lead to Turner Falls.”
I checked my phone every fifteen seconds, looking for a signal.
“C’mon Gabe, we’re gonna get lost out here. Let’s just go back, follow the other cars or see if they’ve opened up the interstate again.”
“Look, this looks like a good road. We’ll cut north here and drive aways and then cut back west towards the interstate. It’s literally impossible to get lost out here. Just trying not to lose any more time.”
But it wasn’t so simple and the nervous feeling in my stomach was validated when the road we drove north on turned to gravel. The sun was long gone and our headlights cut a tunnel through the night as barbed wire whizzed by, separating us from pastures that were elevated above the road on grassy rises. I started to fear the worst, thinking of every horror movie I’d ever seen that had started out this way: the headstrong man refusing to admit that he was lost and didn’t know where he was going and the increasingly pissed off and worried girl that was with him.
Babe, please just turn around,” I pleaded.
“Ok, ok. Still no signal, eh?”
I looked down at my phone. Finally, there was one bar of service. “Yes! Hang on.”
“Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Gabriel said, his voice growing louder.
My stomach dropped as what appeared in the rear view mirror was just as scary as any sort of Freddy or Jason or Leatherface from the big screen.
Part 2
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Star Casino Review

Star Casino is an online casino website based in Italy. Ever since it was founded in 2012, the casino has gathered several noteworthy accolades. The casino is operated by Betsson Group, a Maltese company and subsidiary of Betsson AB. This company has been in the gambling business since the 1960s and has earned an excellent reputation since then.
Back in 2010, online gambling was legalized in Italy and as a result, many foreign and domestic companies could release their online casinos to the general public. All they had to do is gain a license from the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies, or AAMS (from Italian) for short, which sets the standards and regulations for games of chance and skill, casino games, sports, and horse race betting. Star Casino is indeed licensed by this government institution.
Star Casino has all the right stuff going for it and in 2012 it was named Casino Operator of the Year at the eGaming Review (EGR) Awards in London. The games are provided by NetEnt, which means that StarCasino hosts some of the best slot games out there, as well as live and virtual game tables. Games diversity is excellent and there is something for everyone here. Their customer support is also impeccable and considering that they won the Best Customer Services Operator at EGR Awards in 2012, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

Star Casino Software Providers

Star Casino has teamed up with NetEnt for the supply of their games and software. Having its humble beginnings in the distant 1996, NetEnt has gained critical acclaim and proven itself to be a reliable and trustworthy software provider. Nowadays NetEnt is one of the biggest and most recognizable brands in the online casino industry and it services a staggering number of reputable online casinos. Some of the most popular online casino games in the world such as Starburst, South Park, and Mega Fortune were developed by NetEnt.
Following NetEnt’s standards, the games hosted on Star Casino simply ooze quality. All games are Instant Play and do not require any additional software to be run. They feature top-notch graphics and audio while providing a fun and exciting gameplay experience. The variety of games is nothing to scoff at either. With over 200 unique titles, Star Casino boasts an exceptional selection. The randomness of the games is tested by a third-party company so that the results are guaranteed to be genuine and untampered.
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Play Star Casino Games

Available Games

Star Casino has a wide array of games available on offer. The selection of games is enough to satisfy even the most demanding of gamblers. Here you will find all the classics, along with many different newer styles. Star Casino constantly improves its game selection by adding new titles while keeping in line with its current standards of quality. To ensure transparency and honesty, StarCasino has posted the player return percentage of each game on their platform. This is a gesture of good faith that not all casinos are prepared to make and it deserves to be recognized.


The majority of StarCasino’s gaming portfolio consists of slots and the casino has nearly 200 of them on offer. A player may go on for days and weeks before they can experience every single game in this section. As with most NetEnt games, the graphics are beautiful and clear, while the music is immersive and engaging from the beginning.
Veteran slot fans can immediately play their favorite Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest, Twin Spin, Wild Wild West, and much more. Additionally, you will also find slots themed with various popular culture intellectual properties such as Guns n’ Roses, Batman, and The Flash, among others. The games impress not only with their visual and audio quality but with a number of great features as well, including profitable symbols like wilds and scatter, and free spins rounds.


Blackjack players will be delighted to know that the casino hosts several blackjack games. The blackjack selection is not as extensive as what some other casinos have to offer, but the games stand out with top quality. You can expect to find Single Deck Blackjack, BJ Double Exposure, Pontoon, Ventuno, and Blackjack Champion.
The games are exceptionally authentic, so players will never again think of visiting a land-based casino in order to enjoy their favorite game of twenty-one. Additionally, you can engage in Live Blackjack games that are hosted by professional croupiers with years of experience behind their back.


The casino has provided some excellent poker games to its loyal clientele. Players who are new to poker and therefore, lack the required experience and skill, can try out some of the available video poker variations including staples such as Jacks or Better Double Up, Joker Wild Double Up, All American Double Up, and Deuces Wild Double Up.
More skilled players are given the option to dive in StarCasino’s fantastic selection of table poker games, which consists of Texas Hold’em, Oasis Poker, Casino Hold’em, Caribbean Poker, Ultimate, and Texas Hold’em, among others. When playing in the Live Casino, you can dabble in Live Poker and test your skills against the friendly and seasoned dealers as the games are streamed in real-time.


Seeing the roulette wheel spin is a thrill anyone can enjoy. At StarCasino, you can have your pick from a large variety of live and virtual Roulette titles, each one impressing with authenticity, flexible bet limits, and seamless gameplay.
The selection includes many different styles of roulette, including traditional options such as French Roulette, Classic Roulette, and European Roulette, which are preferred due to their lower house advantage. Also, there are some more extravagant types like Golden Ball, Lucky Lady Roulette, Sizzling Hot Roulette, Dolphin Pearl Roulette, and more.


A player wishing to get rich quick can try their shot at winning a huge jackpot at Star Casino. These games offer a very large payout potential and guaranteed fun while playing them. Star Casino currently offers four different Jackpot games, which are Divine Fortune, Chili Gold 2, Cosmic Fortune, and Caribbean Stud Poker. NetEnt jackpot classics such as Arabian Nights or Mega Fortune are not available at this casino at the moment, but surely more progressive titles will be added to the portfolio in the future.

Live Casino

If you wish to have the experience of playing at a brick-and-mortar casino without leaving the comfort of your surroundings, you can opt to play at StarCasino’s Live Casino. There you will be served by professional dealers, who aim to offer a top-quality service to all players. These croupiers speak fluent Italian and will help you with any and all questions you may have. The Live Casino hosts a wide array of games including different variants of Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat as well as several variations of Poker.
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Supported Devices

In order to play at StarCasino, all you need to have is a stable Internet connection and an Internet browser. All games are run using Adobe Flash Player, so make sure that you have downloaded it from the Adobe website or that it is embedded in your browser. Luckily, all modern commercial browsers, such as Opera, Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox, come with a pre-installed Flash Player so you need not worry about anything when playing.
If you do not wish to be tied down to your computer or laptop, or if you are on the go but still want to play, you can do so on your smart device. The site supports a mobile version for smartphones and tablets, running on iOS and Android. Games are adapted for mobile use and are optimized to fit the smaller display, while still retaining their usability and rendering information just as well as on your desktop computer. What you have to also keep in mind is that some games may not run on your mobile device. There is no official post listing the unsupported games so you would have to find that out on your own.
At the present moment, StarCasino does not offer a native downloadable app for smartphones or tablets when other similar websites go out of their way to provide one to their player base. However, StarCasino is more than likely to change this omission in the near future.
The experience of playing on a mobile browser may prove to be sub-par compared to that on a dedicated app or on a desktop computer. Different smartphones perform differently and some players may not have any issues, while for others, it may be unplayable. It is recommended that you play on a newer device as those have way fewer problems in terms of performance and stability.

Bonuses and Promotions

Star Casino offers enticing bonuses and promotions for new and returning players. The Casino offers a no deposit bonus of €10. The Welcome Bonus rewards you with 200% of your deposit up to €100. Your second deposit will get you a 200% bonus up to €200. When depositing for the third time you will receive a bonus of 200% of your deposit up to €300, while the limit of your fourth deposit goes up to €400. The site does not mention the wagering limit on these bonuses, so it is better to turn to customer service to make sure what their terms are.
The casino offers a loyalty point system for long-time players. Every €5 played on slot machines, or €10 wagered on video poker and table games, will earn you points which you can later redeem for cash. The minimum you can convert is 100 points, which equals €1. Any money gained via this loyalty point system must only be wagered one time so that you may keep your winnings from it.
Star Casino also offers weekly or monthly bonuses for a limited time, where you have a chance to gain a cash bonus, free spins or if luck was not on your side you may recover a portion of your money. These offers are diverse and fun, so each time you will have a different experience. They also change on a regular basis so check the Promotions page to see what is currently available.
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Star Casino Payment Methods

Star Casino supports the most commonly found payment methods. Supported credit or debit cards are Visa, MasterCard, Postepay, and Maestro. Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal are the alternatives when it comes o e-Wallets. There is also the option to deposit via a Recharge Voucher. The minimum deposit one can make is €10 across the board, with a maximum deposit of €2,000 at a time for bank cards and PayPal and a maximum of € 45,000 for Neteller and Skrill. Transactions take place instantly and you can gamble away as you please. The casino does not charge any commissions for the deposits, although the payment service may inflict their own fees.
Withdrawing your winnings is just as easy as making a deposit. You can order a payout via your bank card if you have a Visa, Maestro, or American Express. You also are eligible to use Skrill, PayPal, or Neteller if you have an account with them, or alternatively, order a withdrawal via Bank Transfer.
The transactions take between 2-3 business days, which compared to other casinos is much faster, with the exception of the Bank Transfer method, where it will take anywhere between 6 and 9 business days, at which you may even forget that you even ordered a cashout. You are required to withdraw using the same method that you deposited with. The casino works only with EUR and if you deposit in any other currency, the casino will convert it to EUR at the current exchange rates.

