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[Let's build] d100 events caused by magical manifestations/creatures/beings that happen in a Modern City.

Hey everyone! I'm trying to put together a game where my players will be apart of an organization that protects the human world (or really just the city they'll be playing in) from otherworldly/magical/etc. threats. The city seems to be a focal point for strange occurrences, magical creatures and beings, portals, etc. If anyone remembers Special Unit 2 from the early 00's, it's like that. (Man I loved that show.) And this is the map I'm using, just changing the name but the layout and places of interest are mostly staying the same.
Edit: Wow! Thanks guys! Totally didn't expect this to get as many as it did, this is a wealth of sidequests. Thank you so much! If you want to check out SU2 I'm pretty sure there are some episodes on YouTube. Its heavy on the cheese and it'll be really dated by today's standards but it was a good time.
  1. A connection to the Feywild has happened in one of the city parks. An elf finds his way through and finds it entertaining to enlarge small animals.
  2. Thieves have stolen an artifact from the history museum, reanimating a mummy in one of the exhibits.
  3. An unusual amount of sharks have been seen near the docks. Boats are being attacked by Sahuagin raiders.
  4. A surge of chaotic magic bursts and causes the creation of multiple Mephits. (Depending on location)
  5. An edgy teen visits a graveyard to perform a necromantic ritual. He doesnt know that the "spell book" he has actually contains an incantation that raises several undead and is now in over his head.
  6. A dead body found, torn apart, all signs point to someone summoning a low level demon and using it as the murder weapon.
  7. Somebody figured out how to brew love potions and now they are selling them on the streets.
  8. A portal to the elemental plane of water opened in the city's water supply. Now wild water elementals are pouring out of showers, sinks, and fountains.
  9. A skyscraper acquires an elemental spirit. The movements start off so subtle that they could be mistaken for the wind, but they become stranger and stronger with each passing day.
  10. Zoo animals begin take on dire traits and break out their enclosures.
  11. Goodberries become an invasive plant through runners, never flower, never fruit, just keep branching out.
  12. Turns out the royal family were lizardfolk.
  13. An a little person (Halfling arcane trickster) is hitting up all the casinos.
  14. A cleric poses as the second coming of christ, oh he also caused covid 19.
  15. An artificer constructing his own personal army of modrons.
  16. Strange events in a swimming pool, several people have died by drowning (Water Weirds).
  17. Rust monster moves into a construction site, eats and rusts the supports and the workers equipment.
  18. The Native American Thunderbird is finally spotted, its a Roc.
  19. Boogey man sighted by many families. An Oni is skulking between houses, looking for something or someone.
  20. Monsters take up residence in an abandoned circus. Medusa in the house of mirrors. Rakshasa tending to tigers. An ogre in the strongman tent. A hag in the psychics caravan.
  21. Kraken spotted near the mariana trench.
  22. Running of the bull - a famous giant bull statue is turned into a gorgon and roams the streets.
  23. A wizard has become a modern day frankenstein, constructing a flesh golem.
  24. The gargoyles of a famous landmark come to life at night.
  25. Duergar have been building tunnels in the underground and taking the tracks to increase their metal stores.
  26. A dryad protects a park after witnessing too many people littering in its home.
  27. A young shadow dragon takes offense at all the lights at night, ruining it's stealth and plans.
  28. Barlgura takes a woman hostage and climbs to the top of a skyscraper.
  29. A Bulette is reaking havoc on a nearby junction. The cars are disturbing its young.
  30. Some jackass decided to magically enlarge a chicken so he can have bigger drumsticks. The spell worked, in fact it worked too well. The chicken's the size of an allosaurus and is rampaging down town!
  31. The low income tenement housing is a blaze and the fire departments are having a terrible time putting out the flames ... largely due to the presence of an accidentally summoned fire elemental. Thankfully the elemental will return to the Plane of Fire in an hour when the spell ends.
  32. A real live dinosaur walks through the screen at a viewing of Jurassic Park.
  33. A few real zombies turn up in the middle of a walking dead (costume party / filming / LARP).
  34. A group of adventurers walk through a portal. They end up attacking a group of larpers.
  35. Dinosaur skeleton at a museum animates.
  36. Men are disappearing around the (canals, docks, river, etc). Mermaids are luring them into the water.
  37. Giant rats in someone's basement.
  38. Terracotta soldiers at a museum animate.
  39. Statues around the city have begun animating seemingly at random.
  40. A group of pixies has developed a fascination with cars and keep stealing parts from them.
  41. 3 people have gone missing on the 39th floor of the Enigma Enterprises office on 11th street. The building is only 35 stories tall.
  42. The public library’s chief librarian just won her 1,402nd consecutive Employee of the Month award.
  43. A local graffiti artist has starting to use a new tag that incorporates a design they saw in a museum exhibit on ancient writings. These tags begin acting as portals to... elsewhere.
  44. A grafitti artist who has been illegaly spraying his art work around the city has suddenly started incorperating dangerous runes into his art that have several anomulous effects (like low gravity in an area or being part of a summoning ritual).
  45. An amusement park has to shut down the log flume and other water rides due to an infestation of water weirds.
  46. A subway tunnel collapses and traps a subway train after a portal opens and releases a Purple Worm into the tunnel, weakening the ceiling. Luckily another portal opened up soon thereafter and the purple worm was transported back to whichever fantasy world it came from.
  47. A user posted the true name of a powerful demon on an old forum, and cultists are trying to steal the forum's retired servers from a warehouse before the data is overwritten.
  48. A local shut in has accidentally started and broken a contract with a brownie
  49. A blink dog is making a habit of stealing dog toys from dogs at the park
  50. A water elemental gets stuck in the sewers due to the amount of human garbage
  51. A gnome alchemist has been dosing coffee pots in cafes around the city with various potions for entertainment
  52. An elven druid has convinced the local pigeon populace to fight back against corruption in office, targeting a mayoral candidate. the druid is working for another mayoral candidate who is forcing her to work for him by holding her pet familiar hostage
  53. An artificer who came to our world has discovered firearms and has developed the world's first eldritch cannon, as such he is now being hunted by human military agencies that want his prototype
  54. Beans from a bag of beans have somehow been mixed into a shipment of green beans to a grocery store
  55. An annual dwarfism awareness event is populated almost entirely by halflings who entered the modern world illegally
  56. A magical disease that causes those afflicted with it to dance even without music until they eventually collapse from exhaustion
  57. Telepathic conversations are being picked up by cellphone calls, the snippets of audio are indicative of a plan to assassinate city's head of communications
  58. An assistant at the local morgue has been found beaten to death, and several bodies are missing. There are spots of clay all over the morgue, and all the missing bodies are of women between the ages of 18-30. A lonely and insane wizard has created a clay golem and is now using it to find the parts he needs to make a flesh golem bride from himself.
  59. There's been a series of mysterious deaths in the local red light district. Several Johns, and even a few Janes, have been found dead with no obvious cause, the only links between them is that they were all found in a state of undress, and they all had a look of horror on their faces. One of the prostitutes is actually a succubus in disguise, and she has been sucking the souls or her clients.
  60. There's been talk about a changeling in the city who, for a price, will take the form of whoever you request and frame them for various crimes.
  61. The rivalry between the goblin gang, The Sons of Gobbo, and the kobold gang, Tucker's Kobolds, is threatening to escalate to the point of gang warfare. Either peace is to be made between the two gangs, or a crackdown on one or both gangs is required.
  62. A mated pair of wyverns are staking out the local park for a nesting ground. We've got to run off those wyverns before they settle down or else we'll have to call in the national guard... again.
  63. Some poor fool bought what he thought was a monkey's paw, only for it to turn out to be the Hand of Vecna. We need to get it from him before he decides to do something stupid, like actually use it!
  64. An artist's inspiration turns out to be extraplanar in nature, causing their gallery opening to becoming a summoning ritual.
  65. A jewel heist takes a sinister turn as the pieces in question fit into a dangerous artefact. It's a race against time to find the exact location this artefact will be used and stop it.
  66. A building demolition releases Dao who originally carved out the subway system. You've either got to banish them, or offer them something they want more than vengeance.
  67. A tanker needs to be rescued before it can reach port. The cargo manifest points to illegal trafficking of Yuan-ti.
  68. A local crime boss sparks a war in the streets. His motivation is a new found patron that has given him "unique" powers (level 1 spells at best).
  69. Renovations of the university library uncovers tomes of magic causing a Revenge of the Nerds style scenario with pranks played on the local sports teams.
  70. An artist's inspiration turns out to be extraplanar in nature, causing their gallery opening to becoming a summoning ritual.
  71. A jewel heist takes a sinister turn as the pieces in question fit into a dangerous artefact. It's a race against time to find the exact location this artefact will be used and stop it.
  72. A building demolition releases Dao who originally carved out the subway system. You've either got to banish them, or offer them something they want more than vengeance.
  73. A tanker needs to be rescued before it can reach port. The cargo manifest points to illegal trafficking of Yuan-ti.
  74. A local crime boss sparks a war in the streets. His motivation is a new found patron that has given him "unique" powers (level 1 spells at best).
  75. Renovations of the university library uncovers tomes of magic causing a Revenge of the Nerds style scenario with pranks played on the local sports teams.
  76. Someone is putting religious scrolls in the heads of the statues around town. They are coming alive as golems.
  77. A necromancer has set up shop in the Natural History Museum. They tunneled into the back so are in the Human Origins exhibit, but they are headed towards the dinosaur bones.
  78. Someone is making the paintings come alive!
  79. Harpies are nesting in the dome of the Capitol building!
  80. A siren in the river is causing drivers to drive off the bridge.
  81. A bullette has fallen in love with one of the subway trains.
  82. The Botanical Garden has come alive! Awakened trees and myconids and spore servants are causing panic!
  83. If you were in NYC or Kentucky, a dragon has sniffed out the Federal Gold Reserves and is trying to make it his lair.
  84. When you’re in the metro system, which is naturally full of graffiti, one of the graffiti symbols lights up. It’s a rune that’s about to explode.
  85. The newspaper reports that every single McDonald's in the area has a working ice cream machine. It's deemed a miracle by many in the city. The newspaper credits it to hard-working corporate engineers who have perfected the cleaning and disinfection process. You, however, know the real reason. With some investigation, it turns out that the $1 $2 $3 dollar menu has a perfect storm spell coded into the registers. The codes for specific items, when entered in a specific sequence in a customer's order, are actually a conjuration spell that summons a Mimic, and, as we all know, Mimics have a fondness for soft serve.
  86. Lightning/Electric elementals have found junction boxes to be tasty snacks causing blackouts around the city. Remove them so the engineers can fix the grid.
  87. A minotaur has found the "Bull in a China shop" analogy to be racist and is now sitting in said shop and refuses to leave. The owner is distraught, and hesitant to say anything due to the red interior and the possibility of a fight breaking out. Remove the minotaur without causing any damage.
  88. Pixies have found photo bombing models to be the new prank for anyone that wants to be popular. Here's a net, catch them and give them an alternative to photo bombing.
  89. Vampires have been found in front of many Old Town homes, we believe that they are trying to either buy the home or enjoy the look of the neighborhood. In any case, the home owners want you to be there for protection while talking to the vampires.
  90. There are cultists holding rallies in the park. I need you to separate out the ones that can do harm and the ones that are less likely to be harmful. Also they need permits to do that so every one of them gets a ticket.
  91. Some wizard decided s/he was going to set up residence in the middle of the road. S/he said something about ley lines or some such being good there. Stop them from doing so and show them around town so they can find an alternative spot, they'll be a strong ally so work with them please.
  92. Ratmen have been found in the subway system. In order for the population to not explode, I need you to organize them to some degree. Find a representative that can speak for them and bring them here so we can talk.
submitted by FatherMellow to d100 [link] [comments]

