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The Southern Cross - An Ace Combat X fanfic : Chapter 03 Part I

Ace Combat X: The Southern Cross

Chapter 3 - Out of the Fire (Part I)

Griswall, East Aurelia
October 11th, 2020, 0845hrs
"…So let this be a symbol of fury born by our countrymen towards Aurelia, who have sought only to capitalize on our country's inner turmoil for their own selfish interests! Let this be a reminder to all of you that any injustice done toward our mighty nation shall not go unanswered! Let this be the statement to the world that Leasath will tolerate this oppression no longer!"
Such was the impassionate speech of Leasath's supreme commander, Diego Gaspar Navarro, as images of the last Aurelian Air Force squadron's destruction over Cape Aubrey played on the large jumbotron screen in the middle of Aster Square, occasionally transitioning with live footages of the Leasathian Military as they engage the weary and outnumbered Aurelian soldiers. Looming over them all was a massive jet black sky fortress that was responsible for most of the Leasathian victories in the past ten days. They had been keeping its existence under wraps for a while but it seemed they finally decided to officially introduce it to the world, probably to further cement their reputation.
The video has been playing on repeat since yesterday's evening now, and Navarro's gravelly voice continued to echo through Genette's hungover brain since he got out of his hotel room this morning. The man really wanted to rub it in the faces of those Aurelians that he had them beaten, alright, but this is getting very tiring.
Genette sighed, stuffing his hands in his trouser pockets, as he observed a large crowd of Aurelian civilians gathering to watch the video on the jumbotron. There were angry murmurs and furious looks on their faces, but the presence of armed Leasathian soldiers nearby meant they couldn't do anything if they still value their own lives. With their city fallen under their enemy's control and the Aurelian soldiers driven out, those civilians were left at the mercy of the Leasathians. The soldiers usually ignore them and left them to their own devices, though, as long as they don't get any idea about doing something they shouldn't.
It's only a matter of time before that happens, though. Genette thought to himself. History has proven time and time again that people don't take military occupations well. Sooner or later, a resistance movement will be formed to challenge them. It happened in Ustio, San Salvacion, Yuktobania, Emmeria, and it will eventually happen here as well. They just needed a spark of hope to light the fire.
Hopefully that spark hasn't burned out yet.
Genette stared thoughtfully at the pic of the last AAF squadron getting shot down again. There's something really odd about it. The picture showed only four planes getting shot down, but if Genette did his homework right, these guys were pilots of Gryphus Squadron, which should have six planes. Where were the other two?
Peering his eyes so he could observe the picture closer, he noticed something else: the placement of planes in the squadron weren't what they should be. The four planes that went down – based on the positions they were in – would imply that they were flying in a loose group. Maybe not even in a formation, and he's pretty sure about this from his experience with Wardog/Razgriz Squadron. If Gryphus Squadron really had four planes, that definitely wasn't how they should be flying.
There's something off about this picture. It has to be. That's what Genette's journalist instincts told him. One of the most important rules in his line of work is to always question his sources, especially when those sources are related to the military. Edited photographs for security or propaganda purposes are among the most common cases, and with Leasath, it seems likely to be the former.
Hopefully, his friend in OIA would shed some light on all this. He's always a nut when it comes to superweapons of all kinds. Maybe he could tell him more about the 'Gleipnir' and its capabilities.
"What a pitiful sight…"
A female voice, spoken in a soft, almost regretful tone, caused Genette to lose his train of thought. He turned toward the speaker and saw a young lady – probably in her early thirties - in a dark green T-shirt and a pair of black jeans. She had a light-tanned skin, a slim yet athletic build, and an auburn hair tied up in a proper bun. She was staring at the jumbotron with a mixed expression of curiosity and pity. Genette wasn't sure if she was talking to him or just voicing her thoughts out loud. Nevertheless, he decided to talk to her anyway.
"I beg your pardon?"
The young lady turned to face him with a little awkward smile on her face. She gestured toward the jumbotron screen, "Those pilots. They deserve better than to go out like that."
Genette didn't reply right away, but he nodded in agreement. The lady's smile faded as she lowered her face, sighing, "I'm sorry, it's just…I'm getting tired of all these propaganda footage playing nonstop since yesterday. As if these Aurelians haven't suffered enough already."
"Probably it's not the only reason," Genette replied, figuring that it wouldn't hurt to share a few thoughts himself, "Leasath has always been taking any opportunity to show off their military power for the world to see, and what better way to present their newest toy by showing it crushing the last of the Aurelian resistance?"
The young lady chucked bitterly, "Heh. If their idea of displaying dominance is by using an invisible flying warship just to take down a single enemy squadron with an attack that they can't even see coming, then it's not much of a display. It's playing dirty. If anything, the Leasath Military should be ashamed of itself to resort to such tactics to win."
"Unfortunately, that's how wars are done these days," Genette said as he watched the Leasathian soldiers started dispersing the crowd away, "As long as it gets the results you wanted then anything is a fair game. Remember that rogue Erusean submarine captain who faked his surrender to the Oseans about a year ago?"
"Yeah. Who could forget a guy like that, huh? " The lady replied with a nod, "You seem to be well informed, mister."
"I'm a freelance journalist," Genette smiled back, "Looking up about this sort of thing is a favorite pastime of mine."
"That makes two of us," The lady said with a slightly more cheerful tone, "Wars are terrible, but they do have a lot of lessons to be learned. I'm curious to know which lessons we would get from this one."
"Trying to find out is the reason why I'm here," Genette said. There's something about this lady that made Genette think that he could at least trust her with some information about himself. Maybe it was the way she spoke about the downed Aurelian pilots? Maybe it was because of the lady herself? Genette couldn't help but feel a bit amused about himself letting his guard down because he has a soft spot for ladies. She does seem like a nice person at first glance, though. Then again, he had been wrong before. Gotta try better to keep that in mind.
The lady nodded, acknowledging Genette's purpose here, "Can't say much about Aurelians, but if you want some Leasathian inputs, you can try getting in contact with someone at Gauiss Tower. Their high command had set up shop there since they took over Griswall."
Of course they would. Genette thought humorously. If his experience in Navarro's penthouse in Alendal was any indication, it was obvious to him that Navarro would pick Gaiuss Tower as the location of Leasath Military's Central Command. This also confirmed Genette's suspicion about the lady herself as well: she's definitely someone from Leasath Military, albeit far friendlier than what he would expect. What was her purpose here, he wondered?
He turned to his right and face the tower itself before glancing upward. The white 'tower' was more accurately twin towers that stood atop the same building foundation, with four 'bridges' sections connecting the two towers together as they piercing high into the sky above.
"Did you know that Aurelia built Gaiuss Tower to be a symbol of peace?" Genette spoke up, piqued the young lady's interest, "How ironic that now it was used as Leasath's seat of power."
"The Arkbird and the Space Elevator were built to be symbols of peace, too. Didn't stop them from being used for warfare, anyway." The lady replied solemnly, "I guess that's one more thing we can learn from history: it loves irony."
"I suppose so."
For a while, both Genette and the lady just stood there observing the skies above them together, nothing up there except the sun traveling the same old path as it has been since the dawn of time. It's almost crazy to think that throughout human history, through all the wars and conflicts fought in the name of some grand ideal and purpose, that very same sun still rises and falls as if nothing has ever happened. Just another day in the cosmos. Just another reminder that the universe is far bigger than what humanity could ever achieve on this little blue planet, yet people never seem to get the memo.
Maybe it's because of the weariness of all the wars he covered these past few years finally starting to get to him. Maybe not. Still, Genette couldn't deny that he was starting to get sick of it all. Why couldn't the world just stay at peace for more than a few years for once? The rays of the sun burning his tired eyes didn't help his mood at all. He figured he should at least take up the lady's offer and look up some info at the Leasath's HQ at Gaiuss Tower soon, even though he'd rather be anywhere else but here right now. The sooner he gets to finish covering this completely one-sided war that never amounted to anything and return back to Osea, the better.
The young lady sighed again. She closed her eyes for a moment as she took a deep breath, taking in the clean air of Griswall to clear her mind, before turning to face Genette again. Something told him that she was just as tired of this war as he was.
"I have to go. My friends are waiting for me," She said in a surprisingly sad tone – almost as if she didn't want to leave. She reached her left hand into the left pocket of her jacket before taking out a piece of paper. She wrote something in it before handing it to Genette. It was a phone number – along with her name.
"Y'know, I don't give my number out to guys often, but you seem like a decent bloke," The lady smiled playfully, almost teasingly, which made Genette avoid her gaze with an awkward smile on his face, "If you're looking to cover the story on this, I might be able to help. Just give me a call with this number and we can arrange our next meeting."
"I…" Genette was taken aback by the sudden kind offer – from someone he just met, no less. Granted, a lot of friends he had all started out as strangers for him, too, but usually he's the one who's on the initiative, not the other way around, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"Well, it's not like I have anything better to do lately." The lady admitted as she crossed her arms, glancing in annoyance at the jumbotron again, which was now displaying the Gleipnir prominently, "Not with that ugly thing keeps stealing my job, anyway."
"I…thank you so much, ma'am." Genette smiled, "Hopefully, we might have another chance to meet again."
"Looking forward to it, journalist," The lady give Genette a playful wink before she began walking away. Genette could've sworn he had heard her giggled lightly as she was some distance away.
If it wasn't for the fact that he could actually feel the small paper with the lady's phone number in his palm, Genette would've thought that he was in some sort of a dream resulted from the hangover he had since the morning. But this was real.
He took a closer look at the name mentioned below the number: Erina Cortes, LAF. Not a familiar name, that's for sure, but that can be remedied easily if he enlisted his friend's help this evening. He had to get in touch with that guy to dig up info about the Gleipnir for his works, after all.
Taking out his smartphone to take a photo of it just in case, Genette carefully put the paper away in his dark jacket before deciding to return home to continue his work. As tired as he was, maybe this would make his current job turning out interesting yet. Only time will tell.
Cape Aubrey, Aurelia, 0915hrs
Ian's angry shouts startled Reyna as she walked into the cafeteria. The TVs in the hall were displaying Leasath's propaganda video and what they were showing made Reyna winced: footages of Gryphus Squadron being shot down yesterday. Leasath was basically displaying their friends' last moments for the world to see, using it as propaganda was only rubbing the salt in the wound. No wonder why Ian was so furious.
"Goddamn cowards!" He continued yelling, his fists raised up high in the air. Leo and Zoe had to restrain him from venting his anger out on the poor hanging TV, "A symbol of fury!? I'll show you fury,
"Enough already, Ian!" Reyna shouted to him, "Save it for later! You wanna get even? Do it on today's sortie, not here!"
Ian froze still for a moment. Reyna glared at him to further dissuade him from doing anything stupid. Fortunately, he seemed to get the memo and quietly settled himself back down on his seat, albeit with a frustrated groan. "At least turn that shit off, goddammit!"
"Oblige him, please." Zoe agreed, turning toward an officer on mess duty and nodded. He quickly paced to grab the remote on one of the far tables. Before he switched the TV to another channel, Reyna observed the last image on the screen: a titanic black-bodied aircraft launching out a missile, most likely the same one that killed her friends.
An aerial warship. Of course it has to be an aerial warship. Reyna sighed as she settled herself next to Zoe at the table. As if being able to read her thoughts, Zoe spoke up exactly what's on her mind, "Of course the Leasathians got a superweapon. It's always the enemy who got a superweapon. What the hell do we have?"
"We were supposed to have something," Seamus, Leo's mechanic who helped fixed his plane yesterday, said as he walked by with a tray of breakfast in his hands, "I don't know much details, but apparently the Atmos Ring in Griswall was supposed to have a network of energy-based turrets or something. Unfortunately for all of us, it's never finished by the time we're invaded."
"Figures. You'd think with all the years we had to prepare for the inevitable Leasath invasion, it would've been done long before now," Ian frowned, taking a bite from his sandwich in a way that was overly aggressive.
"Well, there's no use complaining about it. It's not like it can do us any good right now even if it's completed," Leo told them, "Griswall is on the other side of the country while we're stuck here. This base is all we have left."
"That's going to change today," Reyna said, trying to be optimistic, "Solano said he has some good news for us…sort of, so maybe we can actually strike back at the enemy for a change."
"Yeah, right, because the last time that kid had his hopes up, it ended so well for us, huh?" Ian snickered, "Anyone wanna bet how he's gonna get us killed today?"
"Don't give me that crap, Ian. You wanna get grounded?" Reyna glared at him sternly, reminding him of the threat she gave him yesterday, "Nobody here is your enemy so don't go looking for one."
"Right, right! I got it already!" Ian quickly replied with a scoff, "When did you become such a hardass?"
I dunno, when did you become such a dick? Reyna thought. For a moment, she felt lucky that Ian was only a WSO and not an actual pilot. She never has to deal with someone who's out of line before and she's sure as hell not looking forward to dealing with one. But the tensions were understandably high from recent events.
Aside from that, the rest of the breakfast was uneventful. Too uneventful to the point that Reyna felt awkward and uncomfortable. That sense of tension and uneasiness filled the mess hall. What would normally be a scene of a hearty meal between her friends - with Rick and Roy making fun of Luis or vice versa, Elena, Zoe, and Paula having their girly chats together, and Ian, Hank, and Jonas trying their damnest to get a word out of Leo – was lost to memory along with the friends who never made it back. All that's left were the depressing sight of battered survivors just eating their food in silence, no longer possessing that cheerful spirit they once had.
Relax and smile. That's how we fly.
Gryphus Squadron's unofficial motto kept ringing in her head. Reyna couldn't help but feel somewhat amused at it. Those words were Rick's idea coined after he saw that silly emblem on her plane's tail wing. He always seems to make such a big deal out of it for some reason that Reyna couldn't figure out. With the turn of events happening since yesterday, she wondered if she ever understood any of her wingmen at all.
Relax and smile? Easier said than done, Rick.
