Level 1: 'Police will continue to enforce the curfew' - Cele

is there still a curfew in south africa

is there still a curfew in south africa - win

Here's 100 confirmed conspiracies from the last 75 years. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Purpose: To indicate why we have a RIGHT to be skeptical and critical to our governments, corporations and other large institutions.
  1. 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing - FBI closed an investigation into a KKK-organised church bombing in 1963 that killed 4 children, despite knowing the suspects, they refused to share information with police and blocked them from being charged with federal crimes until 1977.
  2. Acteal Massacre - 45 indigenous people who were part of nonviolent anti-government activist groups praying in Mexico are shot by paramilitaries in 1997, with it being revealed in 2020 that the Mexican government was responsible for the massacre.
  3. Albanian Subversion - USA and UK try to overthrow government of Albania using ex-nazis, fascists and anti-communists from 1949 to 1953.
  4. Andre Cools - Belgian socialist politician was shot and killed in 1991, exposing massive corruption in the two major socialist parties of Belgium.
  5. Angolagate - French government secretly buying weapons from Central Europe and selling them to Angola during a civil war in the 1990s in exchange for oil.
  6. Aseveliakseli (Finnish Wikipedia) - CIA funds political parties in Finland throughout the Cold War.
  7. Ballets Roses - Politicians in 1950s France attended ballets by teenage girls that ended in orgies.
  8. Battalion 3-16 - CIA trained army batallion in Honduras responsible for killing and kidnapping political enemies in the 1980s
  9. Belgian stay-behind-network - Belgian deep state possibly linked to neo-nazis and terrorism.
  10. Betty Van Patten - Black Panther Party bookkeeper found murdered in 1974, likely by the Party.
  11. Bleed India with a Thousand Cuts - Pakistan covertly funding terrorism and insurgencies in India to undermine the state.
  12. Bob Denard - French soldier and mercenary who overthrew and attacked multiple African governments during the Cold War. Related to Francafrique.
  13. Bhanwari Devi - Indian midwife who slept with multiple high-ranking politicians killed after trying to blackmail them in 2011.
  14. Cannes and Nice attacks - Rare example of a non-state and non-corporate conspiracy on this list, neo-nazis bombed immigrant hostels in France in 1988 and attempted to frame the French Jewish community in order to provoke a race war between French Jews and French Arabs.
  15. Chicago Seven - Arrest of 8 left-wing political organisers in Chicago following a riot started by police. Trial involved jury tampering, a biased judge, gagging and chaining a defendant, wiretapping and ignoring key witnesses.
  16. Chico Mendes - Brazilian union leader, environmentalist and indigenous rights activists murdered by wealthy landowners in 1986.
  17. CIA activities in Laos - From 1964 to 1973, the CIA dropped 270 million bombs on Laos. Feel free to do the terrifying math on that and calculate bombs dropped per month, week, day and hour. They also got involved in drug trafficking!
  18. Corruption in Mauritius - So bad it needs its own article, covering 27 events since 1979 to 2020 from simple bribery networks to murder of political activists.
  19. Craig Williamson - Spy who carried out terrorist attacks and assassinations for the South African government in the 1980s.
  20. Chuka Massacre - British soldiers killed 20 unarmed civilians, including 1 child, in Kenya in 1953. Military investigation findings are never made public, the government initially denies the massacre and there are massive obstructions of justice.
  21. Coniston Massacre - Australian police and vigilantes kill between 31 and 200 people in a single massacre in 1928. The government attempts to minimise wrongdoing by the police in the eyes of the public.
  22. Daniel Morgan - Private investigator investigating police corruption murdered with an axe in a pub car park in London in 1987.
  23. Daphne Caruana Galizia - Maltese journalist who exposed political and corporate corruption despite being arrested multiple times and threatened with libel, she was eventually killed in a car bombing.
  24. Dikko Affair - Nigeria and Israel tried to kidnap a Nigerian ex-government man in London... in 1984. You gotta admire intelligence agencies for their humour sometimes.
  25. Dioxin Affair - Belgian government covers up contaminated meat and eggs being sold throughout the country.
  26. Dirty Thirty) - At least 35 NYPD cops were involved in drug trafficking until being caught in the 1990s.
  27. Eileen Sarmenta and Allan Gomez - Two Filipino university student murdered and raped by a corrupt mayor in 1993.
  28. Enrico Mattei - powerful Italian civil servant who built the state-run oil industry killed by a plane bombing by an unknown group.
  29. FBI-MLK Suicide Letter - FBI tried to make MLK kill himself in 1964.
  30. FIFA Corruption Case - Senior members of FIFA engaged in fraud and money laundering.
  31. Filiberto Ojeda Rios - FBI agents kill Puerto Rican revolutionary and fugitive in a shootou in 2005. The shootout broke local laws and the FBI used military-grade weapons against a civilian, blocked medical personnel from the area and delayed access for Puerto Rican forensic scientists investigating the crime scene.
  32. Francafrique - System of political, military and financial power that France uses to retain power over former African colonies.
  33. Fred Hampton - Him and another Black Panther Party member were murdered in a raid on his apartment, police lied about what happened during the shootout, claiming they were far more threatened than forensics indicated they were.
  34. French Connection - Massive criminal scheme from the 1940s to the 1970s of transporting opium from Turkey to France, where it was made into heroin and then shipped to the USA. It operated under the protection of the CIA in exchange for the mafia bullying political enemies of the USA in France.
  35. Gerald Bull - Canadian weapons engineer who wanted to make a gun so powerful the Iraqi government could launch things into space. Shot outside his apartment in Belgium in 1990, although officially unsolved, Israel and Iran are the main suspects. Although the USA, UK, Chile, Syria, Iraq and South Africa are all suspects.
  36. Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist - presented without comment
  37. Guns for Antigua - The government of Antigua and Barbuda bought Israeli weapons using US money and secretly gave them to Colombian drug cartels throughout the 1980s.
  38. Gustafen Lake standoff - Standoff between indigenous protesters and Canadian police in 1995, Canadian government leads a smear campaign and plants an IED.
  39. Iguala Mass Kidnapping - Mexican police, working with cartels, kidnap 43 student activists from a teachers college in 2014. They are still missing to this day.
  40. Jackson State Killings - In 1970 police confront a violent (throwing rocks and molotovs) anti-war protest and attack, killing 2 people and injuring 12, including shooting people fleeing. They lied and claimed they were under attack by anti-war snipers. (+ Orangeburg Massacre + Kent State Shootings)
  41. Jan Kuciak - Slovakian journalist and his wife are murdered by hitmen in 2018 hired by a company after he investigated tax evasion by said company.
  42. Jean Seberg - FBI conducts a smear campaign against a Black Panther Party supporter, claiming she was impregnated by a Black Panther Party member, the harassment became so severe the stress led her to miscarry and commit suicide in 1979.
  43. Jeffrey Epstein - you know this one, even if you believe he killed himself he did set up a conspiracy.
  44. Juanita Nielsen - Journalist in Sydney, Australia disappears after investigating and doing activism against the Mafia and police corruption in 1975.
  45. Kafr Qasim Massacre - Israeli Police murder 48 people including 23 children who were returning from work and school since they violated a recently placed curfew of which they were unaware had been created. This was in 1956 and an apology was only given in 2007.
  46. Karel Van Noppen - Government health inspector in Belgium shot in 1995 after exposing law violations in the meat industry.
  47. Kashmir Princess - Plane going from India to Indonesia carrying a notable Chinese politician in 1955. It was blown up by an unknown group, although presumably the KMT. It also failed to kill the politician who missed the flight for medical reasons.
  48. Koki Ishii - Japanese Politician murdered in 2002 after investigating government corruption, embezzlement and tax evasion by major Japanese corporations. He is killed by a Yakuza member in suspicious circumstances, his suitcase had documents removed from it after the murder and his diary went missing.
  49. LaVena Johnson - just a sad story
  50. Lavender Scare - US government decides to fire all gay people working for the government in the 1950s, firing 5,000 people.
  51. List of Apartheid Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, 20 confirmed assassinations.
  52. List of CIA Controversies - so big it needs its own article, covers 15 major controversies.
  53. List of Iranian Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, 10 confirmed assassinations, 10 suspected.
  54. List of Israeli Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, I can't count this one :(
  55. List of Russian Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, 120 assassinations listed.
  56. Mack Charles Backer - Black guy accused of raping a pregnant white woman in 1959 was lynched. Judge refused to give evidence to the FBI nor accept FBI testimony, nobody was arrested despite multiple confessions.
  57. Mafia Capitale - Mafia infriltrates the city government of Rome to embezzle and launder taxpayer money for criminal activities between 1999 and 2014.
  58. Manhattan Project - Conspiracy that nobody thinks is a conspiracy.
  59. Mani Pulite - Massive political corruption scandal in Italy. As many as 5,000 public figures fell under suspicion. At one point, more than half of the members of the Italian Parliament were under indictment, while more than 400 city and town councils were dissolved because of corruption charges. The estimated value of bribes paid annually in the 1980s by Italian and foreign companies bidding for large government contracts reached US$4 billion dollars.
  60. Marc Dutroux - Belgian serial killer and child rapist who was being protected by police. At least 4 witnesses connected to the case were murdered, although 16 others died in ways considered suspicious (suicides and car crashes).
  61. Mauro De Moro - Italian journalist who vanished without a trace in 1970. The 3 main explanations all involve government and corporate conspiracies.
  62. Mehdi Ben Barka - Moroccan politician who was kidnapped by French and Moroccan police and murdered in Paris in 1965.
  63. MLPN - A fake communist party set up by the Dutch government to gain contacts in China.
  64. Mordechai Vanunu - Moroccan-Israeli nuclear technician who exposed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British media in 1986. He was then seduced by a Mossad agent to lure him to Italy and then drugged and kidnapped, then jailed until 2004, and he is now unable to leave the country.
  65. My Lai Massacre - US soldiers murdered hundreds of villagers in Vietnam and raped teenage girls there. The event was covered up for months and soldiers that tried to stop the killing were punished.
  66. Ndola United Nations DC-6 crash - Plane carrying 16 people, notably the UN General-Secretary Dan Hammarskjold explodes mid flight over the Congo in 1961. The Rhodesian government attempted to cover up their involvement.
  67. Niger Uranium Forgeries - Italian government forged documents showing Iraq was buying uranium from Niger in order to develop nuclear weapons. This was used as part of a justification for the US-British invasion.
  68. North Korean Abductions of Japanese People - In the 1970s and 1980s, North Korea abducted multiple Japanese citizens in Japan, including high schoolers.
  69. North Korea's Illicit Activities - Includes manufacture and sale of illegal drugs, the manufacture and sale of counterfeit consumer goods, human trafficking, arms trafficking, wildlife trafficking, counterfeiting currency and terrorism like Korean Air Flight 858.
  70. Nugan Hand Bank - Australian bank that turned out to be a front for weapons dealing, money laundering, drug smuggling and the CIA.
  71. Operation Chaos - CIA spies on left-wing activist groups and the Israeli embassy from 1967 to 1974, eventually having files on 7,200 people. They even purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were thrown out by these groups.
  72. Operation Mongoose - CIA sponsored effort to commit terrorist attacks and assassinations against Cuba.
  73. Panama Papers - you remember this
  74. Paris Massacre of 1961 - French police led by an ex-Nazi murdered between 40 and 300 peaceful protesters who wanted the government to stop discrimination against Muslims and to give Algeria independence. The government denied the massacre and censored media around it until 1998.
  75. Pat Finucane - Irish lawyer who brought human rights claims against the British government killed by paramilitaries working with the British secret service
  76. Pat Tillman - Soldier killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire at 10 yards away during no gunfight. Government tried to cover it up.
  77. Ponce Massacre - Peaceful protest by Puerto Ricans for an independent Puerto Rico are met with violence by police, who shoot into the crowd and kill 19 people. Nobody is ever prosecuted or reprimanded for the massacre.
  78. Projekt-26 - Deep state in Switzerland
  79. Qana Massacre - Israeli Military bombs a UN compound sheltering refugees in Lebanon in 1996, killing 106 people and injuring 116 others. Israel attempts to cover up the fact that it intentionally bombed the target.
  80. Ratlines) - The networks fascists and Nazis used to escape a collapsing Nazi Germany, mainly to Latin America.
  81. Robert Boulin - Suspicious death of a French politician in 1979 connected to financial crimes.
  82. Robert Remias - Slovakian police officer who testified against corruption in the government is murdered in a car bomb by members of the mafia and the government.
  83. Roger Rogerson - Australian cop who was linked to drug trafficking and multiple murders.
  84. Role of France in the Rwandan Genocide - pretty messed up.
  85. Sachsensumpf - German case from 2007 potentially exposing child trafficking among high-ranking politicians.
  86. Saddam Hussein - Dictator of Iraq until 2003, responsible for multiple genocide and a pretty shitty guy. But he was friends with the governments of the USA, USSR, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, both Germanys and the UK.
  87. Sam Giancana - Mafia boss killed in 1975, shortly before he was to testify to the US government about CIA-Mafia collaboration and assassinations.
  88. Saskatoon freezing deaths - Police in Canada arrested indigenous men, drove them into the snowy countries, forced them to strip naked and then left them to freeze to death. They try to delete the Wikipedia article that discusses it between 2012 and 2016.
  89. Scala Case (Spanish Wikipedia) - police dress up as left-wing protesters firebomb a left-wing activist headquarters, killing 4 people in Spain in 1978, they use to as an execute to arrest more left-wingers.
  90. Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage - former French spy agency which sold guns to Nigeria, assassinated African leaders and tried to get Quebec to seperate from Canada.
  91. Subprime Mortgage Crisis - you remember this
  92. Sumitomo copper affair - generic price fixing and fraud.
  93. Sursulusk Scandal - Turkish deep state working with terrorists and organised crime.
  94. Tancos Arms Theft - Portuguese military armoury broken into and thousands of guns are stolen by soldiers for unknown purposes.
  95. Thule Air Base Crash - In 1968 a US Air Force B-52 carrying 4 nuclear bombs crashes into an ice sheet in Greenland, with 1 being lost forever. The Danish government knowingly violated its own nuclear-free zone policy in Greenland to appease the US government.
  96. U.S. intelligence involvement with German and Japanese war criminals after World War II - see also, Operation Bloodstone
  97. Vela Incident - Mysterious double flash of light detected in a storm in the Southern Ocean by a satellite. Most likely a joint Israeli-South African nuclear weapons test that the US government tried to help cover up.
  98. Viola Liuzzo - FBI paid informant and agent provocateur in the KKK leads a shooting against a car carrying civil rights activists in 1965, killing a woman. The FBI then smears her in the media claiming (with no evidence) she was only doing it to have sex with black men and was a communist and addicted to heroin.
  99. Volkswagen Emissions scandal - you remember this
  100. WA Inc - Network of bribery discovered between multiple Australian corporations and the government of Western Australia in the 1980s.
I tried to avoid overlap with the popular "Updated Compilation of Confirmed Conspiracy Theories" so stuff like Paperclip, MKUltra, Mockingbird and Bay of Pigs aren't covered.
submitted by Anarcho_Humanist to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Covid-19 Update for January 29: 543 new cases, 765 recoveries, 14 deaths + Outline of Relaunch Plan + Announced Relaxation for In-Person Dining Restrictions/Indoor Fitness