A Guide to the Differences Between JRPGs Ports and Enhanced Versions (Part 1).

A new day, a new guide.
This is the hardest one of the guides I wanted to make, because the information is never easy to get, which is weird. So please forgive me if I missed some changes, and by all means tell me if I missed any of them or if any of them are incorrect.
Since this list is really long, this guide is going to come in parts, this part covers:

Important Notes:

  • This is made for Ports and Enhanced versions, so No Remakes. So this is about differences between the different versions of Chrono Trigger, and not about the differences between FF7 ps1 and FF7 Remake.
  • The differences are taken from all over the internet, either from official sources, wikis, youtube, and even forums.
  • I cover all the changes for a game, unless there is too many, in which case I will highlight the ones worth mentioning.

~ Valkyrie profile (PSX US.ver): vs Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP vs iOS & Andriod. ~

Valkyrie profile PSX:

Nearly identical to the Japan version but with minor fixes in the menu screen. In the Japanese version, Characters not in the party were unable to change or learn skills nor were they able change or remove equipment. The US version allowed out of party members to change and learn skills as well as change or remove equipment without being added to the party. Also in the Japanese version, Lenneth would unequip all her skills and equipment when switching between sword and bow. The US version 'remembers' the previous setting when switching weaponry and is automatically equipped with the skills and equip. Another improvement over the Japanese version is an improved item sorting option.
There are a few instances of censoring such as Badrach's smoking.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth PSP:

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth lacks the improvement made in US version. Rather than re-rendering the textures of the dungeon maps, TOSE cropped and upscaled the pre-rendered images to fit the portable console's screen, resulting in severe blurring in some areas. This version also removes the anime opening movie in favor of 3D CGI, animated movie. Certain key story-sequences were animated in the same style as the opening movie and can be viewed at anytime in the Gallery option in the title screen once unlocked in the story. The animated scenes include:
  • Opening Movie
  • Lenneth's Awakening
  • Jelanda's Transformation
  • Alicia witnesses Barbarossa's execution
  • Lenneth's encounter with the Lord of the Undead
  • Lenneth and the Homunculi
  • A chance encounter between "Meril" and Lucian
  • Lenneth in Weeping Lily Meadow
  • Lucian's departure to Valhalla
  • Hrist's Awakening
  • The Sovereign's Rite
  • A Ending
Other big changes are:
  • An enhanced version of the original game's localization
  • Square Enix cleaned up the original game's English script and additional voice over dialogue for the CG movies was recorded by New Generation Pictures, rather than the original company, TAJ Productions.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth iOS & Andriod:

This is the PSP version being ported to iOS & Andriod, with the following changes:
  • Enhanced graphics such as character portraits. >* Enhanced Text.
  • Enhanced UI.
  • The option to skip cut-scenes.
  • In-app purchases to unlock collectibles
  • Ability to turn on auto-battle.

~ Chrono Trigger (SNES): PSX vs NDS vs iOS & Andriod vs PC. ~

Chrono Trigger PSX:

Anime cut scenes created by original character designer Akira Toriyama's Bird Studio and animated by Toei Animation.
A new Extra Mode Option was added that is divided into different categories of viewable extras, that are unlocked as you finish the game, and just as shown in the picture, they are:
  • Theater.
  • Art Gallery.
  • Music Box.
  • Tech Showcase.
  • Monster Data.
  • Boss Data.
  • Endings.
  • Treasure Map.

Chrono Trigger NDS:

This version includes everything new in the PSX version, and also has big and a long list of changes and additions, which I will try to condense them as much as possible:
  • Ability to play using the two screens and the touch screen, or in classic mode through a single screen.
  • Added the Arena of Ages: A monster arena where You pick basic monsters and raise them to fight computer and wireless opponents.
  • Added the Lost Sanctum: A sidequest during the main game. It consists of two dungeons in two different eras.
  • Added the Dimensional Vortex: A extra Dungeon, available after beating the game once and appears in three different eras. Each dungeon is different.
  • A lot of New Items.
  • New Enemies in the new dungeons, in the form of palette swaps of old enemies.
  • One New Ending after finishing the Dimensional Vortex completely.
  • New Translation that changes a lot of names form the original version to something more faithful to the Japanese version.