About ten minutes later, the group was done with breakfast. Leo and Ian went with Seamus to oversee their plane maintenance one last time before the sortie, while Reyna and Zoe went to see Elena in the infirmary. Reyna wanted to see her cousin as well, which was probably why she was very surprised to see the bed he was lying on last night empty once she walked into the room.
"He insisted to Doc that he's healed up enough," Louise, her cousin's only surviving wingman from Falco, explained once Reyna queried her about it, "Said he was sick of staying in bed all day long and that someone might need it more than him, so he went to take a walk outside since early this morning. Wanted some fresh air, I guess."
"That idiot…" Reyna mumbled, "This place could be attacked at any time and he goes for a walk?"
"Well, if this place's attacked, then the war's already lost anyway. I suppose it won't make that much difference." Elena spoke up, her face forming a resignation expression, "If I have to die, I'd rather be out there fighting than being stuck here in this stupid bed."
Zoe chuckled, finding Elena's deadpan acceptance somewhat amusing, "That is if the captain doesn't kill you first, girl."
"Hey!" Reyna elbowed Zoe lightly, though she found the comment a bit humorous herself, "I wouldn't want to kill you again, Elena. I've 'killed' you enough times already during training. I want targets that could put up a better fight."
"Ouch. Need some water with that burn?" Zoe laughed, while Elena grabbed some nearby tissue, crumble it into a ball, and throw it at Reyna, who ducked playfully in response. They both shared cheeky smiles at each other, and Reyna felt a sense of relief. It seemed like Elena's taking what happened well enough. She wanted to mention Paula but decided against it. At least not now.
"Heh, just wait until I get out of here," Elena said, rolling her body impatiently on the bed, "Goddamn docs! I told 'em I'm fit for duty already. Let me go kick some-ahh!"
Elena groaned in pain after moving her body a bit too fast for her liking. Even though she didn't receive any major injury, her body still suffered from extreme G-force when she bailed out of her doomed airplane, and it would be a while until she could fly again. Unfortunately, Paula wasn't so lucky: her parachute was punctured by debris as she floated down, causing her to hit the ground too fast and was severely injured, which led to her untimely death.
"Give it a week, Elena," Reyna advised, obviously not wanting to see any more harm to come to her wingman more than it already was, especially how she just managed to cheat death while most of her friends didn't just the day before. Not wanting to upset her, Reyna provided a different justification instead, "We don't have a spare plane so you have nothing to fly with, anyway."
"Heh. Don't remind me." Elena sighed in exasperation. "I suppose the only way we could get some new planes is that we actually have to win for once, so make sure you do, captain. I'm sick of being here already."
"We'll win," Zoe reassured her, trying to sound as determined as she could, "We have to. And we'll get you that new plane you want, and hopefully someone that could be your…" She paused upon realizing that the topic just veered toward the subject of wizzos, and therefore Paula, then she winced. She was trying so hard to avoid this topic only to walk straight into it herself. How could she just callously suggest finding someone to be Elena's new WSO after she had just lost her friend?
Elena noticed the pained expression on Zoe's face and seemed to get what was troubling her, so she nodded with a small, understanding smile. "Don't worry. I can wait for a while longer," She said in a surprisingly soft tone, "And it's not like this war's gonna end anytime soon, right?"
"Not if we have anything to say about it, yeah," Reyna said as she reached her arm across Zoe's shoulder and pulled her close, causing Zoe to shriek out a bit, and Elena to chuckle at her expense, "We'll kick their asses on your behalf in the meantime, then. It's about time we scored a true victory for once."
Elena nodded slightly, satisfied at the comment. "I'll hold you onto it."
Zoe walked over and give Elena an affectionate pat on her left shoulder, "Rest up, girl. We'll take care of the rest."
"We'll be back before you know it," Reyna added, "Someone's gotta keep Leo and Ian from going crazy, after all."
"Heh, knowing you, it's probably the opposite," Elena snickered, "Be safe, both of you."
Reyna and Zoe nodded back with parting smiles. Taking one last look at her cousin's empty bed, Reyna wondered why her cousin couldn't be here so she can see him before going on another sortie. It was almost like he's trying to avoid her on purpose. She sighed lightly in resignation, making sure that Zoe couldn't notice the disappointment she was feeling before they both leave the infirmary and head toward the briefing room.
Just like back in the mess hall, the briefing room felt a lot emptier by the time everyone gathered together. Ian predictably took the furthest seat in the back so he could be as far from Eugene as possible, which suited Leo just fine. Reyna and Zoe took front row seats, leaving many empty seats between them and the other pair of pilots. It hit Reyna once again about just how outnumbered they were. Four pilots and two planes were all that's left of the Aurelian Air Force. Eugene better be having some good news for them if they could ever hope to fight back the Leasathians.
As for Eugene, the young officer looked extremely exhausted. He was probably working all night long to look into the Leasathian Military prowess and concoct a plan of counterattack. At least that's Reyna's best guess after he arrived in the room with his trusty laptop. Despite being weary, he noticeably picked up the pace as he moved past Ian, who just gave him a cold glare like he couldn't care less about the young officer.
Reyna wondered if she could really trust Eugene to do the job this time. She was worried about his state-of-being given what he had been through, yes, but he needed to keep himself calm and focused. With the fate of the nation on the line, they cannot afford any distraction. She had been lenient to the young officer so far on account of his inexperience and rapid distress, but if he messes up that badly again, well, she hoped that she would at least make it back to chew him out herself if it's the last thing she does. It's not like there's going to be another chance if they messed up again anyway. It's win or die, and Reyna expected everyone including Eugene to understand that fact.
After a while, the screen finally turned on – covering the dark room in bright blue light. The only words on it in the upper left corner said Accessing Tactical Data which flickered continuously. Eugene turned to face his audience – trying his hardest not to make eye contact with anyone in the room – before he finally began.
"Well, let's…let's get down to business, everyone…" Eugene stuttered, obviously still feeling a bit nervous. Reyna could've sworn she heard Ian muttering under his breath from the back of the room, "About damn time."
Taking a deep breath to steel himself, Eugene continued as the data was downloaded successfully and the screen changed, now displaying several photos of a large black aircraft – the same one that Reyna had seen on the Leasathian propaganda in the mess hall earlier – the thing that killed her friends.
"This is the Gleipnir, the superweapon that Leasath used to take over all of Aurelia in only ten days," Eugene continued, stressing the name with pain in his voice. The bloody thing was responsible for all his misery in this past couple of days, after all. "It can be assumed that this…this monster… was responsible for the tragedy that struck us yesterday, and most likely the destruction of the 9th Experimental Squadron at Phuku Lagolla AFB as well."
Eugene's face saddened upon mentioning his old, now devastated base, no doubt recalling recent trauma once again. Ian opened his mouth as if he was about to say something snarky. Leo elbowed him in the side to stop him from doing so, to which both Reyna, Zoe, and especially Eugene were very thankful.
"Supreme Leader Navarro has just formally announced its presence to the world since yesterday's evening. Before that, its existence was kept very well hidden." Eugene continued, "The ship's ability to cloak itself and attack its targets from very far away means nobody in Aurelia could see it coming."
"Which isn't helped by the sudden communications loss," Zoe noted, "We were blind for half a year before we get our intelligence systems back online. Who knows what the hell those Leasathians had been doing while nobody's keeping an eye on them."
Ian grunted irritably, "Sneaky Leasathian bastards. They couldn't take us on in a fair fight, so they had to resort to using that ugly thing to finish us off!"
Leo didn't say anything as usual, but his eyes narrowed as he leaned forward to observe the screen closer. It was hard to figure out Leo but Reyna could guess that something about Gleipnir fascinated him. His expression was a mixture of surprise and distress, and anything that could stress Leo out should concern Reyna as well.
The screen switched, replacing the Gleipnir photos with a terrain map of South Osea, with bold yellow 'AURELIA' and 'LEASATH' marking the general locations of the two countries. The map zoomed into the western region of Aurelia as several more symbols and names popped up, most of them were the distinctive green-and-red Leasath Flag – representing locations under their occupation all over the region. There was a bright blue double circle representing Cape Aubrey. From it, a line was drawn to a red silhouette of a large aircraft with a peculiar shape – the Gleipnir itself – covering a small Leasath Flag which represented their control over Puna Plains. She winced a little upon seeing Port Patterson down south with a big Leasath Flag covering it. That was where her base commander was captured. Nobody knows if he's even still alive.
"The Gleipnir was last confirmed heading southeast across the Puna Plains," Eugene explained as the red aircraft began to move to the lower right corner before gradually fading away and disappearing entirely as it approached the Austral Sea, "However, we lost all traces of it soon after. I tried to dig into the intelligence network to gather as much data as I could but unfortunately, it can provide us no further details at this time. We'll just have to take what we can get."
Unsatisfied sighs filled the room just as Reyna predicted. Clearly Eugene's info was not enough for them. "So what did you get?" Ian growled, not even trying to hide the disdain he had for the young officer, "That damned thing was responsible for all of Leasath's victories so far, and you just lost it? We need to find and destroy it if we're going to have any chance at all to retake our country!"
To Reyna's surprise, Eugene turned to face Ian directly. There was still fear in his eyes, but he stood his ground. Reyna had a feeling that he realized that this mission's too important to let any personal feeling get in the way. "With all due respect, sir. The Gleipnir nearly wiped out our entire attack force," He said calmly, "Even if we know where it is and attack it now, our remaining aerial attack strength is severely limited. We no longer have the necessary manpower or supplies to pursue the Gleipnir. Attacking it now is not recommended, sir."
"So how the hell are we supposed to fight back when it's still out there?!" Ian demanded, "If we can't even fight the damn thing then the war's as good as lost already!"
Seeing Ian about to lose his temper at Eugene again, Reyna interrupted before it gets out of hand with a theory of her own, "With how massive that thing is, it can't fly forever. It needs a lot of fuel and a lot of time to refuel it. This is not even mentioning the maintenance period. I'm willing to bet that it won't be flying for a while."
"How do you know that for sure?" Zoe asked, "Eugene just said we know next to nothing about that thing except that it can turn invisible."
"I'm glad you asked," Reyna smiled briefly at Zoe as she got up from her chair and approach the screen. She used a finger to trace a line from the Puna Plains to the Gleipnir's last known location, "According to Eugene, the Gleipnir was heading southeast from the Puna Plains before disappearing just over Austral Sea. Since there was no change in direction, it's highly probable that they may be heading toward Terminus Island, here."
Reyna pointed at a chain of six islands lying southeast of Aurelia. Specifically, the westernmost island in the group. Zoe's eyes lit up as she realized just what her captain was talking about, "Terminus is the site of our country's largest oil refinery." She said, "Which means it's one of the first targets that the Leasathians attacked. It's Warfare 101: war machines can't work if we lack the fuel to feed them."
"And now we know that they have something that needs a lot of feeding," Reyna continued, "Something the size of Gleipnir surely needs a lot of fuel, regardless of its other specifications, and since Terminus Island is the only location that could provide the amount of fuel it needs, there's a good reason to believe that the Gleipnir traveled to Terminus after yesterday's events."
"Great, so we know where it is. That doesn't mean it's no longer a threat." Ian spoke up, still not satisfied with the answer, "We have to destroy it while it's unable to defend itself!"
For once, Leo broke the silence as he said in irritation, "Man, haven't you been paying attention? We don't have enough aerial attack strength. Right now, we can only field two planes against a goddamn flying fortress. How the hell do you expect us to beat it alone? Besides, look at that map. Every single inch of land between us and Terminus Island is under Leasath's control. Unless you have an idea to get us through it, then shut the hell up."
Unable to come up with a retort, Ian grunted and slumped back into his chair. Reyna took the brief silence as the sign to continue: "So here's what we got so far: the Gleipnir is most likely refueling at Terminus Island and it could be a while before it can fly again. That gives us some window to launch a counterattack."
She paused, turning to look at Eugene with a hopeful expression, "Officer Solano, do you have any recommended targets?"
Eugene nodded. "There are reports of enemy forces gathering at Port Patterson." If we don't move soon, it will only be a matter of time before they resume their attack on us. Given the situation, we are left with only one plan of attack." He paused as he zoomed into the Puna Plains, and the screen changed to that of a 3D tactical map displaying a number of red targets scattering all over the area, with most of them clustered around what seemed to be an airbase.
"On the Puna Plains lying between Aubrey Base and Port Patterson, Leasath forces have captured a small airbase there and use it as a resupply base to house the large number of supplies needed to support their troops. Aerial photographs taken yesterday suggested that the enemy had hastily moved in just early this morning, which means that the base should be lightly defended." Eugene explained.
Bingo. Reyna thought. A resupply base is exactly the target they needed. They can cut off the Leasath forces' supplies while also gaining some for their own as well. "I think our mission is clear, then." She announced, "We have to take Puna Base and the supplies within it. This will give us some breathing room and establish an important foothold for an attack on Port Patterson later."
"Sounds like a plan." Ian agreed, and for once he didn't seem pissed off. Reyna guessed the notion that at least they have a plan cheered him up a little, "So what ya want us to do, destroy all targets?"
"Just targets that posed a threat," Eugene replied. Reyna could've sworn his face lit up a little after Ian agreed with him for once, "There are multiple enemy bombers and cargo planes stationed at the base, as well as a few aerial defenders and anti-air systems. Make sure you do not destroy other base facilities! We need the supplies in them to win this fight. Unless we succeed in taking this base, that's it for our supplies."
"Yeah, yeah, I know already!" Ian huffed in annoyance, "Just kill the combatants and leave the supplies alone. How hard could that be?"
Eugene just sighed as he turned the lights in the room back on, signaling the end of the briefing, "…please don't fail, sir." He said in an almost sarcastic tone.
Zoe rolled her eyes at their little bickering, which Reyna found a bit funny. For a brief moment, she felt a bit optimistic about their situation, which has been a long while since the last time. If this operation goes well, then perhaps the hostility between Ian and Eugene would drop a bit. And since they cannot afford to fail again then there's only one way this mission would end.
They're going to win.
submitted by Skylinneas to acecombat [link] [comments]