All Accepted Methods

Customer Support

As mentioned above, StarCasino received the Best Services Operator award in 2012 at the EGR in London. They have supplied multiple methods of communication should you wish to contact them with a problem or a question. The most convenient way would be to call them at over the telephone. Another way to get in touch is via email, at [email protected]. The third option is to use the live chat system on their website. All operators speak excellent Italian and will be able to assist you with any and all problems. Customer Service is available to players seven days a week.
Customer Service and the website itself are available only in Italian. You have to keep that in mind if you are an international player and wish to make use of the casino’s services.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

Star Casino is one of the most respected casinos on the Italian gambling market. It holds a license issued by the Autonomous Administration of State Monopolies (AAMS from Italian), which regulates and sets the standards for casinos operating in the jurisdiction of the Italian Republic. Additionally, their random number generation systems are tested regularly by TST, a reputable firm known for guaranteeing the randomness of online casino games. With all this in place, players can rest assured knowing that their results are truly random and are not tampered with.
Star Casino is primarily directed at the Italian market and is not intended for international users. Despite this, players from foreign countries may attempt to register on the website. On the registration page, you will be asked to supply proof of identification and enter some personal information. This is a standard requirement for every well-established online casino with an AAMS license. If you manage to register you have to keep in mind that the website and the support service provided by its agents are exclusively in Italian, so if you do not speak the language, you will have a hard time here.
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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Apr 27, 1987

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-5-1987 1-12-1987 1-18-1987 2-2-1987
2-9-1987 2-16-1987 2-23-1987 3-2-1987
3-9-1987 3-16-1987 3-23-1987 4-6-1987
4-13-1987 4-20-1987 - -
  • ”Unlike his two older brothers who died tragic deaths, in Mike’s case it’s closer to the truth to say he lived a tragic life.” Mike Von Erich, age 23, died of an overdose of tranquilizers on either April 11 or 12 in an apparent suicide. He never was physically or mentally equipped for pro wrestling, yet he was pressured into it anyway and pushed so hard that even he seemed embarrassed by it. In his first promo ahead of his first match, Fritz and Mark Lawrence were pushing the idea that Mike was more talented than his three brothers, who were at the peak of their popularity. Mike never seemed comfortable with that comparison. And despite only ever losing a handful of matches in his career, Mike never was taken seriously as a big star, and even before the toxic shock syndrome incident nearly two years ago at least two promoters had told Dave that pushing Mike would kill World Class.
  • Mike’s issues with addiction began during recovery from toxic shock. He had car accidents, DUIs, and regular appearances in the newspapers for small misbehaviors. On July 4, 1986 he returned to action and was billed as “The Living Miracle,” but it was clear he wasn’t fully recovered. On the morning of April 11 he was driving in Argyle, Texas (the same city Kerry had his motorcycle accident) and was pulled over. He was arrested for a DUI, possession of marijuana, and possession of a controlled substance before he was bailed out. That was the last he was seen alive. His family assumed the worst on the 13th and told friends that they thought he was dead. Police were called and his truck was found near Lake Lewisville with an unsigned suicide note in his writing. They tried to find his body in the lake for a few days, but no luck came. The news went public on April 15 when someone connected the Adkisson last name to the Von Erichs, a court reporter or a police department worker, most likely. His body was found by a police dog, zipped in his sleeping bag near the lake. His funeral was held on April 18 and about 500 fans attended.
  • Dave’s not even going to speculate about what this means for World Class or the future of the Von Erich family. He just hopes Fritz doesn’t try to capitalize on it and make the May 3 show a David and Mike memorial show and try to profit off pictures and t-shirts with Mike’s face on them, but he already knows he’s wrong about that. Dave lived in north Texas in 1984 and remembers very well firsthand how World Class treated the death of David Von Erich, and he’ll never forget the “crass commercialization of the death--seeing the t-shirts raised to $20 and photos to $10--rushing out a record and a book that seemingly went public within days, etc.”
  • The zombified corpse of UWF is shambling about in the news still. The April 18 tapings of Power Pro Wrestling have happened, and several Crockett ideas have been implemented. UWF will now have longer ring introductions (fans aren’t happy but will probably get used to it), Jim Ross has been put at ringside for ring announcing duties rather than having a podium in the back, and Big Bubba Rogers is the only JCP/NWA guy to come over so far. Magnum T.A. will be the new color commentator starting at the next tapings, and John Ayres of the San Francisco 49ers will be the new commissioner (his teammate, Russ Francis, has been doing color for AWA tapings in Vegas and refereed a few matches as well, and later on we’ll note he’s making his wrestling debut on the May 2 card there). Ayres was a teammate of Tully Blanchard, Manny Fernandez, Ted DiBiase, Tito Santana, and Kelly Kiniski in his college days at West Texas State. Ayres has talked about jumping to pro wrestling when his football career is done (which Dave figures is probably a year or so from now). Popping ahead to the future: Ayres won’t go on to a pro wrestling career after his football career, and will retire following his jump to the Broncos and loss in the SuperBowl in 1988.
  • Anyway, there will be a brief UWF hiatus at the end of the month and UWF crew status is uncertain. The last house show currently scheduled is April 28 in Albuquerque, and there will only be tv tapings for UWF until Dusty’s happy with where the storylines are, which may take until June. The Houston office has switched allegiance to WWF, and the Fort Worth area is genuinely in danger of dying as far as interest goes. Buzz Sawyer, Sam Houston (to join his brother and father in WWF), Nickla, Missy Hyatt (to WWF) are all definitely gone. Probably leaving are One Man Gang (Dave says he’s likely to be Hogan’s next monster by late summer), Savannah Jack, and Bill Irwin.Eddie Gilbert is staying as Dusty’s booking assistant, as are Rick Steiner, Sting, Scandor Akbar, Angel Muhammad, Terry Taylor, Chavo Guerrero, Gary Young, and Chris Adams. No word yet on how where the Freebirds and Sunshine will land.
  • Ted DiBiase and Steve Williams are the big question marks. DiBiase is currently in Japan, so no idea what he’s thinking, but both JCP/NWA and WWF want him, no doubt about it. Williams could stand to be the biggest winner here, for similar reasons, as he’s also highly coveted and hasn’t made a commitment either way.
  • Jim Neidhart’s trial began on April 13. He’s accused of punching a flight attendant on a flight. The key witness for the prosecution, the head flight attendant, testified that she saw Neidhart punch the accuser on the left arm four times near the beginning of the flight, then again later and also slapped her with the back of her hand. Jerry McDevitt, our favorite WWF legal counsel, claims Neidhart merely tapped her on the arm and says he has many passengers willing to testify to this claim. Due to the accuser’s job as a flight attendant, the charge is interference with a flight attendant on duty and carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $275,000 fine.
  • Riki Choshu has announced a new Ishingun stable. The new group includes Masa Saito, Kuniyaki Kobayashi, Hiroshi Hase, Nobuo Honaga, Shunji Takano, Super Strong Machine, and Hiro Saito. Yoshiaki Yatsu, Shinichi Nakano, Isamu Teranishi, Masanobu Kurusu, and Haruka Eigen have remained with All Japan. Animal Hamaguchi has announced his retirement rather than picking a side.
  • Rather than settle the contract issues in court, Baba demanded Inoki settle out of court for $600,000. New Japan refused the demand, but if they don’t ocme to some kind of agreement then Choshu and his crew can’t legally work for Inoki so something’s got to give. Especially since New Japan is already selling tickets and advertising Choshu for shows. And while Choshu and crew jumping makes New Japan the place to look for the best wrestlers, they’ve got some obstacles. Choshu’s popularity has taken a big hit with all this controversy, and New Japan’s tv is a complete disaster. Their new show is kind of like Tuesday Night Titans and was mainly comedy, which is no good for New Japan. This show has replaced their old tv with arena main events, and it’s been plummeting in the ratings since it debuted, coming in at half of what the old show had been getting. It’s so bad that this might be the lowest rated show on prime time network tv in Japan currently, which would be disastrous for wrestling’s popularity in Japan. If all the young stars are seen on this show not wrestling and instead doing poor comedy, it’s hard to think it’ll work out well for viewership (did you hear that, WWE?).
  • Ken Patera’s getting a big babyface push on WWF tv, and they brought up his time in jail. In 1985, Patera and Masa Saito were arrested after Patera angrily threw a rock through a McDonald’s window. They proceeded to assault the officers called in to deal with them, and Patera was eventually sentenced to two years in prison (he signed with WWF between the incident and his jail sentence). Okerlund brought this up, and Patera admitted remorse on tv, but literally every account Dave’s ever heard, even recently, has Patera maintaining innocence (his complete lack of remorse is why he was denied parole, supposedly).
  • Just some notes on Puerto Rico. The style here is high on blood and violence, light on actual moves. Bruiser Brody is a face here after helping Invader #1 against Abdullah the Butcher and Jason the Terrible. The chase between Brody and Abby was comical as Brody had to zigzag to avoid catching up, prompting Dave to speculate that Brody could give Abby a 35 yard head start in a 40 yard race and still win.
  • Dingo Warrior was fired in WCCW for refusing to job to Nord the Barbarian. Something a little ironic about Brody firing someone for refusing to job.
  • Also that rich Texas guy Bum Bright? He seems to be cooling off on relations with Fritz Von Erich. Apparently he has a bit on his plate, as Dallas Cowboy Rafael Septien has pled guilty (he’s been on trial for some kind of indecent acts involving a minor).
  • [JCP/NWA] Ricky Morton’s eye injury is just a scratched retina. He should be back in the ring in a few weeks.
  • JCP ran their April 12 show in Marietta, Georgia against the UWF show at the Omni. Yes, they already owned UWF by this point. They drew 850 fans. The UWF show drew 8500 fans.
  • Central States is doing an angle where Warlord is actually a Russian posing as an American. Dave finds this funny because Warlord is actually a statue posing as a wrestler.
  • Also Debbie Combs beat Penny Mitchell in Central States to win the women’s championship. This is just a match result here in the newsletter, but it’s actually kind of an important result. After Moolah sold the title to Vince, there was no more NWA World Women’s Title, and Debbie wound up being crowned the next champion in 1986 in a quite possibly kayfabe battle royal in Hawai'i. After Central States withdrew from the NWA when JCP abandoned the territory and sold it back to Bob Geigel in February of 1987, the NWA World Women’s Title was suspended - Crockett had no use for it. So here we have a match for a vacant NWA World Women’s title in a non-NWA territory, but this win is going to be the basis for the continued lineage of the title up through 1996 and will be recognized by the NWA to this day.
  • Shinobu Kandori, who recently retired, may be coming back to work with AJW. Magazine interviews have her challenging Chigusa Nagayo. Guess she liked wrestling enough after all (she’s still wrestling 32 years later, even while she’s been a member of the Japanese Diet for over a decade).
  • AJW and WWF are negotiating a U.S. tour for the Jumping Bomb Angels. Dave thinks there are two things preventing this from getting over in the U.S. First is that WWF is full of Moolah’s girls, so there goes any point in having joshis wrestle here if you’re just going to hamstring them by putting them in the ring against wrestlers who are comparatively randoms pulled from the street. Secondly, they’re super small and that’s going to be a hard sell to WWF audiences. But hey, you never know. Maybe Vince will do good with women’s wrestling this time around. You never know, these things are possible.
  • Bunch of All Japan results. Ted DiBiase’s on this tour, as are Tommy Rich and Carlos Colon. Colon left the tour after April 10 because he’s not cut out for this style. Fans didn’t care for Tommy Rich and thought he wasn’t good enough as a wrestler to hang, which made it hard to take him seriously.
  • The IWGP tournament is looking to be really hot this year. It’s got a big line up Inoki, Kimura, Mutoh, Mada, Fujiwara, Choshu, Saito, Kevin Von Erich, Kobayashi, Steve Williams, and more). Andre the Giant and Kerry Von Erich are officially announced as not part of the tournament. Meanwhile, Dick Murdoch was at an All Japan show in the dressing room, but Baba claims he’s not trying to poach him.
  • Someone writes in wanting to know who the most effective heels are in Japan. Dave comments that Japan doesn’t really do heels the way we do over here - the context is primarily about athletic rivalry, so fans cheer both guys as they please. When they do boo someone (Lance Von Erich, for example), it’s because they don’t want to see him, not because he’s getting heat. So let it be known that the originator of X-Pac heat was Lance Von Erich.
  • Another letter asks why Bruiser Brody isn’t signed with anyone worthwhile. Dave says that what Brody probably likes is he has something no wrestler working for a major promotion actually has: independence. He works when he wants, isn’t beholden to anybody, and still makes good money (and when he was working Japan regularly, he was probably one of the highest paid wrestlers around). Dave figures his independence means a lot to him, although he suspects if the business continues to narrow we may see Brody sign somewhere (Unfortunately, Brody has about 14 months left before he’s murdered and we never find out if he would have signed somewhere).
  • A few letters react to the buyout of UWF. Everybody agrees it was shocking. One writer doesn’t want to think about what it’ll be like without Watts running the show, but loves the idea of getting to see Ric Flair and the Road Warriors. Another says the only thing that could be as shocking this year is if Hogan dropped the title, and “that’s certainly not going to happen.” (Only missed it by two months). Another worries that Crockett might tone down UWF’s tv and hopes that things can stay the same but with more talent available.
  • We’re also still getting a lot of comments on Misty Blue and Dave’s remarks about Misty. The last letter writer mentioned above also commented saying he doesn’t agree with the comments saying Dave is sexist, but does think Flair and Okerlund should tone down the sexist remarks they make because kids are watching and what if a censor actually started paying attention/ Another says he was furious when they cut away from the match since women’s matches are so rare for Crockett. Why bother showing it if you’re going to just cut away and make yourself look inferior to McMahon in yet another way. He says the only reason he brings it up is he thought Dave’s comments about her looks were ridiculous and doesn’t understand why, whether Dave thinks she is or not, Dave would call her ugly in a newsletter. Lastly, another reader says Dave spends too much time apologizing here and he’s indignant about Dave being called a sexist. He wants us to know that he’s sure he speaks for the majority in saying that Dave’s remarks were inoffensive. He brings up Dave critiquing the powerlifter types and how male wrestlers who sell themselves as sex symbols (Magnum T.A. for example) might be hurting that by blading too much, also fans call women worse things so what about that?
  • Memphis: Paul E. Dangerously has been renamed. He’s now Paul Dangerly, and he’s managing Austin Idol.
  • [Florida] Pex Whatley was moving from Charlotte to Tampa and his moving truck was stolen. Everything he and his family owned is gone.
  • AWA fired Col. DeBeers and Buddy Rose after that independent show. Rose is hoping to jump to WWF, but if he does it’ll be as a job guy.
  • Here’s a look at what the tv offerings in the Bay area look like on Saturdays. From 11 to noon you have AWA (channel 20), NWA Pro (channel 26), Pro wrestling this week (channel 44), NWA Florida (channel 48), UWF Power Pro (channel 40). Dave says any of those groups thinking they’re going to get any kind of audience is a mistake. Then from 11 pm you have WWF (channel 31, plus NBC for Saturday Night’s Main Events every other month or so), UWF (channel 11), NWA Worldwide (channel 26). Also WWF(who dominate this market) has a 10 am Saturday slot, and they’re finally facing competition in the form of GLOW (channel 44), which shows that if you think wrestling is run by people who don’t make sense, that’s nothing compared to those who run tv stations in San Francisco.
  • Jim Neidhart was acquitted of all charges. Dave finds it curious how the charges made all the papers, but the verdict not so much. More on this next week.
  • Big Bubba Rogers beat One Man Gang for the UWF Title. This is just a quick note scrawled on the bottom. This is, in hindsight, where a lot of people peg Crockett’s takeover of UWF as failing.
Watch: Big Bubba Rogers wins the UWF Title
NEXT ISSUE: WCCW billing Mike and David Memorial show, Jim Neidhart acquitted, and more
submitted by SaintRidley to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]