Chrono Trigger iOS & Android:

Both versions initially were based on the NDS version, but later on got an update to make them similar to the PC version.

Chrono Trigger PC:

Everything on the NDS version is present here except there is No Arena of Ages. What they did add however is:
  • Auto-Save feature.
  • Higher Resolution Graphics and update UI.
  • Support for mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Remastered sound and music.

~ Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX): vs Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP) vs PS4 (JP.ver). ~

Star Ocean: Second Evolution:

  • A New Translation that changes almost everything in the game.
  • New voice actors. >* New voiced acted scenes; All major story events now have voice acting.
  • New recruitable character: Welch Vineyard.
  • New Private Actions and 13 new Endings.
  • Unlocking the Galaxy and Universe modes now require defeating a specific number of enemies in a single playthrough rather than unlocking voices in the Voice Collection. >>>* Practically all Combat Skills have been refined, some being removed (such as Cancel, which is now automatically implemented).
  • The combat system has been slightly refined, now allowing all melee fighters to perform a 3-hit combo as their normal attack.
  • The Super Specialty "Bunny Call" no longer allows the player to "climb" on towns and some terrains. The player now will enter a town upon approaching while in Bunny Form, and can even activate private actions.
  • All items in the inventory screen are now depicted as 2D icons instead of the original 3D models.
  • Many bugs and glitches have been fixed (most notably the infamous random Cave of Trials screen freeze).
  • Ring of Lightspeed (called Slayer Ring in Second Story) now works on Dias Flac.
  • New character designs and portraits.
  • No magic combo mechanic.
  • Crafting animations are now replaced by a still 2D image.

Star Ocean: Second Evolution PS4 JP.ver:

This enhanced version was released only in Japan on the PS4, with enhanced graphics and BGM, and a DLC that helps you with the gameplay.

~ The Last Remnant (Xbox360): vs PC vs PS4 & Switch Remastered. ~

The Last Remnant PC:

This version is only available to purchase in the EU SquareEnix online store as of right now:
  • Turbo Mode is now available, and can be toggled on or off while giving orders to unions in battle. When on, battles play out at double the speed.
  • Crimson Flare, a new Arcana, is now available.
  • New formations, such as Eremurus Rain, are now available.
  • Enemies hit considerably harder.
  • Rare Monsters can have significantly higher HP than their XBOX 360 counterparts.
  • Arcana require substantially more AP.
  • Unique Arts now require AP.
  • Remnant Arts can only be performed by union leader, Weapon Arts now require high union morale.
  • Offensive Weapon Arts now increase morale when used.
  • Additionally, Arcana and offensive Special Arts now raise morale by a fixed amount.
  • Likewise, certain Enemy Arts now lower morale by a fixed amount.
  • Wards now affect the entire union.
  • Attributes required for formation upgrades are vastly different.
  • Healing no longer raises morale, and morale increased by Critical Hits has been dramatically reduced.
  • Union morale now fluctuates based on more conditions (IE: taking an action, successfully landing a hit, receiving damage, etc.). In the X360 version, union morale stayed somewhat static, usually changing when being healed, being KO'd/terminated, executing a successful Critical Trigger. It also did not drop to 0 whenever an offensive Special Art was executed, whereas it will do so on the PC.
  • Linking additional enemies together does not increase your Battle Rank further than having fought them separately.
  • Special commands, such as the use of David's Gae Bolg, are no longer interrupted by being raidlocked by a different union or having targeted enemy union defeated by an ally.
  • Allies now have the option to cure a friendly union's Curse status ailment via "Cure them even if it kills them!" command. This command is in the XBOX 360 version as well, but is only available when the union is Enthralled; it will not be available when the union is cursed.
  • Items are color-coded in the PC version, and a new preview feature lets you see what the item looks like in battle.
  • You can now toggle between viewing the stats of a weapon or shield and viewing a preview of what it looks like in battle.
  • Components and consumables are now categorized.
  • Items are now color-coded based on their rarity.
  • Creation or customization of some items require fewer components.
  • New items available via Blueprint 4.
  • Various weapon stats have changed.
  • Some very rare monster-specific drops can now be split from monsters (e.g., Godwood Timber, Spiritwood Timber).
  • The leader limit is no longer imposed. Unions can be composed entirely of leader units if the player desires.
  • Likewise, soldiers can now be set as union leaders.
  • The stat cap has been lifted for all characters to allow a maximum of 255 for each stat.
  • The Seven are now recruitable after completing Union of the Golden Chalice Task #70: For Our Lord.
  • Rush can now be removed from the active party.
  • Khrynia can learn the new Unique Art Dual Snowpetal.
  • Arts can be disabled, filtering which skills a unit may use in combat.
  • Leaders' requested components are displayed when viewing their stats.
  • Leaders' wield style can be changed depending on their equipped weapon.
  • Shields now prevent style changes mid-battle.
  • The following classes now prevent style changes: Guardian, Scout, Hunter, Wanderer, Thief, Alchemist, all Mystic classes, Vagrant, Mercenary, Aristocrat, Djin, Fortuneteller, Sage and General.
  • The experience required to advance Wield Style skills has been reduced, and the experience required to advance Weapon Type skills has been increased.
  • Three new classes are now available: Ataraxian, Cleric, and Ninja.
  • The Guardian, Fencer, and Warrior classes now require non-sovani wield styles, and are thus not available to Sovani.
  • The Gladiator class now requires Power Grip and Wards.
  • Hybrid classes (Item+Combat and Mystic+Combat) can now be achieved by units who do not start in one.
  • Some leaders now have a different weapon upgrade path, which caused some units to learn new Weapon Arts while others lost theirs.
  • Leaders can request weapons that do not coincide with their weapon upgrade path as long as they match their equipped weapon type and size.
  • Soldiers can now request weapon drops.
  • Some units have had their starting Unit BR level, stats, class, equipment, arts, and hiring wage changed.
  • The completion of At Hatred's End is no longer required in order to activate Things Unchangeable.
  • Duke of Ghor now has a … icon when you speak with him between the first, third, and fifth base battles.
  • The component requirements in The Assistant have lowered.
  • The DLC content is now unlocked differently; the majority of the extra content now requires the completion of certain guild tasks.
  • The Leader Extraordinaire guild tasks which required three units of a single class now only require one.
  • The Monsterslayer guild tasks require different enemies to be defeated.
New Game Plus and Hard Mode: After the epilogue and credits, you can now save your game. When you're taken back to the main menu, you can load this save to begin a new playthrough that carries over certain elements from your previous playthrough. You will also be given the option to start the new game in Hard Mode.
  • The PC version will warn you if you cannot leave an area without a fight.
  • Auto Save is now available, which automatically saves after having changed zones or having won a battle.
  • Battle Rank is now viewable outside of combat, in the party menu.
  • Battle Rank progression has been slowed considerably; it takes more encounters/enemy unions terminated to increase in rank.
  • Characters with … icons are now identified with markers on the map.
  • Enemies can no longer be respawned by saving and reloading an adjacent area.
  • New saving opportunities are now available, such as before the base's boss.
  • A warning message is now displayed if you attempt to save your game in an area which you cannot leave until you defeat a boss.
  • Mr Diggs's digging animations are now much quicker.
  • The loading screens that explained some of the game's mechanics have been disabled.
  • Many areas of the game have had their spawn tables altered or repopulated.
  • Starting battle music now coincides with starting morale in most battles.
  • "Turn the Tide" and "Beat the Odds" now play during the second half instead of after entering Elysion.
  • Union highlighting during the selection phase has been toned down (ie: ally unions don't look quite as blue).
  • Leaders in reserve no longer gain skills via the Rush only skill grind trick.
  • Soldiers now slowly improve their stats in reserves.
  • Camera in battle doesn't swing around as wildly anymore.
  • Mitra soldiers' idle stances now come in 2 varieties: the one shared by both male and female units and the one exclusive to larger male units, rather than just the "large male mitra" stance.

