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Ushindi đình công để giải quyết cuộc đụng độ Chan của Congos

Clinical Chico Ushindi ghi bàn ngay sau giờ nghỉ giải lao để giúp Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo giành chiến thắng 1-0 trước Congo Brazzaville vào Chủ nhật và dẫn đầu bảng B của Giải vô địch các quốc gia châu Phi (Chan). Rượt đuổi danh hiệu thứ ba kéo dài kỷ lục trong giải đấu dành cho các cầu thủ trên sân nhà kubet88, Leopards đứng đầu bảng với 3 điểm, Libya và Niger mỗi người có 1 điểm và Congo thì không. Khi hậu vệ của Congo Brazzaville không thể cắt ngang đường chuyền tầm thấp ở phút 47, Ushindi tung cú sút bằng chân trái qua thủ môn Pavelh Ndzila vào góc xa khung thành. DR Congo lẽ ra đã giành chiến thắng trong cuộc đụng độ với các nước láng giềng Trung Phi một cách thuyết phục hơn khi thống trị quyền sở hữu và lãnh thổ tại Stade Japoma ở thủ đô kinh tế Douala của Cameroon. Đây là lần gặp gỡ đầu tiên của Congos tại giải vô địch các quốc gia sau sáu trận đấu giữa họ trong các trận đấu vòng loại với các danh hiệu dù mỗi người hai chiến thắng. 📷 Florent Ibenge đã dẫn dắt CHDC Congo khi họ chiến thắng lần cuối cùng, vào năm 2016, và gần đây đã được gọi lại cho phiên bản thứ sáu, nơi họ, đương kim vô địch Morocco và chủ nhà Cameroon nằm trong số những ứng cử viên vô địch. Ở trận đầu tiên đôi công, các nhà cựu vô địch Libya đã may mắn thoát chết với trận hòa 0-0 trước Niger. Các cầu thủ Tây Phi kiểm soát hiệp hai, kéo dài cả hiệp hai nhưng không thể vượt qua thủ môn Ahmed Azzaqa. Ibrahim Boubacar đã suýt phá vỡ thế bế tắc ở phút 68 khi anh đột phá chỉ để nhìn cú lốp bóng của anh qua một cú sút vọt xà ngang. Đây là trận đấu đầu tiên trên cương vị huấn luyện viên đội tuyển Libya cho Montenegrin Zoran Filipovic, người nắm quyền sau khi Ali el Margini nghỉ việc vào tháng 11 năm ngoái vì đã thua cả ba trận khi cầm quân. Libya là những chuyên gia bốc thăm Chan, đã tham gia vào 10 trận đấu bế tắc kể từ khi ra mắt vào năm 2009 và giành chiến thắng trong cuộc thi 5 năm sau đó mặc dù có 5 trận hòa liên tiếp. Các Hiệp sĩ Địa Trung Hải đã gây bất ngờ lớn nhất trong năm lần tổ chức trước đó khi nâng cao chiếc cúp vào năm 2014 bằng cách đánh bại Ghana trên chấm phạt đền. Morocco, người đã đánh bại Nigeria 4-0 để trở thành nhà vô địch năm 2018, bắt đầu chiến dịch bảng C của họ vào thứ Hai với Togo tại một địa điểm khác ở Douala, Stade Reunification đã được tân trang lại. Togo đã bị rung chuyển bởi cái chết của hai ngôi sao - Kossi Koudagba vì bệnh sốt rét và Toyi Awi sau khi gục xuống ôm ngực - trong quá trình chuẩn bị cho trận ra mắt giải Chan của họ.
submitted by letou12 to u/letou12 [link] [comments]

[Discussion] 25 great albums you might have missed from 2019. Spotify playlist included.