The metasediments are intensely folded along the contact with the intrusive. The mine area is located along the limbs of the anticlinal structures with most of the workings following either the igneous-sedimentary contact, or the southeast-trending fault and vein systems.
Super easy geology.
Super easy mine layout. A large, open adit; one way in, one way out. Easy access main draft, all nicely gobbed, cribbed, and trussed. Safe as houses. No shafts to surface, and only a few lateral drifts. It’s drier than Carrie Nation’s panties, no moisture at all. It’s probably a real honeycomb hangout for the locals; all the more reason I chose this property to blast first.
I arrived there in my new Hummer in only 75 minutes. Damn, that MIL-spec truck has some power.
I back the truck and trailer in so the trailer is right up against an outcrop wall of some of the nicest, cleanest sandstone I’ve seen in a quite a while. It forms a nice, natural amphitheater, about 250-300 meters in length, with a slight concave curve. It’s a great place to pitch camp and less than 10 minutes later, I’ve got a nice little campfire going in my nice, little, newly constructed campfire pit.
I have my feet up in my new, Bureau-supplied camp chair, a beer in one arm of the chair, and a cigar in the ashtray in the other arm.
I have the Bureau-supplied (from now on: “B-S”) spotting binoculars and I’m looking directly down the only route available that’s not pocked with VW Beetle-sized potholes and refrigerator-sized boulders. It’s not just an easy mine, it’s fairly easy access.
I’m working on my ubiquitous notes, and a fourth beer, when about an hour later, I hear a couple of vehicles headed my way.
I look through the binoculars and see it’s the catering service the Bureau has laid on for the duration of the trip. They are contracted to do everything. Feed us, clean up, stock groceries and drinks, provide Port-A-Johns, and follow us from mine to mine.
Sounds weird, I’ll admit. I never had such service out in the field, but it’s fairly common in these parts. As mines were becoming old, less profitable, harder to work, or just plain playing out; the owners would plump for big mine-mouth parties in order to entice investors to stick a crowbar in their wallets and pony up for percentages of the mine’s operation and take.
Whatever the story, it’s made logistics much nicer since someone else has to look after the madding crowds.
They arrive with two large, carnival funnel cake-style trailers in tow. They ask me where is the best place to park, so I lead then down the arenaceous amphitheater and have them park and set up in its shadow some 150 meters distant from me.
That done and dusted, I return to my notes, cigar, and beer.
All I hear are the trailers unfolding and being prepared. One contains a Texas-style and size pit bar-be-que, rotisserie, flat-top grills, and waffle irons. The other has all the drinks, seats, cutlery, MASH-style chow trays, dishwashing, and refuse facilities.
These guys are set up and grilling lunch in less than an hour’s time. They have got their shit together.
About 20 minutes later, a large flatbed truck with an overhead crane and about 8 Port-A-Johns arrives. I direct him over to an adjacent hillock, which has a nice, flat area for him to set up the PortaSan farm. Out of sight, out of mind, and hopefully, out of olfactory range.
He sets up and is gone in less than half an hour. Still, no one from the project has shown up.
I christen the Porta-loos and look down the ‘road’ for any sign of anyone. The Port-A-John truck is long gone, as is his dust cloud. There’s nothing on the horizon, so I go back to my notes, beer, and a comfy chair.
I stoke the campfire, because reasons. I do a walk around what I consider to be the campsite. No rattlers, scorpions, cougars, tax attorneys, estate agents, or other nasty critters in evidence. I pound in some stakes and string bright orange tape, delimiting what would be a good assortment of places to park a trailer or set up a tent.
Another hour later, and still no sign of the group. I heave a sigh, crack a beer, add a bit of Russian Imperial, and settle back down with the latest issue of Mining Monthly.
The “Slushpit” is a monthly mining humor column. This month is a cracker. I’m sitting there, giggling like a loon.
I finish that issue, and still no one, and no sign of anyone on the trail.
I wander up to the mine adit and it’s a doddle. A large, gaping earthen maw, surrounded by rusty barbed wire, a torn down and destroyed “STAY OUT! STAY ALIVE!” sign. The iron door had been ripped off, by someone with a chain and a pickup, no doubt. I shine my torch down the main tunnel and see plenty of piles of party puckle.
I’m going to really enjoy demolishing this place.
“If anyone else ever fucking gets here!” My shout echoing down the abandoned mine tunnel.
It was five hours from departure time before any one of our group arrived. No trailer, just a University of Pennsyltucky four-by-four. They were going to be tenting. I pointed out my spontaneous trailer park layout and said: “First come, first served.”
They chose slot #1. Very creative.
I told them I was over on the backside of the bluff.
“Come on over and grab a beer,” I told them.
I figured they’d set records pitching camp and hot-footing it over.
I was wrong.
I forgot these weren’t real geologists.
It was getting late in the afternoon and a couple of trailers actually showed up. I pointed out the trailer park, listened to them bitch about one thing or another, and left them to their own devices. I was the only one who had a lovely catered lunch that day.
I spray-painted an outcrop with biodegradable blaze-orange paint, which would only last a week or two out here. It was pointing out the mine adit direction, direction to the trailer park, the route to the PortaSan farm, and direction to camp central where the food, drink, and the administrator of this little project were parked.
“They’re supposedly clever people,” I mused on the walk back, “If they can’t figure this out, I weep for their generation.”
Back at base camp, I dragged out my B-S cooler and fished out another beer. May as well, ain’t nothing of any importance going to get accomplished today. 100 grams of Russian Imperial made me feel much better and able to ignore the gripes of tyros filtering over the adjacent outcrop.
“Jesus Q. Queefmonsters,” I thought aloud, “What a bunch of whiners. Can’t wait until I get them in a nasty ol’ flooded mine full of mud, bat shit, and piles of breakdown.”
The dining cars were whipping up a wonderful smelling dinner.
I was on high alert. That amount of smoke and that delectable aroma would draw scavengers of both the two and four-legged variety from miles around. I decided that we needed some form of identification before we fed people.
Can’t let the Bureau feed all of Nevada now, can we?
With a roll of CSI-style “Crime scene: Do Not Cross” tape, I whipped up about two dozen armbands.
Get one from the camp boss feller, and wear it proudly. That way you get fed. Don’t have one? Tough tits. No soup for you, one year!
I fired up a new cigar, and shoved a cold beer in my empty Estwing hammer holster, which just so happens, will hold a 16-ounce beer like it was designed for it. Gotta love those Estwing geological supplies folks.
Armed with a dozen armbands, I walk over to the trailer park to distribute them.
Good thing I’m used to the cold, for the glacial reception I received would have slain any non-ethanol-fueled organic lifeform.
“Fuck,” I mutter on the way back to camp, “You’d think I was handing out smallpox popsicles. What’s with these wigglers, anyways? Why are they here if they’re going to be so damned contrary and fucking miserable?”
I received no answer, as the wind just sighed Maria. I wandered over to the cook shacks and explained the armband system. They understood completely and was glad I was there.
I got to sign what seemed like a hundred inventory lists.
Back at my camp, I was working on my field notebooks, a beer, well, Yorsh, and a cigar. I figured that when a few more folks filtered in, they’d figure out the system, and they’d have to traipse past me on the way to dinner.
No such luck.
By now, perhaps 75% of the project participants had found their way here. They were either setting up tents or fucking around their trailers, muttering about how bad the roads were.
If they only read the prospectus I had written. “Rough roads where roads exist at all. Four-wheel drive a necessity. Primitive camping. Limited or non-existent facilities.”
I thought the Bureau went above and beyond the call laying in the food, drinks, and personnel to handle the care and feeding of these ungrateful bastards.
One last time, I wandered over to the trailer park and announced that dinner was ready anytime you were. Armbands were necessary. I have them here. Get them while they’re hot.
Stomping back to camp, I floomp heavily down in my chair and grab a solid 200 grams of Russian Imperial, drain half a new beer and pour in the potato juice.
“What a bunch of fucking…early Leos!” I laughed, in spite of myself.
Suddenly, the absurdity of the situation hit.
Do what you want or don’t do what you don’t. Makes no never mind to me. I get paid either way. The only thing I can really get ratty about is if they don’t listen to safety lectures. Then I can toss their ass, so I have that going for me, which is nice.
I went to the cook shack and started in on dinner. Texas-style barbequed side of beef, sausage, smoked pork, brisket, pinto beans, sweet corn, pickles, sliced onions, and cornbread laden with jalapenos.
These guys knew how to do a camp dinner.
Afters were Peach Cobbler and vanilla ice cream.
Ah, you can’t beat a classic.
Filled to near critical mass, I thank the cook crew, clean up after myself, and head back to my camp.
It’s about to get dark so I fire up my Coleman lantern. I set it on a stump of wood I found back near the mine adit. It lit the surrounding area nicely.
I could see a few people in the dark try and sneak by me unseen on their way to dinner. Some had armbands, most did not. The ones with armbands took food enough for two people and shared it with the no armband crowd.
I waited until the malefactors departed, went to the cook shack, and explained that they are to dole out the chow, no more self-serve. As much as reasonable for one person. No sharing.
They don’t like that, tough tits. Dems da rules.
I whipped up some signs and had the cooks post them: “No armband, no food.” “No sharing.” “No arguing with the cooks. Problems? See the camp boss.”
Well, if nothing else, I had the cooks solidly on my side.
I couldn’t really believe this absurd situation. Not even the end of the first bloody day and I’ve got educated idiots breaking the rules, whining like whipped puppies, and bitching and moaning like a Communist on Wall Street.
How’s that for a dated metaphor?
I walk over to the trailer park. I survey the situation. Lots of MASH trays lying around. Evidently, people were sharing armbands and bringing back their trays to eat back here.
Then they’d go back for seconds and share. Goddamned lazy fucking bastards.
Now I’m really pissed.
I went back to my truck and fished out the B-S megaphone.