Data is taken from the Covid-19 portal and today's media availability with Premier Jason Kenney, Minister of Health Tyler Shandro, and Dr Deena Hinshaw. Dr Hinshaw's next availability it will be Monday.
There are currently enhanced measures in effect for the province of Alberta. This link provides a quick summary of which ones are in effect for different regions of Alberta. Alberta is currently on "Early Steps", with the goal of reaching Step 1 on February 8th.
Top line numbers:
Value Current Change Total
Total cases +543 123,364
Active cases 7,805 -236
Cases with "Unknown source" 1,129 (34.8%) in last 7 days -49 (-0.3%)
Tests +11,608 (~4.68% positive) 3,154,153
People tested +3,029 1,749,944 (~400,353/million)
Hospitalizations 594 +3/-7 based on yesterday's post/portal data 5,326 (+33)
ICU 110 -2/-3 based on yesterday's post/portal data 858 (+7)
Deaths +14 1,620
Recoveries +765 113,939
Age Range of Deaths
Age Bracket New Deaths Total Deaths
20-29 0 7
30-39 1 8
40-49 0 18
50-59 0 51
60-69 1 164
70-79 3 321
80+ 9 1,050
Unknown 0 1
Value Change Total
Vaccinations +1,803 104,327 (~23,868/million)
Albertans with 2 vaccinations +1,680 14,352 (~3,283/million)
Reported UK and South Africa Variants
  • The value is updated by Alberta Health weekly
  • Last update: January 29
Variant Change since last update (January 25) Cases
United Kingdom (B.1.1.7) +11 31
South Africa (B.1.351) +1 6
Spatial distribution of people tested, cases, and deaths:
  • All other values are compared with respect to yesterday
Zone Active Cases People Tested Total New Cases Total New Deaths Total
Calgary 3,138 (-64) +1,203 708,112 +223 47,320 +1 505
Central 692 (-18) +290 155,673 +67 8,777 +3 87
Edmonton 2,662 (-102) +834 581,259 +155 51,266 +9 848
North 957 (-53) +350 164,314 +58 10,049 +1 109
South 340 (+4) +179 108,042 +39 5,822 +0 71
Unknown 16 (-3) +173 32,544 +1 130 +0 0
Effective Reproductive Number (R, or Rt)
  • The value is updated by Alberta Health on Mondays
  • Last update: January 25
  • What % the confidence interval represents isn't stated
Zone R Value (Confidence interval)
Province-wide 0.81 (0.79-0.84)
Edmonton 0.81 (0.77-0.85)
Calgary 0.83 (0.79-0.87)
Rest of Province 0.77 (0.73-0.82)
Spatial distribution of cases for select cities and regions (cities proper for Calgary and Edmonton):
City/Municipality Total Active Recovered Deaths
Edmonton 41,833 (+122) 2,134 (-87) 38,987 (+204) 712 (+5)
Calgary 39,762 (+185) 2,592 (-41) 36,718 (+225) 452 (+1)
Red Deer 1,844 (+17) 174 (+2) 1,651 (+14) 19 (+1)
Lethbridge 1,704 (+29) 133 (+15) 1,559 (+14) 12 (+0)
Fort McMurray 1,681 (+2) 92 (-10) 1,586 (+12) 3 (+0)
Brooks 1,361 (+0) 3 (-1) 1,344 (+1) 14 (+0)
Grande Prairie 1,150 (+7) 147 (-5) 984 (+12) 19 (+0)
High River + county 769 (+0) 24 (-3) 738 (+3) 7 (+0)
Mackenzie county 553 (+7) 40 (+4) 498 (+3) 15 (+0)
Medicine Hat 527 (+2) 21 (+0) 493 (+2) 13 (+0)
Cardston county 466 (+4) 83 (-7) 377 (+11) 6 (+0)
I.D. No 9 (Banff) 423 (+11) 29 (+11) 394 (+0) 0
Wheatland county 232 (+2) 14 (+1) 218 (+1) 0
Warner county 158 (+0) 6 (+0) 150 (+0) 2 (+0)
Wood Buffalo municipality 133 (+2) 9 (+2) 124 (+0) 0
Rest of Alberta 30,768 (+153) 2,304 (-117) 28,118 (+263) 346 (+7)
Other municipalities with 10+ active cases is given at this link
Schools with outbreaks are listed online.
Quick numbers (changes since yesterday):
  • 114 school are on alert (2-4 active cases) (+4)
  • 15 schools are on outbreak with 5-9 active cases (+2)
  • 4 school is on outbreak with over 10 active cases (+0)
Spatial distribution of hospital usage (change as of yesterday's post):
  • Hospitalization zone are where the patient is receiving care, not zone of residence
Zone Hospitalized ICU
Calgary 199 (+8) 48 (+2)
Edmonton 246 (-9) 38 (-4)
Central 45 (-1) 7 (+0)
South 34 (+3) 8 (-1)
North 70 (+2) 9 (+1)
Statements by Premier Kenney
Opening Remarks
  • Alberta must continue to proceed cautiously
  • System is managing as a province, but some hospital facilities is still significant
  • Peak reached in early January (>90% Covid capable bed occupancy)
  • Problem in every region of the province as many rural regions are cared for in Calgary/Edmonton
  • All healthcare workers have limits and we must protect capacity
  • Notes (i) Peter Lougheed and Butterdome field units, (ii) AHS having no budget limits at the moment, and (iii) limited staff available
  • Recognizes that stress that comes with economic and employment instability
  • Why a "lockdown" has never been imposed with curfews, closed schools, and business closure
  • Broad public support and compliance is important
  • To strike this balance, wants to show a path forward...that bending curve lets public health measures lift
  • Must be carefully, slowly, and data driven
Restriction Metrics
  • Restrictions will be lifted in a stepped approach based on hospitalizations (ICU and general acute) values. It is a lagging indicator of healthcare capacity
  • When a benchmark is reached, discussion will be considered for further advancement of relaxation. Hospitalizations will be primary factor, but growth of cases will also be considered
  • Hospitalizations will be reviewed 3 weeks later. If hospitalizations have continued to fall, further progression will be considered
  • Case numbers represent recent trends and will be used to determine if relaxations need to be paused or if additional restrictions are needed
  • If cases surge to exponential growth and if a variant begins to increase spread, restrictions will be imposed again
Details of Relaxation Plan
  • Some restrictions will apply in all steps and at least 3 weeks are place in between each step
  • Early Steps: Schools open, outdoor gatherings up to 10 people, personal and wellness by appointment only, funerals up to 20 people
  • Step 1 - Begins February 8th: Some easing in school function (indoooutdoor sports, performance activities), some indoor fitness, some dine-in options for restaurants/cafes/pubs bound by clear limitations (e.g. - distancing requirements, group size, masking, etc).
  • Step 2 - Requires: Average hospitalization <450: Some easing for retail, banquet halls, community halls, hotels, conference centres. Some further easing on children sports/performance, indoor fitness
  • Step 3 - Requires: Average hospitalization <300: Consider places of worship and limited reopening of museums, libraries, casinos, and indoor seated events. Consider indoor indoor social gatherings with limitations. All that are considered will have restrictions still
  • Step 4 - Requires: Average hospitalization <150: Restrictions will exist, but will be closer to last summer. Wide range of indoor and indoor activities would be considered. Wedding/funeral receptions, trade shows, are on the table at this point
  • Requires buy in from Albertans
  • As measures are eased, community spread can occur
  • Moving from 1 stage to another will not be automatic - it will be open for discussion
  • Leading indicators will be used to warn of "red flags" for pausing relaxation
Closing Remarks
  • Minister of Jobs Doug Schweitzer will make announcements for support in coming days
  • Hopes that this will be a boost to Albertans and Albertan businesses
  • We are not at the end and it will be a while until we see a real effect from vaccines. Variants add to the challenge
  • This is not "back to normal" and if we think so, we'll start rolling back steps of the above plan again
  • There are people who willingly ignore restrictions. What should be done here?: Enforcement is last resort. Regrettable to see that people are doing this and it is disrespectful to healthcare staff; they are saying they are more important than healthcare and can hurt the entire province. Understands the frustration, but things won't improve if people continue to break rules. Calls politicians who support ignoring restrictions "irresponsible" and thinks stronger enforcement is required
  • (Upon prompting, Dr Hinshaw added that most Albertans are following restrictions and cannot let the minority dictate the actions of the majority - more compliance results in higher potential for restrictions down the road)
  • How much decision making is politics in UCP strongholds?: Decisions in Covid cabinet are data driven. One factor is population compliance; polling say it's about 20% of Albertans think restrictions are too stringent, 40% say it's about right, 40% not strong enough (believes there is no strong consensus). Believes vast majority of Albertans are compliant
  • Who will get delayed with limited vaccine doses?: Defers to Minister Shandro. Notes he is worried about EU restricting exports of vaccine and asks federal government put pressure on Pfizer
  • (Minister Shandro: Still reviewing. Will follow recommendations of health officials and defers to Dr Hinshaw)
  • (Dr Hinshaw: Risk of severe outcomes driven. Still need to review)
Statements by Dr Hinshaw
  • ~12% of schools have active cases (607 cases combined)
  • Active cases in 291 schools
  • 12 cases of variants identified: 31 UK total, 6 from South Africa
  • All but 3 linked to travel and from same household (1 was the community spread case)
  • No evidence of further community spread
  • Knows many Albertans are keen to return to activities they have missed
  • Most important step will be following restrictions in spirit
  • If in-person interactions can be replaced, cases will further reduce and prevent spread of variants
  • What data is being used for deciding Step 1?: Uses BC as an example for successful limited service in these activities and did study of where spread can occur. Group fitness events are high spread (especially high intensity). Opening for fitness will be to bar high intensity fitness. Opening only low risk parts (e.g. - only a single household at a table). More information next week.
  • (Premier Kenney added that global data was used)
  • How much did Covid variant affect this plan?: Key part of plan is followed by 3 weeks of observation. A part of the 3 week timeline is to monitor for rising cases. This will allow for monitoring
  • How confident are you in containing variant?: Concerning in case identification. Significant testing of incoming travellers has allowed for early containment of most cases
  • (Premier Kenney added: Concerned for widespread risk of variant. Also considers some positives in vaccines being rolled out and increased contact tracing)
Statements by Minster Shandro
  • Proud of progress of vaccination
  • Notes Moderna's cut; it feels like Alberta isn't a priority
  • Alberta Health was informed that it will reduce from 24,600 to 18,800 doses (5,800 fewer. ~23.5%)
  • Informed all February Moderna deliveries being accessed, so unknown how much Alberta will receive in that time
  • Accessing impact on first and second doses
  • Knows the frustration from Albertans and thinks new from federal governments continues getting worse
  • Wants a national strategy for vaccine supply
  • Does reopening 1 week from now contradict previous comments from Dr Hinshaw/Minister Shandro?: 2 important messages about "stepping up and stepping down". Trying to show Albertans how it could happen and separate from message of potential for further restrictions if cases spread further
  • (Upon request from Minister Shandro, Premier Kenney added: The approach is very gradual and are already available in neighbouring provinces of BC and Saskatchewan. Will monitor closely as to best balance multiple pressure on the province. Notes mental health has worsened because of economic stresses for business owners)
  • (Dr Hinshaw was asked to add by Premier Kenney: Notes that significant restrictions will exist in the sectors that reopen. But to get more than that will take more work from Albertans to reduce cases and hospitalization)
Additional information will be logged below:
  • The final question was for Premier Kenney in French. While I cannot translate, the reporter stated it was about the compliance of Albertans on vaccines.
submitted by kirant to alberta [link] [comments]