The Last Remnant Remastered PS4 & Switch:

Based on the PC version, also added:
  • Graphics now are in Unreal Engine 4
  • A new function to run faster on the overworld.
  • Extra save slots.
Yes I am salty about this if you can't tell, since they removed the PC version from steam.

~ Tales of Vesperia (Xbox360): vs PS3 vs Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition vs PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One. ~

Tales of Vesperia PS3:

  • Features full voice acting, nearly twice as much voice work as the original.
  • New Characters, including 2 new playable characters: Flynn (permanantly playable now), and Patty Fleur.
  • New subplots, skits, and main game quests, and sidequests.
  • New mini-games
  • New songs
  • Remodeled towns and new towns and dungeons.
  • New bosses.
  • The ability to replay boss fights.
  • New 8 Mystic Arts.
  • New artes, skills, and equipment.
  • New item: the "Artes Ball", which allows an additional eight artes shortcuts to be assigned to the previous eight slots combined with the L1 button, which allows for a maximum of 16 artes
  • New character costumes

Tales of Vesperia: Definitive editionvs PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One:

Based on the PS3 version, it has everything from it and all the DLC included for free, with higher resolution graphics depending on the system.

~ Tales of Symphonia (GC): vs PS2 (JP.ver only) vs PS3/PC. ~

Tales of Symphonia PS2 JP.ver only:

  • New animated sequences.
  • New Mystic Arts.
  • New Unison Arts.
  • New Arts for playable characters and enemies.
  • New Techniques.
  • The frame rate was lowered from 60 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
  • New customs.
  • The "Synopsis" option in the menu displays newer entries at the top
  • The Casino in the game is now actually fully playable with it's own mini-games, and chips to collecet and exchange for items.
  • The skits are graphically more dynamic. Portraits get larger or smaller quickly, swing from side to side, shake, and so on.
  • New Titles
  • More post-battle animations.
  • Niflheim dungeon extended and 6 new boss characters, fought in 2 new boss battles.
  • Bug Fixes
  • New events to help raise affection.
  • Includes new side quests, new camera angles on some cutscenes, new animated cutscenes not featured in the GameCube version

Tales of Symphonia PS3/PC:

  • More customs.
  • Improved character textures and improved some environments.
  • Dual-audio support: Japanese and English voiceovers, which neither the PS2 or GameCube versions had
  • Cutscenes support voice acting in both languages, but skits only have voice acting in Japanese. If you select English, you will just see the subtitles during skits. This is not a porting issue, as this is just how the GameCube version was.
  • While the original GameCube version ran at 60fps, the Japanese PS2 port which the PS3 Chronicles HD version is based off of ran at 30fps. The Steam version can run at 40FPS.
  • HD graphics

~ Skies of Arcadia (DC): vs Skies of Arcadia: Legends GC. ~

Skies of Arcadia: Legends GC:

  • New Ranks for the Swashbuckler Rating system.
  • Random encounters occur less frequently and load considerably faster than the Dreamcast version, and EXP offered per battle is adjusted to compensate.
  • Graphically, the game sports mild improvements to character models, most noticeably adding individual fingers to the designs. The modifier volume shadows and (weirdly enough) point-mipmapping from the original release are still present.
  • One of the new sidequests available is Bounty Hunting. Sailor's Guilds offer information about each person on the bounty list as they are unlocked through story progression. After reading about them, they can be found in a constant location.
  • There are a number of new discoveries to be found.
  • Two linked sidequests
  • "Pinta Quest" minigame was removed
  • DLC comes with the game.

~ Persona 3 (PS2): vs Persona 3 FES PS2 (English.ver) vs P3P PSP. ~

FES PS2 (English.ver):

  • A whole additional epilogue has been added, The Answer. This chapter is only available in one difficulty setting, which is supposed to be on par with Persona 3's Hard mode.
  • New Personas have been added
  • Secret videos of the protagonist's dorm mates have been added to flesh them out.
  • Koromaru can now be taken on walks.
  • Several of the Social Links have been modified slightly, such as Tanaka being available at a different time
  • Several new Quests have been added.
  • New costumes can be worn in battle.
  • A new event involving Chidori Yoshino was added.
  • Naganaki Shrine was completely overhauled.
  • A hard mode was added.
  • Save data from Persona 3 can be transferred into the game,


  • The Answer is not included in this verion.
  • Added a Female Main Character, so now you can choose between the Male and Female MCs.
  • The game lacks 3D environments and character models (outside of Tartarus), all anime cutscenes are gone, the graphics and audio quality were compressed,
  • The storyline of the female protagonist features many differences from that of the male protagonist, such as new social interactions as well as Social Links.
  • New voiced dialogue.
  • Players have the choice of selecting Elizabeth or a male-equivalent named Theodore to be Igor's assistant in the Velvet Room.
  • The ability to pick who the protagonist spends the last moments of the game with. This feature is only accessible on a New Cycle
  • The Desert of Doors from the Abyss of Time seen in The Answer will still appear, however, in an extra feature known as the Vision Quest. In this mode, the party can fight stronger incarnations of the Full Moon shadow bosses — save for Arcana Magician — and partake in special battles that test the party's abilities. When all of the battles have been successfully met, a second optional boss can be fought: Margaret, Igor's assistant in Persona 4 and guardian of the Desert of Doors in P3P.
  • There are now two overworld save points; Aside from the log book in the Iwatodai Dormitory, there is also one on the main character's desk at school.
  • In Paulownia Mall, the police station is now the only place where the protagonist can buy equipment and sell items. Aohige Pharmacy is now a buy-only store, and Be Blue V is just a part-time work site and hangout to improve the main character's condition
  • From previous versions, two difficulty modes have been added: Beginner and Maniac alongside Easy and Normal in Persona 3 and Hard in Persona 3 FES:
  • A new tactic, "Direct," has been added to the game, allowing control of the party members, unlike Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES.
  • The "Wait" command is replaced with the "Defense" command, and will decrease the damage and any knockdown effects of the next attack the user suffers.
  • The game grants "1 More" to a combatant who attacks multiple enemies not knocking all of them down; the original Persona 3 required all hit enemies to be knocked down for a 1 more.
  • Party members who have been knocked down no longer spend the turn by getting up and can act as soon as they stand.
  • Upon landing a critical hit or striking an enemy's weakness, party members can follow up with a co-op attack.
  • Fusion Spells from the original Persona 3 are now activated from items instead of equipping a persona and selecting it like other spells.
  • Allies can now take a fatal blow to the protagonist for them if they are able.
  • "Dizzy" has been added as a status effect.
  • Returning to the main lobby in Tartarus no longer automatically restores the party, and must now be done for a fee via the save point (this cost varies based on the date in-game and status effects currently inflicted on the party)
  • Floors can be directly returned to from the entrance of Tartarus instead of being restricted to the restore point like previous versions.
  • "Tired" status no longer is inflicted during Tartarus exploration, and is inflicted to all used party members after leaving (this will only drop to "Good" if the character used was at "Great" during exploration).
  • Unlike previous versions, money found by party members when split up will now be given to the protagonist.
  • Party members' equipment and status can now be accessed at any time from the pause menu, unlike in previous versions, which required the protagonist to speak to them while exploring Tartarus in order to change their equipment or view their status.
  • You can now control Party members directly.
  • The protagonists only have access to one weapon type (instead of having access to all weapon types like in P3 and FES); the male protagonist wields one-handed swords, and the female protagonist wields naginatas. As a result, the Skills "Fist Master," "Bow Master," "1hdSwdMaster" and similar skills have all been combined into a single skill called "Weapons Master." Its skill card is called "Phys Boost," and all Personas which had learned a "master" ability (like Cybele with Bow Master) now learn "Weapons Master."
  • Personas now have the ability to produce a Skill Card when raised to a specific level. Each card can be used on any Persona to teach them a skill.
  • The Inari Sushi in Naganaki Shrine no longer grants random bonuses for item gaining and Tartarus explorations. Instead, it offers to duplicate Skill Cards, which will take 5 days to complete