2019 Bingo, Fifth Update – 25 out of 25 squares reviewed

Greetings fantasy!
This is my first year participating in the Book Bingo Challenge. I’m going for Hero Mode (review everything you read), and figured I’d update every time I finish 5 books. I have already written a review for 20 squares: first 5, next 5, next 4, and next 6.
My tastes may or may not be your tastes, so here’s a simple litmus test: I swear by Lois McMaster Bujold; find the Kingkiller Chronicle boring; loved Lies of Lock Lamora, liked Red Seas Under Red Skies, and tolerated Republic of Thieves; read all of the Dresden Files but find myself more and more annoyed by them the older I get; will re-read His Dark Materials or Sabriel whenever asked and The Rook whenever I’m feeling down; and, think The Goblin Emperor is just delightful.
I'll probably do a wrap-up post on the whole Bingo experience, but for are my final batch of reviews. Thanks all!
Bingo Square: Graphic Novel OR Audiobook/Audio Drama
Title: Fire Force
Author: Atsushi Okubo
Hard Mode: YES
Review: The hubs and I have been watching a couple things off the current Fall lineup of anime, Fire Force among them. I liked the show enough to take a look at the source material. Fire Force follows rookie firefighter Shinra as he joins Crew 8 and works towards freeing humanity from the scourge of spontaneous human combustion. Where, you know, said combustion leads to you becoming a demon fire monster. Okubo has matured in storytelling since his first manga series, Soul Eater. Like Okubo’s earlier work, Fire Force moves at a very brisk pace; however, it doesn’t jump around as bluntly as the Soul Eater plot does. I enjoy the manga’s design elements (esp. the main character’s design), though the manga still suffers ridiculous male-gaze issues like most shonen media. We can save that rant for another day. Labeling something as fan service doesn’t justify its use. Fire Force is a nice, new story for shonen fans, but if ‘manga’ is an unfamiliar media for you and you want to skip straight to the best Japan has to offer for fantasy graphic novels: pickup Fullmetal Alchemist.
TL;DR: 3/5. Fighting fire with fire. No, really. That’s literally it.
Bingo Square: SFF Novel by an Australian Author
Title: We Ride the Storm
Author: Devin Madson
Hard Mode: YES
Review: Fine, I won’t just read Sabriel for the nth time. Instead, I read Madson’s We Ride the Storm which I can only sum up as: Fantasy Catholic Empire uses fallen Fantasy Mongolian herds to fight its war with Fantasy Sino-Japan. As told through the eyes of a few key players in each camp. Don't commit to reading We Ride the Storm unless you want to commit to picking up its sequel as well. The story draws you in, but Madson doesn't wrap up the majority of the plot lines by the end of the first book. I immediately wanted more answers the minute I ran out of pages. Along the same lines, I think some may find the first half the novel a little slow, though I’d argue Madson uses that time well to build up the characters. Also, everyone in the novel is afflicted with the ‘sly’ disease (i.e. where they all know something that immediately flips the plot on its head). It's like the fantasy version of a romantic comedy, where one misunderstanding drives the whole plot. But I'm quibbling. I read the whole thing in one sitting because I wanted answers. I still don't have those answers, but I liked it enough to pick up the sequel to see if I like what I find.
TL;DR: 4/5. Everybody thinks they do secret plots better than the next general.
Bingo Square: Cyberpunk
Title: Synners
Author: Pat Cadigan
Hard Mode: YES
Review: Synners really puts the punk in cyberpunk. And it does so without some of the petulant edge you sometimes see from this genre. Cardigan and this novel are considered foundational pieces of the cyberpunk subgenre, up there with Snow Crash and Neuromancer. While I've only read Snow Crash, I think Cardigan 'gets it' (buys in more?) than Stephenson does. Not that Snow Crash isn't great -- it is. But Snow Crash has some similarities to Hitchhiker's Guide in its approach, more tongue-in-cheek, where Synners doesn't have that brand of humor layered over the top of everything. (Caveat: I also haven’t read Snow Crash since 2005, so my memory is not super reliable). Synners follows a small group of characters as they navigate the emergence of neural-linking to the Internet + augmented and/or virtual reality. The future is imagined as a corporate dystopia, but one that takes itself exactly as seriously as any brand today does. You may have to be on drugs from the 80s to get some of the action scenes, especially when they’re done from the musician’s POVs. Anytime music, drugs, and AR get mixed together I felt like while I followed the scene as a whole, I definitely wasn't following every detail. Finally, I found it ironic / coincidental / visionary one of the novel’s themes was that everything is porn when I’m typing up this review on Reddit – the site that has a subbredit for everything for porn-porn to Earth porn and disaster porn.
TL;DR: 4.5/5. Apathy’s a virus and whoops did we just accidentally the singularity?
Bingo Square: A Personal Recommendation from fantasy
Title: The Blood Tartan
Author: Raymond St. Elmo
Hard Mode: YES?
Review: barb4ry1 gave me a great list of recs for this square. The Blood Tartan had the fewest amount of reviews on Goodreads, so I figured that could count as hardmode. The Blood Tartan follows Rayne Gray, assassin extraordinaire, as his latest job goes upside down and he deals with the fallout. There are aspects of this book I really like. St. Elmo’s writing style, first and foremost. Eloquent in short sentences. I think there are a lot of readers who will gravitate towards Rayne's personality. He's the badass assassin that many try to write but few do well. Only, St. Elmo trips over his own plot, I think, and Rayne suffers for it. The premise of these ancient Scottish clans co-mixing with different supernatural entities is interesting. But I can't get over the fact that we hear about a 16-year old's nipples more than we hear about the clans’ histories. Sure, it's Rayne's POV, but why are the brooding badasses always obsessed with teenage girls?
TL;DR: 3.75/5 No, you misunderstand, my grandmother was a vampire.
Bingo Square: A Novel Featuring a Character with a Disability
Title: Planetfall
Author: Emma Newman
Hard Mode: YES
Review: (TW: OCD/Hoarding is described so well in this book that it was physically disturbing to read at times.) Planetfall is a sort of a whodunit novel. Well, you know whodunit, you just don't know why they dun it. The story spins around the main character as she works to keep the lie she’s caught up in from crashing down on the reality that is a human colony on an alien world at the foot of a seemingly defunct alien city. The end of the novel its weakest part, for me. Often with scifi stories of this nature, those that try to grasp at that larger ‘something’ that explains existence, the endings are weak because we don't know what we're grasping at. I mean, that's precisely why we write, to try and figure it out. But whatever 'it' is, Newman doesn't get there for me. Nonetheless, the bio-tech that keeps the colony running are cool to read about. If you liked River Solomn's An Unkindness of Ghosts, I think you'd like this book too for its no-holds-barred dig into the psyche of people who volunteered for a one-way-trip to the stars. I gave it a 4 out of 5 because technically it stands above many novels for word choice and construction. I can't give it any higher, though, because I rate for enjoyment as well as composition, and I didn't enjoy where the story was heading past a certain point.
TL;DR: 4/5. There are great things in that alien city. Trust me.
BONUS Bingo Square: SFF Novel Featuring an Ocean Setting OR Title of Four or More Words
Title: The Grace of Kings
Author: Ken Liu
Hard Mode: YES for Ocean, as everything happens on islands; NO for Title
Review: I loved Liu’s short stories, so I went into his full length novel wanting to love it just as much. Alas, I wasn't quite as enthralled. The Grace of Kings chronicles the fall of an Empire. There are two main characters that Liu weaves the story around, but their stories are interspersed with a myriad of other character perspectives. Liu's ability to write as different people and bring their feelings and thoughts to life (which resonated so well with me in his short stories) is present in his novel as well. However, I think the plot, and even more so the 'genre', limited Liu in a way that his short stories didn't. If you love stories about the Three Kingdoms period, then I think you'd really, really enjoy this book. For me, this novel seems like Liu's love-letter to the Three Kingdom style saga. He keeps many, many tropes from East Asian war classics (rival Gentleman Generals, schemers vs. brawlers, lovable trickster, etc.) in his own story while at the same time trying to write his way beyond the more problematic tropes. But that's not always successful. The conflict between the setting and the type of women Liu wants to write is evident. His women rise beyond tropes, but his skill with crafting the world they live in as a world where they don't fit in mean his female characters almost always get the short end of the stick. Reading this book, I just kept thing of Le Guin’s quote in “Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction”: “So long as culture was explained as originating from and elaborating upon the use of long, hard objects for sticking, bashing , and killing, I never thought that I had, or wanted, any particular share in it.” In Grace of Kings, WAR is the story. And where I'm at in my life right now, that story doesn't resonate with me. Still love Liu's writing style though.
TL;DR: 4/5. Place your bets, honorable warrior or charming trickster? Bet high; the gods are betting too.
Edits: grammaspelling
submitted by ski2read to Fantasy [link] [comments]

[MS] Erza "Mary Sue" Rant, Return of Wall of Text

Note: This is a long rant, if you don't like long paragraphs, profanity or criticism of Fairy Tail, Mashima, his writing or especially Erza, Jellal and Irene, I would advise you to not read this.