I fear "two weeks to flatten the curve" is about to turn into two more years

Needed to rant.
Just was looking over a NYT article where a woman named Andrea Taylor from Duke, discussing some variant of the virus from that popped up in South Africa, said two things that I find incredibly troubling.
First, she said "the idea that no one is safe until everyone is safe is not just an adage, it really is true". I really wonder how it is that a virus that is lethal to an almost negligible degree in the aggregate has people so convinced that any and all encounters with it must be treated as if it is truly life threatening. People aren't safe? That's just so observably and manifestly untrue. Standard disclaimer that obviously shit can go sideways and otherwise healthy people can get very sick and die. Those are outliers. This infectious paranoia needs to be called out for what it is. Its being used as justification for government actions that are based on nothing other than trying to make it look like action is being taken to make people feel safe. I don't know if anyone has seen what's been going on in Canada, but Quebec has been not just on lockdown but under curfew for nearly a month now with 0 justification provided by the government as to why such extraordinary action and infringement of rights was absolutely necessary.
The second thing this researcher said was that at the current pace of vaccine production, there will not be enough for "true global coverage" until 2023. Pair this statement with the first and you have everything you need for governments to keep infringing on rights for the next 2-3 years until the entire global population could be vaccinated. Even after billions have been vaccinated. This "no one is safe until everyone is" brand of collectivist delusion will absolutely be used against the people.
Everyone who resist will be labeled with whatever the slur dejur for the moment is, if it still be alt-right, far right, Trumpist or whatever comes next, there will be no way to reason your way out of the emotional ransom that will be put over everyone's head. Let's ignore entirely the fact that these new variants popping up in very short order are making it abundantly clear that there is a real chance this could just be something that exists in the world on a permanent basis now like influenza. I dare not think about what the governments of the world might try if that winds up being true.
Let's add in this little nugget of info to boot. It appears that South Africa is using the vaccine from Johnson & Johnson which had a 72 percent effectiveness in US trials. The efficacy of the vaccine in South African trials was a meager 57 percent. So we will be using a vaccine as good as a coin flip. Even if you do vaccinate the entire population, many won't be immune. So now you have the opening for a scenario where you can vaccinated everyone but the government can maintain the same infringements because the vaccine used is ineffective.
Many people I know keep saying things like "when things go back to normal". I don't know if that ever happens. I tried to stay optimistic and believe that as well. Liberties have been surrendered. I don't see them being handed back willingly anymore.
submitted by phoenixthekat to GoldandBlack [link] [comments]

“The German Empire consists of a small sausage factory in Tanganyika”: Problems in Popular Conceptions of Empire and Imperial Germany