Spotify playlist is here
Google Play playlist courtesy of u/TimeFourChanges is here
Apple Music playlist courtesy of u/LegoWaffles is here
Last year I listened to over 800 albums and posted a few of my favorites. This year I did the same thing, and I’ve had some people asking me to post again, so here goes.
These are not my top 25 albums. These are just 25 albums that I felt were sorely overlooked. Last year some people rightly complained that I included artists which broke the sub’s popularity rules. I’ve done my best to ensure that none of these artists have more than three songs with 500,000+ plays on Spotify, nor 250,000+ listeners on Last.FM. I apologize in advance if something was overlooked. Hopefully we can help get these artists and albums some of the credit they truly deserve! Without further ado, here are 25 great albums you might have missed in 2019:
1. Peter Cat Recording Co. - Bismillah (Released 6/7/19, India)
I’ll admit right off the bat that I’m a huge Tool fan, so my choice for best album of the year is definitely biased. But Bismillah by Peter Cat Recording Co., my second favorite album of the year, sounds nothing like Tool. In fact, it’s pretty much as far as you can get from extended prog metal jams. The music defies classification, drawing from a breadth of influences including rock, folk, jazz, and electronica. The vocals are rich and smooth, reminiscent of classic pop stars like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. So far, no one I’ve introduced to this album has disliked it. At this point, I’d go so far as to say it will likely appeal to anyone who just plain loves music. Please do yourself a favor and listen to this incredible album!
Standout Tracks: Where the Money Flows, Memory Box, Freezing, Heera
2. Mdou Moctar - Ilana, the Creator (Released 3/29/19, Niger)
There’s a lot of incredible music coming out of African countries that goes virtually unnoticed in the west. Mdou Moctar is one of those artists, a king of desert rock guitar whose psychedelic jams draw heavily on Tuareg folk music. There is an infectious energy to this album that doesn’t let up from beginning to end, and every time I listen, I find myself wishing it were a few songs longer. Despite the fact that I can’t understand a word of the lyrics, it’s one of those albums that makes me feel like I can hear colors and taste sounds. The next time I get my hands on some LSD, this will be my go-to record.
Standout Tracks: Kamane Tarhanin, Tarhatazed, Tumastin
3. Flamingods - Levitation (Released 5/3/19, Bahrain)
In a year with new albums from Pond and the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, not to mention two new albums from King Gizzard, I never expected this album from a little-known Bahraini group to blow the Australian psychedelic scene out of the water. It’s unpretentious and unassuming, playing it safe rather than pushing the limits of studio experimentation, but Levitation needs no gimmicks. The melodies are catchy and memorable, backed by tight instrumentation with lots of guitar noodling. The influence of traditional Middle Eastern music is audible, but usually subtle. Though there is still room for the band to grow in its sound, this album is nearly perfect as it is.
Standout Tracks: Astral Plane, Peaches, Mantra
4. Bruno Bavota - RE_CORDIS (Released 1/18/19, Italy)
Winter is usually the slow season for new album releases, but the mood of the season perfectly matches the mood of RE_CORDIS. It’s a fairly straightforward album of instrumental compositions enhanced by the lightest accents and effects that demonstrate the delicacy with which Bruno Bavota hones his work. The instrumentation varies from song to song just enough to stay engaging, and while it does encourage wandering thoughts, there are many subtleties to actively listen for. It’s one of those albums that sounds best as you’re just drifting off to sleep, when the silence and darkness of the room allows each note to stand out.
Standout Tracks: Passengers, La luce nel cuore, The Man Who Chased the Sea
5. Cykada - Cykada (Released 3/29/19, England, UK)
For a debut album, Cykada is pretty impressive, and that’s because the musicians behind it are already well established in the London jazz scene. Which of course means jack shit in the world of pop music, so I hope you’ll forgive me stretching the rules of the sub just a little to show off this “supergroup” ensemble. There are only five songs on Cykada, but with the shortest clocking in at just under six minutes, each one feels like a journey in and of itself. If the opening of the first track doesn’t immediately hook you, then perhaps this isn’t the group for you. But if it does, I think you’ll find yourself hanging onto every note until the end of the nearly 12-minute jam that closes out the album.
Standout Tracks: Creation, Ophelia’s Message, Third Eye Thunder
6. Claude Fontaine - Claude Fontaine (Released 4/26/19, California, US)
There’s a tropical undercurrent to the songs on Claude Fontaine, which shamelessly dips into Carribean and Latin American influences, but the tone of the album more somber than sunny. The vocals come across as wistful, at times loney, and the lo-fi production adds a degree of separation that feels like listening to a memory of a bygone summer. There’s nothing technically impressive about this album, and in fact the opposite is often true, but something about the raw introspection coupled with atypical Latin grooves feels like slipping into a dream.
Standout Tracks: Hot Tears, Love Street, Pretending He Was You
7. Iguana Death Cult - Nude Casino (Released 10/25/19, Netherlands)
By the time Iguana Death Cult released their album Nude Casino just before Halloween, I was expecting the year to more or less be over, musically speaking. Then I found myself playing this album on repeat at work, and it quickly shot up into my top 20 on the strength of every song being an absolute jam. The band is so clearly having fun that it’s all but impossible not to join in. The bouncy, dance-like energy reminds me a bit of early Arctic Monkeys. As an added credit, I’d say they’re a strong contender for the best band name/album name combo of the year.
Standout Tracks: Nude Casino, Liquify, Nature Calls
8. Saor - Forgotten Paths (Released 2/15/19, Scotland, UK)
This album feels cinematic, on the scale of Lord of the Rings or The Avengers. It’s an overwhelming experience, like watching thunderheads roll in over the plains, except instead of thunder and lightning it’s blast beats and metal screams. There are moments of symphonic grandeur, but also passages of graceful simplicity that draw inspiration from folk and chamber music. Even if you aren’t generally a fan of distorted vocals, it’s worth a listen for the instrumentals alone.
Standout Tracks: Forgotten Paths, Monadh, Bròn
9. Sandro Perri - Soft Landing (Released9/6/19, Canada)
I’m not really sure how to describe or categorize Sandro Perri’s music. Google suggests he’s been classified as “post rock”, “ambient”, and “folk”, but none of those terms really see to fit. His music is experimental if nothing else, exploring the simplest ideas to the fullest extent and crafting entire songs around short musical phrases. Despite the peaceful vibe, Soft Landing isn’t really background music. The pieces of the puzzle all sound familiar on their own, but Sandro Perri assembles them in a way that sounds strange and unique, and might cause you to involuntarily cock your head to the side as you listen.
Standout Tracks: Time (You Got Me), Wrong About the Rain, Soft Landing
10. Uluru - Acrophilia (Released 2/8/19, Turkey)
One thing that I love about the explosion of psychedelic rock over the past decade is that it’s largely transcended geography. Uluru is another example of the intersection between Middle Eastern and psychedelic music, but unlike Flamingods, Uluru tends more towards the crunchy stoner rock end of the spectrum. This album is also different in that it’s entirely instrumental, but that doesn’t make it feel incomplete. At just seven songs, each between 3-8 minutes, Acrophilia is just the right size to leave an impression without wearing on into endless jam sessions.
Standout Tracks: Şark, Constantine, Aeternum
11. Jimmy “Duck” Holmes - Cypress Grove (Released 10/18/19, Mississippi, US)
Some music ages like fine wine, but the blues ages like whiskey. Like many underappreciated blues pioneers, Jimmy “Duck” Holmes didn’t start recording studio albums until fairly late in his life. Despite going unnoticed by the music industry, Holmes is a fixture of Mississippi blues history, and deserves every bit as much acclamation as his contemporaries. Cypress Grove doesn’t features surprising new compositions. It’s the work of a true artist interpreting old standards, and though it sticks keenly to tradition, there’s nothing quite as genuine as an old blues master pouring a lifetime of experience into an acoustic guitar.
Standout Tracks: Catfish Blues, Goin’ Away Baby, Little Red Rooster
12. Julian Taylor Band - Avalanche (Released 3/29/19, Canada)
This album exemplifies the meaning of “groove”. Lyrically it doesn’t offer any hot takes or great philosophical depth, but it will make your foot tap and your head nod whether you like it or not. It’s music for late summer evenings, for grilling out and driving to the beach. But if you like magic mushrooms and hackysack, this album might touch you on a deep emotional level.
Standout Tracks: Time, Back Again, Never Let the Lights Go Dim