Secondly Rule 06 states it is NOT permissible to insult another user so despite the venomous rant, you are still limited to civil discussion. Criticize the rant and the series, just don't insult another user.


Who am I? I am just a guy who posted rants back in the days, about 9 months ago I believe, wasn't a big deal back then, still ain't one but to give an impression.......yeah I was a very nice guy.


I was gonna sit this one out and let this 'dark era' for Erza to pass away on its own but certain some people, in their defense for Erza, apparently give very misleading representation of critics' opinions. Hence I wrote this to represent the overall negative opinion on Erza. May it be discussed, hated or straight out forgotten, it matters little to me. I spoke therefore I am satisfied.

A Mary Sue am I?

First of all! What is a Mary Sue? If you go for an outdated or rather an incomplete version it supposed to mean, "seemly perfect" or rather that's a very cherry-picked one because it also means the author's self-insert but people will use 'seemly perfect' because it is very easy to disprove someone is a Mary Sue by using this definition because it will render almost every Mary Sue as not being one at all! Heck, even then they mistake them for a God Sue when they are talking, rather than a Mary Sue, of course Erza is not a God Sue, you don't need to know a lot to prove this.

Let's test her out shall we?

If you wanna know what a Mary Sue really is, you need to dive into the world of fanfiction which is basically the breeding ground for these critters. (Though this is not only place to find them, a lot of writing, including classical ones do have Mary Sues). To understand Mary Sue is a bit complicated which is why fanfic writers usually put them through Mary Sue litmus tests and so on to constantly check if their character isn't stepping the boundaries. So..

Mary Sues usually:

There are some who will try to contest me over which is the right criteria for Mary Sue and I shall say one thing: fite me I shall point out two things, simply search up Mary Sue test and you will find over a 100 points on this (though I only picked the general ones). Second point is the manga series Medaka Box. It is self-aware comedy action series where the MC is intentionally written as a Mary Sue and guess what, she lost some of her fights and sometime gets help from her friends too but she is still a Mary Sue. Hence the 'seemly perfect' is too vague to work here, you need to be more specific when defining a Mary Sue.

Mary Sues, are they bad?

I can list more traits but the point I wanted to make is that, Mary Sue-ish traits are many. While having few of these don't make your character a Mary Sue but rather it is when there are too many of these present in a single character or rather few of them are blown out of proportion that they stick out like a sore thumb. This tends to make your character end up as being a Mary Sue in a bad way. Lastly, regardless if your character is a Mary Sue or not, it also depends on how the story handles them. So Mary Sue is a trope, and like any trope it's not inherently bad but if used carelessly, they will be the most annoying part of your story.

Shift camera focus to Erza

Now let's talk about Erza, now we know point 10, 16, 20, 24 (Roasted) and 25 (debatable) are not true for her but she is guilty of the rest. Yes Yes, we know there are other characters who have some of these points, but right now we are talking about Erza here. Besides, others being Mary Sues or not does not some how make Erza's own Mary Sue-ness just disappear.

Tragic story ahead, gonna need a tissue for this

Erza, a girl who was orphaned at a young age, have her village burned and then kidnapped by a cult where they enslaved her to do child labor, tortured her to the point of losing one of her eye and then her best friend became evil, who made all her friends hate her before ejecting her out of the tower, oh and the old Fairy Tail guy died in front of her as he protected her. Then this wounded and tortured child somehow manage to make her way from, supposedly, Akane to all the way to the edge of freakin Fiore where Fairy Tail guild is located, how? I dunno! I'm not the one writing this shit.

They grow up so fast.

Then Erza, at the age of 15, became a S-class wizard known as the youngest mage of Fairy Tail to ever pass the Tenrou Trial on HER FIRST TRY. Then she gained a title, Titania, the Queen of Fairies. Grown up to be a beautiful red-haired woman. Her power is to equip any armor she wants for the situation! She pretty much has a little over-the-top tragic backstory, is a high-achiever, have a fancy title and jack of all trade powers right here.

A believable Mary Sue you say?

However how much Mary Sue-ish she was, this was still the era before the 7-year timeskip happened. At this point Mashima was at least writing somewhat competently. He did try to balance out Erza's Mary Sue-ish behavior with moments highlighting her flaws e.g in Lullaby arc, Erza told Gray and Natsu to go chase after Eisenwald thugs. Then after the both were gone, she fell on her knees, taking a breather from exhausting herself from driving the magical car (which drains magical energy of the user) and then defeating a group of Eisenwald members.

Erza vs Jose (I did not know this series was self-aware.)

In Phantom Lord arc, she took a Jupiter cannon to the face, that was pretty Mary Sue-ish but at least she was knocked out for a while. But then came back and one-shot Aria (the dude that manage to screw up Makarov back then) despite all her injuries (again Mary Sue-ish). Then this moment was balanced out to Jose beating the shit out of her but people seems to miss one point about this fight is that Jose, her enemy, spends most of the time praising Erza. But thankfully, Mashima was competent during this time of his writing that he allowed Makarov, the dude at the similar level of Jose, to take this fight. So Mashima juggled Erza's Mary Sue-ish moments with her flaws to keep the audience from losing it.

What's this, a tragic backstory with lasting effects?

Even though I shown that her tragic backstory was portrayed as the most tragic out of all the main characters, at least the story did give Erza a socially-awkward personality (which portrayed more as a joke rather than an actual flaw, mind you) and her obsession with always wearing an armor most of the time to hide her insecurity (very important because this is what makes her arc one of the most satisfying). So overall writing was balanced, that's why no one 'whined' about her back then

Tower of Heaven, good arc mmm.

Let's talk about Tower of Heaven arc which is apparently the climax of Erza's development, this is where she is shown to be most human. She accepts her friend's help in defeating Jellal, she accepts her insecurity and moves on as she defeats Ikaruga. She faces inner conflict on whether or not to slay Jellal, who was her old friend and of course, she actually lost her fight to the point where Natsu had to step in. Erza tried to be a Mary Sue here and despite her injuries, try to take on Jellal's Altairis but surprise! Simon steps in and dies instead. This is like the only place where Mashima drops his favoritism and treats Erza's character realistically (and with respect), that "No, Erza you can't save everyone by yourself, you are vulnerable and you need to others to help you out sometime."
But Erza again tries to sacrifice herself to the Tower but in her scene of watching her funeral, we again see her express self-doubt (Seriously Mashima, you wrote very well back then) and again Mashima smacks Erza back to reality when Natsu saves her again. It's all about teaching Erza to let her external and internal 'armor' down and accept her nakama's helping hand. It is all warped up nicely with Erza finally crying from her fake eye. Jellal been put to rest, Erza's friends are safe, she can finally move on with her life.

Nothing lasts forever my son.

Too bad, this shit didn't last forever though. Fuckin Jellal came back in OS arc because Mashima still wants Erza to be relevant and be in the story where she shouldn't be! Apparently the members of OS were in the same Tower of Heaven as Erza when they were kids and Hoteye is the brother of Erza's friend, Wally. Ffs, it doesn't even end here. Jellal is back and for all the horrible things he done, he gives an excuse of amnesia. Erza instead of being a human who should doubt it and wouldn't take any chances since Jellal has been manipulating her since forever, suddenly decides to forgives him like a saint. Then she gave him a corny speech of moving on with a smile and this cures Jellal's suicidal tendencies apparently. But again Mashima balanced this out by jailing Jellal which actually affected Erza emotionally that she was crying and became numbed for the day until she comforted Wendy . So again, Mashima was still handling the situation in a believable way.

Erza vs OS

Oh btw, people were talking in this arc how Cobra owned Erza and some shit? It's all a freakin plot device to keep the strong Erza in check. Natsu took the worst of Cobra's poisoning and still stood, heck HAPPY ALSO TOOK IT, you can't give me DS resistance bullshit here. Why is Erza knocked out by from the poison when other characters aren't? I tell you why, it's not to show that Erza is a flawed character, it's supposed to keep her on a leash and make Wendy somewhat relevant. Also she defeated Midnight because of her fake eye and shit, though it's not bad because it's foreshadowed in Battle of Fairy Tail arc but on top of all her Mary Sue-ish traits, this is another icing on the cake.

If Erza stayed stoned, would lightning affect her or not?

Now we have Battle of Fairy Tail arc in which thankfully, Erza got made into stone along with the rest of the female candidates of the beauty contest, no favoritism here so far. But guess what people, Erza's fake eye allows her to break free and enter the fight. Seriously Mashima, can you just keep her down? I mean, it's not like we are gonna think less of Erza right? But sadly not only Erza breaks free from the Evergreen's eye power, she also beats her and frees the others. It's like so freakin Mary Sue-ish, and then at least Evergreen managed to trick her in regards to Laxus' whereabouts. But she still caught on to Laxus in the end (where I see another fuckin Jellal, spare me Mashima) and apparently Mashima send her off to stop the Thunder Palace instead but again, it was done in a Mary Sue-ish way. She took down more than half of the orbs, and mind you, if you break one of them, they can do life-threatening damage like one of them did to Bisca. Apparently everyone else in the guild took down one while Erza took supposedly 200 of them down! All while she is drained out of magical energy! Oh dear god but thankfully, this kept her out for the remaining fight. So I'll chalk it up as balanced.

Multi-world level Mary Sueness

Then we have Edolas arc. Oh guess what! Usually Edolas' counterparts are your opposite so you would expect Erza to be a wimpy girl right? No apparently, she is just as badass (top soldier of the empire and all that shit) as the Earthland Erza! Her Mary Sue-ishness goes across worlds people! Apparently Erza is in the lacrima and she is gonna stay like that right? Apparently Mashima makes Mystogan/Gajeel come in and instead of picking Makarov who was stronger than them, they decided to free Erza and Gray! Apparently Gray was also picked so I'll let it slide but you can see the favoritism here as Mashima doesn't keep Erza down.