| Introduction |
Should the German people renounce the chance of growing stronger and of securing elbow room for their sons and daughters, because fifty or three hundred years ago some tribe of Negros exterminated its predecessors or expelled them or sold them into slavery, and has lived its useless existence on a strip of land where ten thousand German families may have a flourishing existence and thus strengthen the very sap of our people? - Dr. Paul Rohrback, Der Deutsche Gedanke in der Welt, 1912.
Imperialism is often a sadly contentious topic. A system which brought racism and death on such a scale ought to be entirely repudiated. Yet, in 2020 there are still holdouts. Popularly there are figures such as Niall Ferguson or Jacob Rees-Mogg who play apologetics for the British Empire. While the defense of the British Empire forwarded by figures such as these is disgusting, my aim today is to talk about a different kind of Imperialistic defense that often centers around conceptions of the German Empire. This defense of Imperialism is dangerous as it whitewashes the past and the very real pain caused by Imperial Germany. The conception of German Imperialism being less harsh or severe than that of other powers is rooted in the idea that their colonies were not large and that they didn’t control the colonies for very long. Make no mistake, German Imperialism was not kind. It was not benign. It led to famine, suffering, and even genocide.
Whataboutism is not a defense for this. It does not matter if other Imperial states were also committing atrocities. It does not make any of them better and is in effect utilizing black suffering to silence criticism of white Europeans.
The title quote comes from the final episode of 1989’s Blackadder Goes Fourth, a comedy series set in the First World War written by Richard Curtis and Ben Elton. Blackadder and his comrades were having a discussion as to why they were fighting when the patriotic and misguided character George spoke up that it was about German “Empire Building”. Captain Blackadder, our main character, responds that German Imperialism couldn’t have been the cause as the German Empire contained only a “a small sausage factory in Tanganyika” but also that the British had been building an Empire. The purpose of this dialogue was to highlight at least some of the “slither into war” historiography and assign “blame” equally for the war. The July Crisis historiography that Blackadder plays with is not today’s subject. It’s Blackadder’s defense of the German Empire that is and what that defense represents.
| The German Empire |
I see tomorrow a great future brought to Germany, I see my Fatherland at the height of its power as the Empire of Europe – a goal we can all be happy to die for. - A young character in a piece of First World War German youth literature
What exactly is an Empire? I subscribe to the definition used by Robert Gerwarth & Erez Manela for their edited volume Empires at War: 1911-1923 which defines Empire as “an inclusive and open concept that describes a polity whose territories and populations are arranged and governed hieratically in relation to the imperial center”. Put in simpler terms it means a “state” which has organized colonies and peoples in a hierarchy which places the metropole at its core, with the colonial possessions (of all stripes) supporting the metropole. This definition allows us to move past the simple conception of needing overseas colonies and allows us to truly consider states such as Austria-Hungary as an Empire. It also allows for us to view the German Empire in Europe in that same mode.
| Breadth of Empire |
The world is being divided … With time we will inevitably need more space; only by the sword will we be able to get it. It will be up to our generation to achieve this. It is a matter of our existence. - Leutnant Franz Xavier von Epp, en route to South West Africa in 1904
Put simply, Germany’s empire wasn’t just a single “sausage factory”. Its overseas colonies included: parts of Papua New Guinea, German Marianas, Samoa, Togo, Cameroon, modern day Namibia, modern day Tanzania, among other modern states. The population of these combined overseas colonies was well over 11 million people. Its continental Empire had a population of over 64 million people, with at least 2.4 million being ethnically Polish and during the First World War, with their conquests in the East, the Germans would increasingly treat Eastern Europe as a space of colonization. Additionally, regions such as Alsace-Lorraine were treated in a manner similar to colonies. It is safe to say that the German Empire the metropole ruled over millions of Colonial subjects. A common point about the German Empire is that it was not important as it did not provide much economically to the Reich, however, as Heather Jones argues – this is a limited interpretation that ignores the strategic and symbolic value such an overseas Empire had.
| Common Defenses of German Imperialism |
The German actions in German SW Africa were heavy handed, but A) not in line with how other German colonies were managed, indicating that the Herero genocide was more a reflection of the local military commander than policy, B) There was significant disapproval of this outcome in Berlin, and C) Sadly, not all that remarkable in the context of general European conduct in African colonies - Reddit user in a deleted AskHistorians answer
Some common defenses of the German Empire include the empire was small and that they were denied what was rightfully theirs echoing the rhetoric of German colonial advocates in the 19th and 20th Century. Contemporaneously this is clearly rooted in the idea that Germany’s empire wasn’t large, historically it was rooted in the competition over overseas colonies, coaling stations, trade, etc…
But what about those who do know about German colonies say? The former colonies would have been better off as German colonies and that the Germans only made some “mistakes”. This is denialism of imperial crimes. This meme implies that Alsace-Lorraine was rightfully German, rather than an area with a distinct ethnic heritage and completely ignores both contemporary German views of Alsatians and Lorrainers and views of Alsatians and Lorrainers themselves. Looking to expand the Empire makes the Kaiser a “chad”, while King Georg V is a “virgin” for not expanding the British Empire (this is problematic in regards to the British Empire as well). Neo-Nazis openly waving the Imperial flags and symbols around are great for people who defend the German Empire. The Herero-Nama Genocide gets brought up? Well, the British were worse you see (and the fun Genocide Olympics that followed).
It is safe to say that people continue to defend the German Empire in 2020. They utilize a variety of methods in their defense, most of them rooted in the idea that German Colonies were not that large or “that bad”, and if that fails the defense falls back on whataboutism. Here I provided examples of whataboutism being provided in regards to both the British and Belgians. So lets talk about that supposedly small, and not as bad as other Empires, the German Empire.
| Southwest and East Africa |
I gladly express to you that you have to the fullest extent justified my faith in your knowledge and military experience, which moved me to appoint you as the commander of the Schutztruppe in South West Africa in difficult times. I wish to express my Imperial gratitude and my warm acknowledgement of your excellent accomplishment by conferring on you the award, Pour le Mérite.... - Kaiser Wilhelm II on awarding General von Trotha the Pour le Mérite.
One of the saddest events in German colonial history is the Herero-Nama Genocide that was conducted from 1904-1907. The German government only recognized it as such fairly recently, in 2015, but it was long overdue. The Herero peoples rose up against the German colonists due to the cruel punishments, rape, and murder that were commonplace towards the Herero people. In response, General Lothar von Trotha was posted to South-West Africa and he intended to kill every last Herero man, woman, and child. This is his “extermination order”.
I, the great general of the German soldiers, send this letter to the Hereros. The Hereros are German subjects no longer. They have killed, stolen, cut off the ears and other parts of the body of wounded soldiers, and now are too cowardly to want to fight any longer. I announce to the people that whoever hands me one of the chiefs shall receive 1,000 marks, and 5,000 marks for Samuel Maherero. The Herero nation must now leave the country. If it refuses, I shall compel it to do so with the 'long tube' (cannon). Any Herero found inside the German frontier, with or without a gun or cattle, will be executed. I shall spare neither women nor children. I shall give the order to drive them away and fire on them. Such are my words to the Herero people
While Von Trotha would clarify that they weren’t to shoot at the women and children, they were only to drive them into the Omeheke desert where they would die of starvation and thirst. His intent was to murder the entirety of the Herero people. In practice, the orders were interpreted to even include the murder of women and children. Hendrik Campell, a Baster man in command of a troop of Basters working with the Germans witnessed, as an example,yhea (Content Warning for graphic description) After the fight was over, we discovered eight or nine sick Herero women who had been left behind. Some of them were blind. Water and food was left with them. The German soldiers burnt them alive in the hut in which they were laying.. This was typical of the mass murder seen in South-West Africa. Additionally, “Racial Science” intersected with the Genocide as German Anthropologists raced to study the dying Herero and Nama peoples. Herero women were forced to clean the skulls of dead Herero people, so that they could be shipped back to Germany and studied. Other “scientists” studied the Herero in the concentration camps, as they were dying of disease and starvation.
A common argument about the Herero-Nama genocide is that the German Government and Kaiser were unaware of what was going on. That is false. Firstly, General von Trotha was brought to South-West Africa due to his reputation of brutality in East Africa. Secondly, even if the order did not directly come from the Kaiser (and there is debate over whether or not it did), the German government knew the genocide was ongoing and continued to give Von Trotha what he requested. The German General staff told the German Chancellor, at the time Bernhard von Bülow, that “His [Von Trotha’s] plans to wipe out the entire nation or to drive them out of the country are meeting with our approval”. Jeremy Sarkin quotes Jan-Bart Gewald as saying that the ‘personal involvement of the German Kaiser Wilhelm II, in deciding how the war was to be fought in German South West Africa, signaled the highest authorization and endorsement for acts committed in the name of Imperial Germany’. The Imperial German government is responsible for Genocide.
Genocidal actions were not just limited to South-West Africa, however. Even in other parts of the German Empire, actions which bordered on the line of Genocidal occurred. In response to the “Maji-Maji” Rebellion in 1905, the German leadership instituted a scorched earth policy which led to lasting famine, an estimated 300,000 Africans died as a result. Even before this war, which constituted the interests of 120 ethnic groups of African peoples, the Germans were extremely harsh in East Africa. Between 1891 and 1897 there were a total of sixty-one “penal expeditions” carried out by Colonial military forces, and not always with authorization. These expeditions included public executions of Africans, public beatings, and the public chaining of prisoners. The violence was not curbed before the First World War, and in fact in many cases rose. There were 315 cases of violent public punishment in Cameroon in 1900. In 1913 that had risen to 4,800 cases. The authors of German Colonialism: A Concise History argue that the official figures were likely higher in both periods.
In Africa, German Colonialism was not just a “sausage factory” in Tanganikyia. It constituted a massive amount of land where the German colonists ruled over a massive number of African peoples. German rule was at times genocidal, and always brutal. This can not be downplayed. It can not be made into a “whatabout” argument. The facts of German colonialism need to be tackled head on.
German Colonialism was not just limited to Africa.
| Alsace-Lorraine |
If you are attacked, then make use of your weapon; if you stab such a Wackes in the process, then you'll get ten marks from me. – Leutnant Günter Freiherr von Forstner, 1914
Alsace-Lorraine was taken by the German Empire at the end of the Franco-Prussian war. It was not on the road to “full integration” with the Reich, and was treated in many ways as a colony. Alan Kramer argues that Alsace-Lorrainers would have preferred republican autonomy, which was impossible under German rule. The Germans prohibited the speaking of the Alsatian dialect in schools, even in private, and there was a perceived lack of French language instruction. The "Wackes" were looked down upon by German authorities, epitomized in the infamous “Zabern Affair” of 1913. During the First World War Alsace-Lorrainers were treated as unreliable and potentially treasonous, and within the territory civil liberties were suspended. It was treated similarly to occupied enemy territory and not as “German Clay”.
Alsace-Lorraine then, can be broadly construed as a “colony” of Imperial Germany. It and its citizens were treated as lesser and they were not given the autonomy that many Alsace-Lorrainers felt they should have had. The German Empire existed both close to home, and far abroad. However, Alsace-Lorraine was treated lightly compared to Germany’s other European colonies.
| Eastern Europe and Ober Ost |
Exactly as in the days of our medieval colonization, even today the superiority of the German plow is evident over the un-German [undeutschen] ‘Hake.’ The Lithuanian ‘Zocha,’ only a hook covered with iron, must make way for the swing plow introduced from Germany. - Ober Ost Press Department, 1917
Eastern Europe would be marked forever by the policy of Genocide and Colonialism that the Nazi state embarked on in 1939. However, even before this there had been attempts by the Imperial German state to effectively “colonize” Eastern European lands and bring with them “kultur” to enlighten the native peoples. The fact that the German state and military administration looked down on the people of Eastern Europe is clear, embodied by one official stating “Human life does not count for much in Russia”.
In areas of Imperial Germany inhabited by the Polish, the German state embarked on a policy of “internal colonization” in which the “east” was viewed similarly to the “Wild West” in the United States. 120,000 Ethnic Germans were settled on land bought by the Government in the “Prussian East”. This number, while it may seem small, was many more than the number of Ethnic Germans who had settled in other regions of the German Empire. It was here that Lebensraum was born, and that Ludendorff wished to “ethnically cleanse” the “Polish Border Strip” to make way for German settlers. This would involve forcing 2 million ethnic Polish and Jewish persons from their homes. He envisioned, somehow, of causing this mass of people to “emigrate to the United States”. Adam Tooze argues that this was because Ludendorff assumed that the war would not be the last, and that there would be an even larger confrontation with the western powers. A Colonial view of the “East” started to take shape, and the Ober Ost regime has been described as “proto-colonial”.
The goals of Ober-Ost were twofold and entirely colonial. The first was economic extraction for the better of the German Reich and war machine. Lumber, horses, domesticated animals, and crops were all requisitioned for the German Empire. The other half was the “civilizing” mission where the peoples of Eastern Europe would be enlightened and lifted up through German civilization and culture, one extreme example being the “sanitary police” that would inspect people’s homes for cleanliness as one of the stereotypes the Germans had was that of Eastern Europeans being naturally dirty and unclean. Ludendorff, showcasing how Eastern Europeans were viewed, once remarked “the poor, lice-infested Lithuanian towns”.
Indeed, beyond simply viewing the natives of Eastern Europe as unwashed masses, they viewed them as backwards, “parasitic and incapable of real work”. The Ober Ost administration proclaimed “If one could breed the people to order, cleanliness, honesty, punctuality, and duty (which is not the least of the problems faced here, which would have to be taken up and will not be easy and simple to solve) this area could become a bread basket of wheat and cattle, wood and wool, of the very highest value”.
Vejas Gabriel Lulevicius wrote that,
According to Kurland’s chief, this was the last chance in world history to ‘‘create truly German land.’’ Kurland ‘‘was ideal settlement land,’’ which ‘‘we now only need to hold and populate in order to possess a new, complete, and valuable piece of Germany!’’
Ober Ost was as colonial as one could get and was marked by colonial practices towards native inhabitants. Forced labor, better called slavery, was the norm. From 1916, all men and women, including the elderly and sick, were subject to being called up for forced labor. If you refused, you were imprisoned for 5 years. The administration had the right to draft these forced laborers “without pay”, which was often done. Furthermore, these laborers were often “rounded up in raids”.
Forced laborers were made to work on a starvation diet – being fed 250 grams of bred and a liter of soup. Disease was rampant and they were forced to work in the cold without suitable clothing. They lived in unheated barracks and were locked in at night. Many of these forced laborers died as a result of the conditions. While these forced labor battalions were formally dissolved at the end of September 1917, many continued to operate as they had been designated as “volunteers”. This was the experienced of civilians under German occupation in Eastern Europe.
Forced labor was not the only mark of German rule in the proto-colonial east. An unequal system of law was also the norm. In Lithuania, the natives were held to a 1903 Russian legal code – but it was administered in German which the Lithuanians more often than not didn’t speak. On the other hand, Germans were held to German law. Additionally, the German judges were not held to precedent and procedure, and more often than not was simply enforcing the orders of the Ober Ost administration. Some of these orders including regulating days that baking could occur, curfews, movement, and even cleanliness. Many did not understand what they were being punished for, as the orders were not translated at first. Eventually, they were, but the translations were notoriously bad (on infamous one read “The German excrement shitted” instead of “The German court judged”).
However, the Ober Ost administration solved this by having laws go into effect as soon as they appeared in German, an understanding by the native populations was not necessary. Non-Germans faced crippling fines for minor infractions and death sentences infractions such as owning a weapon. Public corporal punishment of men and women was frequent, and those arrested faced torture in prison by the German gendarmes who were led by General Rochus Schmidt, a former colonial soldier. Many of the gendarmes were older soldiers, and they were infamously abusive, many people were whisked away to prison for months without charge.
Ober Ost constitutes a major part of the German Empire. While not as infamous as other aspects of German colonialism, it is another point against the idea that the German Empire was small, and that it was relatively harmless. Those under the occupation of the Central Powers during the First World War were not treated well, and this is a pattern derived, at least in part, from Colonial concepts of conquest and rule.
| Conclusion |
Its really the other way around. Germany was compared to other colonizers pretty fair and not that brutal. They even spent more on the colonies than they got out of it. Germanys colonial interests werent so big either way. Its similar to eastern Europe. They wantet the coal and the food of that region. No interests in terrorising the people or settling there - Reddit user, November 2020.
German Imperialism was not, as Captain Blackadder once uttered, simply limited to a “small sausage factory”. It was not any kinder or gentler than other Imperial powers. It committed Genocide. It oppressed peoples in Africa, Eastern Europe, the Pacific, and Asia. There needs to be a fundamental reworking of how German imperialism is discussed in popular discourse. Many can claim that the German Empire wasn’t as bad as the Nazis, but that’s about as low of a bar as you can get. One of the themes that ran through German colonialism was that of Lebensraum, first coined in 1901 but as a theory had developed in the 1890s. The idea of forging a new “Volk”, whether in Africa or the East was prominent among Colonial advocates. This idea would later be picked up by the Nazi party, and there were many colonialists who became ranking members of the Nazi party. It’s dangerous to view the German Empire as small and almost pointless, because the truth of the very real suffering it brought is silenced.
| Sources |
submitted by IlluminatiRex to badhistory [link] [comments]