13. Modern Nature - How to Live (Released 8/23/19, England, UK)
How to Live didn’t leave much of an impression when I first heard it back in September, but as I was going back over my top albums at the end of the year, it suddenly connected with me. Maybe it was the funky beats, or the flawless blend of electric and acoustic instruments. Maybe it was just the large quantity of marijuana edibles I’d ingested. But there’s something fascinating and engaging about the delivery of these songs. It’s not just the vocals, which are hardly above a whisper. Even the instrumentals sound stealthy, as if the band recorded at night and didn’t want to wake the neighbors. The songs also stick with you, but not in the sense of a Top 40 earworm. More like a ghost haunting from just over your shoulder. Each time I listen to this album I find something new to like about it.
Standout Tracks: Footsteps, Peradam, Nature
14. Fvneral Fvkk - Carnal Confessions (Released 9/27/19, Germany)
Everything about this band seems intentionally offensive, from their conjunction of religion and sexuality to their egregious misspelling of the word “fuck”. But when you’re through clutching your pearls, check out the rich vocals and heavy riffs that make this metal band’s debut album stand out. If you’re into heavy rock but don’t care for unclean vocals, this should make you a happy camper. Unless you’re a member of the clergy, then perhaps give this album a pass.
Standout Tracks: Chapel of Abuse, A Shadow in the Dormitory, The Hallowed Leech
15. Dommengang - No Keys (Released 5/17/19, California, US)
Dommengang aren’t breaking down musical barriers, but I can’t find a single song on this album that I dislike. In the era of music streaming, there’s something to be said for a collection of solid singles that can each stand on their own. But No Keys is more than just a collection of singles. The sum of its parts is a cohesive album that touches on blues rock, psychedelic, and metal without committing to any one style, all following a current of driving rock guitar riffs with plenty of flourishes.
Standout Tracks: Wild Wash, Kudzu, Jerusalem Cricket
16. Magic Circle - Departed Souls (Released 3/29/19, Massachusetts, US)
Magic Circle is a bit like the Greta Van Fleet of Black Sabbath wannabes. Unlike Greta Van Fleet, however, these guys have serious musical talent and songwriting ability that make Departed Souls more of a respectful tribute than a piss on the legacy of 70s hard rock. There is also a good bit of originality to this album, and while it’s obvious that vocalist could pull off a flawless Ozzy impression if he tried, there’s a modicum of restraint that suggests the incorporation of broader influences. In fact, some of the albums best moments are when the band isn’t directly emulating the classics.
Standout Tracks: Departed Souls, Valley of the Lepers, Nightland
17. Obsequiae - The Palms of Sorrowed Kings (Released 11/22/19, Minnesota, US)
The Palms of Sorrowed Kings is an album of stark contrasts, catapulting back and forth between brutal, howling metal and languid, acoustic folk. The end result is an emotional journey with moments of triumph, rage, introspection, heartbreak, and tranquility. While the vocals accentuate some of the album’s more powerful moments, they aren’t highlighted above any of the other instruments, instead blending into the cacophony like the voice of a commander shouting orders across a field of battle. Fans of tabletop RPGs might want this album playing in the background of an adventuring session.
Standout Tracks: Palästinalied, Morrígan, Lone Isle
18. Black Peaches - Fire in the Hole (Released 5/17/19, England, UK)
Black Peaches have a sort of jam band aesthetic, drawing on the musical influences of the southern US to flavor their brand of psychedelic indie rock. Despite the frontman’s tangential involvement with Hot Chip, the band is firmly rooted in drums and guitars, with a sound more comparable to Phish or Widespread Panic than any synthpop outfit. Whether cranking along to frantic percussion or grooving smoothly over funk textures, the songs on Fire in the Hole are wild and dynamic from beginning to end.
Standout Tracks: Fire in the Hole, Black Peach Boogie, Pillars of Hercules
19. YĪN YĪN - The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers (Released 10/18/19, Netherlands)
As much as I try to be objective when approaching new music, I can’t help but love what I love. The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers checks a lot of boxes for me: psychedelic atmosphere, unique instrumentation, lengthy jams, danceable rhythms, incorporation of world music styles - even the artwork instantly attracted me to this album. While perhaps it’s not a perfect record, it has a lot of relistenability, and no other album released in 2019 sounds quite like it.
Standout Tracks: One Inch Punch, The Rabbit That Hunts Tigers, Dis̄ kô Dis̄ kô
20. Red Rum Club - Matador (Released 1/11/19, England, UK)
What’s the easiest way to make your generic indie band stand out? Add a trumpet! Seriously, that’s pretty much what makes the album work. Fans of alt pop bands like Neon Trees, Catfish and the Bottlemen, or Young the Giant will recognize the rather formulaic approach to songwriting - powerful vocals, straightforward lyrics, and hopelessly catchy hooks. But regardless of how many sound-alikes you’ve heard, the soaring brassy tones on Matador imbue the songs with an irresistible dancefloor spirit.
Standout Tracks: Hung Up, Honey, Calexico
21. Ouzo Bazooka - Transporter (Released 1/11/19, Israel)
Ouzo Bazooka isn’t the first group to combine the raw energy of garage rock with the experimental songwriting of psychedelia, but they play it with such skill that any lack of originality should be forgiven. Like many contemporary bands inspired by the music of the 60s and 70s, Ouzo Bazooka isn’t picky about the sources from which they draw influence, and their music benefits from that open-mindedness. At times they appear to be firmly planted in unassuming rock n roll, only to blast off to the cosmos at a moment’s notice, taking you along for the ride.
Standout Tracks: Latest News, Space Camel, Killing Me
22. Konradsen - Saints and Sebastian Stories (Released 10/25/19, Norway)
Konradsen makes a lot of interesting musical decisions in the songwriting on Saints and Sebastian Stories. These songs aren’t likely to hook you on your first listen, and might even seem off-putting as they meander slowly over layers of studio effects. The album follows the precedent set by experimental indie artists like Bon Iver, combining disparate elements from jazz percussion lingering piano chords to shy-sounding horns. It’s the type of album that takes a couple songs to warm up, but then continues escalating and improving as it unfolds.
Standout Tracks: Dice, Baby Hallelujah, Red to Rhyme
23. Black String - Karma (Released 9/27/19, South Korea)
Generally speaking, jazz isn’t my favorite genre. That said, Karma doesn’t sound like what most people first think of when they hear the word “jazz”. The improvisational aspect is there, but the songs are structured around traditional Korean music in a way that subverts western expectations. Fortunately for us westerners, the group has provided a sort of jumping off point in their brilliant cover of Radiohead’s Exit Music (For a Film), reworked until only the bare bones are recognisable.
Standout Tracks: Sureña, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Exit Music - For a Film
24. the one and only PPL MVR - THE CHOSEN (Released 6/4/19, California, US)
There’s this crazy theory going around that the one and only PPL MVR is actually just the members of Brand New dressed in yeti suits. I’m operating under the assumption that the theory is bunk, and that this gimmicky band is just an underappreciated power trio with a flair for the dramatic. While the band’s prevailing sound can best be described as heavy rock music, they certainly don’t feel the need to pigeonhole themselves. From power chords to autotune, nothing is off the table.
25. The Garifuna Collective - Aban (Released 9/15/19, Belize)
The Garifuna Collective is ever so slightly outside the normal popularity parameters for listentothis (their third most popular song has 524,000 plays on Spotify), so I beg your leniency for this incredible group of musicians who are widely unknown outside Central America. It’s so outside the spectrum of my normal listening habits that I don’t really know how to classify this kind of music. All I do know is that the rhythms are infectious and the melodies compelling. I’m always somewhat surprised when a group of musicians who speak a different language and live in a place I’ve never visited can reach me through music in a way that transcends culture. The combination of predictable patterns and unfamiliar elements is precisely why I pause to listen.
Standout Tracks: Wiya Waist, Ideruni (Help), Magidu (The Market)
As in 2018, I’ve also been keeping a spreadsheet to track my top 500 favorite albums throughout the year. If anyone’s interested, you can view it here, as well as a 500 song playlist including one song from each album (link is at the top of the spreadsheet). Keep in mind that most of my top 500 albums don’t meet the popularity rules of this sub, nor is it the focus of this post. Since people asked for it last year, I just figured I’d share it again.
submitted by mgraunk to listentothis [link] [comments]