"Azuma you had one job." - Hades

Then we have the Tenrou Island arc. I guess, everything is fine and dandy until Azuma shows up. This guy takes down everyone from Fairy Tail as he cuts down the Tenrou Tree as Hades wanted. But guess what, he makes an exception. Can you guess who it is? Yes, freakin Erza! Oh Azuma is like, "Oh you so strong Titania! Even though I can totally drain your power, I'll make you an exclusive deal that if you beat me, I'll return your guild mates' power back to them!" FFS why are you going this far for her Azuma? The Mary Sue-ishness of Erza is why Hades' plan failed. Azuma is firing the tree's power, which is filled with Erza's friends' power, at her, and she just takes it over and over again. Yet Erza still manages to beat Azuma. Now I get it because throwing her nakama's power at her is a bad idea because she is in her element, this is her guild's holy land, of course the power Azuma was using was gonna side with Erza. But before Azuma gets sliced, he looks at Erza's glory and is all like, "OH WHAT A GLORIOUS GUILD THIS IS! THIS IS THE POWER OF THE STRONGEST GUILD" as his jaws drop. Oh dear, Mashima just have to put Mary Sue-ish sprinkles on this, doesn't he? However, it's balanced out a bit since Erza admits later on that it was her guild that saved her ass, not her and Hades did a reality check on her later on. Like I said, back then Mashima balanced out his writing, that's why Azuma fight isn't that terrible IMO.

"I beat the Mary Sue-ness out of everyone." - Hades

So people like to present Hades' fight as a mean to show that Erza is not perfect but even then, you can see the Mary Sue-ish sprinkles (I think I should use this term more often Hmm) e.g when Hades activates his magical aura, everyone is crapping their pants except.....can you guess who isn't losing it and tells the team to get ready? Bingo, Erza. Do you know when Hades reveal his background as the second guildmaster, who was the one who already looked like they made a good guess what was coming? Bingo, Erza. It finally took Hades', supposedly, maximum magical presence, when he took off his eyepatch, to make Erza cower in fear. And the point of Hades handing her ass to her doesn't do much because EVERYONE got their ass handed to them by him. Even Makarov and Laxus were having issues. As I continue further, you will see that Erza does shit that we criticize her for, when she is alone. Otherwise, you should have pointed out how Acnologia was about to rekt her when he was about to blow up the island but you won't, won't you? Because it wasn't just Erza, everyone was gonna get rekt at that moment.

Lovely reunion..not!

Oh god, it's the worst arc ever: GMG Arc. So Ultear comes in and gives everyone Second Origin. It is a painful process but guess who got it instantly without any trouble? Erza! Mary Sue much? Oh there was also Jellal who should be like, "OMG you were gone for 7 years I was so worried." but nope, dude can't even kiss her when she is just few inches away yet people were writing about how he gonna dash across the battlefield after getting his ass kicked by August, catch broken-bone Erza like a bride (that would actually hurt though) and then kiss her HAHAHA!...sigh...Jellal's fiancée showing up is more probable than this shit.

Kiss her ass, kiss it good

Then during the GMG tournament, apparently Erza trashes 100 monsters. You know that's not the issue even though it was very cheesy, it's the freakin reaction of the audience. People of the other guilds are smiling at this, Doranbolt over there is crying, the crowd is going wild (except for Orga and Kagura). Why should I give a shit about Erza trying to kill a 100 featless monsters? It's probably the worst trait of a Mary Sue you can put in where they get recognition like that. Erza killed everything that the others have to settle for a MPF contest instead!

Kagura who?

Then Erza's fight with Kagura is...oh dear god..Suddenly we know Erza is lacking in relevance, so we are given this revelation that Kagura is Simon's sister (As if this Mary Sue doesn't already have enough connections ffs) and those two were with Erza in the village they were kidnapped from! Seriously Mashima pushes Erza into relevance for no reason. We don't need this, stop with this favoritism. Did Gray needed a big connection to beat Rufus? Did Juvia/Gray needed a big connection with Lyon/Sherria to beat them? Did Laxus needed a big connection to beat Orga or Jura? Did Gajeel needed a big connection to beat Rogue? No! But apparently we have Mashima resurrecting the dead, asspulling connections and in recent arc, pulling out a mother out of no where, all just for his precious Mary Sue. And then they ask, why do we complain about Erza only? Because no one else gets this kind of treatment. They are other characters who asspull, give cheesy lines and other shit, but they are trying to catch up to characters like Natsu and Erza. Hence why Gray got a dead daddy in Tartaros arc which caused the recent arc's ridiculous Gray vs E.N.D fight. We called bullshit on that, we called bullshit on Plotsu too since forever and now we calling bullshit on your Mary Sue as well.

Kagura failed Mashima's audition for Mary Sues

So apparently Erza vs Kagura happens. I wrote a full detail on why this was shit in my GMG arc Rant but I'll go briefly at it here. Kagura completely outclasses Erza okay. But apparently Erza butts in where she doesn't belong, why defend that bullshit excuse of a blue furball in front of Kagura when you don't know the full story? But instead of her ignoring other people's grudges like a normal human being would, instead, she is butting in to become relevant! Suddenly gives a friendship speech and decides to win against Kagura, even though Kagura unleashed her sword (whose power was enough to slice through the battlefield), so you would think Erza might do something similar like activate her Second Origin or pull out a better armor but nope, Kagura just loses, like that. Screw your hardwork, screw your determination, screw your feelings, screw your everything Kagura, you ain't Mashima's Mary Sue, lay down there and eat dust.

Oh I remember you now! Aren't you that girl from the game Senran Kagura?

Suddenly Erza saves Kagura and apparently, now she remembers who Kagura really is and tells Kagura WHAT SHE SHOULD KNOW ALREADY BUT APPARENTLY DOESN'T REMEMBER, that in her childhood, Erza saved her from being kidnapped. Oh Mashima! The extents you are willing to go to show your Mary Sue in a positive light... "I prayed for your safety to this very day." Yeah except you didn't remember Kagura five minutes ago.... Very believable. You know this kind of development is why I didn't give a shit when Irene changed heart at the very last second, Mashima writing this shit since GMG arc. Then apparently Kagura believes her and starts crying, Oh yes Mary Sue effect, Kagura is reformed!

"Sorry to cut in" - Minerva

Then Minerva comes in, acting all one-dimensional and shit, tortured Millianna in the meanwhile, Why? Lol why not, we need to fuel Mary Sue's reason to go wild here people, stick with the plan damn it. So Minerva is mopping the floor with Erza who, mind you, have a broken ankle (a broken limp, what does that remind me of cough latest chapter cough), suddenly decides that she has seen through Minerva's magic (even though she was getting owned five seconds ago), starts to dodge and dash on her with a freakin broken ankle and activates her Second Origin. Then she pulls out this One-Of-A-Kind Armor, never used before by anyone for 10 years, and then this, who people claim not to be a Mary Sue, uses this armor flawlessly and one-shot Minerva. There is no consequences for using an armor that supposedly bends the very laws of magic itself, she didn't bother to use it against Kagura, she used it right at the moment she needed, when she had the right amount of magical power, aiming at the right enemy, all with a broken ankle before she gave a speech of how "My rage is the rage of the guild!" (I don't like that much cheese on my burger damn it) while her enemy (supposedly the strongest of Sabertooth) is just there standing, paralyzed with fear.......did I mention she's not a Mary Sue? /s.

"Yeah I'm just gonna leave you here." - Erza

So this all saint-like character who saved Kagura from being kidnapped and prays for her safety to this very day and shit, how does she treat Kagura who is stabbed and bleeding to death? By leaving her behind and go claim victory of course! Is it too controversial? EH who cares, Mary Sue can do whatever she wants. And then she, along with the other Fairy Tail members just decides to glare Sting into submission. Sigh.....

Shipping is more important than competent writing!

Then during the dragon attack, she gets far from others and fall down. Oh guys look, it shows she is a flawed character right? WRONG, this whole moment is just so Jellal can come in and save her, the broken ankle does nothing but give you a Jerza moment (even though he ignores her in the next arc) regardless of how terrible it made the fight of her against Minerva. Shipping is apparently more important than decent fights in a series that is mainly about fighting, Mashima you really got your priorities straight, don't ya.

A nakama to all unless you are her mother

Then there was the time when Erza turned into a loli. Now you think about a lot of things if that happens but guess what she thinks about, that Jellal will reject her for being too young, Oh Wow, yeah that's totally what you think about, the dude who didn't give a shit about you when you were gone for 7 years. It's very believable /s but Mary Sue needs a waifu so why not. So in her loli form, she can't use her magic properly yet can perfectly tank Minerva's attacks. Ain't that believable? And while all this shit going on, she continues to lecture Minerva to stop being evil. Hello? Wasn't she the one who beat up Lucy, stabbed Kagura and tortured Millianna? Why are you being such a saint to her? Oh right, because Mary Sue.

"I wondered what would break first, the Sue or the shackles." -Bane Kyoka

Then she gets captured by Tartaros to be tortured. So apparently she is stripped naked and whipped. It's terrible right guys? NO Wait, let's tune her pain sensitivity even higher, let's make it even more terrible. Then let's make her get electrocuted, put her through the maximum torture without any subtlety. The thing is, Mashima handled Erza's torture better when she was a kid. She lost an eye but it was never shown, all you see is Jellal turning her face up and gets surprised, then skips to the scene with her wearing an eye-patch. That was when Mashima handled these kind of elements in a mature way. But now, after the 7 years timeskip, we need to blow everything out of proportion. Watch Erza get stripped naked, tortured and electrocuted, all while having her pain sensitivity increased. This does nothing, except to emotionally exploit the viewers to feel something for the Mary Sue while demonizing a one-dimensional villain even more so we can get a satisfying revenge moment later on. Some will be, "Oh how can you say that! She is being tortured, feel something for her!" Like I would if it has actual freakin consequences. Any person going through what Erza did would mentally break or they would go berserk or something. But guess what, it is revealed that somehow Erza broke free, defeated the electric monster and can still put up a fight as she escaped from ANTI-MAGIC SHACKLES. Yes people, Anti-magic shackles can't stop the Mary Sue, you can't break her mentally, you can't do shit to her.

"Repent Minerva, repent for thy sins!" - Erza

So we have a rematch with Minerva who is supposed to be stronger than ever but Erza is still able to keep up with her despite everything she went through! And man the speech, the speech! "My fists are crying for you."...Please wait I need to go gouge my eyes out. I'll probably wearing two eyepatches in the end (I have finally surpassed Hades). Anyway this is all being done for Minerva, who did so much shit to her friends yet Mary Sue is a saint! And guess what, Minerva is reformed! Wow, ain't that surprising. Again Irene doing that now, just doesn't seem that big of a deal.

Into the belly of the beast.

So we finally come to the fight, yes people. The origin of the meme. Man this fight is so retarded because first of all Kyoka intensifies Erza pain, only to remove all of her senses later on. So you make her feel more pain and then remove her sense to feel that pain? What a retarded harpy. Okay so Erza lost all of her senses but here's the thing, do you know that when we speak is because we feel how our mouth is moving so that's how we make words come out? So essentially Erza talking would be like "GBHGGHBHBHGH! (Losing a comrade is more painful)" while wiggling on the ground like a fish out of water as Happy calls out to her from a distance, "Erza she's over there!" with Carla saying, "Don't bother, it's not like she can hear you either." But nope apparently, Erza can stand up and dodge, as if she knows where her feet are, where the ground is, how much distance is required to do the task that is needed, as if she knows where Kyoka is as she glares at her and punches her, as if knows where to summon her swords, as if she knows where they are in midair to grab them in time, as if she knows where her arms are so she can adjust in a full slice stance and cut through Kyoka, as if she knows how far she is so that she can adjust and perform the proper dash and the strength required to finish her. This is utter garbage.

A cornered mouse never fights....

Sigh, this is where people who defends Erza ends up in a corner, even if this moment is explained somewhere in the future, it doesn't matter. Such a game-breaking power needs some foreshadowing, at least Erza's fake eye has some mention in the past and yet even then that didn't make THIS much of an impact because back then Mashima was sensible in what he wrote, but this...this is beyond bullshit.