So fucking tired of the narrative

I live in South Africa. For the past 2 weeks or so, the 'new variant' narrative has been shoved down our throats as well as 'second wave will continue for another month or so'.
We have various levels of lockdown. At the moment we are in level 3 (which also prohibits alcohol). We have a curfew which starts at 9pm and ends at 5am (up until Monday it ended at 6am). Usually this time of the year, we are outside in the fresh air. There are SO many recreational OUTDOOR activities across SA especially where I live. We have beaches that go on for fucking days, now we cannot even set foot at them. Yet this for me is a 'first world problem' compared to the even poorer communites around me.
In my country, Gender Based Violence and murders are so frequent and expected, yet when there was an outcry for govt to do something they just fucking did nothing. They literally found a body of a 3 year old around the corner from my workplace shoved in a plastic bag after she had been brutally raped in her own home by someone she knew and govt still did fuck all.
I am SO pissed that a country like ours, where we have faced countless atrocities in the not so distant past have given over their liberties to the government once again.
There are just not enough safe places for our kids here, most are now stuck with their abusers and it pains me that there are even fewer options for them now.
Fuck the vaccine, save our fucking kids.
submitted by AshJade17 to NoNewNormal [link] [comments]

PANDEMIC UPDATE - 26 January 2021

UPDATE – 26 January 2021
COVID has been in Canada for one year now.
The strange case of the CEO in disguise to get vaccine for himself.
COVID-19 tax tips.
COVID-19 and the world of work – the International Labor Organization.
A breakdown of cases among healthcare workers.

If you’re having trouble regulating life while working from home, the fake commute might be for you, have a look: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/18/success/fake-commute-meaning-benefits-pandemic-wellness/index.html
“For the many who have been doing your part, you may be asking, what more can I do? Be the voice of support and encouragement for those who may be wavering in their resolve.” – Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Feel free to share this post, or copy and paste, in whole or any part of it.

· 82 cases among New West residents in the previous week.
· No new school exposures in New Westminster since that of the Queensborough Middle School on January 11th.
· Current outbreaks: Royal City Manor, declared Jan 21; Royal Columbian Hospital, declared Jan 20.
· The Rio Theatre in Vancouver has converted into a sports bar.
· The theatre is dealing with a full closure of movie theatres. But as restaurants and bars can remain open with safety protocols, the theatre is seeking other ways to do business. The move does show that the Rio cannot do business as a theatre right now, but can meet the safety requirements to operate as a sports bar.
· There are differences though. The theatre has to actually meet the requirements for a bar, such as taking orders from people’s seats rather than allowing a line-up at the concession.
· The move has stirred controversy, with some decrying the Rio as finding a loophole while the basic lay-out is still that of a theatre, with narrow entryways and tiny washrooms. Others welcome the move as innovative, a way for a theatre to survive during the closure.
Sources: CBC, Global News, Fraser Health