I walked over to the trailer park.
“ATTENTION!” I shouted.
Very few people even bothered to look.
That got a few more head swivels.
I walked down the line of trailers and tents. I was shouting instructions. No one was listening.
Slow burn. I counted from twenty back to one, slowly.
One more time, I figured. One more time. If not, then…
No one even bothered to look.
“OK, clever Dicks.” They didn’t realize that I’m writing up participation and cooperation reports on each and every one of these SOBs. They might be PhDs, but some were struggling for tenure. Some were trying for a raise. Some were grappling to land a promotion.
Zip. Zilch. Zero. Not so much as a dirty look.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and almost deck the person responsible.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy. Steady, Rock,” the voice said.
I knew that voice. But, from where? From whom?
“Don’t you remember me?” the voice asked.
“Damned if I don’t. Sorry…” I say.
“Damn, you must be really pissed off. “ the voice says, “Don’t you remember back in Antarctica?”
“Yes, I do….HOLY FUCK! LUCUS!” I shout.
“About fucking time.” Be smirks.
“Let us leave this place. On to my camp, where we will regale each other of our manly stories over beer, vodka, and cigars!” I say.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Lucas agreed.
Back at camp central, Lucas and I were catching up on old times. He never finished his Ph.D. as he got a job at the Royal Tyrell Museum as a field operator and preparator.
“I saw your notice for this field project. I whored myself out to Dr. D who is Canadian and hasn’t arrived yet due to him leaving Calgary late.” He explained.
Lucas was to go on ahead and see to logistics. Dr. D would follow as soon as he could.
Dr. D was a mining geologist/paleontologist up in Canada and they have a very similar problem with abandoned mines. Lucas pointed out my project to him and one thing leads to another, and well, here he is.
“Lucas,” I asked, “What’s with these people? Is it me? What?”
“Rock,” Lucas explains between puffs on a cigar and slurps of Yorsh, “It’s not you. They hate all authority. They’re a bunch of environmental watermelons. Y’know, all green on the outside, red on the inside. They genetically hate being told what to do or not to do.”
“And I not only represent authority,” I add, “But I’m evil personified because I work in the oil fields. And the mining industry. And in helium. Hell, I once even dabbled in selling Siberian larches…”
“Yep, yer evil,” Lucas replies, “What are your intentions?”
“I’ve got a right mind,” I say, between slurps of beer, “to run their scaly asses off. They’ve violated every fucking rule since this little shindig has begun. Y’know, fuck’em. Let’s go make some ignoble people really unhappy.”
“Right behind you, Rock,” Lucas says. “Let’s do this thing.”
We walk with fixity of resolve back to the trailer park. I go up to the first trailer and knock.
“Oooh. What do you want?” was our oh-so-cordial greeting.
“Your asses out of here. You’re gone. Finished. Pack up and get the hell out. Right now. There will be no second alert. Vamoose!” I say, satellite phone prominent in my hand.
The second trailer was a repeat of the first. As was trailer three through eleven.
Lucas and I are walking back down in front of the trailer park. There’s an irate mob of industrial scientific Refuseniks that Lucas and I had just bounced.
“Argle bargle! Vorbel! Moosh! You can’t do this. You have no authority! I’m privileged so you can’t do this to me! I’m entitled! I have a degree! You can’t do this to me!” they cried.
Since I finally had their attention, I spoke up: “Yes, I do have the authority. You agreed to that when you signed on. Not my problem you didn’t read the whole project description. I have every right to kick your ignorant asses out. Without the refund of any fees.”
“We have PhDs, you know. We’re not ignorant.” Some fool shouted.
“So do I, you moron,” I replied, “That you have advanced degrees simply indicates that you’re educated fools as well as oblivious.”
That actually gave them pause.
“Plus, I will be writing official and certified communiques to each and every one of your institutions, companies, or day-cares a detailed report of what transpired since this morning. I’m certain that will help immensely all your wrangles with tenure, promotions, or raises.”
I said, turned to Lucas and continued, “Let’s go. I have a lot of poison-pen letters to author. There’s also a lonely case of beer calling out in terror. We must save it!”
The hubbub hubbubbed all hubblybubbly as Lucas and I walked back to my camp. Lucas said he’d return in a trice; he was getting his tent and bunking over here, out of the range of retards.
I flopped down heavily in my camp chair. I decided to await Lucas’ return before cracking a cold one.
A half an hour later, Lucas comes running over. I had been futzing with the truck radio trying to find a weather report. I saw what I thought might be lightning flashes in the distance. They may be trailer park idiots, but I don’t want them to drown…well, not too much.
Lucas runs in and breathlessly tells me there’s evil afoot that must be cast asunder.
“What’s up?’ I asked.
“Bikers,” Lucas explained, “Drunk or drugged up bikers. They either saw the camp lights or smelled the food. They’re over at the trailer park right now terrorizing the enviros.”
“Fuckbuckets.” I groaned. “OK. Let’s go save the thankless masses.”
But first, a new cigar, and my miner’s hardhat with high-intensity lamp. I outfitted Lucas similarly and gave him the satellite phone, already pre-programmed with the Nevada State Police’s number.
“Let’s go read ‘em the riot act, Lucas,” I said, wearily.
“Right behind you, Rock,” Lucas chuckled, as he was being quite literal.
We left my camp and trudged down to shantytown, the habitat of the educated idiot.
There were four or five scruffy-looking Nerf-herder types on dirt bikes spewing rations of figurative shit on the terrified trailer park residents. Spinning their bikes in circles, spraying earthen rooster-tails everywhere. Revving engines. Displaying gross mammalian threat postures. Making demands for money. Generally being type-section assholes.
Lucas and I walk up and ask in a loud steady voice: “RIGHT! What’s all this then?”
The bikers all stop what they were doing and focus intently on Lucas and me. With our high-intensity headlights, they only saw jagged, sparkly silhouettes. We both had gone all Empire Strikes Back Ben Kenobi on them temporarily.
“We were just asking for a little handover. We want whatever you got, motherfucker. Hand it over!” The lead tough said, laughing.
“Now, now, gentlemen.” I say, slowly and silently unclipping the restraining strap on my .454, “Is this how people act in a polite, civilized society?”
“Fuck you, motherfucker!” Mr. Sparkling Dialogue continues, revving forward aggressively on his machine, “Gimme what you got. Gimme your fuckin’ wallet. Gimme your…”
He never got the opportunity to finish that statement.
It had been a tiring, unpleasant day. I was in no mood to deal with these assholes, on either side of the trailer park.
I snap-drew my Bureau-supplied sidearm and loosed a shot that I’m very certain was heard in the next county. The lead tough’s hand flew up against his head, scared to look at what might have disappeared. I deliberately missed all the biker gang members, but not by very much.
“You wanted something?” I asked, “That was 350 grains of .454 Magnum copper-jacketed hollow point lead at 2,100 feet per second. Like another, this time between your fucking beady little eyes, Buckwheat?”
Lucas shouts, “You dare cross the Motherfucking Pro from Dover? He’s a dead shot and has five rounds left, one for the each of you. You called down the fucking thunder this time, assholes!”
It’s great having a good wingman.
True, I only had four rounds left, but they didn’t know that. I did have two full speed loaders in my field vest, though.
I walked over closer, pistol at high alert. I dimmed my headlamp and sauntered up to the lead miscreant.
“OK, here’s how it goes.” I quietly explain, “You stole anything from these folks, you return it now, or I’ll kill you. Simple as that. No drama. No ‘I’ll blow your brains out’. No ‘I’ll drop you where you stand’. I’ll just fuckin’ kill you, simple as that. You or your buddies try and rush me or my comrade; I’ll kill you, simple as that. You annoy me or my friend here any further; I’ll kill you, simple as that. Whatever might happen in the next 30 seconds, you die first. There is no scenario where that fact changes. Got that? We green?”
“Wha…wha…what?” he stammers, transfixed on the huge, still smoking barrel of my pistol.
“We green? Are we in agreement? Do you understand me? You savvy, Scooter? You diggin’ me, Beaumont?” I ask quietly.
No reply.
“Y’know, you are really starting to irritate me, lunchmeat,” I say.
Lucas walks closer, and tells the head hooligan, “That’s not a good idea, you know. He’s a bit cranky right now. And heavily armed. Plus he’s very upset with you. Not a good combination.”
One of the toughs in the background was slowly easing off his bike. He was deliberately going for a length of pipe or metal rod that was lying on the ground; an old claim marker probably. He supposed I didn’t see him, what with me being so focused on the leader of their pack.
Without warning, I crack off another round and send a leaping gout of dirt and shattered rock all over the character going for the pipe or the inanimate metal rod; as well as the three idiots standing behind him. The rod lands about six feet distant.
Did I ever mention that the report of a fired .454 Magnum is kind of loud?
About 135 decibels to the unprotected ear, as I recall. I’m already half deaf, so I only get 67.5 decibels.
I return my sidearm to a high alert stance. The cordite and gunpowder fumes wafted over the head malefactor who was currently searching for his hearing, testicles, and voice.
“Oh, dear,” I say, loudly, “Now I only have four rounds left. Some of you are just going to have to share.”
Slowly, and in unison, their hands go skyward.
“OK, seems we have a quorum,” I say over the barrel of my weapon, “Off the bikes, and stand over there in the light where we can see you. One false move and Scooter here gets a .454 caliber lobotomy. Lucas, give them a hand with any ill-gotten gain, drugs, or weapons.”
They realized they were fucked; well, good, and true. They try something, and their leader gets messily scattered all over the landscape. I made out like I was a bit on the wild side, so they really believed I’d change their leader’s name to Jack O ’Lantern if they didn’t comply immediately.
And then, they’d be next in line.
They hadn’t yet stolen anything, yet, but Lucas did find a couple of cheap-ass switchblade knives, a nasty looking rusty sheath knife, a hunk of 1.5” diameter cold rolled inanimate bar stock with a big fresh gouge in it, a small .32 caliber Saturday Night Special, several glassine bags of some white crystalline powder, filthy glass smoking pipes, a couple of diabetic-supply syringes, some rainbow-colored capsules that I don’t think were Sudafed, and a fair quantity of Cannabis sativa.