T'was but a little BS.

And apparently people will brush this off as , "Just one moment" or "Just a little BS". I don't think you understand what kind of situation you are in. Just recently we were discussing Irene versus Erza elsewhere and people claimed that Erza lost the fight because she was at the mercy of Irene. People please, the moment Kyoka stripped her of all her senses as she lay on the ground is when she was at the mercy of Kyoka, and yet do you see what happened? Problem is, you make prediction based on logic without realizing that Mashima has went as low as discarding it altogether. Mashima is telling you, "Erza lost but then she didn't.". You can't decide when Erza is at the mercy of the enemy, only Mashima does that because by bypassing all the logic and rules in the series and letting his Mary Sue win like that is essentially him stripping the readers from any say they can have on the series. Which is why I call bullshit on this, you can't let the author do whatever he wants, you need to make him introduce some limits into the story, make him accept a standard by which he follows and if he goes against it, his readers will call him out. But it's over, Mashima has shown how far he can go with Erza and the prediction people made that Erza can one-shot Irene was not far-fetched, if anything it was more on point.

Your shitty emo speeches love heals me completely

After the whole ordeal of Tartaros, Erza sits and remembers her moment in the Tower because of the recent torture she went through, it was a very brief moment but guess what, Jellal shows up, gives a shitty speech and goes on his way which somehow heals Erza's troubling mind. Yeah, she got tortured because of you and that's all you gonna give her? slow clap . I can see why people pair you two as lovers, it's so obvious /s.

"Yeah go take down a bunch of god-of-war-summoning-wackos for me kthxbai" - Second-rate Sieghart

Then we have Erza tracking down Avatar. Oh boy Jellal, where are you right now? Lemme guess, beating up some featless unnamed dark guilds right? Freakin lazy as shit, making his girl do all the work.

"How am I supposed to know she can use it before 10 years?!" - Ajeel

So we have this Erza vs Ajeel moment where people like, "Hey look at that, finally Erza ain't doing shit alone, they got friends and help!" , oh yes but did Ajeel beat her? Did Erza just fell down without doing anything after Ajeel has her by the neck and let someone else take the last shot? No apparently Erza got the last laugh and Nakagami'd Ajeel out. This is for anyone who was claiming back in the day that Nakagami Armor has a limit that it can't be used for another 10 years,here watch as beaten up Erza, after just one year, summons forth her Nakagami armor and delivers the final blow to Ajeel. Can't let the Mary Sue go down except in glory otherwise it would tarnish her reputation or something!

Battle of the mind..well not really.

After beating Ajeel, the guy who is in the same league as God Serena who solo'd the remaining Gods of Isghal, Erza still goes on to face Neinhart. Apparently she is outclassed but in the end, glares the Historias away! People are like, "Dude it's a mental battle, of course they gonna go down like that." You make it sound like it's a well-known fact, like it was explained by Neinhart himself or something. But let's analyze this claim and see how it makes very little sense. Can you tell me what mental battle was there between Historia God Serena and Gildarts? (porn addiction or something?) Or between Wahl/Bradman against Minvera/Rogue? Oh those Historias weren't mental battles? How can you tell? Heck, how can you back up anything regarding the mental battle aspect? Gray and Lyon got over their issues since Galuna arc. Hades and Laxus barely spoke to make any sense of their fight, heck Laxus was hypocritically calling out Hades for what he did to Mavis yet ignoring what he did to his own guild? Doesn't sound like he learned his lesson! And of course why is Ikaruga there? The fact Erza wears the flaming pants everytime is a testimony that she has moved past her insecurity that made her rely on her armors too much. To make Ikaruga a mental opponent again is to insult her development during ToH arc, heck you are insulting everyone's development who are involved so far by calling this a mental battle. Not to mention, the Historias disappeared right at the moment Neinhart was defeated, so yea whatever.

Rain on yo parade, Jelly boy.

Neinhart is garbage and how Erza fell as she one-shot his Historias is also Mashima's way of making sure his Mary Sue doesn't get completely outclassed, instead she needs to fall in glory! Oh apparently Jellal who got knocked out by the garbage Spriggan finally gets up, oh boy Mashima finally read my shit or something and makes Jellal actually do something. He one-shot Neinhart and people are like, "Look how powerful he is, look at the buildup of his Grand Chariot shit in the sky." Oh yeah except all it did was one-shot Neinhart and damage a freakin boat, made of freakin wood. And later apparently a buffed Neinhart gets one-shot by Natsu's normal punch. Man if Bluenote fell to Natsu's roar, then all that Jellal essentially did was one-shot a guy weaker than Bluenote. Oh how strong you have gotten after all this time, Jellal /s.

"I can't take this series anymore! I'm out! - Makarov

Okay Erza had it rough, so I bet she is out right? Apparently after Universe One happened, Erza just takes off her bandages and charges into the army of 2 million soldiers with her guildmates like whatever. Then Makarov commits suicide even though Laxus and Gildarts haven't even done anything yet and Mavis has a plan apparently. So Erza is like bowing and shit, and suddenly teleports to Natsu and Gray, stops their Demon-slaying and E.N.D fueled attacks with her bare fists. Then gives the most corniest speech you ever heard. Seriously, if Natsu is E.N.D then you may as well make Erza, a M.A.R.Y.S.U.E , that shit is more dangerous people. Then Irene comes in and man, if there is someone I hate more than Jellal, it might be this shit.

Mama Sue for the Mary Sue.

Apparently to make Erza more relevant in the current arc, we got a mother. Who is not only a mother I tell you, she is 400 years old, Higher Enchanter, Queen of Dragons, ruler of ancient city Dragonof, Inventor of Dragon slaying magic and comes with her own tragic backstory......I'm sorry I didn't know I was reading a fanfic, probably God Serena having 8 different dragon-slaying lacrima shoved up his ass was a hint that I missed. So anyway, apparently this supposedly important character known as Irene which we have never heard of before in the entire story, is her mother and she dumped Erza because she failed to be a vessel for her. Does Erza give some reaction to this? No, she is super cool and reserved, like a Mary Sue should be. Sure you might say that a random person comes up to you and claims to be your parent, you wouldn't give a shit either but seriously Erza, the saint who would go as far as to ask Minerva (the one who did horrible shit to her friends) to change sides, suddenly doesn't give a shit about her own mother? Wow very consistent /s though bonus point for finally minding your own business even though she is like 2 arcs late. So Erza for some reason, don't give a shit about her mother but her mother shoves in the back story anyway even though the latter doesn't care about her daughter to the point of commanding an assassination of her at the hands of Neinhart. After the story, Erza slams a sword at her mommy's head without a second thought! Controversial? Pfft, Mary Sue can do whatever she wants. Then there's the whole bullshit of body swapping and shit, Wendy is down and it's just Erza vs Irene now.

"I'll finish what you started, with the Power of the Sue" - Erza

So Erza, after receiving the beating at the hand of Irene in Wendy's body, still got enough juice to beat Irene. Okay so Irene fires random shit at Erza and she dodges like she usually does in her flaming pant suit even though it would make sense if she is using her Flight armor but screw me, what do I know? Apparently Erza gives a speech that causes Irene to go dragon and Erza is like "OMG IT'S A DRAGON", yes it's a dragon, weren't you paying attention 10 minutes ago? Okay this is a actual character flaw, Erza sucks at comprehending shit, no wait she actually did beat Midnight because she can understand what's going on so no, Erza is retarded just for the sake of Mashima wanting her to take powerful, yet comparatively slower, dragon smack from her mother. So we can finally have Erza with broken bones with only one functional arm on the ground. Now Irene in her dragon form, summons a meteor on her daughter instead of I dunno, just stomp her to death or something but screw me, what do I know?

Logic you say?

And I must confess too: I don't hate Erza

TL:DR: What happened in Irene's fight has been happening in Erza's fights since freakin GMG arc. Before that (i.e before the 7 year timeskip), Mashima gave a shit to write her in a balanced way, but now he doesn't. That's why we complain about Erza now. But outside her fights, I do admit she is a well-written character.
submitted by Ryo_256 to fairytail [link] [comments]

Part Of The Infinity war script

This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault. I repeat, we are under assault. The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families. We have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft. Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos. I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am. You talk too much. The Tesseract. Or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference. Oh, I do. Kill away. All right, stop! We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard. You really are the worst brother. I assure you, brother... the sun will shine on us again. Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another... we have a Hulk. Let him have his fun. Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time. That was a mistake. No! You're going to die for that. Shh. My humble personage... bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp. There are two more stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan. Father, we will not fail you. If I might interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena. If you consider failure experience. I consider experience experience. Almighty Thanos... I, Loki, prince of Asgard... Odinson... the rightful king of Jotunheim... god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity. Undying? You should choose your words more carefully. You... will never be... a god. No! No resurrections this time. No. Loki. Seriously, you don't have any money? Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual. I'll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye. Oh. Wait, wait, wait. I think I have 200. Dollars?
submitted by EatMyHairyEggsPlease to copypasta [link] [comments]