~ Persona 4 (PS2): vs Persona 4 Golden Vita vs Persona 4 Golden PC. ~

Persona 4 Golden Vita:

  • Two new Social Links.
  • A New Dungeon.
  • A New bad ending.
  • New Difficulty levels have been added: Safety/Easy/Normal/Hard/Risky.
  • Several new music tracks.
  • Additional voice-over dialogue.
  • Chie and Teddie have new voice actors in the English version.
  • New animated cutscenes.
  • More Personas, including new Ultimate Personas for the Investigation Team.
  • New areas can be visited.
  • New events.
  • The protagonist can now explore Inaba in the evening when Dojima is not home.
  • The protagonist and his friends now have motorized scooters to explore various areas.
  • Costumes are now available to buy at Croco Fur, in Okina City.
  • New Garden and Bug Catching features.
  • The ability to choose which skills can be inherited by the Persona the protagonist is fusing.
  • New scene skipping function
  • If the necessary criteria for at least the good ending are fulfilled, daily activities are expanded to February 14, 2012, giving more time for events and social links.
  • New epilogue has been added for the True Ending.
  • The list of Requests and the Fox' emas have been modified.
  • Rise can now assist the Investigation Team in All-Out-Attacks.
  • Added Tag Team attacks: two members can team up to perform a united attack.
  • Added Cavalry Attacks: Attacks from members of the Investigation Team that are not currently in the party.
  • Spell buffs and debuffs can now be used on the same character to prolong the effect
  • A new gallery menu has been added: "TV Listings." It displays bonus content unlocked through the main game at any time.
  • Floors and chests in dungeons can now reset by changing floors instead of leaving the dungeon and TV world, or visiting another dungeon.

Persona 4 Golden PC:

  • Bug fixes
  • The game will run at up to 4K resolution with 60FPS+ as opposed to the Vita's 476p resolution and 30FPS target
  • Includes dual audio language and multiple text language. The anime cutscenes now also include subtitles
  • In the Steam version, the player may customize their difficulty setting at any time, in contrast to the Vita version only letting you do so on New Game Plus.The player may select a preset difficulty setting, or individually alter the following parameters
  • The player may select a preset difficulty setting, or individually alter the following parameters.

~ .hack//G.U (PS2): vs .hack//G.U. Last Recode PS4/PC. ~

.hack//G.U. Last Recode PS4/PC:

  • A brand new episode titled Vol.4//Reconnection, which takes place a year and three months after the events of Redemption
  • HD graphical update for the whole game.
  • Ability to restart the battle from the beginning if Haseo dies.
  • Movement speed on foot has somewhat increased.
  • The item stack size has increased from 50 to 99. The maximum number of item stacks in the inventory has increased from 30 to 90
  • Item menu shortcuts and sort features
  • When using an item in the field, pressing the X button repeatedly will cause the item to be used again without navigating the menu a second time.
  • The maximum number of Chim Spheres and Virus Cores the player can possess has increased from 99 to 999
  • Platforms now include the Platform Recovery feature, recovering a large portion of the party's HP and SP. It can only be used once per visit to a field.
  • Saku and Bo no longer switch the active player based on their level being even or odd. They can instead be selected as separate options in the Party screen.
  • Decreased the probability of allies selling the items the player give them.
  • Voice clips for returning characters and NPCs between games have been updated to use the Volume 3 clips from the beginning, except where said clips are unavailable.
  • Attack power has been increased and hit stops during attacks have been reduced to speed up the battle tempo.
  • Learning weapons proficiency increased and acquired experience points increased.
  • Awakening scenes can be skipped using the Option/Start button.
  • Some of the really tough enemies have been made a bit easier
  • Skeith’s general shot bullet speed has increased during Avatar Battles.
  • Enhanced battle balance and game pacing to provide an optimal experience.
  • Avatar battles now show a stun gauge over the enemy's head. Red diamonds have been added around attacks meant to be deflected using scythe slashes that are in range.
  • Added suspend feature during Avatar battle gameplay.
  • In Volume 3, the player is given 22 "Promise" greeting cards, meaning it is possible to do the "Forever in Love" / "Best Wishes" events with all party members in a single playthrough.
  • A new Cheat Mode allowing players who want to just enjoy the story to start the game with a large amount of items, best equipment, maximum money and chim spheres, and maximum level and affection for the respective volume.
  • Save files from Cheat Mode plays can be converted to the next volumes.
  • The videos from “The End of the World” Terminal Disc included with the limited edition PS2 release of Volume 1 are included in the collection
  • A New Job Form for Haseo with a new weapon.
  • A New Form for Skeith.
  • Ovan joins the party.

~ Final Fantasy 12 (PS2): vs FF 12: International Zodiac Job System PS2 (JP.ver only) vs FF12 Zodiac Age PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One. ~

Final Fantasy 12: International Zodiac Job System PS2 (JP.ver only):

  • Addition of a "Zodiac Job System" featuring twelve jobs with individual License Boards corresponding to twelve zodiac signs
  • Addition of a 16:9 widescreen mode with menus and HUD at 4:3.
  • Addition of three new game modes: Trial Mode/New Game+ Strong Mode/New Game+ Weak Mode.
  • Pressing L1 will speed up gameplay. Conversations and events continue to play at normal speed.
  • Quickening doesn't consume MP. Now they use their own Mist gauge similarly to Limit Breaks from previous Final Fantasy titles.
  • UI Changes.
  • Playable characters' starting LP, consumables, gil, gambits, equipment, licenses, and base stats have been modified.
  • You have more control over Guests now, they also gain EXP/Item/Gold.
  • Many magick spells and technicks have been tweaked, renamed and recategorized.
  • Obtaining Quickenings no longer affects max MP and Mist charges do not diminish when MP is consumed (unless the player is affected by a reversed Elixir or Megalixir). The player's MP is also unaffected by the depletion of Mist charges. However, effects that recover the player's MP will also restore Mist charges. One Mist charge is granted each time the amount recovered totals the player's maximum MP. Effects that fully restore a player's MP recover all Mist charges.
  • You can now fully control Espers, they also require MP to cast magicks
  • Almost all attacks now break the 9999 damage limit from the original by default.
  • New items have been added, such as Cura Mote, Bubble Mote, Domaine Calvados, Baltoro Seed, Dark Energy and various Meteorites.
  • Bacchus's Wine now has 100% chance of inflicting Berserk (previously it was 50%).
  • Several equipment pieces were added, while some available in the original release were removed or tweaked.
  • New Weapons added.
  • Most shops had their assortments changed. Many weapons are now available from shops earlier because of the job system, and were thus made weaker.
  • Treasures respawn by moving just one area away as opposed to two. Treasures were moved around, changed the items they can give, or were removed altogether. The "forbidden chest" concept was removed, that in the original prevented the player from obtaining the Zodiac Spear in Necrohol of Nabudis if they opened a wrong treasure.
  • Dark Matter can no longer be acquired from the bazaar, and selling the ingredients needed to make it in the original will result in making the Dark Energy instead. The Dark Energy is an item that does not charge up with Knot of Rust or Devour Soul and always deals 50,000 damage to each enemy in range.
  • Treasure chests are now in different locations and contain different items.
  • There are more traps throughout the map.

Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age PS4/PC/Switch/Xbox One:

  • Remastered HD graphical upgrade.
  • English and Japanese voices (switch between them in the game configuration).
  • Original and newly re-recorded background music (switch between them in the game configuration).
  • Auto-save functionality added (game saves automatically when moving to each new screen, excepting boss arenas)
  • Improved high-speed mode and improved play time operability during high-speed mode
  • Ability to invert both the X and Y camera axes
  • The game balance has been overhauled to make it easier.
  • Each playable character can have two jobs at once.
  • Job Reset function added; talk to Montblanc in the Clan Hall to use.
  • The Effect Capacity system that limited spell-casting in the PlayStation 2 versions has been removed.
  • Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, and Cure only affect a single target again.
  • Espers' HP values have been doubled, but other stats kept the same as in Zodiac Job System.
  • The animation for summoning Espers is removed.
  • A glitch concerning Dyce's character model has been fixed.
  • New Game Plus and New Game Minus are now accessible from the beginning of the game.