Lucas also found a fucking set of brass knuckles. Go figure.
Lucas ordered all of the ruffians to sit down upon the dusty ground, on their hands. They obeyed immediately.
I growled at the lead miscreant to do likewise. He shook his head in the affirmative quickly as I followed the motion with the barrel of my gun.
Now, all five were sitting on their hands in the untidy loose red earth. I asked Lucas if he’d be so kind as to carefully remove all the bikes from out of the line of fire.
“No use ruining good saleable hardware over a bunch of worthless degenerates,” I said very loudly.
I pulled a speed loader out of my vest and topped off my pistol. They saw that although I didn’t carry six rounds, I still had five. Which was more than enough.
“OK,” I asked, “What’s the fucking deal here? We’re a bunch of scientists out on a state-sanctioned field trip and you dudes show up and start in a ruckus. I mean, what the actual fuck?”
There was absolutely no answer, just some whimpers as I swept my newly reloaded pistol over their heads.
I put the fire to my cigar and looked at the bozos on the ground. They could tell that was not the answer for which I was looking. I blew a large blue smoke cloud in their general direction.
“Y’know something, boys?” I said, very calmly, with distinctly Jokerish overtones, “It’s been a pure bitch of a day. From the get-go, I ask questions, and all I get is silence or static. Y’know something? That really makes me angry. VERY ANGRY INDEED!
I raise my weapon and amp up my miner’s headlamp so they all have a clear view. I let them see my wide, staring eyes, and that I was serious. Or unhinged. Or seriously unhinged.
“Now, I will politely ask one more time. The final time.” I note, “What the actual fuck, Scooter?”
“We were jes’ having some fun,” one finally stammers out.
“Dying for trinkets sure doesn’t sound like any fun to me,” I reply.
“Wha…wha...wah...” he stammers.
“Oh, make no mistake, me old muckers,” I state to all seated on the ground, “I go ahead and shoot each of you from this distance, right in the fuckin’ head, we won’t even need to dig you any shallow graves. Maybe, I’ll just first march you over to that old mine over yonder we’re going to demolish tomorrow. Now, isn’t it nice how that’d all work out?”
The guys on the ground were sweating like Nixon during a Senate Subcommittee hearing. They were shaking like a bartender when ‘James Bond’ vodka martinis are on special for happy hour.
“And these sorry-ass characters?” I motion over my shoulder with my thumb to the trailer park, “They’re all deaf-mutes, I think. They can’t or won’t say word one. So, I tell the State Boys that I had to shoot you all to a bloody, gory death in self-defense. Pfft. They won’t say fuckin’ ‘boo’. You see, gents, I’m licensed to carry, so I’m legally justified.”
“Plus, I’m from Texas,” I add, smiling through my cigar.
Their eyes go wide as Christmas dinner platters. I think one wet himself as I slowly cocked and uncocked the huge double-action revolver in my hand.
“Yeah, fuck, but it’s sure gonna be wicked messy,” I smile, doing my best Jack Nicholson impression, “But, hey. That’s what coyotes, crows, and worms are for! They gotta eat too, the poor little critters.”
Lucas just can’t contain himself at that last line. He busts out laughing.
“Oh, ignore Lucas,” I warn them, “He just laughs out of nervousness and the thought of the unholy mess I’ll make out here.”
It finally registers with the guys on the ground that I was either deadly serious, out of my mind; I guess they figured that from my Hawaiian shirt, or completely hopping mad.
Whatever way you sliced it, it didn’t look too good for the hometown team that night.
“So,” I ask, “What’s the deal here, guys? Hit a remote campground, terrorize the campers, steal what you can, rough them up a bit, and then motor off to buy some fresh ice, meth, or Special K?”
They said nothing.
“You know, gentlemen”, I said, disarmingly charming and calmly as I walked over, getting right in their faces with Mr. Caliber .454, “I am getting a little AGGRAVATED with no one answering me today. You can’t talk? Fine. Just motion to which knee you really don’t like. I’ll shoot you there and see if you’re all really a bunch of literal dummies.”
Lucas walks up smiling, fully in on my little game, and adds: “He’ll do it, too. I've seen him do it.”, shaking his head rapidly in agreement.
I stand straight up and ease back the hammer on my pistol. The gun is now fully cocked and aimed at Cygnus I-4G.
Lucas continues: “Talk to me, boys, he's crazy when he's like this.”
I expend a round out into the ether. I know there’s nothing out there for miles but rocks, sand, and Pleistocene alluvium.
“NO! WAIT!”, one of them screams. “We were out riding around looking for something to do. We saw your camp and figured it’d be easy pickings. We rode in and started rousting the campers. We’re sorry. Oh, so sorry! Real sorry!”
I turn to look at Lucas, but still keeping the idiots in my field of peripheral vision, “See?”, I said, “All it took was a little persuasion.”
The guys on the ground didn’t know what to think about this turn of events.
“Well, well, well”, I say, “Now that we have a full confession, I guess it’s all legal and above board if I dispense some high-velocity frontier justice. Besides, someone did say I was stuck in the 1880s.”
The guys sitting there were shaking like a grove of aspens in a spring thunderstorm.
“But, I have this problem now, “ I said to Lucas, “I’m down to four rounds, and I’m getting really tired of refilling this thing. I ‘spoze I could just shoot four of them and let one live to tell the other curs to run…”
I look to the darkening sky, into the looming darkness, smiling crazily.
“So run, you cur. Run! Tell all the other curs the law is comin'! Tell them I’m coming! And hell’s coming with me! You hear me? HELL’S coming with me!” I yell.
Lucas looks at me like I’ve genuinely lost it.
“Damn, I love that movie.” I laugh, “’Tombstone’ is the best.”
Lucas can’t help but laugh. Even a few of the trailer park denizens are snickering.
“OK, I’ve decided.” I say, “Which one of you morons is first?”
They sit there like the sniveling cowards they were.
“Guess I’ll have to decide”, I say, I point to Mr. Inanimate Carbon Rod. “You. Up! Now!”
He just sits there.
“One last chance, Chuckles.”, I remind him, “Stand up now or…”
I didn’t need to finish that line. He stands and shakily faces me.
“OK. Much, much better.”, I continue, “Now you apologize to all these nice folks. Then if I think you were sincere enough, you get your bike, and push it the fuck on out of here. You fire that fucker up before you hit the 500-yard mark, I’ll shoot your sorry fucking ass dead. Got that?”
“Yes, sir”, he says and turns to address the gathered crowd, “I’m so very, very sorry. We made a foolish mistake. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive us.”
The crowd murmurs.
“Ignore them.” I say to the standing scoundrel, “Language isn’t their strong suit. Mr. Lucas, opinion?”
“Well…if pissing your pants means you’re sincere”, Lucas laughs, “He’s real sincere.”
“OK”, I say and motion him away with the barrel of my sidearm, “Get your bike. Haul ass. Remember what I said. You or your buddies, assuming they live, come within a mile of our camp, and I’ll shoot you dead before you even hear the gun’s report. Now GET!”
He wobbles over to his bike, kicks up the kickstand, and hauls ass the best he could.
I turn to the gang of four remaining, “Next?”
Three apologies later, and only the ringleader remains.
“Get to your bike.” I say, “And push it the fuck on out of here. You’re really fucking lucky I’m in a good mood tonight. You remember well what I said. You or your idiot friends come within a country mile of me or my field camp, and I’ll shoot your worthless asses dead. This isn’t my only firearm. I’ve got a LAR Grizzly .50 caliber sniper rifle with which I can castrate houseflies at 1,000 yards with me. Think I’m kidding? Try me.”
I look over at Lucas.
“Oh, yeah”, Lucas confirms, “Real fucking moose of a rifle. .50 caliber, based on a World War One tank round. He’s so fuckin’ into it, he machines all the projectiles himself out of solid brass. Damn. Get hit by one of those, no matter where, and you’re a pink mist. POOF! No need for a funeral.”
The miscreant’s eyes go double-wide.
“We ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie here, boy”, I say, “Think I’m kidding? Come back within a mile of here and I’ll show ya’ just who’s fuckin’ around. Now, GET! And don’t you ever fucking come back.”
He bows, dips, gets his bike, and hauls ass as best he can.
I spin the cylinder on my sidearm, refill it to full capacity, and shove it back in my holster.
“Fuckbuckets,” I grouse, “Now I’ve got to clean the damned thing. C’mon Lucas, let’s go. I’ll buy you a beer.”
We both walk out of the trailer park and over to my camp. We were 100 yards away when the trailer park clan erupts into a volcano of shouting and yelling.
“Hmmm. I say, “Guess they’re not all deaf-mutes after all.”
Lucas laughs.
He asks me, “Rock. You weren’t really going to shoot those assholes, were you?”
“At $4.50 a round?” I replied. “Fuck that.” I chuckle.
I empty and begin cleaning my sidearm. Lucas presents two frosty Coos freshly-liberated from the cooler Gulag.
“Y’know something, Luc?” I ask, “I really didn’t want any of this. They tried to squeeze me out, couldn’t find anyone else, then they practically begged me. I’m off to the Middle East after all this. You think I really need all this aggro before my family and I head out?”
“All I know”, Lucas chuckles, “Is that I never want to even mildly annoy you. You may have been just fuckin’ with those boys heads, but holy shit, you had me convinced. That last shot? I figure I needed to go find a shovel and a mop. Ever considered acting as a backup career?”
We both smile and chuckle at the thought of me playing Hamlet.
“Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio. Sheesh, what an asshole.” I chuckled.
I finish cleaning my sidearm, reload and park it back in my holster. I mean, it is 1888, right?
Lucas and I were a bit, well, galvanized after the events of the evening. We sat around the campfire, having a few tots, reminiscing over things past, smoking ridiculously expensive cigars, and discussing the immediate future.
The next thing you know, I smell the wonderfully intoxicating aroma of fresh camp coffee and bacon sizzling.
Dawn did an end-around and snuck up on us both.
Over at the breakfast trailer, Lucas and I are savoring our morning coffee soupçon. The aromas of breakfast cooking are simply inebriating.
I’m usually not one for a big breakfast, but today they were offering waffles. Big, homemade, yeasty bastards with berries, or fresh fruit, or crème fraise, or real maple syrup.
I had two waffles with fresh, creamery butter, real maple syrup, and a side of bison patty sausage.
Real field food. Not just some bellytimber.
Lucas and I retired to our camp with our coffees as it was getting light enough to see without a miner’s cap.
We noticed a slow progression of trailer folk, all of whom waved to us, and offered dawn greetings.
To be continued.
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