Fulford is saying this month might get a little crazy.

Suddenly all sorts of people who dropped contact after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima terror attack are trying to contact the White Dragon Society (WDS) through this writer. These include a top Yakuza assassin, a senior MI6 operative, an NSA representative, a representative from a new CIA faction, and others. They, together with our regular contacts, all agree that something big is coming.
The most colourful character to renew contact was a Mr. K, who was introduced to this writer years ago by Japanese military intelligence as the top assassin for the Yamaguchi-gumi mutual protection syndicate (this was before it splintered into three factions). The diminutive and serene-looking Mr. K says his job consists of chopping peoples’ fingers off, one knuckle at a time, until he extracts the information he needs. He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean, something Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence independently confirmed. Mr. K also says that he has done work for the Mitsubishi banking conglomerate (presumably helping them locate missing funds).
It was an associate of Mr. K, the daughter of former Yamaguchi No. 2 boss Masaru Takumi, who insisted on meeting this writer on March 10, 2011 to set my mobile alarm to ring at exactly 11:00 AM on March 11, 2011, the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan.
Trucks were also spotted bringing large amounts of emergency relief supplies to the Yagamaguchi-gumi’s headquarters in the days before the January 17, 1995 Kobe earthquake, according to Kobe residents who live near their headquarters. As a result, their gang was far faster than the central government to provide relief supplies to quake-stricken residents of Kobe.
Now Mr. K says his group has become “spiritual in nature” and that starting in late October,
the world will experience “earthquakes, storms, and other disasters” that will result in a large drop in the world’s population before “a happy new era” begins. Mr. K was evasive about details, but did say something could happen in Japan just before the October 22nd Japanese general election that Asian secret society sources say will result in the ouster of Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Japanese gangsters have told this writer on numerous occasion that they get billions of dollars in payments from the Khazarian-controlled Bank of Japan in return for acting as their enforcers. It is clear they have been told to do all they can to keep Khazarian proxies like Abe in power, under threat of new attacks on Japan with earthquake weapons.
The WDS conveyed a message via Mr. K and others that should the P2 Freemasons and their bosses in Zug, Switzerland try another stunt like Fukushima, there would be serious retaliation. There are three nuclear weapons that have been placed in top Khazarian power spots by the Gnostic Illuminati with the purpose of reminding them that mass destruction is a two-way street, Illuminati sources say. It has also been recommended to the U.S. military that they physically occupy the Bank of Japan and round up the people distributing its money to gangsters. They know exactly who they are and where they are. Crown Prince Naruhito is ready to point out all of them if asked, say sources in the Three Legged Crow secret society.
In any case, Mr. K is not the only person predicting that something unusual is about to happen. The world’s media, for example, have taken note of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent hints of ominous things to come.
Pentagon sources explain that, “After the Las Vegas massacre and an Israeli ambush that killed 4 U.S. special forces troops in Niger, [White House Chief of Staff General John] Kelly summoned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and combatant commanders to the White House on October 5 to bring all hands on deck to back Trump against the NFL, Antifa, the deep state, and the cabal.” The source continued by noting, “Even NSA boss Admiral Mike Rogers and Pacific Commander-in-Chief Admiral Harry Harris were invited, as Trump said cryptically that this is ‘the calm before the storm.’” The “storm” would take place in the form of mass arrests, the issuance of a new currency, and the launch of a global currency reset, the source said.
“‘Calm before the storm’ means the swamp is about to be cleaned out and they are all scared sh#tless, so we better take a picture,” a CIA source confirmed.
The mass killing operation in Las Vegas and the accompanying corporate media BS storm about a single, now-dead killer being responsible was a fatal mistake by the Khazarian mafia, many sources agree. The Internet is full of videos showing that multiple shooters were involved, and calls for comprehensive revenge are being made. By promoting this obvious lie, the FBI, nominally in charge of the Las Vegas investigation, has made itself a target of the U.S. military and other agencies.
It has already been leaked all over the Internet by insiders that casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff were planning to make a fortune by using this incident as an excuse to make metal detectors manufactured by a company they own mandatory at all concerts, bus terminals, etc. Instead, both men are now hunted, if not already dead.
A different CIA source says that Las Vegas is run by the Chicago Mob and that even honchos like Adelson and Chertoff are just front men for the Italians. “It is Florentine nobility running the Chicago Outfit and the remnant of the Jewish Mafia. The Chicago Outfit is involved in weapons, drugs, and human trafficking across the U.S.-Mexican border. John DiFronzo is a top boss of the Chicago Outfit along with his brother Peter DiFronzo,” this source says. In other words, it is the fascist P2 Freemasons who were ultimately behind the Las Vegas Gladio-style operation. The FBI is a P2 subsidiary and you can expect tanks at their headquarters soon.
Another Khazarian power center that is under attack is their control of academia. “To improve meritocracy to make America great again, the Jewish bastion Harvard University is under a Department of Justice probe for overrepresentation of Jews and helping mediocre Jews like [Trump son-in-law] Jared Kushner steal admissions from more qualified whites and Asians,” the Pentagon sources say.
Also, “Hollywood and the Democrats are reeling as the New York Times was ordered to do a hit piece on a fellow Jew, the serial sexual predator film producer and major Hillary and Obama fundraiser Harvey Weinstein,” the sources say. Of course, the New York Times story…
…is just the tip of the iceberg, and you can be sure much worse revelations about murder, rape, pedophilia, and human sacrifice rampant in Hollywood will come out.
Donald Trump himself is clearly being pulled at by opposing forces. While some CIA and Pentagon sources portray him as a hero who will “drain the swamp,” other CIA sources say he is “drugged and blackmailed.” A clearly visible sign of a split in the U.S. government came last week when the CIA, speaking on the record, contradicted Trump’s statements about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un being a madman. The CIA made it clear that if a war was started on the Korean Peninsula, it would not be started by the North.
Now that the campaign to use North Korea as an excuse to start World War 3 is being undermined, the Khazarians are trying to reignite tensions with Iran as an excuse to start their Gog-versus-Magog end-times war. However, Pentagon sources say the Iran thing is not going to happen either.
The big reason for the rise in tension in the U.S. is that the Washington D.C. Corporation—not to be confused with the Republic of the United States of America—missed a payment deadline that came due on September 30th, its fiscal year end, say MI6 sources. The U.S. government’s budget had a $1 trillion shortfall and the situation has reached the point that, by its own estimates, its net worth is minus $65 trillion.
The MI6 sources say that when the payment deadline was missed, an extension was granted that lasts until October 17th. However, previous reports say that an extension was granted until December 15th, so it is not wise to fixate on a particular date. It is clear that this year is proving to be especially difficult for the U.S. corporate government to find money to keep its operations going.
Another reason the Khazarians are flirting with real bankruptcy and loss of power this time is the demise of their petrodollar. Saudi Arabian King Salman (or perhaps his body double) made the first-ever visit by a reigning Saudi monarch to Russia last week. The Saudis agreed to buy arms from Russia and reached many other deals, according to various press releases. Furthermore, the Saudis also talked about the possibility of ending the petrodollar by selling their oil for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, Pentagon sources say. This led the U.S. military to issue a veiled threat to the Saudis by suspending all military exercises with the Saudis and their allies.
The Pentagon still needs Saudi oil to run its machines and Saudi money to pay its salaries, and thus will not allow the complete death of the petrodollar until a comprehensive global financial reset is in place, Pentagon sources explain.
Another sign seen last week that something big was about to happen was a fire burning on the roof of the New York Federal Reserve Building.
If you want, you can believe the Fed’s story that a generator caught on fire, but a good guess is that they were burning evidence before the U.S. military makes their long-overdue move to occupy that criminal institution.
This autumn we have a real chance to permanently end criminal Khazarian rule of the planet. If you are in a position personally to take action, please do so.
submitted by LightBringerFlex to conspiracy [link] [comments]

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Quatro Casino 700 free spins & €100 free play - no deposit bonuses

Quatro Casino 700 free spins & €100 free play - no deposit bonuses

Full Detailed Review:

Quatro Casino has been designed as a multifaceted gaming site where there are several major categories to sample.
Adding further to the experience is the fact that you can start with a welcome package before playing on mobile and earning ample rewards along the way.
Having opened in 2008, Quatro Casino has been active for several years on the Casino Rewards network.
Meanwhile, the operational functions are handled by Apollo Entertainment Limited, with Technology Services Trading Limited being the overall owner.
This Quatro Casino review will now discuss the remaining key features that contribute towards the all-round standard of the site.
The review shall begin with devices before advancing through aspects such as software, games, loyalty, support, and security.

Casino licences:

Malta Gaming Authority; Kahnawake Gambling Commission; SKATT Denmark; UK Gambling Commission.

Sign up bonus:

Quatro Casino has created four different welcome bonuses to give you the choice of picking one that best meets your interests.
By depositing a little extra, you can end up with many more free slot spins and bonus funds to begin with:
• Deposit €/$/£10: get a $10 bonus plus 10 spins daily for seven days
• Deposit €/$/£20: get a $20 bonus plus 20 spins daily for seven days
• Deposit €/$/£50: get a $50 bonus plus 50 spins daily for seven days
• Deposit €/$/£100: get a $100 bonus plus 100 spins daily for seven days
Your daily free spins will be assigned over a hit selection of Microgaming slots.
Every day will bring the opportunity to try a new slot. Quatro Casino has hundreds of titles and these are some of the strongest available:
• First day: Immortal Romance • Second day: Avalon • Third day: Reel Gems • Fourth day: Casino Rewards Millionaires Club • Fifth day: Golden Princess • Sixth day: Mega Money Multiplier • Seventh day: Forbidden Throne always advocates that players should read the promotional terms and conditions for any offer.
The biggest takeaways from Quatro Casino’s T&Cs are that the bonuses and free spins being with 60x wagering requirements on the first deposit.
Then comes the good news that they are halved to 30x from the second deposit onwards.