~ Rune Factory 4 (3DS): vs Rune Factory 4 Special Switch. ~

Rune Factory 4 Special Switch:

  • HD Graphics.
  • Newlywed Mode.
  • Hell Difficulty.
  • Additional Movies.
  • Another Episode DLC.
  • Swimsuit Day DLC.
  • Many Town Events are now prioritized if requirements have been met. This includes Memories, which unlocks the last story arc and the events required for marriage.
  • The map has been moved to the main screen and can be removed and resized with the press of a button (the Switch has only one screen) or by using the touch screen icon.
  • The teleport spell has been mapped to a dedicated button. It can still be used from the touch screen.
  • You can now change the voice acting language between English and Japanese.
  • Many bug fixes.

This is just part 1, if you have any suggestions for titles to be in part 2, please post them here.

submitted by VashxShanks to JRPG [link] [comments]

[GAME] Anyone bored wanting to find a good mmorpg on your browser?

I have been in the same situtation as you before, I had a chromebook that couldn't run any other games other than browser games. I really wanted to find a good browser mmorpg and so I went to and tried almost every single game. Today I want to share with you my favorite browser game by far, this game IS NOT FOR EVERYONE, it's called TORN and it's basically a crime based game in the modern world and you want to basically get strong and rich.
Ammount of time per day: (It's an mmorpg so obviously not in one sitting) I'd say about 10mins every few hours every day, this game rewards players for being active daily for short duration of time rather than playing a very long time in one sitting, then missing a few days.
Difficulty: Simple to understand, hard to master


-Highly active game over 20k players playing at the same time on average, 9 servers, huge staff team for a browser game (like 20 people)
-A perfect game to have in the background: while you're doing homework or even watching youtube, it doesn't require full attention AT ALL (ok maybe a little bit at least).
-Althought it looks like there's not much to do there is SO much you can do in this game: join a faction, do faction wars to hold territories, get a job for cash, start a company for extra cash, gamble at the casino, do crimes to earn easy money, organized crimes with faction mates, start selling stuff at your bazar, racing (cars), traveling to other countries to buy stuff there bring it back to for more money, events every month (sometimes more than one per month) such as Christmas town, dog tags, trick or treat, etc (I could go all day)
-Not a single thing you can't buy with in game money (though some items are extremely limited like I believe there is only a total of 149 gold plated AK which is one of the best weapons in the game) and very to none p2w possibility, if you pay in the beginning it will give you a big headstart skipping the annoying part of the game which is being a beginner.


-Requires determination and being able to be active almost everyday, missing a day isn't the end of the world but there is a set ammount of things you can do once/set time per day.
-Energy bar: used for things like training your stats at the gym or attacking another player now this is what turns a lot of players away, but trust me IT IS NOT LIKE ENERGY IN MOBILE GAMES, energy auto generates and there's sooo many ways to replenish your energy such as drugs (yes this game has drugs, if you get addicted there is a rehab), energy drinks, using points for energy refills, hotel coupons, etc...
-Text based: also of the main reasons many players doesn't think is appealing, the graphics are not the best but extremely good in my opinion for a text based game, and NO a text based game doesn't mean you're doing to have to read a wall of text every 5 seconds, it means there is no controlable character and might be a bit confusing a first as games with a controlable character are so popular.
-Grown up community: kids are not welcomed in this game, nor are beggars, this game is full of grown ups so DO NOT talk AT ALL in the global chat and starting new threads in forums. I've seen several players complaining how they lost all their cash at the casino (don't gamble btw) and how rigged this game was and he got hospitalized for a very long time, then he kept complaining and got bounties on his head and is now sentenced to be able to play the game for a very long time. On torn, you are nobody when you start, that's why it's fun to grow and to be one day, somebody.
If this game sounds appealing to you or if you're just bored and want to try it out please use my referal link! (I get a little something if you reach level 10), if you're using my referal link I'd be more than pleased to help you in the game and explaining further how the game works and why I find it so fun (it's hard to explain until you start to get addicted, really). Also I need friends :(.
referal link in comments (rules), if you use my referal link we should automatically be friends so just send me a message and I'll gadly help you (I am still a student and have school even though there's a virus going on so why.... so I won't be responding right away but I'll try my best to! Add me on discord at PROFY#6207 if you're super serious about this game! Thank you if you took the time to read all this, I'm impressed lol.
submitted by PROFY1337 to BrowserGames [link] [comments]

Anyone bored wanting to find a good mmorpg on your browser?

I have been in the same situtation as you before, I had a chromebook that couldn't run any other games other than browser games. I really wanted to find a good browser mmorpg and so I went to and tried almost every single game. Today I want to share with you my favorite browser game by far, this game IS NOT FOR EVERYONE, it's called TORN and it's basically a crime based game in the modern world and you want to basically get strong and rich.
Ammount of time per day: (It's an mmorpg so obviously not in one sitting) I'd say about 10mins every few hours every day, this game rewards players for being active daily for short duration of time rather than playing a very long time in one sitting, then missing a few days.
Difficulty: Simple to understand, hard to master
-Highly active game over 20k players playing at the same time on average, 9 servers, huge staff team for a browser game (like 20 people)
-A perfect game to have in the background: while you're doing homework or even watching youtube, it doesn't require full attention AT ALL (ok maybe a little bit at least).
-Althought it looks like there's not much to do there is SO much you can do in this game: join a faction, do faction wars to hold territories, get a job for cash, start a company for extra cash, gamble at the casino, do crimes to earn easy money, organized crimes with faction mates, start selling stuff at your bazar, racing (cars), traveling to other countries to buy stuff there bring it back to for more money, events every month (sometimes more than one per month) such as Christmas town, dog tags, trick or treat, etc (I could go all day)
-Not a single thing you can't buy with in game money (though some items are extremely limited like I believe there is only a total of 149 gold plated AK which is one of the best weapons in the game) and very to none p2w possibility, if you pay in the beginning it will give you a big headstart skipping the annoying part of the game which is being a beginner.
-Requires determination and being able to be active almost everyday, missing a day isn't the end of the world but there is a set ammount of things you can do once/set time per day.
-Energy bar: used for things like training your stats at the gym or attacking another player now this is what turns a lot of players away, but trust me IT IS NOT LIKE ENERGY IN MOBILE GAMES, energy auto generates and there's sooo many ways to replenish your energy such as drugs (yes this game has drugs, if you get addicted there is a rehab), energy drinks, using points for energy refills, hotel coupons, etc...
-Text based: also of the main reasons many players doesn't think is appealing, the graphics are not the best but extremely good in my opinion for a text based game, and NO a text based game doesn't mean you're doing to have to read a wall of text every 5 seconds, it means there is no controlable character and might be a bit confusing a first as games with a controlable character are so popular.
-Grown up community: kids are not welcomed in this game, nor are beggars, this game is full of grown ups so DO NOT talk AT ALL in the global chat and starting new threads in forums. I've seen several players complaining how they lost all their cash at the casino (don't gamble btw) and how rigged this game was and he got hospitalized for a very long time, then he kept complaining and got bounties on his head and is now sentenced to be able to play the game for a very long time. On torn, you are nobody when you start, that's why it's fun to grow and to be one day, somebody.
If this game sounds appealing to you or if you're just bored and want to try it out please use my referal link! (I get a little something if you reach level 10), if you're using my referal link I'd be more than pleased to help you in the game and explaining further how the game works and why I find it so fun (it's hard to explain until you start to get addicted, really). Also I need friends :(.
here is my referal link: we should automatically be friends so just send me a message and I'll gadly help you (I am still a student and have school even though there's a virus going on so why.... so I won't be responding right away but I'll try my best to! Add me on discord at PROFY#6207 if you're super serious about this game! Thank you if you took the time to read all this, I'm impressed lol.
submitted by PROFY1337 to ChromebookGaming [link] [comments]