Play Online Pokies

Did you understand that pokies are one of the most played games in gambling enterprises and also on the internet video gaming? Actually, the pokies produce concerning 70 percent of the average gambling establishment's income. This is because they are so simple yet thrilling and also do not require any discovering or special skills. Unlike other gambling games, pokies depend primarily on the player's good luck in mix with couple of essential strategies.
Pokies maker are recognized around the world by different names. In fact possibly you have actually heard a few of them and you just did not recognize that they describe the exact same game. Pokies are referred to as fruit machines, casino poker makers, or gaming machines Australia.
Pokies are wagering makers that have 3 or even more reels that spin whenever you push a switch or move an arm attached to the maker. The land-based pokies also have a coin detector which detects if a coin is inserted. When the coin is put the video game begins quickly. Pictures as well as signs on the screen begin to move up or down and afterwards unexpectedly quit. You win if the images match Complimentary Pokies
A raising number of people have tried playing pokies in real gambling establishments or in the on-line gambling enterprises. Do you understand why? Because as soon as you attempt it, you appreciate it so much that you are being literally formulated to it! You get pleasure from the enjoyment you get every time you rotate the wheel. You enjoy the uncertainty whether you win or shed, which provides a moment of adrenaline thrill. However, for sure, I understand that you like to win as opposed to shed Australia.
Although with pokies you rely mainly on good luck, recognizing its ins as well as outs with the right approach surely helps in raising your chance of winning. If you are aiming at winning a great deal, it is best that you familiarize on your own with establishing reasonable money management and also techniques.
Let's discuss pokies myths. Perhaps you've heard the idea that if you keep playing on one certain equipment and invest a lot of cash there one way or another you will definitely win. Well, sorry to bring an end to your conviction yet this is most definitely not true! There are no premises that would support this concept. As an evidence, there are even instances when a player wins a prize after just two spins while others fail to win also after rotating the entire day. The real concept behind the pokies device is that it follows the complex theory of randomly generating numbers, and also each number stands for a certain combination of the reel.
So what's your best technique when playing pokies? To start with it is finance. Before playing, decide on how much you agree to spend. Have a certain bidding quantity and constantly, and also I mean constantly, adhere to it. Whether you win or lose do not differ your strategy. In cases when you happen to lose, do not try to maintain playing up until you win everything back since if you do, you obtain available to more losses. It is necessary that you preserve self control.
An additional equally crucial point to keep in mind is to kick back during the video game. Bear in mind, you are there for satisfaction. Once you obtain distressed, after that the major factor for having fun is lost. So, it is much better to quit, regroup, and play the next day. Try playing devices that provide totally free games, below you are under no pressure and hence you can invest a long time there till you obtain your cool back. You can not win or lose cash right here yet instead you can acquire more experience.
Australian Fruit Machine Or Pokies.
In the 1950s, an Australian company called Aristocrat established their very first one-armed bandit called the "Clubman." They modified it 2 years later on with a brand-new as well as better vending machine called the "Clubmaster." Nevertheless the first vending machine was originally created in the USA of America by a man named Charles Fey Free Pokies.
It wasn't until the 1900s when the slots lastly struck Australia. In 1956, the NSW Australian government legalized gaming machines in clubs.
The next few years provided nothing new in terms of the video game technology. They all had three spinning reels as well as either one, three or five lines. The rewards were by today's standards tiny and also the interactivity was limited to drawing the manage and also waiting for the reels to quit Australia.
It was not until the mid 1980's when the very first video ports rolled off the production lines and also were launched to the public. This was the most significant growth in video gaming given that Charles Fey had designed the very first video game. Not only did the video games have 5 reels but the likewise had many more lines as well as provided added means to win such as cost-free spin attributes as well as perk attributes.
Nowadays, you are likely to see these slot machines all over you enter Australia; from clubs to gambling establishments. They are just one of the most prominent types of betting and also enjoyment.
Pokies is a slang word in Australia for vending machine. There is no recorded day for when the term "Pokies" was first utilized in Australia. Individuals in Australia usually state points like "I'm off to the bar to play some pokies" or "I'm off to have a wager at the pokies."
Discover Pokies Online!
Pokies are frequently described as port video games. These games are tremendously prominent amongst casino players worldwide. It is mainly based upon the idea of sheer good luck and hence the requirements of winning or losing becomes uncertain. On the internet pokies are created according to the precise feel and look of land based casino sites. This game supplies hard competitors to all its gamers. Pokies online includes functions such as multi line bets, reward function games, particular gambling functions and lots of various other qualities comparable to an initial casino.
There are many advantages while selecting to play pokies online as contrasted to the land based ones. The primary reason regarding why people opt for such online poker video games is the high percentage of payouts. Typical casino site has reduced payments because they need to consider the maintenance of these casino sites. Yet on the internet pokies above expenses are incredibly low and also hence they account to high payouts. Aside from these benefits, these video games also offer particular considerable tips to the player so that he/she can make use of these reminders and also win the video game. The slot video games provide you a great chance to make money unlike any various other on-line gambling enterprise video games. A gamer does not need to break his head constantly in order to get necessary skills because it entirely relies on your luck Free Pokies.
There are different slot machines that have released several versions of these games to please the gamers. A number of these pokies games have gained immense appeal amongst people. Some of the popular ones are: Queen of the Nile, 50 Lions, Super Bucks, Wild methods and also Burial place raider.
Queen of the Nile is the very first amongst all pokies games because the moment of its launch. It features an Egyptian style and also offers cost-free video games bonus offer. Consequently 50 Lions video slot is also being extensively played among several players. It has teams which presents the top having fun lion icon on each of the reels. Wild methods includes a Wild African style with specific icons such as lions, zebras as well as elephants. In A Similar Way Super Bucks are on-line pokies games that supply a chance to pick between cost-free spin choices.
Burial place Raider is taken into consideration to be the very first brand that accredited itself to an on-line computer game slot. This video game consists of numerous features and also excellent graphics. It is a 5 reel port game with additional 2 video game bonuses. It likewise includes the function of free spin mode. These unique top quality animated graphics puts it amongst the preferred pokies on-line games.
The phenomenon of Australia and casino poker is identified with each other due to the victory of fellow Aussie Joe Hachem at the WSOP in the year 2005. His triumph has brought interest amongst people in Australia and hence has motivated them to play this sporting activity. Words "Aussie pokies" has actually been derived from it, as poker is one of the most common leisure games in Australia.
How to Wager Online With a Poker Device
Every location around the globe has its very own term for every casino site game known to guy. The same opts for poker. Online poker is known as pokies in Australia as well as, in Britain, it is labelled as slot machine. Regardless of what its name is, one thing stays the very same, casino poker has never ever fallen short to intrigue casino players specifically with its video game play that is majorly based on pure chance Free Pokies.
Nevertheless, with the coming of on-line innovation, on-line betting also entered the photo and also this was just one of the very best benefits that British gamblers experienced in their years of playing in casino sites. What deals with do these online betting sites offer? First off you get to play all type of games such as various sort of poker as well as complimentary roulette suits. Nevertheless, British gambling establishment players stop working to appreciate their very own variation of the fruit machines. This is due to the fact that most on the internet gambling establishment supplies five duplicates of the Las vega ports that have a great deal of winning lines. This kind of texas hold'em is entirely various to that of the fruit machine Australia.
Rather surprisingly, on-line betting would not simply sit down as well as let the needs of bettors pass undetected. Certainly, they would constantly get this sort of opportunity as putting up a gambling enterprise consists of needing to deal with teeth and also neck versus competitors. To do so, they need to satisfy and even go beyond the expectations of their clients. A great deal of pc gaming sites make use of Pub design replicas with the aid of Microgaming software. What this does is it assists boost the experience of playing on-line slot machine. It is capable of providing the ports specifically how a person would certainly see them in land-based gambling establishments. Furthermore, the on-line variation also has additional features such as super hold, pushes, holds, to name a few.
Restriction Your Number of Sheds
As you have fun with the on the internet variation of the video game, you would certainly notice that the functions very closely appears like that of those located in the fruit machine, the UK variation of poker. Comparable to any various other gambling enterprise video games, it is additionally based a lot on good luck. That is why among the most effective methods that a player might utilize is to stop while he is still has even more wins than losses. He must have the ability to know when to quit especially if he is on a losing streak. If, as an example, you still continue playing the video game, you run the risk of ending up bankrupt after the game Free Pokies.
Finest No Down Payment Incentive Gambling Enterprises
On the internet casino sites are getting an increasing number of prominent nowadays. They provide different rewards to their present participants as well as likewise lots of special bonuses to brand-new participants so as to draw in more gamers. These incentives are supplied on conditions that you will certainly have to stay in the play for a specified time. If you are a gambling establishment video game enthusiast as well as are looking for an on the internet gambling establishment then the most effective alternative will be to try to find no deposit perk gambling establishments.
A few of the most effective are gone over below.
Awesome Pet cat - It is among the best no deposit bonus offer gambling enterprises which is much preferred amongst game enthusiasts. If you are a new member then you will be offered a $50 no down payment bonus by the casino site. There is a maximum withdrawal limitation of $100 over which you can not withdraw the quantity at a provided time.
Silver Oak - This gambling enterprise also provides $50 to its brand-new participants. If you are looking for no down payment perk gambling enterprises then you can simply go for Silver Oak Casino whose reward quantity must be bet 40 times prior to making any withdrawal.
Custom - This gambling establishment is also consisted of in the checklist of such casinos and also provides $30 as no down payment perk to its new participants. If you experience the conditions of this on the internet casino site after that you will discover that the players are called for to gamble the bonus offer 99 times prior to they can go for any type of withdrawal. You can make a maximum withdrawal of five times the perk quantity while the minimum possible withdrawal amount is $30. The most effective thing about this casino is that the players are used extra $50 on their birthdays.
Club Player - Club Gamer is one of the popular online casinos which is just best for all on-line gambling establishment fans. It uses $65 to its new participants and also the amount should be wagered 30 times before any kind of withdrawal.
Palace of Possibility - This is once more a superb no down payment incentive online gambling enterprise which uses $50 to its brand-new participants. The quantity is offered as no down payment bonus, as used by most of the no down payment perk gambling establishments today. You are allowed a $100 optimum withdrawal that too only after the bonus amount is bet 40 times.
Sorts Of Online Casino Perks
Among the most effective factors that gamers require to on-line gaming is the suggestion of enjoying casino site incentives. While standard land-based gambling establishment perks such as complimentary drinks and dishes obviously can not fit right into the world of internet gaming, betting internet sites still take care of to draw in and compensate consumers by providing them rewarding bonus offers.
Online gamers can be forgiven for getting a little perplexed regarding all the various bonuses as well as promotions offered in the market. Besides, the buzz as well as marketing projects bordering the various type of bonus offers are enough to make any individual concern specifically what type they must benefit from and also just how much they will certainly gain from a certain promo. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that gamblers have a clear understanding of the different kinds readily available as well as make notified, educated choices regarding their options Free Pokies.
Invite Incentives
Invite bonus offers are specifically as their name suggests - a reward that invites players to a certain online gambling enterprise. Invite (or 'sign-up' rewards) are the online gambling establishment's way to draw in players onto their site as well as try their online casino. With a lot of on-line gambling establishments available, it is essential that welcome bonuses take care of to catch the player's eye with more-than-generous offers and also problems. Sometimes, players may feel that the deal is ALSO excellent to be real; nevertheless, it is certainly worth looking into every promo as a lot of websites really are using wonderful terms merely for players to experiment with their casinos. There are numerous kinds of welcome perks, both most typical being a match benefit as well as a no-deposit perk.
A match reward suggests that the online casino site will match the gamer's initial down payment by a particular percent, usually as much as a particular amount of cash. So, for example, if a site provides a 100% match bonus offer approximately $100, the gamer requires to deposit as much as $100 and will instantly be awarded with another $100 (or 100% of the first deposit) to spend at their pc gaming sessions. This is a great method of increasing one's playing time at the online casino site as well as for that reason putting oneself in line to win a lot more.
A no-deposit bonus is an extremely profitable bargain that is not supplied at all sites. Basically, gamers do not have to make any type of first down payment at the website after registering. Rather, they will instantly be rewarded with credit reports to begin their gaming session. As with all bonus offers, it is important that gamers read the conditions of these kind of promotions very carefully.
Month-to-month Incentives
As soon as players have attempted a particular online casino site with making use of the welcome rewards as well as enjoy the games and features, the opportunities are that they will certainly continue dipping into the online casino over a size of time. To make sure that gamers really do return for even more, sites reward returning consumers with generous month-to-month bonuses - so called due to the fact that they are typically offered on a monthly basis. These incentives are additionally known as reload incentives since they start when gamers reload their accounts at the online casino. The monthly benefit is normally awarded on a percent basis, as an example 20% of the amount that player spends moneying his or her account.
High-Roller Incentives
Obviously, on the internet casino sites are eager to draw in gamers that spend big quantities on their on-line pc gaming home entertainment. Thus, these gamers, called money players, are compensated additional amounts for depositing and also playing at on the internet casinos. High-stakes gamblers likewise take pleasure in one-of-a-kind promos, VIP clubs and other benefits to make their remain as satisfying and also beneficial as feasible Free Pokies.
Repayment Technique Bonuses
Great on-line gambling enterprises use a vast array of payment approaches whereby gamers can transfer as well as withdraw their funds. Some websites wish to motivate players to utilize a certain payment approach (such as Click2Pay or Moneybookers) and therefore supply gamers an extra 10 or 15% additional bonus simply for making use of these techniques.
Online Casino Site Incentives
As can be seen, there are many sorts of bonuses to choose from in the on the internet gambling enterprise industry. The technique is to learn about every one of these as long as feasible and then choose one (or numerous) that suit the gamer's specific gaming requirements and also lifestyle. In the long run, the incentive needs to offer the gamers well as well as ought to not make them invest more than they originally laid out to. When all is claimed as well as done, on-line gambling establishment benefits are among the most effective reasons to check out web video gaming.
A Quick Guide To Online Gambling Establishment Bonus Offers
One of the big attractions of on-line casinos is the various types of rewards provided by them. Remain updated concerning the selection of incentives you can anticipate when you gamble online, to make sure that you can make use of the benefits that profit you the most. Here are one of the most typical type of online gambling establishment bonuses you can anticipate.
Invite Or Sign-Up Benefit
Additionally referred to as the new player perk, the welcome or sign-up perk is the very first point you will come across and the most popular type of bonus offer. These on the internet gambling enterprise perks are usually additional set apart into percentage, no-deposit, or match rewards.
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Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (7/15 to 7/21)