• Make highly secure payments • Choose from many deposit methods • The wagering requirements decrease • Casino Rewards loyalty programme • Instant-play mobile access available • Slots from Microgaming, Rabcat, and Just for the Win • Top-notch support system


• Withdrawal methods don’t match deposit methods • Live dealer games have not been installed yet
Minimum deposit: €/£/$10
Accepted currencies: €; US$; GB£; CA$
Deposit methods: Abaqoos; ecoPayz; eCheck; eKonto; EntroPay; EPS; EUteller; eWire; Ezi-Pay; Fast Bank Transfer; flexEpin; iDebit; Instant Banking; Instadebit; GiroPay; Jeton; Kalibra; MultiBanco; Maestro; MasterCard; NETELLER; Moneta; Neosurf; Nordea; paysafecard; PayPal; Postepay; POLi; Przelewy24; Qiwi; Skrill; Swedbank; SOFORT; Ticket Premium; Trustly; uNet; uPayCard; Wire Transfer; VISA; VISA Electron.
Withdrawal methods: ecoPayz; EntroPay; eCheck; Ezi-Pay; Fast Bank Transfer; Kalibra; NETELLER; PayPal; MasterCard; Maestro; Wire Transfer; Postepay; Qiwi; uPayCard; VISA; VISA Electron; Skrill; Skrill 1-Tap.
Withdrawal time: Ewallets: up to 2 hours; Bank Wire: up to 5 working days;
Pending period: up to 48 hours;
Restricted Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Island, Comoros, Congo, Cyprus, Dominica, East Timor, Singapore, Equatorial Guinea, Somalia, Eritrea, Malawi, South Africa, Ethiopia, Maldives, Spain, Mauritania, Sudan, Federated States of Micronesia, Mayotte, Syrian Arab Republic ,France, Myanmar, Taiwan, Guinea-Bissau, Nauru, Tajikistan, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Hong Kong, Niue, United States , Hungary, Norfolk Island, North Korea (DPRK), Western Sahara, Iran, Netherlands, Iraq, Zaire, Italy, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast, Palau, Ireland Peru, Portugal, Philippines, Romania, Rwanda.


Quatro Casino is part of the smaller group of Casino Rewards sites that have received a full mobile upgrade.
If you want to play on mobile, then you can do if you smartphone or tablet is powered using Apple iOS or Android.
Quatro Casino is instantly accessible and you are not asked to install software, so the process is impressively simple.
Desktop users also have the option of instant accessibility from web browsers, with Chrome being the recommended option.
If you play on Windows, however, you will have the option of installing Quatro Casino’s desktop platform.
This contains all of the past Microgaming casino games that are not yet playable on other platforms.


Microgaming has spent years as the core software provider to Quatro Casino.
For a time, you could only play Microgaming content at the casino, which avoided taking the step of installing software from a range of other providers.
Fortunately, there has been a shift at Microgaming, with the award-winning software company electing to run a couple of internal studios.
As a result, the impressively designed slot games from Just for the Win and Rabcat are now available to play at Quatro Casino.
Quatro Casino RTP is 95.91%.
For those that wonder what RTP is, it’s short for Return to Player, per single bet.
It means that when you place a $100 bet, in the long term you would receive $95.91 back.
This is recorded over the past year and it gets updated every year.


Quatro Casino promises that players potentially have access to more than 550 games, but the entire selection is only available through the downloadable Windows platform, as explained above.
However, those are all older games, so you will have hundreds of prospects still to enjoy in the following categories:
• Slots: Lucky Little Gods, Dragon’s Myth, EmotiCoins, Fruit vs Candy, and Halloween are just some of the best slots to play.
• Jackpots: compete for supreme winnings in progressive jackpot games, including Mega Moolah slots, Jackpot Deuces, and Caribbean Draw Poker.
• Roulette: there are only several roulette wheels, but these do cover US, French, and European variants of the rules.
• Blackjack: Quatro Casino has many more blackjack tables, with the key options being Atlantic City, European, Vegas Strip, and Vegas Downtown.


From day one, you start at the first level of the Casino Rewards loyalty programme.
This is an initiative that will enable you to covert your real-money wagering into the gradual earning of rewards.
Eventually, you might even be able to reach the sixth and final level of the VIP loyalty scheme.
Casino Rewards has a number of exciting initiatives, such as bonus money back on every bet and weekly promotions.
Then there are special events like the VIP Lucky Jackpot and the Time of Your Life Sweepstakes.
Join the loyalty scheme and you can access all of those benefits today.


Quatro Casino gives desktop users access to more than 20 language options if they install the software package.
For those who opt for instant-play, Quatro Casino can be switched through the languages of English, Spanish, German, Finnish, and Swedish.
There is a solid support system through which you can submit your queries directly.
Telephone and email are two options to consider, but live chat can offer extremely quick replies if you are signed in to your Quatro Casino account.
The support system also extends to a deep range of frequently asked questions and answers.
This area is packed with information and can provide you with exactly what you need to know about payments, promotions, and security.


Security is top-of-the-line, with Quatro Casino using secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption.
For reference, SSL encryption is the standard among online casino sites and is used to securely transmit your personal information and payment details.
In addition any player registered through our links on will get direct assistance from us!
If you run into any issue, problem or a general concern, drop a message: contact us.
We work closely with the brands we promote and will help you either sort your problem out and/or get more information and details on what’s happening.


Quatro Casino is one of the strongest sites on the Casino Rewards network.
The mobile compatibility is a defining factor, but the expanded game selection is also a positive.
You can also make the most of the welcome package thanks to the decreasing level of wagering requirements.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

Cosmo Casino 150 free spins (free chances) no deposit bonus on Mega Moolah

Cosmo Casino 150 free spins (free chances) no deposit bonus on Mega Moolah

Full Cosmo Casino Review

Cosmo Casino may have a simple appearance but there is certainly more than meets the eye at this classic online casino. They offer an excellent selection of games, a generous bonus offer and 24 hour support. They are also part of the Casino Rewards group of casinos, which provides player with one of the most lucrative rewards programs available anywhere online. Cosmo Casino is available in English or German and are licensed for online gambling by the Kahnawake Gambling Commission.

Cosmo Casino Games

Cosmo Casino provides their players with over 550 high quality casino games powered by Microgaming software. They have an excellent selection of Slots including 3-reel Classic Slots and impressive 5-reel Video Slots with multiple pay-lines, free spins and bonus rounds. They also offer one the best selection of table games which includes all of the classics including Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette, Craps and Poker. The Video Poker games include single hand as well as multi hand games and they have 16 Progressive Jackpot games with jackpots often rising into the millions. Cosmo Casino is available in a download version as well as a flash version which requires no download.

Cosmo Mobile Casino

Put Cosmo Casino in your pocket and play your favorite slots and casino games anywhere, anytime you feel like it. You can get access to the casino on the majority of internet capable smartphones and tablets. All of their games are optimized for mobile devices and work flawlessly on any size screen. To get started all you need to do is visit the site on your mobile device and they will seamlessly take care of the rest.