Translation of Ace's Novel:Part 2

Big thanks to Rivaille from Worstgen forum.
Very interesting stuff was covered in this novel, so i wanted everyone to see this as quickly as possible.
I will copy and paste what Rivaille said about this novel, pls enjoy:
"Today I received the French translation of the part 2 of Ace’s novel. I decide to make this recap because some people could not find the previous summary."
"For the people asking, this novel is as canon as the databook VC."
Very fun to read.’s-novel-part-2.3294/
submitted by notinthisworld8 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

Current Issues with the Game

There are still numerous issues with the game that I have not seen addressed so I spent some time and put them all down in words in the hopes that the CM's can see and use as feedback. If there is anything that I have missed that is glaringly obvious please add to it in the comments.
1) War Matchmaking – This is still something that is probably the biggest turn off from playing this game. Out of the last 9 wars we have had one was with level collection powers and the other 8 we were punching up. Now given the amount of alliances that we face that are higher than us it stands to reason that there are alliances that get to punch down but from checking our history which we keep collated on discord we have not faced an enemy a million or more lower than us in the last 22 wars and we are at a TCP of around 70 million. The Matchmaking needs to be addressed as from talking to a lot of people that play this game war is the biggest thing that makes them want to quit the game because it is clearly unfair.
2) Red Stars – As we know by now the complete random nature of these make the game virtually like a casino where you require good luck in order to advance your roster which is something that should never occur in a game. Out of this weeks 10 red stars from the login calendar and then from the blitz on Monday as well I received 9 dupes and a 1 star Hela. This gave me enough to open an elite 4 orb which gave me a duplicate of a 4 star minion and gave me 750 elite 5 credits so my red stars this week did not allow me to advance my roster at all. Given the sheer nature of red stars and the ridiculously high amount of dupes that we get we should be getting 20 red star orbs per week at least if not more given how many of them are 1 or 2 star duplicates.
3) Blitz – This one is something that I can only talk a part about as there are apparently changes coming in the form of the reward rankings so we will have to see how they affect us and how they are implemented but from what people have stated on here it could work or it could be a complete failure again which is something that a lot of people have seen blitz as for a long time. The main part I do want to focus on is the milestones only going up to 750,000 points which is ridiculous, I made 1 million points in my first rotation this morning on the second Hela blitz and now I will only do 2 more battles on either day for my dailies and I won’t go in to blitz any more than that for the rest of the weekend as Mega Orb Fragments are just not worth it, so if the intent was to get us to play this mode more then you failed.
4) Blitz Matchmaking – This is one that I thought was being addressed but it currently hasn’t so I will add it to this list the top tier of 8.3 seems to have a ridiculous punch up and even high synergy teams struggle just due to the power gap, for example these are the battles I currently have picked for me:
Power Armor at 200,661 and I can fight Meta Teams ranging from 333,166 to 333,765 X-Men at 189,487 and I can fight Meta Teams ranging from 325,250 to 328,572 BKT with Ultron at 292,582 and I can fight Meta Teams ranging from 441,978 to 448,465
As you can see the punch ups are ridiculous this high up and when my Power Armor has a choice between BKT, X-Men and BH over 100k higher it makes it stupidly difficult.
5) People Leaving the Game – It has become noticeable recently that the people that are leaving our alliance (a top 100 raid and top 200 war alliance) are not leaving to go to another alliance but instead are leaving the game completely and we have found it pretty difficult to recruit new members in. From speaking outside of our alliance this is not something that is happening to just us but something that is game wide, this appears mainly to be due to the fact that there is not any new content such as new campaign nodes etc. and also the fact that one you have Ultron at 7 stars the whole Darkness modes are completely obsolete. You have good game modes that are sitting there that could be utilised in better ways to ensure that we do not find ourselves bored by the game which appears to be a general feeling going throughout the player base at the moment.
6) Character Farming – The one thing that Coulson has made a lot of people very aware of is the non-farmable characters such as Psylocke and Colossus that have been out for a long time but there is no way to farm them. The reason that this has been thrown in to such light these days is the fact that our Shields with Coulson are generally much stronger than our X-men which means that in most wars it becomes a struggle against shield and Coulson as our X-Men teams have members that are stuck on 2 or 3 gold stars whereas the Shields/Coulson are generally a minimum of 4 or 5 gold stars. Along with the fact that the other main team that are supposed to be good against them are Fantastic 4 this means that we are generally always trying to punch up against Coulson teams which has made war even worse in the last few weeks.
7) Non-Confirmation on Purchases – This is one that we have been crying out for change in for months, too many areas in the game lets us spend our power cores etc. without having a warning which is not something that should be allowed. There are warnings in other parts of the game so they should be available in all areas to stop the accidental purchases. I have seen this idea being talked about on this forum for month’s maybe even a full year but the only response I can ever remember is one that happened within the past few days so we will have to see what comes of it.
8) Customer Support – This I believe is one of the main areas that annoys your player base and coming from someone that works in a customer oriented profession yours may just be the worst customer support I have ever seen. Looking back we have numerous threads and forums that discuss this at length with responses ranging from Copy and Paste that say nothing, to messages that state that you cannot help and also ones that have got messages back regarding something that there ticket did not even mention. I guess that you have tried to automate this as much as possible but it is clearly not working and I think that a better customer support team would decrease a lot of the hostility that comes your way.
I think that I have rambled on enough now but I just wanted to get my thoughts out on this and hopefully as there is no cussing or anything like that Cerebro and Zeeks can use this and see where we the community are coming from on these issues.
I love Marvel and that along with my alliance mates are the only reason that I am still playing this game but I have friends of mine that have said they are only playing until the new Game of Thrones game comes out which is within the next few weeks and I know that there are a lot of other games out there that are now following this sort of model and I would hate to see more and more people leave this game for the reasons above.
submitted by Hildavillian to MarvelStrikeForce [link] [comments]

MAME 0.215

MAME 0.215

A wild MAME 0.215 appears! Yes, another month has gone by, and it’s time to check out what’s new. On the arcade side, Taito’s incredibly rare 4-screen top-down racer Super Dead Heat is now playable! Joining its ranks are other rarities, such as the European release of Capcom‘s 19XX: The War Against Destiny, and a bootleg of Jaleco’s P-47 – The Freedom Fighter using a different sound system. We’ve got three newly supported Game & Watch titles: Lion, Manhole, and Spitball Sparky, as well as the crystal screen version of Super Mario Bros. Two new JAKKS Pacific TV games, Capcom 3-in-1 and Disney Princesses, have also been added.
Other improvements include several more protection microcontrollers dumped and emulated, the NCR Decision Mate V working (now including hard disk controllers), graphics fixes for the 68k-based SNK and Alpha Denshi games, and some graphical updates to the Super A'Can driver.
We’ve updated bgfx, adding preliminary Vulkan support. There are some issues we’re aware of, so if you run into issues, check our GitHub issues page to see if it’s already known, and report it if it isn’t. We’ve also improved support for building and running on Linux systems without X11.
You can get the source and Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

How naive 95% of the player base is who think that automated hacks are the majority.