Do people still play spades to pass the time or is it pretty much just shitposting on reddit / shitty cellphone games?
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I am graduating from college in two weeks. I am a healthcare administrator and epidemiologist. I want to go to OCS. My recruiter told me get recommendations from other officers. I don't really know anyone higher up. Is it really that important? If it is, how could I get a recommendation?
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I am freshening up my LinkedIn account and am trying to fluff up some numbers. Where can I find out around how many soldiers a unit has? For instance, I was a BDE S6 helpdesk. Obviously, no one gives a shit about that. But if I say I "lead a helpdesk team in support of 4,000 Soldiers" it sounds better. Where can I find these figures? I tried Google and that is where I got around 4,000 Soldiers for an IBCT. What about a BEB?
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Hi, I recently had my immigration visa approved at the embassy, and I want to join the US military. I haven't been to the US yet. How should I proceed from here? And where do I go to enlist, after flying to America?
Also, if I served in a different country, does that negatively affect service in US?
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Hello everyone,
I’m new to reddit and this is my first post. I believe this is an appropriate spot to post my question, it can be confusing, but I’ll explain to the best of my ability.
Okay, I’m an Afghan vet that spent 7.5 years in the army as an enlisted personnel. I ETS’d January 2018, fast forward to now, I’m 4 classes away from a BS in computer science. After I got out from active duty army, I joined the air force National Guard and I currently have 1.5 years left on my contract. Well now, I want to commission back into the army,but I have this remaining time obligated to the Air Force National Guard.
Is there a way the Army can “buy out” or trump my Air Guard contract allowing me to commission sooner than having to wait out my current obligation? I’ve asked both Air force and Army recruiters/retention officers and no one has an answer. Does anyone have any info regarding this?
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My husband just chose his MOS as airborne 91B, can anyone tell me what he's actually going to be doing? He's at MEPS and can't talk so I'm a little in the dark.
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My recruiter said that the MOS I'm aiming for (31D) normally requires a 6-year active contract due to the amount of training involved (Basic + MP + CIDSAC).
Is this true, or are they just trying to get me to sign a 6-year because of recruiting finagling?
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Hello, is it a good idea to have a four-year degree when applying to the WOFT program? I will be 25 when I graduate.
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I have a 6 month AIT. Would I be able to bring my car to AIT part way through it after a certain phase? And does the Army reimburse flights home on Christmas Break and my gas to drive my car to AIT?
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Quick question, my son may have to go to FTU cause of his run, he injured his ankle, his ankle is much better but his time is slower ,his in black phase going into gold phase, How long is FTU and after graduation will he stay in the same barracks or go to FTU barracks , thanks
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So what do I actually bring to basic? Before I those comments, yes I read the booklet. But I’ve also read some advice that contradicts that- like it says to bring a towel and a washcloth, but all advice I’ve read says to pack as light as possible as I’ll only have one carry on. A towel would take up a lot of room, I know the last time I went to MEPs, they definitely had towels in the hotel room. Where would I be going where towels aren’t supplied? I’ve also read bring your own sports bras, so I was going to pack three black sports bras as that’s the recommended underwear amount. What’s a good, realistic packing list for one night before MEPs, processing then basic?
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I'm currently going through AIT as a 15U and I'm putting together a WOCS packet. While talking about this at class I was told that if you have astigmatism that you cannot be accepted in. Is that true?
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I am sponsoring a new Soldier who is PCSing to Germany. He is the prior caregiver for his mother in California. He wants to make her his dependent, but he wants her to stay in California. How does he make her his dependent and what program does he need to enroll in, EFMP? Or is EFMP only if the family member is PCSing with him. He does not want a compassionate reassignment.
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I have an 11x contract is it out of my control whether I get 11b or 11c? Will a higher pt score increase my chances of getting 11b?
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I was joining the army to become 11X but I failed the vision test at MEPS, my left eye is correctable to 20/25 and right eye is correctable to 20/30, I was going to get laser eye surgery to correct this but I was told that I would still not be allowed to retake the vision test even with a medical waver for the surgery. If I waited the 2 years it takes for MEPS to expire would I be able to retake the vision test then and if I passed they should let me be infranty then right?
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Does anyone have any experience on being 17E, this is really the only job in the army that I was thinking about joining if I decide to. If so can you give me an explanation on the job, what it’s like, if you enjoy it, etc.
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What happens if you get caught lying at meps about medical issues? Do they just dq you or is there more severe consequences?
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When PCSing to BOLC would I be able to stay in the on post hotel for a few days until my lease starts? I've looked at TLE requirements and nothing is stated specifically about BOLC.
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It has been about 3 weeks since I submitted my prescreen to MEPS. The only question I answered yes to is "are you taking medication?". I was diagnosed with low testosterone, but I havent been treated with hormones. They gave me a drug called Chlomid, which just encourages testosterone production. Is it likely I will get a PDQ, am I in beurocratic limbo, or somewhere in between?
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Hi so i'm shipping for basic on the 22nd and I was wondering if I really need to bring anything from the packing list other than the a change of clothes. Also for the underwear does it really have to be white and do you NEED white calf socks or are black calve socks o.k?