Cosmo Casino Bonuses

New players at Cosmo Casino are offered a unique welcome bonus and an excellent rewards program. You will be offered the following:
  • First Deposit – Make a minimum $10 deposit and get 150 Chances to Become an Instant Millionaire. Just open and fund your account and get 150 Free Spins on the Progressive Jackpot Mega Moolah.
  • Second Deposit – Get a 100% Match Bonus up to $250.
Like we mentioned before Cosmo Casino is part of the Casino Rewards Group and players will be part of the Casino Rewards VIP Loyalty Program. You will be able to play in 30 different casino within the rewards group and earn VIP points at each paid into one VIP account. Your points can also be redeemed at any of the Casino Rewards casinos. Every 100 points you earn is equal to $1 and with the regular promotions offered your points will add up in no time.


Cosmo Casino provides their players with a variety of banking methods to fund your account or withdraw your winnings.
  • Deposit options include Visa, MasterCard, Visa Electron, Maestro, Entropay, PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, Qiwi, Instant Banking, EcoPayz, eCheck, InstaDebit, iDebit, Trustly, Sofort, Poli, iDeal, GiroPay, Euteller, MultiBanco and PaySafeCard.
  • Withdrawal methods include Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, Entropay, PayPal, Neteller, Skrill, EcoPayz, eCheck, InstaDebit, Courier Cheque, Cheque and Bank Wire Transfer.


Support staff is available at Cosmo Casino 24 hours a day 7 days a week to assist you with any queries you may have. Support can be contacted via Email or Live Chat. Email: [email protected]


Residents of the following countries are restricted from opening an account at Cosmo Casino.
  • Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Island, Comoros, Congo, Dominica, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Federated States of Micronesia, France, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Ivory Coast, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malawi, Maldives, Mauritania, Mayotte, Myanmar, Nauru, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, North Korea, Pakistan, Palau, Pitcairn, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Uganda, United States of America, North Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Western Sahara, Zaire and Zimbabwe.


Cosmo Casino offers players an excellent selection of games, 24 hour support and a great rewards program. We suggest you take advantage of the great welcome bonus offer and see for yourself all the great games and promotions that Cosmo Casino has to offer.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