· The strange case of the CEO in disguise.
· Vancouver couple Rod and Ekaterina Baker were fined $575 after sneaking into the Yukon to try to get the vaccine for themselves.
· The couple posed as local motel workers.
· The clinic at Beaver Creek normally has one nurse and a receptionist, but a team of six was flown in to do vaccinations. Beaver Creek was chosen because “of its remoteness, elderly and population, and limited access to health care,” said Chief Angela Demit of the White River First Nation in Beaver Creek.
· The story of the wealthy executive trying to get vaccine intended for remote elderly First Nations people has not gone over well.
· Rod Baker is the Chief Executive Officer of Great Canadian Gaming, since 2011, where he earns $900,000 per year as salary, but last year also made $45.9 million from company stock options.. The company announced his resignation yesterday. The gambling company cited it’s “core values.” Ekaterina Baker is an actor, but not apparently a good enough one to fool Yukon officials. The couple chartered a flight to the Yukon.
· “We had not been imagining that someone would go to this length to mislead or deceive.” John Streicker, Yukon’s Minister of Community Services.
· The manager of the 1202 Motor Inn, where the couple claimed to work, was also rather upset. “That’s a risk (serving travellers) that we take – not a risk that somebody enforces upon us because they are too ignorant.” Staff at the Beaver Creek clinic found the couple suspicious, and phoned the motel to check on their story. While at the clinic and pretending to live and work in town, the couple rather oddly asked if anyone could drive them to the airport afterwards.
· Story from the Globe and Mail: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-great-canadian-gaming-ceo-resigns-after-being-charged-in-yukon-ove?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Coronavirus%20Update&utm_content=2021-1-25_19&utm_term=Coronavirus%20Update:%20Great%20Canadian%20Gaming%20CEO%20resigns%20after%20alleged%20botched%20disguise%20as%20Yukon%20motel%20worker%20in%20attempt%20to%20get%20COVID-19%20vaccine&utm_campaign=newsletter&cu_id=czq7hF%2BueFDcmmCKozRUQ1bduJl6paGe
· Ekaterina Baker is known for acting in productions such as Chick Fight, Fatman, The Asset, and The Comeback Trail, and as producer of Big Gold Brick.
· IMDB page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9698063/
· BC has adopted a four phase vaccination plan.
· Phase 1, December to February: Residents, staff, essential visitors with long-term care and assisted living; people waiting for long-term care; people in remote Indigenous communities and hospital workers caring for patients with COVID-19.
· Phase 2, February to March: Seniors over 80; Indigenous seniors over 65, Indigenous elders; more health-care workers; vulnerable populations and nursing-home staff.
· Phase 3, April to June: Members of the general public aged 60 to 79.
· Phase 4, July to September: Members of the general public aged 18 to 59.
· Premier John Horgan says the plan is based on those who get most sick, and those most likely to die, so priority goes to the elderly and vulnerable, and those who work around them.
· The Premier said multiple groups argued that they were front-line workers and so should get priority. But with vaccine supply limited, it didn’t seem to make sense to vaccinate people on the basis of their job, like being a front-line worker, ahead people ahead of seniors or those more likely to be hospitalized or to die. Health care workers are not only the most likely to be exposed, but they also work with and have direct contact with patients and the vulnerable.
· Here is a good article with the numbers and the rationale behind the priorities: https://www.newwestrecord.ca/local-news/opinion-elderly-should-get-covid-19-vaccine-before-bc-teachers-3291898
· The dates might vary, depending on supply.
· Covid cases in BC have plateaued to an average of 500 per day.
· Dr. Bonnie Henry said that the number is still dangerously high. “For the last few weeks, we have plateaued at 500 new cases. This is too many. We are at a precipice. The virus continues to circulate in our communities. We are at the threshold of where we were in late October and November when cases started to rise.”
· “Over the next two week, I believe we can bend our curve. Not just plateau, but bend it back down…. More than you’ve done before, stay home, stop social interactions.”
· B.C. will receive no new doses of vaccine over the next two weeks. It is not sure how much will be received in February.
· Over the past three days – Saturday, Sunday, Monday:
· 1,344 new cases. 618 of those in Fraser Health. 527 reported on Saturday, 472 on Sunday, 346 on Monday. 64,828 cases to date.
· 26 new deaths. 1,154 total.
· 4,392 active cases.
· 57,831 recovered.
· 11 outbreaks in long-term care declared over.
· 6 cases of the UK variant in BC, 3 cases of the South Africa variant. No community transmission of the UK variant, but the South Africa variant cases are not connected to travel and are being investigated. Dr. Henry: “I’m very concerned. I’m concerned that if those variants start to spread, it’s just going to make our job that much more difficult.”
· 119,850 doses of vaccine administered to date.
· New numbers for Tuesday:
· 14 new deaths. 1,168 total.
· 407 new cases. 65,234 total. (Comparison: a high of 911 cases happened for Nov 27).
· 313 hospitalized, 71 in intensive care. (A high of 381 were hospitalized on January 6th).
· 4,260 active cases.
· 6,450 in self-isolation.
· 58,352 recovered.
· 122,359 doses of vaccine administered to date. 4,105 are second doses.
· No new outbreaks, one outbreak declared over.
· Dr. Bonnie Henry: “For the many who have been doing your part, you may be asking, what more can I do? Be the voice of support and encouragement for those who may be wavering in their resolve.”
· New restriction may be necessary if the number begins to climb again.
· 4,850 cases among health care workers, from January 2020 to 15 January 2021. About 8% of cases.
· From January to December 17th 2020, care aides had the highest number of cases among healthcare workers at 1,193 or 24.6%. Nurses were second at 833 or 17.2%. Below are the ten highest number of cases by healthcare worker category.
· 1,193 – care aids.
· 833 – nurse.
· 304 – licensed practical nurse.
· 280 – administration.
· 177 – housekeeping.
· 156 – dental professional.
· 151 – physician.
· 149 – kitchen staff, dietary aid, food services.
· 91 – occupational therapist, physiotherapist, respiratory therapist.
· 75 – student.
· The document is here: http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-Info-Site/Documents/COVID_sitrep/COVID19_healthcare_workers_2021_01_15.pdf
· BC has has opened 3 clinics for people with longer term Covid symptoms.
· Located at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver General, and the Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre in Surrey.
· Some people still have symptoms months after the start of the disease. Of patients who were hospitalized in BC, after three months half still had breathing issues. About 20% have permanent lung scarring.
· The St. Paul’s clinic already has 160 patients.
· Nanaimo Regional Hospital has had an outbreak.
· Two staff and a patient tested positive.
· Limited to the 4th Floor on the east wing.
· A homeless shelter in Surrey has had an outbreak.
· 2 staff and 24 clients test positive.
· The Surrey Emergency Response Centre was set up to make more shelter available to homeless people during the pandemic.
Sources: CBC, New Westminster Record, Globe and Mail, BC Centre for Disease Control.

· Worked from home during Covid-19? Be sure to check out these tax tips: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/accountants-break-down-tips-for-working-from-home-expenses-1.5872477
· Covid has been in Canada for one year now, starting back on the 25th of January, 2020, with one case in Toronto.
· Long-terms care homes are particularly hard hit, and it continues to be so that care homes are getting outbreaks.
· From the CBC, “What we’re seeing in the long-term care facilities just demonstrates, unfortunately, years and years of neglect.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/covid-19-ontario-canada-first-case-one-year-1.5884630
· In those early days, the public was generally told in Canada that the risk was low, and that people should not wear masks, and emphasized into March that there was no community spread.
· In late February, community transmission was evidenced in the U.S., and people returning to Canada from the U.S. began to show Covid. The halt to non-essential travel, on the land border, came on March 20.
· Canada is considering more travel restrictions, says the Canadian government.
· 143 flights have arrived in Canada in past two weeks with confirmed Covid cases. Deputy Prime Minister Freeland has assured, “We are considering the issue very, very seriously.”
· In this story, you can see where Canadians are flying during the pandemic. There sure seems to be a lot of urgent need to travel to places that happen to be warm vacation spots: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/freeland-travel-restrictions-1.5887163
· There is an 8 p.m. curfew in Montreal, and that is hard on the city’s homeless people.
· Homeless people have seen a dramatic reduction in help since the pandemic began. Shelters have to have social distancing, if they are safe to open at all.
· The province has refused to exempt homeless people from the curfew. People who break the curfew are subject to fines that start at $1,000 and can go up to $6,000. Premier Legault says making an exception for homeless people could cause people to pretend to be homeless.
· Some shelters have been forced to close altogether, because they can’t meet the requirements.
· Story: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/montreal-homeless-covid-curfew-1.5880946
· 90 “adverse events following immunization,” 0.015% of the 601,901 doses administered as of January 9th 2021.
· 63 were non-serious, 0.010%. This includes things like a skin rash.
· 27 were serious, 0.004%. In Canada, this includes a wide range of symptoms from headache to nausea to anaphylaxis.
· Learn about the Canada Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) here: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/immunization/canadian-adverse-events-following-immunization-surveillance-system-caefiss.html
· Here is where the numbers are updated every Friday (but not consistently): https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/#seriousNonSerious
· Manitoba is now requiring a 14 day quarantine for non-essential travel from other parts of Canada.
· The move is being made to attempt to prevent new variants of Covid-19 from entering the province.
· Applies to air and land travel.
· Includes Manitobans who are returning to the province from elsewhere.
Sources: CBC, Toronto Star, Public Health Canada

· The world is experiencing Covid-somnia – an epidemic of insomnia.
· Insomnia is now at one-quarter of the population in the UK, and at 40% in Italy and Greece.
· There is concern that this is affecting people’s health in other ways.
· Work productivity is also affected.
· A University of Ottawa study of health care workers in 55 countries and 190,000 people showed that depression, anxiety, and PTSD have all risen at least 15% since the start of the pandemic. Insomnia has risen by over 23%.
· People are advised to seek help, which many are not as people avoid medical services, or those services are unavailable. Seeking help is important, because sleep issues over time can become and ongoing sleep disorder. “Tele-health” now makes treatment more available despite the pandemic.
· Working and using screens in bed is a big part of it. The recommendation is to use your bed only as a place of sleep.
· Full article: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210121-the-coronasomnia-phenomenon-keeping-us-from-getting-sleep
· Vaccine delays are happening around the world.
· Canada is receiving zero doses this week.
· Health workers who were scheduled for vaccination were mostly notified by email of their cancellations.
· In Canada, 50% of doses will be delayed for up to four weeks, up to 400,000 doses delayed.
· Restoration of supply will happen in the European union before it happens in Canada. Pfizer explained this as differing contract deals but did not reveal details. Europe has also threatened to sue Pfizer for breach of contracts, and threatened to abandon Pfizer altogether as a supplier, perhaps in doing so catching the company’s attention.
· Pfizer and AstraZeneca say they will catch up to their commitments in the Spring. Pfizer says their delay is due to changing production systems, so a short-term shut down for a greater number of people vaccinated more rapidly overall. Pfizers says that they are upgrading to be able to produce 2 billion doses per year, from the current 1.3 billion. AstraZeneca has not given details.
· UPDATED: The Pfizer production facility in question is in Belgium. The European Union has threatened to ban exports of the vaccine if commitments to Europe are not met. The company is attempting to distribute the problem in the world somewhat equitably. If Europe followed through on the threat, that could mean delays for other countries would be longer, including Canada, which is served by the Belgium facility.
· The UK, having had Brexit and pulled out of the European Union, has realized that they, too, would be one of those outside countries. The UK, somewhat ironically, is now arguing against nationalism as government policy, referring to what they called “the dead end of vaccine nationalism.”
· The World Health Organization’s Covax program, to distribute vaccine around the world fairly to low-income countries, has not been affected, some good news in the mix. The Covax problem is still on schedule, as its vaccine supply is produced in India and South Korea. The program has also received a substantial boost, following US President Joe Biden’s decision to contribute $4 billion to the program.
· The CDC in the US says that allergic reactions to the vaccine are extremely rare.
· Out of 4 million given the Moderna vaccine, 10 had severe allergic reactions.
· Moderna – 2.5 per million doses have severe allergic reactions.
· Pfizer – 11.1 per million.
· Normal flu vaccine – 1.3 per million.
· Allergic reactions begin quickly, at a median of 7 and a half minutes, so people are able to be supported through it. The majority were known to have severe allergies in advance. In the US, all vaccination sites must have people trained in responding to anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction.
· Story: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/22/health/moderna-severe-allergic-reactions-rare/index.html
· A doctor in Texas has been arrested for stealing vaccine.
· The doctor stole 9 doses to give to his friends and family, authorities allege.
· A man lived in the Chicago O’Hare airport for three months because he was afraid to fly. Story: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55702003
· Los Angeles has lifted its air quality limitations for cremations. An emergency order was issued so that crematoriums can catch up with the number of bodies. One person every eight minutes was dying from Covid every 8 minutes. The rate of death in LA county is double the norm from past years. 13,800 deaths in the city, 7,400 currently hospitalized, and 23% of those in intensive care.
· Over 200 incidents with plane passengers over the wearing of masks have been reported in the U.S.
· The behaviour has included refusal to wear masks once onboard, shouting abusively at flight attendants, and even physical assault.
· On Thursday, President Biden issued an executive order requiring the wearing of masks across transportation, a move welcomed by flight unions.
· The FAA, Federal Air Administration, has introduced fines up to $35,000 and potential jailing for abusing aircraft personnel, a move made in December after two flight attendants were assaulted.
· One person has been fined $15,000 after hitting the flight attendant, and grabbing her phone away from her while she was notifying the captain of the problem. Another passenger was fined $7,500, who when asked to wear a mask approached other passengers without a mask and sexually harassed a flight attendant.
· Some airlines are banning passengers from their flights who refuse to follow the rules. United Airlines has banned 615 people from flying on the airline since June, Delta Airlines has banned 700.
· There is a lot of news about variants of the virus.
· New variants have appeared in Britain, South Africa, and Brazil, all countries that have had high rates of Covid.
· So, what about vaccines? Scientists have actually expected that vaccines would still work against the variants. Moderna says that antibodies triggered by their vaccine works on new variants in lab test results. More study will be needed of people who actually have been vaccinated and who had the variant. The study so far was a small sample of eight people. Early results with the Pfizer vaccine also show that it works against variants.
· Moderna is also studying to see if there is a benefit of giving a third booster shot.
· Reports vary almost daily about if the variants are more deadly or not. The truth is that data is too limited and it is too early to really tell.
· Covid job losses have been four times worse than in the financial crisis in 2009.
· That’s according to a report by the International Labor Organization.
· The report estimates that 8.8% of the world’s work hours were eliminated. The ILO looks not only at those who have become unemployed, but those who have had reduced hours of work as well. That loss is equivalent to 255 million full-time jobs, or $3.7 trillion dollars of income.
· Press release: https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_766949/lang--en/index.htm
· Study: COVID-19 and the world of work. Seventh edition. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/documents/briefingnote/wcms_767028.pdf
· What’s the latest with the Tokyo Olympics?
· The government of Japan wants to go ahead with the Olympics that were delayed last summer.
· The Olympics are planned to start on July 23, and the Paralympics on August 24.
· The International Olympic Committee is currently planning on proceeding, but has not made a final decision. Efforts are underway to have Olympics that are Covid safe. That might mean no audiences, athletes restricted to their accommodation areas, and each sport would have to have protocols around training and competition areas.
· “We need the vaccine to come to Africa.” A note about Grandmothers in Zimbabwe. I encourage you to read this one: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-55726054
Sources: BBC, Toronto Star, International Labor Organization, CNN, Los Angeles Times.