Infinity War

This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault. I repeat, we are under assault. The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families. We have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft. Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos. I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am. You talk too much. The Tesseract. Or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference. Oh, I do. Kill away. All right, stop! We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard. You really are the worst brother. I assure you, brother... the sun will shine on us again. Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another... we have a Hulk. Let him have his fun. Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time. That was a mistake. No! You're going to die for that. Shh. My humble personage... bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp. There are two more stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan. Father, we will not fail you. If I might interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena. If you consider failure experience. I consider experience experience. Almighty Thanos... I, Loki, prince of Asgard... Odinson... the rightful king of Jotunheim... god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity. Undying? You should choose your words more carefully. You... will never be... a god. No! No resurrections this time. No. Loki. Seriously, you don't have any money? Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual. I'll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye. Oh. Wait, wait, wait. I think I have 200. Dollars? - Rupees. - Which is? Uh, buck and a half. What do you want? I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt. Thanos is coming. He's coming. Who? Slow down, slow down. I'll spell it out for you. You're totally rambling. - No, I'm not. - You lost me. Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee. - Yeah. - Okay. And then you're like, "Oh, my God. "There's no bathrooms. What am I gonna do? - "Oh, someone's watching." - Right. "Oh, I'm gonna go in my pants." And then you wake up and in real life you actually have to pee. - Yes. - Yeah. - Okay. - Everybody has that. Right, that's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night I dreamt we had a kid. It was so real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name? - Right. - Morgan! Morgan. - So you woke up... - Naturally. ...and thought that we were... - Expecting. - Yeah. - Yes? - No. I had a dream about it. It was so real. If you wanted to have a kid... you wouldn't have done that. I'm glad you brought this up, 'cause it's nothing. It's just a housing unit for nanoparticles. You're not helping your case, okay? No, this is detachable. It's not a... You don't need that. I know, I had the surgery. I'm just trying to protect us... and future usses and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet. - Instead of, you know... - Shirts. You know me so well. - God. - You finish all my sentences. You should have shirts in your closet. Yeah. You know what there should be? No more surprises. We're gonna have a nice dinner tonight. Show off this Harry Winston. Right? And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you. - Yes. - I will. Thank you. Tony Stark. I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way. I'm sorry, you giving out tickets to something? We need your help. It's not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake. And who's "we"? Hey, Tony. Bruce. - Pepper. - Hi. - Oh. - You okay? At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then... Boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals... hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time. Tell me his name again. Thanos. He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York, that's him. This is it. What's our timeline? No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones. That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony... He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of. Did you seriously just say "hitherto undreamt of"? Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos? Is that what it is? I'm going to allow that. If Thanos needs all six, why don't we just stick this one down a garbage disposal? No can do. We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives. And I swore off dairy... but then Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me. - Stark Raving Hazelnuts. - Not bad. A bit chalky. A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite. - That's a thing? - Whatever. Point is, things change. Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change. And this stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos. Yeah, so conversely, it may also be his best chance against us. Well, if we don't do our jobs. What is your job exactly? Besides making balloon animals. Protecting your reality, douchebag. Okay, guys. Could we table this discussion right now? The fact is we have this stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone... and we have to find him now. Yeah, that's the thing. What do you mean? Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. He's offline. - What? - Yeah. Tony, you lost another super-bot? I didn't lose him. He's more than that. He's evolving. Who could find Vision then? Shit. Probably Steve Rogers. Oh, great. Maybe. But... Call him. It's not that easy. God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we? No. The Avengers broke up. We're toast. Broke up? Like a band? Like... Like the Beatles? Cap and I fell out hard. We're not on speaking terms. Tony, listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not. Flip phone. Say, Doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would ya? Not at the moment, no. You okay? - Help him! - Banner! - Wong! Look alive! - Go, go! We got it! Friday, what am I looking at? Not sure. I'm working on it. Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc! Might wanna use it. Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction. Holy shit. We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship! - What's going on? - Oh, my God! What's the matter with you kids? You never seen a spaceship before? Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd Street. Notify first responders. Will do. Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful... that your meaningless lives are now contributing... I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here. Stonekeeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you? Certainly not. I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and on this planet. He means get lost, Squidward. He exhausts me. Bring me the stone. Banner, you want a piece? Mmm, no, not really. But when do I ever get what I want? That's right. Okay. Push! It's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you, buddy. Okay. Shh. Let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second. Come on, come on, man. God! Where's your guy? I don't know. We've sorta been having a thing. - It's no time for a thing. - I know. That's the thing right there. Let's go. Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards. Tony, I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't. It's okay. Hey, stand down. Keep an eye on him. Thank you. - I have him. - Damn it. Where'd that come from? It's nanotech. You like it? A little something I... Doctor Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us... Gotta get that stone outta here, now. It stays with me. Exactly. Bye. Tony, you okay? - How we doing? Good? Bad? - Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out? I'm trying. He won't come out. Hammer. Come on, Hulk! What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out! No! What do you mean, "no"? Hey, man. What's up, Mr. Stark? - Kid, where'd you come from? - A field trip to MoMA. Uh, what is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark? Uh, he's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard. Your powers are quaint. You must be popular with children. It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable. Then I'll take it off your corpse. You'll find removing a dead man's spell troublesome. You'll only wish you were dead. No! Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it. On it! Not cool. Gotcha! Wait! Uh, Mr. Stark, I'm being beamed up. Hang on, kid. Oh! Ugh. Wong, you're invited to my wedding. Give me a little juice, Friday. Unlock 17:A. Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you. But you said save the wizard! I can't breathe. We're too high up. You're running out of air. Yeah. That makes sense. Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here! Happy trails, kid. - Friday, send him home. - Yep. Oh, come on! Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts. Tony? Oh, my God. Are you all right? What's going on? Yeah, I'm fine. I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res. Why? Just 'cause I'll probably not make it back for a while. Tell me you're not on that ship. Yeah. God, no, please tell me you're not on the ship. Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Come back here, Tony. I swear to God. - Pep. - Come back here right now. Come back. Boss, we're losing her. I'm going too. Oh, my God! I shoulda stayed on the bus. Where you going? The Time Stone's been taken. The Sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do? I'm gonna make a call. Sing it, Drax! Why are we doing this again? It's a distress signal, Rocket. Someone could be dying. I get that, but why are we doing it? 'Cause we're nice. And maybe whoever it is will give us a little cheddar cheese for our effort. - Which isn't the point. - Which isn't the point. I mean, if he doesn't pony up... We take his ship. - Exactly! - Bingo! All right! We are arriving. All right, Guardians, don't forget this might be dangerous... so let's put on our mean faces. Groot, put that thing away, now. I don't wanna tell you again. Groot. I am Groot! - Whoa! - Language! - Hey! - Wow. You got some acorns on you, kid. Ever since you got a little sap, you're a total d-hole. Now, keep it up, and I'm gonna smash that thing to pieces. What happened? Oh, my God. Looks like we're not getting paid. Wipers! Wipers! Get it off. How the hell is this dude still alive? He is not a dude. You're a dude. This... This is a man. A handsome, muscular man. I'm muscular. But who are you kidding, Quill? You're one sandwich away from fat. Yeah, right. It's true, Quill. You have put on weight. What? Gamora, do you think I'm... He is anxious, angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt. It's like a pirate had a baby with an angel. Wow. This is a real wake-up call for me. Okay. I'm gonna get a Bowflex. I'm gonna commit. I'm gonna get some dumbbells. You know you can't eat dumbbells, right? It's like his muscles are made of Cotati metal fibers. Stop massaging his muscles. Wake him up. Wake. Who the hell are you guys? The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal. To bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre. Including my own. If he gets all six Infinity Stones... he can do it with the snap of his fingers like this. You seem to know a great deal about Thanos. Gamora is the daughter of Thanos. Your father killed my brother. Oh, boy. Stepfather, technically. And she hates him as much as you do. Families can be tough. Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister... that he imprisoned in Hel. And then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye. So I had to kill her. That's life though, isn't it, I guess. Goes round and round and... I feel your pain. I feel your pain as well, because... I mean, it's not a competition, but I've been through a lot. My father killed my mother. And then I had to kill my father. That was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I came out with both my eyes, which was... I need a hammer, not a spoon. How do I open this thing? Is there some sort of, uh... A four-digit code, maybe? Maybe a birthdate. - Uh, what are you doing? - Taking your pod. No, you're not. You will not be taking our pod today, sir. Uh... Quill, are you making your voice deeper? - No. - You are. You're imitating the god-man. It's weird. No, I'm not. - He just did it again! - This is my voice. Are you mocking me? - Are you mocking me? - Stop it. You did it again. He's trying to copy me. I need you to stop doing that. - Enough! - He's doing it first. We need to stop Thanos. Which means we need to find out where he's going next. Knowhere. He must be going somewhere. No, no. Knowhere? It's a place. We've been there. It sucks. - Excuse me, that's our food. - Not anymore. Thor, why would he go to Knowhere? Because for years... the Reality Stone's been safely stored there with a man called the Collector. If it's with the Collector, then it's not safe. Only an idiot would give that man a stone. - Or a genius. - How do you know... he's not going for one of the other stones? There are six stones out there. Thanos already has the Power Stone... because he stole it last week when he decimated Xandar. He stole the Space Stone from me... when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones are safe on Earth. They're with the Avengers. - The Avengers? - Earth's mightiest heroes. Like Kevin Bacon? He may be on the team. I don't know. I haven't been there in a while. As for the Soul Stone, well, no one's ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore Thanos can't get it. Therefore he's going to Knowhere. Hence he'll be getting the Reality Stone. You're welcome. Then we have to go to Knowhere now. Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir. - That's a made-up word. - All words are made up. Nidavellir is real? Seriously? That place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the universe. I would very much like to go there, please. The rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you. Rabbit? Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need. I assume you're the captain, sir. You're very perceptive. You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir? Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it's me! - Yeah. I'll go. - Wonderful! Uh, except for that I'm the captain. Quiet. - That's my backpack. - Go sit down. Look, this is my ship. And I'm not goin' to... Wait, what kinda weapon are we talkin' about here? The Thanos-killing kind. Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that? No. You simply lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness. Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now? Mmm, a little bit, yeah. If we don't go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone... he'll be too powerful to stop. - He already is. - I got it figured out. We got two ships and a large assortment of morons. So me and Groot will go with the pirate angel here. And the morons will go to Knowhere to try to stop Thanos. - Cool? Cool. - So cool. For the record... I know that you're going with him because it's where Thanos isn't. You know, you really shouldn't talk that way to your captain, Quill. Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You'll rot your brain. I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye. Vis? Is it the stone again? It's as if it's speaking to me. What does it say? I don't... I don't know, but something. Hey. Tell me what you feel. I just feel you. So there's a 10:00 a.m. to Glasgow... which would give us more time together before you went back. What if I miss that train? There's an 11:00. What if I missed all the trains? What if this time I didn't go back? But you gave Stark your word. I'd rather give it to you. Well, there are people who are expecting me too, you know. We both made promises. Not to each other. Wanda. For two years, we've stolen these moments... trying to see if this could work and... I don't know. You know what, I'm just gonna speak for myself. I think... - It works. - It works. It works. Stay. Stay with me. Or not. If I'm overstepping... What are they? What the stone was warning me about. I have to go. No, Vision. Vision, if that's true, then maybe going isn't the best idea. Wanda, I... Vision! The blade, it stopped me from phasing. - Is that even possible? - It isn't supposed to be. My systems are failing. I'm beginning to think we should have stayed in bed. Vis! Give up the stone, and she lives. Hands off. Come on. Come on. Come on, you gotta get up. You gotta get up. Come on. Hey. Hey. We have to go. Please. Please leave. You asked me to stay. - I'm staying. - Please. - Get up. - I can't. We don't wanna kill you, but we will. You'll never get the chance again. Can you stand? Thank you, Captain. Let's get you on the jet. Now, I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances. I'm sorry. We just wanted time. Where to, Cap? Home. We'll be safe. We'll be safe. Zehobereians. Mother! Where's my mother? Choose a side or die. Mother! One side is a revelation... the other an honor known only to a few. What's wrong, little one? My mother. Where is my mother? What's your name? Gamora. You're quite the fighter, Gamora. Come. Let me help you. Look. Pretty, isn't it? Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Too much to one side or the other... Here. You try. Now, go in peace to meet your maker. Uh-uh. Concentrate. There. You've got it. Gamora. Do you know if these grenades are the blow-off-your-junk kind or the gas kind? Because I was thinking about hanging a couple on my belt right here. But I don't want to if they're the... I need to ask a favor. Yeah, sure. One way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos. Which is what the grenades are for. Uh, I'm sorry. What's the favor? If things go wrong... If Thanos gets me... I want you to promise me... you'll kill me. What? I know something he doesn't. And if he finds it out, the entire universe could be at risk. What do you know? If I tell you, you'd know too. If it's so important... shouldn't I? Only if you wanna die. Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario? Just... Trust me. And possibly kill me. I mean, I'd like to. I really would. But you... Swear to me. Swear to me on your mother. Okay. Okay. - Oh. - Dude. How long have you been standing there? An hour. An hour? Are you serious? I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still... that I become invisible to the eye. Watch. You're eating a zarg-nut. But my movement... was so slow... that it's imperceptible. Mmm, no. I'm sure I'm invisible. Hi, Drax. Damn it. This place looks deserted. I'm reading movement in the third quadrant. Yep, I'm picking that up too. Let's put down right here. I don't have it. Everyone in the galaxy knows you'd sell your own brother... if you thought it would add even the slightest trinket... to your pathetic collection. I know you have the Reality Stone, Tivan. Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering. I told you. I sold it. Why would I lie? I imagine it's like breathing for you. Like suicide. You do understand. Not even you would surrender something so precious. I didn't know what it was. Then you're more of a fool than I took you for. It's him. Last chance, charlatan. Where's the stone? Today... Drax. Drax. ...he pays for the deaths of my wife and daughter. Drax, wait. Not yet, not yet, not yet. Drax. Drax, Drax, Drax. Listen to me. He doesn't have the stone yet. If we get it, then we can stop him. We have to get the stone first. Yeah. No. No. For Ovette, for Camaria. Sleep. Okay. Gamora, Mantis, you go right. The other right. Why? Why you, daughter? That was quick. Magnificent! Magnificent! Magnificent! Is that sadness I sense in you, daughter? In my heart, I knew you still cared. But one never knows for sure. Reality is often disappointing. That is, it was. Now... reality can be whatever I want. You knew I'd come. I counted on it. There's something we need to discuss, little one. Thanos! No! Let her go, Grimace. Peter. I told you to go right. Now? Really? You let her go! Ah, the boyfriend. No. Like to think of myself more as a Titan-killing, long-term booty call. - Let her go. - Peter. I'm gonna blow that nutsack of a chin right off your face. Not him. You promised. You promised. Oh, daughter. You expect too much from him. She's asked, hasn't she? Do it. Mmm. Do it! I told you to go right. I love you more than anything. I love you too. I like him. Still no word from Vision? Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh. On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals. You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir? My God, Rhodes. Your talent for horseshit rivals my own. If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here. I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel. That's right. And I'm pretty sure I paid for that. You have second thoughts? Not anymore. Mr. Secretary. You got some nerve. I'll give you that. You could use some of that right now. The world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven? I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way... we'll fight you too. Arrest them. All over it. That's a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap. You too, Rhodey. Hey. Wow. You guys... really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple years. Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star. Uh, I think you look great. Uh... Yeah, I'm back. Hi, Bruce. Nat. This is awkward. So we gotta assume they're coming back, right? And they can clearly find us. We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint? After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families. They're on house arrest. - Who's Scott? - Ant-Man. There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? Okay, look. Thanos has the biggest army in the universe... and he is not gonna stop until he gets... Vision's stone. Then we have to protect it. No, we have to destroy it. I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source... something very similar to its own signature, perhaps... its molecular integrity could fail. Yeah, and you with it. We're not having this conversation. Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it. That's too high a price. Only you have the power to pay it. Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him. But it should. We don't trade lives, Vision. Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life... to save how many millions of people? Tell me, why is this any different? Because you might have a choice. Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another. You're saying Vision isn't just the stone? I'm saying that if we take out the stone... there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts. Can we do that? Not me, not here. Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast. Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back. I know somewhere. The Kingsguard and the Dora Milaje have been alerted. And the Border Tribe? Those that are left. Send word to the Jabari as well. M'Baku likes a good fight. And what of this one? This one may be tired of war. But the White Wolf has rested long enough. Where's the fight? On its way. In all the time I've served Thanos... I have never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan... with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person... there would be judgment. Give me... the stone. Wow, you're a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren't you? Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty... What the... - I know what you're gonna say. - You should not be here. - I was gonna go home. - I don't wanna hear it. But it was such a long way down and I just thought - about you on the way... - And now I gotta hear it. ...and kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. God damn it. So, if anything, it's kinda your fault that I'm here. - What did you just say? - I take that back. And now, I'm here in space. Yeah, right where I didn't want you to be. This isn't Coney Island. This isn't a field trip. This is a one-way ticket. You hear me? Don't pretend you thought this through. No, I did think this through. You could not have possibly thought this through. You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man... if there's no neighborhood. Okay, that didn't really make sense, but you know what I'm trying to say. Come on. We got a situation. See him down there? He's in trouble. What's your plan? - Go. - Um... Okay, okay... Uh... Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens? Painful, aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them... could end your friend's life in an instant. I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy. You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine. Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies. Yes! Wait. What are those? Hey, we haven't officially met. Cool. We gotta turn this ship around. Yeah, now he wants to run. Great plan. No, I want to protect the stone. And I want you to thank me. Now, go ahead. I'm listening. For what? Nearly blasting me into space? Who just saved your magical ass? Me. I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet. Admit it, you should've ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused. Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you. And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut... billions of miles from Earth with no backup. - I'm backup. - No, you're a stowaway. The adults are talking. I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the relationship here. What is he, your ward? No. - I'm Peter, by the way. - Doctor Strange. Oh, you're using our made-up names. Um... I'm Spider-Man, then. This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot. Can we control it? Fly us home? - Stark? - Yeah. Can you get us home? Yeah, I heard you. I'm thinking I'm not so sure we should. Under no circumstances can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here. What? No. It's you who doesn't understand... that Thanos has been inside my head for six years. Since he sent an army to New York and now he's back. And I don't know what to do. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his... but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur? All right, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the universe depends on it. Nice. Good, moral compass. We're straight. All right, kid. You're an Avenger now. I thought you might be hungry. I always hated that chair. So I've been told. Even so, I'd hoped you'd sit in it one day. I hated this room. This ship. I hated my life. You told me that too. Every day. For almost 20 years. I was a child when you took me. I saved you. No. No. We were happy on my home planet. Going to bed hungry... scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I'm the one who stopped that. Do you know what's happened since then? The children born... have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It's a paradise. Because you murdered half the planet. A small price to pay for salvation. You're insane. Little one, it's a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction. You don't know that! I'm the only one who knows that. At least, I'm the only one with the will to act on it. For a time... you had that same will... as you fought by my side. Daughter. I'm not your daughter. Everything I hate about myself you taught me. And, in doing so, made you the fiercest woman in the galaxy. That's why I trusted you to find the Soul Stone. I'm sorry I disappointed you. I am disappointed. But not because you didn't find it. But because you did. And you lied. Nebula. Don't do this. Some time ago, your sister snuck aboard this ship to kill me. Please don't do this. And very nearly succeeded. So I brought her here. To talk. Stop. Stop it. I swear to you on my life. I never found the Soul Stone. Accessing memory files. You know what he's about to do. He's finally ready, and he's going for the stones. - All of them. - He can never get them all. He will! He can't, Nebula. Because I found the map to the Soul Stone... and I burned it to ash. I burned it. You're strong. Me. You're generous. Me. But I never taught you to lie. That's why you're so bad at it. Where is the Soul Stone? Vormir! The stone is on Vormir. Show me. I am Groot. Tinkle in the cup. We're not looking. What's there to see? What's a twig? Everybody's seen a twig before. I am Groot. Tree, pour what's in the cup out into space and go in the cup again. You speak Groot? Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective. I am Groot. You'll know when we're close. Nidavellir's forge harnesses the blazing power of a neutron star. It's the birthplace of my hammer. It's truly awesome. Okay, time to be the captain. So, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that could be annoying. Well, he's been dead before. But, no, this time I think it really might be true. And you said your sister and your dad? Both dead. But still got a mom, though? Killed by a dark elf. A best friend? Stabbed through the heart. You sure you're up to this particular murder mission? Absolutely. Rage and vengeance, anger, loss, regret... they're all tremendous motivators. They really clear the mind. So I'm good to go. Yeah, but this Thanos we're talkin' about... he's the toughest there is. - Well, he's never fought me. - Yeah, he has. He's never fought me twice. And I'm getting a new hammer, don't forget. It better be some hammer. You know, I'm 1,500 years old. I've killed twice as many enemies as that. And every one of them would've rather killed me, but none succeeded. I'm only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is just the latest in a long line of bastards... and he'll be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so. Mmm-hmm. And what if you're wrong? If I'm wrong, then... what more could I lose? I could lose a lot. Me, personally, I could lose a lot. Okay. If fate does want you to kill that crapsack... you're gonna need more than one stupid eyeball. - What's this? - What's it look like? Some jerk lost a bet with me on Contraxia. He gave you his eye? No, he gave me 100 credits. I snuck into his room later that night and stole his eye. Thank you, sweet rabbit. Hmm. Huh? Oh. I would've washed that. The only way I could sneak it off Contraxia was up my... Hey, we're here! I don't think this thing works. Everything seems dark. It ain't the eye. Something's wrong. The star's gone out. And the rings are frozen. I hope these dwarves are better at forging than they are cleaning. Maybe they realized that they live in a junk pile in the middle of space. This forge hasn't gone dark in centuries. You said Thanos had a gauntlet, right? Yes, why? It look anything like that? I am Groot. Go back to the pod. Eitri, wait! Stop! Stop. Thor? What happened here? You were supposed to protect us. Asgard was supposed to protect us. Asgard is destroyed. Eitri, the glove. What did you do? 300 dwarves lived on this ring. I thought if I did what he asked, they'd be safe. I made what he wanted. A device capable of harnessing the power of the stones. Then he killed everyone anyway. All except me. "Your life is yours," he said. "But your hands are mine alone." Eitri, this isn't about your hands. Every weapon you've ever designed, every axe, hammer, sword... it's all inside your head. Now, I know it feels like all hope is lost. Trust me, I know. But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos. Mantis, listen very carefully. I need you to meet me on Titan. Hey, what's going on? I think we're here. I don't think this rig has a self-park function. Get your hand inside the steering gimbal. Close those around it. - You understand? - Yep, got it. This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta - move at the same time. - Okay, okay. Ready. We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn! You all right? That was close. I owe you one. Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something... and I eat one of you, I'm sorry. I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand? I'm trying to say that something is coming. Thanos! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don't put your eggs in me! Stay down, clown. Die, blanket of death! Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out. I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Gamora? Yeah. I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora? I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora? Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak. Let's do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go! Do it, Quill! I can take it. - No, he can't take it! - She's right. You can't. Oh, yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all three of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you. Wait, what, Thanos? All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve? What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say, "Jesus"? You're from Earth. I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri. Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit. What are you hassling us for? So you're not with Thanos? With Thanos? No, I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you? - We're the Avengers, man. - Oh. You're the ones Thor told us about. You know Thor? Yeah. Tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving. Where is he now? This is the plan? We're gonna hit him with a brick? It's a mold. A king's weapon. Meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost. Did it have a name? Stormbreaker. That's a bit much. So how do we make it? You'll have to restart the forge. Awaken the heart of a dying star. Rabbit, fire up the pod. The hell happened to this planet? It's eight degrees off its axis. Gravitational pull is all over the place. Yeah, we got one advantage. He's coming to us. We'll use it. All right, I have a plan. Or at least the beginnings of one. It's pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don't wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet. Are you yawning? In the middle of this, while I'm breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said? I stopped listening after you said, "We need a plan." Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page. See, "not winging it" isn't really what they do. Uh, what exactly is it that they do? Kick names, take ass. Yeah, that's right. All right, just get over here, please. Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up? "Mr. Lord." Star-Lord is fine. We gotta coalesce. 'Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude... Dude, don't call us plucky. We don't know what it means. All right, we're optimistic, yes. I like your plan. Except it sucks, so let me do the plan... and that way it might be really good. Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe. - What dance-off? - It's nothing. Like in Footloose, the movie? Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the greatest movie in history? It never was. Don't encourage this, all right? - Okay. - We're getting no help - from Flash Gordon here. - Flash Gordon? By the way, that's a compliment. Don't forget, I'm half human. So that 50% of me that's stupid... that's 100% you. Your math is blowing my mind. Excuse me. But does your friend often do that? Strange, we all right? You're back. You're all right. - Hi. - Hey, what was that? I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict. How many did you see? 14,000,605. How many did we win? One. The stone had better be up there. For your sister's sake. Welcome, Thanos, son of Alars. Gamora, daughter of Thanos. You know us? It is my curse to know all who journey here. Where is the Soul Stone? You should know... it extracts a terrible price. I am prepared. We all think that at first. We are all wrong. How is it you know this place so well? A lifetime ago, I, too, sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess. What you seek lies in front of you. As does what you fear. What's this? The price. Soul holds a special place among the Infinity Stones. You might say it has a certain wisdom. Tell me what it needs. To ensure that whoever possesses it... understands its power... the stone demands a sacrifice. Of what? In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. A soul... for a soul. All my life, I dreamed of a day... a moment... when you got what you deserved. And I was always so disappointed. But now... You kill and torture... and you call it mercy. The universe has judged you. You asked it for a prize, and it told you no. You failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one. No. Really? Tears? They're not for him. No. This isn't love. I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, little one. No! Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. I hope you're right about this. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to. When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world... this is not what I imagined. And what did you imagine? The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks. Should we bow? Yeah, he's a king. Seems like I'm always thanking you for something. What are you doing? Uh, we don't do that here. So how big of an assault should we expect? Uh, sir, I think you should expect quite a big assault. How we looking? You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and... And a semi-stable 100-year-old man.
Full script of Infinity War
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