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worldnews Mystery body found on Saddleworth Moor identified - BBC News BBC
OldSchoolCool Elizabeth Taylor outside the CBS Radio studios - 1946 CBS
worldnews Brexit: Article 50 legislation published - BBC News BBC
AskReddit People who have immigrated to the United States legally or illegally, what was your experience like and what were your motivations? United
worldnews Greece snubs Turkey soldiers' extradition - BBC News BBC
AskReddit The Great Potato Famine of 2017 happens. What's the next best thing McDonald's should replace its fries with? McDonald's
Jokes A girl saw a man full of tattoo. Nike on his arms, Nike
worldnews UK court blocks Niger Delta pollution claims against Shell by more than 40,000 Niger Delta residents demanding action over decades of oil spills in the region. Shell
worldnews UK court blocks Niger Delta pollution claims against Shell by more than 40,000 Niger Delta residents demanding action over decades of oil spills in the region. Delta
todayilearned TIL it is illegal to say "I want to kill the president of the United States" United
videos Its criminal how this Youtube series doesnt have more views Youtube
WritingPrompts WP Apple and Android implement a new feature where you can send texts to your future self. One day you get a text back from your future self. Apple
todayilearned TIL that the Xbox logo went with the color green because the original designer only had that one color marker left after others stole the rest at Microsoft. Xbox
movies 1 Footballer Antoine Griezmann will voice Superman in the upcoming Lego Batman Movie for France. What other non-industry celebrities have provided voices for foreign dubs? Lego
gaming The Seven Best Additions to the Xbox One Firmware Xbox
AskReddit What's a mostly forgotten Youtube video you just love? Youtube
Documentaries Racism in America Small Town 1950 Case Study Documentary Film.2012 Racism in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. United
funny Canadians are really serious about Tim Hortons coffee Tim Hortons
worldnews Concerns raised over Commonwealth leadership - BBC News BBC
worldnews Prison suicides rise to record level in England and Wales - BBC News BBC
explainlikeimfive ELI5 why won't a flat tax work in the United States? United
AskReddit If you hacked Donald Tump's Twitter account, what would you post? Twitter
AskReddit What is the most NSFW thing you know of on Google Maps? Google
Showerthoughts The most NSFW thing that i have ever seen Google maps do is show me the direction to a Strip Joint Google
videos Passenger train crashes through FedEx truck in Utah after crossing light failure. FedEx
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worldnews Court rules villagers cannot sue Shell in London over Nigerian oil spill Shell
pics The Camel Mounted Band of The Border security forces, India Camel
television Imagine Trump's Twitter rant when Alec Baldwin's upcoming SNL episode gets better ratings than when he hosted in 2016. Twitter
worldnews A British court blocked pollution claims against Anglo-Dutch energy giant Shell by more than 40,000 Niger Delta residents demanding action over decades of oil spills in the region. Shell
worldnews A British court blocked pollution claims against Anglo-Dutch energy giant Shell by more than 40,000 Niger Delta residents demanding action over decades of oil spills in the region. Delta
gaming A month ago I showed my girlfriend Skyrim. The next day she went out and bought an Xbox and the game and now she sends me stuff like this. Xbox
Showerthoughts Mitchell and Webb would have made a great Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect. Ford
todayilearned TIL The Filet o' Fish was invented so Catholics could eat at McDonald's on Fridays. McDonald's
AskReddit Why are YouTube and Facebook live not banned with all the violent stream potential? Facebook
AskReddit How will the United States eventually fall? United
AskReddit If you could make one tweet from a celebrity's Twitter account, who would you pick and what would you say? Twitter
worldnews Brexit: Unilever boss says Britain should 'get used to' price rises after slump of pound sterling Unilever
AskReddit What Google search gives you an answer that makes you sad? Google
mildlyinteresting The Bell Captain has his own floor in this hotel Bell
news Court rules Shell can't be sued in London for Nigeria oil spills Shell
AskReddit If you were President of the United States, what would be one of your first Executive Orders? United
AskReddit Non-Americans, what are people in your country saying about the United States? United
mildlyinteresting This gas station charged me for a Starbucks "Double Shit". Starbucks
worldnews Mexican president cancels Trump summit - BBC News BBC
explainlikeimfive Eli5: The plot of the Suzuki novels Ring, Spiral, Loop, and birthday. spoilers Suzuki
worldnews Kaspersky security researcher arrested in Russia - BBC News BBC
WritingPrompts WP Soviet Air Defense Forces officer, Stanislav Petrov, fails to identify the missile warnings from the United States as false. "September 30, 1983: After an incorrect report regarding US missiles, Russia has retaliated. WWIII has begun." United
mildlyinteresting I know this has happened before to someone else, but here's a Walmart receipt on Macy's receipt tape Walmart
mildlyinteresting I know this has happened before to someone else, but here's a Walmart receipt on Macy's receipt tape Macy's
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AskReddit Which historical figure would have had the best Twitter account? Twitter
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space Neil Degrasse Tyson on Joe Rogan Podcast - A conversation around the reason why we stopped going to the moon. Tyson
gaming Heads up check your Walmart electronics clearance sections. I just got a Darth Vader edition PS4 remote for $30. Walmart
AskReddit If it was 1900 and Twitter was available, what kind of # would people use? Twitter
worldnews Aleppo Twitter star asks Trump to 'save the children' of Syria Twitter
AskReddit What is the 5th major sport in the United States? United
OldSchoolCool Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls - at BBC Radio 1 roadshow 1996 BBC
WritingPrompts WP Civil war has broken out in the United States along the true political borders: Cities vs Rural America. United
AskReddit What would the Founding Fathers of the United States say today, in regards to how the US has developed so far? United
AskReddit SERIOUS Mental Health professionals currently working in the United States, what do you think the biggest issues will be for your profession/clients during the Trump administration years? United
funny A chicken finger is literally the shell. Taco Bell is starting to run out of ideas. Bell
Showerthoughts People who don't know how terrible Apple is are the problem Apple
AskReddit In a nation like the United States, Why don't we have the best of our country running for political office? United
mildlyinteresting This freezer full of Mochi at the Cupertino Whole Foods grocery store. Whole Foods
Showerthoughts Ronda Rousey is like Mike Tyson all over again. She looked unbeatable until she didn't, then she completely jumped the shark. Tyson
news Villages Charter School students arrested after plotting Columbine-style shooting Charter
nottheonion Blackjack Player Pleads Guilty to Leaving Casino to Rob Bank Casino
funny Our local Walmart "Seafood" section. Walmart
worldnews Retailers in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu are set to stop the sale of Pepsi and Coca Cola from March 1. Pepsi
AskReddit If Republicans and Democrats decided that the United States would work better as two separate, Republican and Democrat led, countries and held a sports style draft of the 50 states, which states would be picked first? Last? United
AskReddit How much tech knowledge do Verizon employees really have? Verizon
explainlikeimfive ELI5:Why do so many eBay companies package items so tight that I end up cutting off some of it? eBay
videos Funimation has all of the episodes of Samurai Champloo on their Youtube channel. Youtube
AskReddit Which previous president would have had the most outrageous Twitter account? Twitter
videos Imagine Ebay meets Youtube . . . Welcome to Next Big Thing Youtube
space Liberty Bell 7 - Full Mission Bell
videos APOLLO 1 "Three Astronauts Killed by Fire", ABC News, January 27, 1967. ABC
mildlyinteresting This Taco Bell sauce packet with no message. Bell
OldSchoolCool Neil deGrasse Tyson at Harvard in 1980's Tyson
videos Students burn an American flag on the University of Iowa campus. A FedEx driver pulls over to stop it. FedEx
gaming Need help with Xbox live! Xbox
Showerthoughts If only Apple put the same effort in gaming on their iPhones into their computers as well Apple
Showerthoughts I know we are spending too much on groceries when Kroger discounts my gasoline 30 cents a gallon. Kroger
todayilearned TIL That during the Late Eocene Period, the Floridan Peninsula was at one point partially underwater with the exception of several islands called Orange Island Orange
AskReddit In your opinion, what is the number one biggest issue that the president of the United States has to fix? United
videos An Explosive Encounter with Boba Fett at Walt Disney World Walt Disney
AskReddit What are some interesting or funny Facebook pages to follow that don't spam me adds? Facebook
space A Lego SpaceX Falcon 9. I'd love one of these! Lego
pics My 11 year old made a Lego stick figure Xenomorph. Lego
OldSchoolCool Harrison Ford bowing deferentially while meeting the Queen - 1978 Ford
WritingPrompts WP Citizens of the United States vote on whether to rule out the electoral college. Most people vote to get rid of it, but based on the electoral college, the electoral vote won. United
news Why American Airlines Is Getting Rid of Seat-back Screens American Airlines
funny Searching "Old Science Dude" on Google gives you Bill Nye. Google
Music Lisa Germano - From A Shell Alternative rock Shell
todayilearned TIL of Fordlandia, a town created by Henry Ford in the Amazon rainforest to produce rubber. Local inhabitants worked in the town, but insects, poor planning and worker's strikes ruined the town. Ford
videos 27 Ft Waves at Humboldt, CA Jetty Destroy Toyota Tacoma from Arkansas Toyota
TwoXChromosomes Girls feel 'less talented' by age six - BBC News BBC
AskReddit If the BBC made a docu-series on humans for a season of Planet Earth, what would be the habitat in each episode? BBC
AskReddit What are some good Twitter accounts to follow? Twitter
funny I stumbled across someone's creativity at Target today Target
listentothis Viral Eyes -- Louis Vuitton Colostomy Bagfuzz pop Louis Vuitton
AskReddit Someone Fed-ex'd a bag of sugar from Walmart to my friend. She has no idea who sent it or why. Any theories? Is this some bizarre scam? Walmart
pics The Huawei P9 smartphone has an aperture mode and its 'tasty' Huawei
AskReddit You have 8 spots to fill. Who is in your council of elders to lead the new United States? United
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funny My brother lost the money to buy KFC once, His response was to make a video of how he felt. KFC
mildlyinteresting A baby footprint on this FedEx truck FedEx
news Akil Mitchell describes eyeball popping out during basketball game - BBC News BBC
AskReddit How screwed are the United States of America? United