STATS (as of end of Monday)
· 144 new deaths. 19,238 total.
· 5,628 new cases. 753,011 total.
· 1,222 fewer active. 62,446 total.
· 849 in critical care.
· 6,706 new recovered. 671,327 total.
· 1,887 new deaths. 431,392 total.
· 152,244 new cases. 25,861,597 total.
· 9,812,845 active.
· 26,259 in critical care.
· 207,426 new recovered. 15,617,360 total.
· 2,149,496 deaths.
· 100,286,772 cases.
· 72,315,474 recovered.
Sources: www.covid-19us.live/, https://www.covid-19canada.com/

Pandemic updates provided on a voluntary basis as a community service, on Tuesdays and Fridays unless circumstances do not allow (currently dealing with an injury that limits my typing).
To provide accurate and timely information, locally, provincially, nationally and internationally, all in one place.
Feel free to share.
With love and hope,
Jaimie McEvoy, City Councillor, New Westminster, B.C.
submitted by JaimieMcEvoy to NewWest [link] [comments]

Signs of Collapse 2020 - Summary of the year

Hi /Collapse! I have been working on an ongoing project for 5 years now nick-named “[Signs of collapse]”.
I try my best to not make this series into a rant about every little problem or mishap that’s going on. Even in a sustainable society accidents would happen and natural catastrophes would occur, seasons would vary in intensity from year to year and so on. So what I present here is my best attempt at distilling out anthropogenic anomalies.
I define a “sign of collapse” as a negative market externality that the current socioeconomic system for whatever reason hasn’t dealt with and is now ending up hurting people or the ecosystem. I try to pick studies and news that shows the occurring consequences of the current system’s failure to deal with externalities.
You are not the intended audience for this project, you're already agreeing with everything it presents. I post it here so that you can help me spread it and use/reuse the material elsewhere. Also feel free to solve any or all of the mentioned problems, it's fine if you only pick one.
Previous posts:

Signs of Collapse 2020 Summary of the Year

Human well-being & non-specific climate change
Economy, Politics & Industry
Police riots in the US
Pests, viruses and bacterial infections
Coral reefs
Ice and water
Hurricanes, storms and winds
Heat waves, forest fires and tree loss
submitted by Dave37 to collapse [link] [comments]

Signs of Collapse 2020 - Summary of the year

Hi /FridaysForFuture! I have been working on an ongoing project for 5 years now nick-named “[Signs of collapse]”. We can all see how the natural world that we’re depending on is degrading at an increasing pace while the warnings of the scientific community are ignored. I think in order to reach a world that is truly sustainable and free from fossil fuels, it's imperative that everyone fully understand where we are now and which path we are on. To progress, we have to identify the problems and accept them for what they are if we wish to have any chance addressing them.
I try my best to not make this series into a rant about every little problem or mishap that’s going on. Even in a sustainable society accidents would happen and natural catastrophes would occur, seasons would vary in intensity from year to year and so on. So what I present here is my best attempt at distilling out anthropogenic anomalies.
I define a “sign of collapse” as a negative market externality that the current socioeconomic system for whatever reason hasn’t dealt with and is now ending up hurting people or the ecosystem. I try to pick studies and news that shows the occurring consequences of the current system’s failure to deal with externalities.
Urgent action is needed now and there's close to no upper limit to how radically environmentalist one can reasonably become at the present time. I hope this collection of catastrophes can serve as sharp ammunition in whatever project or strike you participate in.
Feel free to share any of the material or repost this on other suitable subreddits. If you would like to get involved in this project, don’t hesitate to chat me up.
Previous posts:

Signs of Collapse 2020 Summary of the Year

Human well-being & non-specific climate change
Economy, Politics & Industry
Police riots in the US
Pests, viruses and bacterial infections
Coral reefs
Ice and water
Hurricanes, storms and winds
Heat waves, forest fires and tree loss
submitted by Dave37 to FridaysForFuture [link] [comments]

21 Reasons to Dislike the Israeli Government

Content Warning: Contains discussion of violence, racism and sexual abuse
Even if we assume that:
Israel is STILL a pretty bad government that nobody who claims to stand for liberal values should like. Like, after looking into it, they are shockingly bad. Here's 21 reasons why, with links to associated Wikipedia articles:
  1. In 1948, the Zionist terrorist groups that would become the Israeli military murdered at least 107 Palestinians in Deir Yassin. People who surrendered or were fleeing were killed, and houses were looted and women were raped.
  2. In 1948 700,000 Palestinians fled Palestine, then 80% of the Arab population in the area, for either their safety or they were forced out by Israeli soldiers. Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed.
  3. In 1948, Israeli soldiers captured a Palestinian village and massacred the villagers, killing between 52 and 64 people. Multiple women have accused soldiers of raping them and a teenage girl.
  4. In 1948, Israeli soldiers captured a Lebanese village and massacred the villagers, killing all men between 15 and 60 and kicking all women and children out of the town. An unknown amount of people were killed.
  5. In 1953 Israeli soldiers attacked a Palestinian village as revenge for terrorist attacks, killing 69 people, two-thirds of whom were women and children. The act was condemned by the U.S. State Department, the UN Security Council, and by Jewish communities worldwide. The man who led the massacre later became Prime Minister of Israel.
  6. In 1954, Israeli spies bombed US and British-owned interests in Egypt and blamed them on Egyptian communists and nationalists. This was done to start an invasion of Egypt by Britain.
  7. In 1956 Israel invaded Egypt to stop them nationalising the Suez Canal and depose the government. France and Britain tried to aid them but they were later forced by the USA, USSR and UN to back down. Not only does this show how imperialistic these governments are, but it also directly debunks the idea that Israel controls the world.
  8. In 1956 during the invasion of Egypt, Israeli soldiers murdered 111 people in the city of Rafah. Although what exactly happened is unclear, survivor accounts indicate that soldiers randomly killed civilians for being Palestinian and killed almost a thousand people.
  9. In 1956 Israeli police murdered 48 people including 23 children who were returning from work and school since they violated a recently placed curfew of which they were unaware had been created.
  10. In 1968, the Israeli Air Force bombed a US Navy ship, killing 34 people and injuring 171. While the US and Israeli government believe it was mistake, some survivors think the ship was targeted by Israel to try and directly drag the USA into the war by convincing them it was Egyptian. (Note: Iraq did this to a US Navy ship in 1987 and killed more people)
  11. In 1979 Israel probably worked with Apartheid South Africa to test a nuke in the Southern Ocean. It has since denied its involvement.
  12. In 1981 Israel bombed a nuclear reactor in Iraq that was being used for civilian purposes, and inadvertently caused the nuclear program in Iraq to accelerate.
  13. In 1986 Israel kidnapped an Israeli nuclear technician who leaked details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press. They kidnapped him, placed him on a navy ship, arrested him for 18 years 12 of which he spent in solitary. Since his release in 2004 he has been banned from leaving the country, speaking to foreigners without government permission and cannot go to airports or embassies.
  14. In 1996, the Israeli military mortared a UN compound in Lebanon that was providing protection for refugees. 106 people were killed and 120 were injured, including 4 UN volunteers from Fiji. A UN investigation maintains that it was unlikely that the building was attacked by mistake.
  15. In 2006, the Israeli Air Force bombed an apartment block in Lebanon, killing 28 civilians, 16 of whom were children. They have claimed rockets were fired from the area, but journalists have been unable to find evidence of the building being used for military reasons.
  16. In 2006, the Israeli Air Force bombed a farm in Lebanon, killing 33 workers and injuring 20.
  17. In 2006, the Israeli Air Force bombed a suburb of Beirut, killing 50 civilians and injuring 40.
  18. In 2009, the Israeli Air Force bombed a mosque in Gaza during a prayer which killed 16 people and injured over 60. Israel has both denied the bombing and claimed it was done to destroy weapons being stored there. The UN considers this a war crime and notes that the mosque could have been bombed when there wasn't a prayer.
  19. In 2010, the Israeli Navy raided a flotilla of activists, killing 10 people. A UNHRC report in September 2010 into the incident deemed the blockade illegal and stated that Israel's actions were "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality", with evidence for "willful killing".
  20. As of 2020, Israel is yet to recognise the Armenian Genocide as a genocide. Worth noting the US Federal Government also didn't recognise it as genocide until last year (2019).
  21. Israel has supported authoritarian and violent governments in Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia. This would take a whole other post to cover.
Also worth noting
submitted by Anarcho_Humanist to Anarchism [link] [comments]

r/CoronavirusDownunder random daily discussion thread - 25 January, 2021

CoronavirusDownunder random daily discussion thread - 25 January, 2021

🎥 Press conferences today

State Presser time Where to watch
NSW Most likely at 11am AEDT The Age, NSW Health Facebook, 9news live, ABC News - YouTube