Edit: spelling
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Ive been doing morning runs for a few days now but cant seem to get my 2 mile under 20 mins.
What can i do to improve this?
Edit: why am I getting disliked? Lol
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I enlisted even though I have a degree. I did to help my career in a specific field pertaining to my MOS. However, I am now financially unstable, and regretting not going officer. I haven't finished my AIT (its longggg). Can I switch and go to officer school?
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Just Curious, I am prior service with 12+ years combined, 5 years active in Army and Navy, 8 years of Army Guard and Reserve, I’m 1997 I went to 11b OSUT at fort Benning, I also went through full Navy Boot Camp in 05. I was an e-5 coming from Army to Navy but left the navy at e-4. I am being told I’ll be brought back into the Army as an E-4 and go to prior service BCT, this sucks as my last job in the Army was as a Drill Sergeant. I am going in as an MP as my last job in the Navy was as an MA (naval security forces). The recruiter is saying I’ll have it easier but recruiters tend to fabricate to get that signature. What should I actually expect? How will MP osut at Leanard Wood going to differ from 11b osut at Benning? Thanks
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Do they perform root canals on teeth at reception or just pull them?
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About how long does a tattoo waiver take when enlisting into the army
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Are DAT waivers coming back soon? I've never smoked before but I got hit with second hand smoke from my family and it messed me up at MEPS I don't want something that wasn't even my fault to stop me from joining
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Is the navy more acceptance with tattoos than the army?
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I was attempting to get more information about healthcare careers (I've been a nurse for 10 years and just finished my doctorate). They told me because I've had a vertical gastric sleeve that I am disqualified. Has anyone had any success in waivering this? It is NOT gastric bypass and I have no required meds or special diet/anything special. Advice?
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Does anyone have any information how a NG 1LT 92A could get information on switching to AD? I am aware of Call to Active Duty (CAD) but, since they are not looking for my MOS is there any other way of going Active?
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Currently trying to join the NG. Took the ASVAB and went through MEPS for my physical. Everything went through smoothly except for my vision. I have fairly poor vision with astigmatism. I was sent in for a consult and the doctor dilated my eyes before checking my vision. Of course this caused me to have poorer vision and my prescription came out higher than what I'm used to. For reference I went to my own personal optometrist these past two years and they came out roughly -8.0 for both eyes. At the MEPS optometrist I clocked in -11.25 and -10.25.. I asked about this and he told me those numbers were not a lie and that he was simply recording what the machine was spitting out. My vision is correctable to 20/20 I believe.

Obviously my consult was denied and they are going to submit me for a waiver (trying to get into 92W) My fear is that such a high prescription is going to prevent me from getting the waiver.. I'm no doctor, but I honestly feel like I wasn't tested properly because my vision prescription came out a lot higher than I'm used to seeing. If I do get denied can I ask for a retest WITHOUT the eye dilation?

Can anyone please share some insight or advice?
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Recently enlisted as a 42A. I originally told my recruiter I wanted 68X, and he said that was way too competitive to get into as newly enlisted and I would be better off trying to switch to that later. I have about 1/2 an associate’s degree in human services right now, as that’s the field I want to go into, when I started thinking about the army, I decided to enlist to use the GI Bill to help pay for finishing my education, then work with veterans. I haven’t fully decided whether I want to do that in a more clinical setting, such as counseling, which would probably require a master’s, or just in more of a role that involves connecting veterans to resources available to them, most likely requiring a bachelors. Any advice?
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Hi everyone, I'm an undergrad college student getting ready to apply for law school. I know it isn't the most common route, but does anyone have experience with the Army JAG Corps? I want to serve my country, but I believe I can best do so as a lawyer. Any advice or information worth knowing on the subject?
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Is 25 to old to enlist?
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Can i join the army with low blood pressure or hypo-tension? I need no medication for it. I was wanting to join as a 19D. I always hear the cutoff for joining is 140 over 90 but is there a lowest accepted blood pressure?
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Having to get a waiver for one major misconduct and like 20 traffic tickets/failure to appear. Good news is I got it throught the BC and it is kicked up to USAREC right now. Other than acting like an asshat as a teenager, I have a great credit score, college degree, and some solid references. What are the chances of an MOS that requires a Secret security clearance? I don't want to bring it up to my recruiter if it is a solid no. What do you guys think?
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Does anyone know if somone who reclasses to 35L later on down the road can get DLI?
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New to posting, sorry. I posted in the most recent Recruiter Thread that I could find, but it’s from June and it looks like it’s not very active. Would it be better to post my question here?
Edit to add the question: I’m extremely interested in enlisting, and have been for 10 years. I’m wondering if anyone has any guesses at my chances. In January of 2018, I received a 97 on the AFQT and all my line scores were over 120, I believe.
My hang up is that I have previously been treated for Gender Dysphoria. As of right now, I have never had surgical intervention nor have I legally changed any of my documents. Everything still says female. I have changed my name. I have been off testosterone for somewhere between 12 and 18 months. I would have no problem enlisting as female if that were my only option to join. I’ve wanted this for a long time but one thing or another has prevented my enlistment. If anyone has any insight on policy, I would appreciate it.
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can transportation ship more than 1 vehicle? im pcsing to korea unaccompanied and i have 3 cars. my wife is flying home in a month and i need to ship her car and one of my cars
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Does anyone have a good information on mos 92g and how the promotions are in this MOs?
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Ok if anyone can help ... meps physical was denied because when vision test was being completed and English is not the first language and unable to figure what she was asking they took me to COMS and he picked a random cancer book had me read it and explain what the story was talking about. I understood but some medical terms I was unable to explain so he told me I had to come back in 6 months after I go to school i believe called justification of appointment my recruiter is new like new new. If any one can give me any information on what I might be able to do or do I have to wait the 6 months. I passed the asvab and my citizenship exam but they were speaking so fast.
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I was just wondering since I was planning to enlist after I finish high school this year, my career of choice was to become a canine handler, do i get to choose that or is it decided for me? That's my main question and if this is the branch to join if this was what I wanted to do, or if another branch is more fitting
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Hey guys so I ship out for basic training at Fort Jackson in 5 days. My MOS is 35M with an Option 40. I was wondering if I will be sent to DLI to learn a language before I go through RASP? Also do any linguists here know if I'll be receiving my language designation before or after AIT? Thanks.
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Hello. If I want to become a registered nurse, does the army help with that in any way? Like offer programs/stipends, e.t.c.? So that by the end of service I'd be able to work as a nurse at a civilian hospital.
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So just a bit of background I’m 18 and my dad was a cav scout for three years at ft. Lewis. I just graduated from highschool and decided in the middle of the summer to pursue a life long dream of going into the army. I had a college lined up and an opportunity to play hockey at a decent level. I decided a little out of the blue to enlist even though I had taken the asvab and had plans earlier in the year. So here’s the story....
I scored an 87 composite with a 119 gt score and 110 and above on all but one it escapes me at this moment but our get the picture not the greatest score but solid. I chose to reserve an 11X slot and got a 20k bonus on top (not doing it for the money just adding it in). I have passed meps and have a ship day for ft. Benning of July 29th. I have been a long time lurker of army and I have noticed a general sense that 11B are the most disliked as far as how NCO’s treat “joes”. Now I don’t know if it’s just popular to upvote them and the good stories get push down to die in the new section but here’s the question.
Is it as bad as this sub reddit would make it seem? A lot of posts are complaints about infantry NCOs and unprofessional conduct in the units. I’m not a snow flake I can handle hazing and being the new guy doing shit stuff cause I’m new I’ve played sports my entire life I get the initiation breaking in the new guy stuff. However it seems a lot of people claim it never stops or gets better. It’s not gonna sway my position on what I’ve picked and gotten myself into but I would like to be somewhat aware of what I’m walking into.
Thank you for any and all responses. Have a nice day :).
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Took my ASVAB and scored an 85 and I definitely want to choose a medical MOS, so I need some opinions on good ones to choose. I qualify for:
68B- Orthopedic Specialist 68C-Practical Nursing Specialist 68D- OR Specialist 68E-Dental Specialist 68F- Physical Therapy Specialist 68G- Patient Admin Specialist 68J- Medical Logistics Specialist 68N- Cardiovascular Specialist 68P- Radiology Specialist 68R- Vet Food Specialist 68V- Respiratory Specialist
Ideally, I’d want a medical MOS with low promotion points, works in the AM so I can still go to school on the side and has the best chance for me to PCS to Germany. I don’t want anything where I’ll have to work 12 hours or am on call for anything. Any info would help. Thanks in advance!
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Hi I need help on how truthful I should be in an upcoming interview because I really want to start working soon. I'm going to an interview for a computer position with the army and I was asked on the phone interview if I had adhd which I said yes and he said that will make things more complicated and he said I can't enter the army if I've taken ADHD medication within a calendar year. I'm hoping it's not a big deal and I can just say I don't remember the last time I took ADHD medication like a politician or something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Are there MOS restrictions on what kind of past behavior can be waived?
Someone in another thread told me that you are automatically disqualified from 31B if you have any history of drug use.
I used marijuana one time, 4 years ago, and I'm wondering if it is possible to get a waiver for this?
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I heard you were allowed to write home and that if you wanted to you should bring stamps but would I also need to bring envelopes and paper?
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I am trying to enlist but i can't until i pay off a ticket. The problem is I cannot find it. It is for outdated registration on my car. i cannot remember which county it was in. I don't remember which path I took so it is from a possible 30 different counties (Texas). It isn't even on my driving record. Can anyone tell me how I can find it?
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Decided to go AD since school ain't working out and don't know if an option 40 is available but i'll ask My recruiter. I just wantsed to know before i ask my recruiter and make him try and get me one if i have a chance of passing or should just see if i get a shot later on. I got the pull-ups, situps and push-ups and i can ruck but the 5-mile Run seems Insane since im not a good runner.
I can do the 2-mile in about 14 minutes atm(never Done a 5 Miler) if i go in with an option 40 and this Run time, would it be possible to get it to the required level in training before rasp?
Also just out of couriosity, how Does 75th Ranger regiments op tempo/deployments look currently compared to big Army Infantry?
Also if someone gets an option 40 and fails rasp, do you get reclassed or sent to an Infantry unit?
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I'm working on joining the National Guard for 3 years. I'm 33 years old. When my commitment is up in 3 years would I be able to switch to Army or Army reserves given my age?
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Is there an Army-wide policy on what color watches are allowed? I know there are units with stupid policy like "black watch or no watch" but I haven't been able to find anything that applies to everyone in the army
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Does 35L ever deploy(say in one enlistment could there be a possibility)? I'm looking into CI but quite honestly information is hard to find about it. I'm wanting to go CI for the TS clearance and after army potential but I still want to play a little bit of normal army(from what I hear CI is a little different). Any info is appreciated and I'm fine if it's just PMs.
Edit: Clarification
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Currently in Dep ship out in a couple weeks but i'm seriously so bored. What can I do to make time go by quicker? I work out everyday but when i'm not at the gym i find myself on reddit or youtube scrolling over the same content. I feel like i'm losing my mind and i'm just counting down the days till i ship. Granted it has been getting easier since it's getting closer to my ship date but 3 weeks ago was just pure miserable.
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Graduated college and received my commission May. I currently am a gold bar recruiter for my school and will be reporting to BOLC in September. Iam interested in doing the IPAP (interservice physician assistant program). I viewed the requirements online, i would like to know what is the attrition rate for the program and what percentage of applicants get accepted into the program?
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Will I get a letter of rejection from the Army, any of the Armed Forces, or the Navy later? I got rejected today by the Navy but I wonder if I could get a rejection later from the Army or a different branch.
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This is gonna get a downvote or two but I'm going in with excercise induced asthma. It's rather mild, and only gets bad when I'm really pushing. I have a feeling I will reach that level frequently at basic. Also, I'll probably be at the FTU for quite some time as the asthma is keeping me a few minutes short of the minimum run time. Doing runs nine-ish times a week with my asthma is going to be hard.
So, to the asthmatics who made it, do you have any advice? Thanks in advance.
edit: and don't tell me to not enlist
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