This is not just for CODMW19, but basically any fps game:
This is wake up call to focus on a how normal players play the game vs non normal players whom are running cheats/hacks.
These hacks have been around for a very very long time in other games and since release for CODMW19. However most of the hackers were only using a few of the more simple facets like aim at enemy, aim priority both of which do not look to suspicious if you do not understand how they work.
Aim at enemy - configurable or triggered, turns your character to point directly or within a FOV (field of view) towards an enemy. Normally based on distance to your character. This can be 2D or 3D based.
Aim priority - configurable settings for the above, most use distance from character, but the smarter use distance to recticle (IE where your currently aiming, which enemy is closest within a 360 turn).
Aim at enemy/Aim priority Example:
Often configured to trigger after killing a player, instantly their aim/direction turns towards the next target. This is often not only a rotation but includes relevant elevation of target. This can also be manually executed (often referred to as target cycling). This is VERY prevalent and stands out in kill cams and such as it is a very unnatural play style to "turn with varying elevation once or multiple times" before or after killing a target.
Look at how you move around normally and compare it to killcam, especially when killcam shows your team mates and the hacker magically lines up with where they are once or sometime multiple times.
Next is the wall hack/ESP, Skeleton/Bone, Box, info, meta for entities (enemies, players, objects, etc). I often include all radamini-map hacks in this as its just a 3D Vs 2D variant. This Basically provides a graphical overlay on screen that provides configurable information pertaining to entities.
Wall hack/ESP Example:
This one is really simple, ADS'ing/Scoping solid objects/walls/etc where there is no line of sight on a target. Better yet, ADSing/Scoping through multiple objects and having to move the character to obtain line of sight. Whilst this might occur legitimately a handful of times on well known high traffic paths of certain maps. It does not occur frequently otherwise. Ask yourself, do you often ADS/Scope random walls and solid objects then choose to hunt an imaginary target behind them whilst ignoring everything?
Guessing where you are, like over 60% of the time. Many maps have multiple paths that can be taken but statistically if they are guessing reliably over 60% of the time then they are hacking. A simple math example, 1 large rock/building, but the hacker guessing the right side that you will peek from time and time again, whilst this can happen it is not a repeatable "skill". Lots of players give themselves away with wall hacks based on this simple aspect. Without going into detail it would be like winning lotto every year for your whole life. Or being able to have winning streaks of 5-6 repeatedly whilst playing red/black roulette in a casino. It's just not humanly possible.
The last obvious useage is when hackers run to obscure sections of maps to find players that basically shouldn't be findable within regular gameplay, this is always a goody. Running ghost/cold/specalist/dead silence/shield+knife. Camping/hiding/player spawn beaconing etc. But somehow, magically a few players always seem to know EXACTLY where you are.... with the normal BS excuse of: I heard you, saw you on minmap (yes even in hc, lol), UAV gave you away, etc etc. It's bullshit. They are 99% of the time hacking hard
Full auto aimbot/triggewall/hacks/et al:
This needs no examples and description, it is where you see all the automation, aiming at heads, target cycling between targets whilst full auto firing, spinning around crazy, shooting through walls and using single fire, macro'ed to rapid, no recoil, damage modifications etc etc etc. This is what the forums is being swapped with recently.
The full auto hacks are basically the tip of the iceberg, honestly only the stupid/moronic tossers of the hacking world actually toggle EVERYTHING on and leverage all the shit combined. I would say 1 in 10, more likely 1 in 20-30 do this.
Now for the fucked up part. If you have a game with 1-2 full auto hackers, there is easily probably another 5-15 using the other shit that is available from hacks.
What I have noticed , where CODMW19 is different, with there been sweet fuck all anti-cheat - a lot of people are just turning on everything because there is no consequences.
The past week I've played probably 50+ rounds, of which over 34 had 1-4 full auto hackers. over 42 had 2-10 Aim at enemy/wall hackers with 34 of the 42 rounds additionally having the full auto hackers. I experienced a total of 6 games where there appeared to be no sus shit that I noticed or spectated. and the remainder 2 matches I joined with barely five minutes of game play before it ended (which didnt present sufficient time in my view to be included).
The hacks industry cracked a billion dollars a year, it doesn't take much to reverse engineer the numbers using it. Please be cognizant of this fact and ask yourself how many "World Tier Pro's" would you encounter when playing the game with over 50 million players.
submitted by _Orsk_ to modernwarfare [link] [comments]

Need Some Ideas- Here's some codes

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to having too many Codes, I'm moving this list to two other links:

Modes and Aim Trainers
Hero Ideas and Cool Mechanics

If you like a mode, go to the original post and like or comment. Let them know you appreciate it. I'll add links directly to each post once I figure out if Reddit allows that and I get around to it.

Fun Modes

- 8M6H1 - TorboSym - u/ivanbaptiste

- FYHK1 - SCP: Survival Protocol: 76 - u/trappi

- NSHQB - Domination: COD - u/jehovajones

- 22YGP - Big Hammer, Little Hammer, Juggernaut FFA - u/JackTheTickler

- XM98R - Dead by Daylight - u/Groodion

- B73W3 - Spies vs Mercs: (Splinter Cell) - u/Chehtan

- 91S7E - Quidditch - u/frank_n_sam

- WGB80 - Lucioball - u/blaking-707

- 15HW8 - Hammond Golfing - u/sphayes1

- PBJW4 - DOTAwatch 4.0: Busan - u/Starhunter99999

- SEQRG - Dwarf of the Hill - u/officialraider

- S4G52 - Dva Surprise: Demech into Random Hero with Ult - u/Miscreant53

- EPQ9V - Reinhardts Completely Absurd Hammer Slammer Arena - u/TheRedstoneBlaze

- TYHDN - Genji Tactical Sword-fight - u/Aleecx

- PV9D4 - Forum Doomfist 1 vs 6 - u/CoolUsername6969

- 3G6XQ - Overwatch Casino - u/JaketheSnake094

- 0X8N0 - Steal the Crown - u/olipoulihot

- G2CJX - Lucio Bomb Tag - u/semtimmy

- MN787 - Screencheat - u/microcosm_ow

- X2HH9 - Weeping Angels (Mercy Mei) - u/Hogrid125

- A6736 - Rival System - u/Hypno--Toad

- 93A17 - Jetplane Racing - u/Ghibliomatic MODDING u/DarkyPaky

- JCQ9S - Enhanced Ana Paintball: Live Version - u/JinkoNorray

- SF1R2 - High Speed: Gun Game - u/rbnsky

- Y1PWP - Hanzos Wild Tower Defense - u/TheRealPT0007

Training Modes

- S4ZD6 - Genji Dash Trainer - u/-Provoxin-

Good Mechanics

- HT7WH - 2CP: Any Map - u/icysniper

- GDHDH - Bullet Projectile - u/icysniper

- GFESF - Team HUD for Off-Healers: Edges of Screen - u/makanaj

- SV30J - Teleport Out of Bounds - u/TheTrickyDoctor

- RAB01 - Cinematic Camera - u/JimmyHasAPistol

- 9EKZB - Scoreboard - u/caldoran2

- W93G5 - Walls - u/Olstar72

- WV5HH - Bunny Hop - u/TyzoneLyraNature

Hero Ideas

- BNZ9J - SuperDampener Ult: Orisa - u/zumoro

- H7JRP - Cold Wave Ult: Lucio - u/JinkoNorray

- ZR2PJ - Mirror: Symmetra - u/AgentParsec

- V6V1N - Spider-Genji : Wall Sticking - u/gasolineGoblin

- MJ399 - Unlimited Flight: - u/inverse_infidel

- 5KX06 - Jeff from the Overwatch Team: Reinhardt - u/AgentParsec - AgentParsec

- 8BAHQ - Rocket-Jumping: Pharah (Quake) - u/Corrade_

- ZX9EV - Zen-Summoner: Bastion - u/Borria

- 57YC6 - Sonic: Hammond - u/SupaHabil

- NDSYW - Darth Vader: Bridgette - u/milohk1

- 3FRXJ - Iron Man: Soldier - u/Phasmania

- HQYC5 - Joker from Smash: Mcree(Smash x Persona5) - u/semtimmy

- ZXY53 - Hover Passive: Zen - u/MustachioEquestrian

- HWGDB - Pyromancer: Mei - u/Hoppalaaa

- EBBB2 - New Hero Specter: Tracer - u/TheWanderingSnow

- 2TT6T - EMP to the Sky: Sombra - u/MellonHero

- 9BDVX - Explosive and Implosive Arrows: Hanzo - u/cqfllp

- CK988 - Hulk: Winston - u/Phasmania

- XW7WN - Schrödinger - u/poststakhanovist

- TRS3V - Knockback on Ability Use: Selected Heroes - u/semtimmy

- JQYS4 - Mass Rez Valkyrie: Mercy - RevertMercy

- K91NF1 - GimicWatch: Various Heroes - u/MyFaceEatIt

submitted by Lier1 to OverwatchCustomGames [link] [comments]

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