Support is available 24/7

Looking after your #mentalhealth, especially during times of change, can really help you & those around you. If you or someone you know needs support, it’s available 24/7. To learn more and access support services, visit: https://headtohealth.gov.au/crisis-links
Source: Australian Government Department of Health

🌎 Other news

Feel free to talk about the COVID-19 situation in any country within this post and/or anything else you like as long as it is within the rules.
🎾 Australian Open Extra women's tennis tournament scheduled for quarantined Australian Open players theguardian.com
🌏 Asia 🇹🇼 - Taiwan to put 5,000 into quarantine over hospital COVID-19 cluster reuters.com
🇨🇳 - China sees fall in new COVID-19 cases amid strict local lockdowns news.yahoo.com
🇹🇷 - Turkey passes 25,000 COVID-19-related deaths abcnews.go.com
🇰🇼 - Kuwait limits overseas airport arrivals after COVID-19 variant detected channelnewsasia.com
🇵🇰 - Pak authorises emergency use of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine timesofindia.com
🇮🇳 - India to give homegrown vaccine in seven more states this week news.yahoo.com
🇮🇱 - Israel bans international flights to curb coronavirus spread reuters.com
🇹🇼 - Two more domestic COVID-19 cases confirmed in Taoyuan hospital cluster focustaiwan.tw
🇮🇱 - Minister slams claim COVID death rate is ‘failure’ compared to others in region timesofisrael.com
🇮🇳 - One million Covid vaccine doses administered in India in just 6 days: Health ministry timesofindia.com
🇭🇰 - Thousands of Hong Kongers locked down to contain coronavirus nbcmontana.com
🇯🇵 - New Tokyo COVID-19 cases dip below 1,000 for first time in 12 days japantimes.co.jp
🇲🇳 - Mongolian PM quits in COVID-19 hospital treatment scandal news.yahoo.com
🇲🇾 - Malaysia to shut economy if movement control order fails to contain Covid-19 straitstimes.com
🇱🇰 - Sri Lanka to commence COVID-19 vaccine drive on Thursday adaderana.lk
🇮🇳 - Tears and fears as India's huge coronavirus vaccine push falters straitstimes.com
🌍 Europe 🇪🇸 - Spanish woman who 'died' of COVID returned 10 days later-newspaper news.trust.org
🇨🇭 - From plane to train: Pilots in Switzerland grounded by COVID are redeploying as train drivers euronews.com
🇩🇪 - Germany expects AstraZeneca to deliver 3 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in February news.yahoo.com
🇳🇱 - Rioting youths in Dutch village torch COVID-19 testing centre cbc.ca
🇫🇷 - France imposes new border controls in effort to curb Covid-19 france24.com
🇪🇺 - EU says it will make vaccine companies respect supply contracts irishtimes.com
🇨🇿 - Czech restaurants & pubs open in defiance of Covid-19 rules, owners to launch ‘political movement’ to circumvent restrictions rt.com
🇬🇧 - South Africa coronavirus variant: 77 cases found in UK bbc.co.uk
🇵🇹 - Portugal votes in presidential election amid coronavirus surge dw.com
🇪🇺 - To hit Commission target, EU vaccine rollout should be 5 times faster politico.eu
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - Scotland: Over 70s to receive vaccine date in blue envelopes bbc.co.uk
🇬🇧 - The pandemic one year on: 100,000 dead in the UK from coronavirus theguardian.com
🇩🇪 - Germany fears attempts to sabotage vaccination drive — report dw.com
🌎 Americas 🇲🇽 - Mexico's death toll from COVID-19 set to pass grim milestone of 150,000 reuters.com
🇺🇸 - Deborah Birx: ‘Parallel set of data’ on Covid-19 was delivered to Trump politico.com
🇺🇸 - Biden health officials express concern about short-term vaccine supply crunch politico.com
🇺🇸 - 'We can't wait:' Biden to push U.S. Congress for $1.9 trillion in COVID-19 relief news.yahoo.com
🇲🇽 - As Mexico enters the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, its vaccination plan takes a hit latimes.com
🇺🇸 - Dems Urged Not to ‘Waste a Second’ Negotiating as Republicans Back Away From COVID Relief news.yahoo.com
🇲🇽 - Mexico faces challenge to light-touch Covid approach as US restricts travel theguardian.com
🇦🇷 - Argentina approves Russia's Sputnik V vaccine for over-60s reuters.com
🇦🇷 - China offers to ‘boost cooperation' with Argentina on vaccines batimes.com
🇺🇸 - Death of Florida doctor after receiving COVID-19 vaccine under investigation usatoday.com
🇺🇸 - Just over a year since the first reported Covid-19 case in the US, the country nears 25 million infections cnn.com
🇺🇸 - Fauci says Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine may get approval in two weeks nypost.com
🇨🇦 - Pandemic tests limits of religious freedom as churches set to fight B.C.'s COVID-19 rules in court cbc.ca
🇧🇷 - Brazil begins distributing AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine axios.com
🇧🇷 - Bolsonaro’s Popularity Crumbles as Covid-19 Crisis Rages bloomberg.com

Some numbers around the world 🌏️

  • +7 (total cases: 2,283).
  • +0 (total deaths: 25).

  • +76 (total cases: 10,086).
  • +1 (total deaths: 169).

  • +198 (total cases: 13,500).
  • +1 (total deaths: 73).

  • +392 (total cases: 75,084).
  • +12 (total deaths: 1,349).

  • +3,346 (total cases: 183,801).
  • +11 (total deaths: 678).

🇮🇱 - ISRAEL:
  • +2,772 (total cases: 596,733).
  • +51 (total deaths: 4,392).

🇨🇦 - CANADA (as of 23/01):
  • +5,124 (total cases: 742,531).
  • +146 (total deaths: 18,974).

🇮🇷 - IRAN:
  • +5,945 (total cases: 1,372,977).
  • +89 (total deaths: 57,383).

🇵🇱 - POLAND:
  • +4,683 (total cases: 1,475,445).
  • +110 (total deaths: 35,363).
  • +4,222 (total cases: 937,617).
  • +52 (total deaths: 15,369).

  • +11,788 (total cases: 989,262).
  • +171 (total deaths: 27,835).

🇮🇹 - ITALY:
  • +11,629 (total cases: 2,466,813).
  • +299 (total deaths: 85,461).

  • +11,721 (total cases: 636,190).
  • +275 (total deaths: 10,469).

🇲🇽 - MEXICO:
  • +20,057 (total cases: 1,752,347).
  • +1,470 (total deaths: 149,084).

🇬🇧 - UK:
  • +30,004 (total cases: 3,647,463).
  • +610 (total deaths: 97,939).

🇺🇸 - USA (as of 23/01):
  • +172,913 (total cases: 25,566,789).
  • +3,427 (total deaths: 427,635).
  • Positivity rate: 9.2% (-0.3).
  • -2,655 (total hospitalisations: 113,609).
  • -351 (total ICU admissions: 21,657).
  • Vaccinated:
    • 1st dose: 18M (+1M)
    • 2nd dose: 3.1M (+220K)
Our daily update is published. States reported 1.9M tests, 174K cases, and 3,577 deaths. 114k people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US. Only two weeks ago, that number was 131k.

The weekly view today shows cases down 21%, with more modest but very welcome drops in hospitalizations and deaths. The 7-day average for cases has returned to pre-Thanksgiving levels. Tests are slightly down, possibly because most of the backlogs have now been resolved.

The reporting backlogs from Nov and Dec holidays make the past six weeks of case numbers look jumpy, but the drop we’re seeing now is very encouraging—though we’re still seeing almost three times as many new cases each day as we did at the summer peak.

There are almost exactly twice as many people in the hospital with COVID-19 now as there were at the peak of the previous two surges, but hospitalizations are dropping very quickly.
submitted by Stoaticor to CoronavirusDownunder [link] [comments]

is there still a curfew in south africa video

Unfortunately, for us here in South Africa and for others around the world, there is little cause for celebration this year. Yesterday, we passed the mark of more than one million confirmed coronavirus cases in our country. There are still some in our country who are sceptical about vaccines, and there is much disinformation and conspiracy theories being spread about the COVID-19 vaccines. Curfew changes in South Africa We have been stuck in Level 3 lockdown limbo since December and a change is welcome right about now. In fact, even Christmas and New Year Eve celebrations were President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation on Sunday about developments in South Africa’s risk-adjusted strategy to manage the spread of Covid-19. Level 1 curfew: Dlamini-Zuma explains why it is still in place While many expected the nationwide curfew to be lifted completely under Level 1 lockdown, it is still in existence. Cele said curfew will, therefore, still be enforced by police despite the change in hours. “South Africa may be on the lowest alert level of the National Lockdown but law enforcement, on the There was chaos and many, many angry passengers on Tuesday morning as airlines scrambled to deal with the implications of an extended curfew across South Africa, at what amounted to no notice. Airlines bumped morning flights to later times across the board, as the injunction on South Africans to not leave their homes before 06:00 – announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa only on Monday night

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