todayilearned TIL Lockheed Martin receives approximately 1 million job applications per year, and hires around 10,000 employees per year. Lockheed Martin
UpliftingNews Alameda County dispatchers stop Facebook Live suicide in New York Facebook
todayilearned TIL that Mikhail Gorbachev, former premier of the Soviet Union, starred in a Pizza Hut commercial Pizza Hut
funny Sometimes it pays off to check Facebook once in a while Facebook
AskReddit Redditors in or out of the Millitary, how do you feel about millitary spending increases and the expansion of United States millitary? United
Futurology Proxima Centauri b Likely a Desert World - Sky & Telescope Sky
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explainlikeimfive ELI5: How does reverse image searching work? How can I drag any picture into Google and get the history of that image? Google
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funny When Nike is your wife, but you have a side-chick. Nike
Futurology Robots and drones take over classrooms - BBC News BBC
news Big Mac sauce hits eBay and the prices are insane eBay
AskReddit If you had access to Donald Trumps Twitter account, what would you post? Twitter
Music Saw this music video on MTV a looong time ago and have been trying to find it ever since!please help! MTV
pics Long exposure of the Treasury Casino in Brisbane, Australia. Casino
WritingPrompts WP It is totally normal and socially acceptable to eat human flesh. You work for McDonald's and are responsible for creating a whole new human-inspired menu. You are in a meeting and are presenting your menu to your bosses. McDonald's
movies Baywatch: The Rock Dwayne Johnson's Letter To His Fans And Priyanka Chopra's Warning - Summer Is Coming Johnson's
worldnews Myanmar's Rohingya: Truth, lies and Aung San Suu Kyi - BBC News BBC
worldnews Russian MPs pass bill to soften domestic violence law - BBC News BBC
news Free soda: France bans unlimited sugary drink refills - BBC News BBC
gaming PS and Xbox fanboys in a nutshell. Xbox
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Futurology [Whatever happened to the DeepMind AI ethics board Google promised? Technology](
AskReddit Serious In light of recent events, what's your favorite thing about the United States? United
AskReddit People of Reddit, with Google maps streetview, what are the richest and poorest areas where you live? Google
AskReddit Why don't all websites just use Youtube for their videos instead of their own bad one? Youtube
OldSchoolCool Harrison Ford in Australia - 1983 fixed Ford
worldnews Trump's 'yuge' first week: Well, that was intense - BBC News BBC
videos A cute little Lego jingle to get in to the Friday afternoon relaxing spirit Lego
news Two teenagers arrested in a plan to carry out a mass shooting at The Villages Charter Middle School in Sumter County, Florida Charter
todayilearned TIL that the United States of America, often seen as a champion of democracy, is actually regarded as a "flawed democracy" according to the Democracy Index United
WritingPrompts WP Google launch high-power camera satellites. Google earth now updates in real time. Anyone can watch anywhere on the globe. Google
worldnews Trump-loving passenger cuffed for harassing Muslim Delta worker Delta
AskReddit Redditors who used Microsoft Comic Chat in late 90's early 2000's. What are some of your fondest memories in those chatrooms? Microsoft
videos Mr. Rogers suggests an interesting snack Rogers
mildlyinteresting Ate at 2 different McDonald's over 2 days and had the same waiting number McDonald's
explainlikeimfive ELI5: How do transportation apps like Moovit or Navigation in Google Maps know exactly when buses are arriving late, where exactly are they, at what time will they serve, etc? Google
pics The president of the United States likes his own tweets on twitter United
OldSchoolCool Harrison Ford by the Pool - 1980s Ford
AskReddit Adobe Reader DC 2015 - Need to know how to exclude protected view for Powerpoint in Adobe Acrobat DC 2015 e.g. via .ini or config file? Adobe
mildlyinteresting The McDonald's battery charging logo is a burger. McDonald's
news Police: Burger King workers sold marijuana at drive-thru Burger King
worldnews Shadow Welsh secretary quits over Brexit vote - BBC News BBC
books Books on the Subway distributes free tomes on trains Subway
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Two Bears . . . Alaska, United States of America United
todayilearned TIL Nike has a shoe recycling program but their stores slash and throw away discontinued styles. Link to slashing article in comments. Nike
worldnews Trump seeks Mexican import tax to pay for border wall - BBC News BBC
AskReddit How ridiculous is it when a 20 year old drives a Ferrari with a personalized number plate "BE ALIVE"? Ferrari
Documentaries A Leader Of Men Marine Corp Officers 1966.Training of officers in the United States Marine Corps. United
AskReddit Why is abortion so controversial in the United States? United
mildlyinteresting When Facebook makes dumb Videos for you like for friendversary ... they match ur skin tone with the prop hands they add in there. Profiling ? Facebook
worldnews German prosecutors widen Volkswagen emissions probe Volkswagen
videos T2 Trainspotting: Kirsty Wark meets Irvine Welsh - BBC Newsnight BBC
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food Beef Shank au Poivre, Truffled Poivre, Truffled Potatoes, Red Pearl Onions, Baby Turnips, Sunnyside Egg. I ate au
TwoXChromosomes Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed into law on Thursday a bill banning the most common abortion procedure employed in the second trimester of a pregnancy, dilation and evacuation. It is among the most restrictive abortion laws in the United States. United
Music Grammys, CBS to honor Bee Gees with tribute concert CBS
funny Interesting Google translation at a Brauhaus in Berlin Google
mildlyinteresting At a school event someone dropped my can of Pepsi and made a smiley face Pepsi
AskReddit Serious How well do you think Trump did with his ABC News interview? ABC
explainlikeimfive ELI5: Twitter vs Facebook Twitter
explainlikeimfive ELI5: What would a war between China and the United States look like? United
gaming Comparison of Real Life Porsche and Assetto Corsa in Mixed Reality Porsche
DIY I made a piece of Chevron Art for my buddy's home bar using only pallet wood VIDEO Chevron
worldnews Apocalypse is 30 seconds closer, say Doomsday Clock scientists - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL : Mexico is the United States' third-largest trade partner, accounting for $1.5 billion in bilateral trade across its border on any given day. United
Jokes Why did the car enthusiast have trouble getting a BMW tattoo on his belly? BMW
nottheonion Tostitos' Super Bowl bags can detect alcohol, offer Uber rides after big game Uber
AskReddit Why doesn't Twitter ban all the bots and fake accounts when it's very obvious they're bots? Twitter
AskReddit Bernie Sanders supporters who voted for Gary Johnson, why? Isn't Johnson's position diametrically opposed to Sanders'? Johnson's
funny Even Microsoft Word thinks the world has changed. Microsoft
gadgets Seagate's roadmap includes 14TB, 16TB hard drives within 18 months. Seagate wants to release 20TB hard drives in the next three years. Seagate
Jokes Why are there no Walgreens in Africa? Walgreens
worldnews Sanctions on table ahead of US-Putin call - BBC News BBC
todayilearned TIL The United States deployed Special Forces, Cobra Attack Helicopters, B-52 Bombers and an Aircraft Carrier to cut down a single poplar tree. United
TwoXChromosomes Court rules Newport mother can’t win damages for failed birth control procedure. A clinic failed to implant a temporary birth control device, but the state's highest court rules Kayla Doherty's claim falls short of standards set out in state law. Newport
AskReddit Serious Why doesn't the United States have a personal, unique identifier when going to vote? And why can't we verify our votes after we've voted? United
Jokes Why is Facebook is Trump's favourite social media? Facebook
worldnews Nigeria is seizing back one of Africa's richest oil blocs and will prosecute petroleum giants Shell and Eni in a $1.2 billion corruption scandal, according to court documents released on Thursday. Shell
worldnews Nigeria is seizing back one of Africa's richest oil blocs and will prosecute petroleum giants Shell and Eni in a $1.2 billion corruption scandal, according to court documents released on Thursday. Eni
todayilearned TIL: The Ferrari 250 GTO is the most expensive car in the world. It is expected to go for $56.4 MILLION at the next auction. Ferrari
personalfinance Does it matter where you open up a RothIRA? PNC vs. Mass Mutual PNC
AskReddit Budget Travelers of Reddit, where do you find your deals on travel and what's the best savings you've ever had? Travelers
videos Taco Bell Naked Chicken Chalupa REVIEW 🐔🌮 Bell
books How Author Timothy Tyson Found the Woman at the Center of the Emmett Till Case Tyson
todayilearned TIL 100% Orange juice is basically fake and what we taste is just added artificial flavor packs Orange
AskReddit If the United States split up into 50 different countries, how would the new countries rank in the world in terms of military power? United
gifs Train Plows through FedEx truck FedEx
AskReddit Who's the modern day Mr. Rogers / Bob Ross? Rogers
WritingPrompts RF Your spouse forces you to go to IKEA on Saturday. IKEA
AskReddit Serious In the past week, United State news has been flooded with controversy about the actions of the incoming Presidential and Congressional administrations. What is the most dangerous political action or socio-political action you believe the new U.S. administration to be capable of? United
todayilearned TIL KFC tested their 'Double Down' sandwich in just two markets, including my home state of RI, and I still managed to avoid it. KFC
todayilearned TIL the United States developed a "nuclear bazooka" that could launch a nuclear warhead 2-4 km United
todayilearned TIL that in the Aughties the government of Mexico published an illustrated pamphlet that instructed migrants how to safely enter the United States illegally and live there without being detected. United
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food Homemade Blood Orange Marmalade Orange
mildlyinteresting This fountain machine's Sprite Zero calorie info makes no sense Sprite
videos Best Uber Passengers ever. Uber
news "Would you like some fries with that..." Drugs sold at Burger King drive-thru with code 'fries extra crispy,' police say Burger King
AskReddit What are the best Twitter pages with music lyrics and that don't have ads? Twitter
AskReddit If you had to create your own original Taco Bell special menu item, what would it be? Bell
worldnews Did the White House press secretary just tweet out his Twitter password? Twitter
photoshopbattles PsBattle: FedEx man extinguishes burning American flags. FedEx
gaming My first thought when I heard that California wanted to leave the United States this morning United
worldnews Trump and May 'committed' to Nato - BBC News BBC
AskReddit People who have a shared Facebook account with their SO, why do you both use the same account instead of separate ones? Facebook
videos YouTube new messaging feature takes on Facebook messenger Facebook
videos Lunar New Year 2017 Google Doodle Google
AskReddit If a sorcerer turned you into a Microsoft Office product of your choosing, what would you choose and why? Microsoft
worldnews UN envoy Nikki Haley pledges to 'take names' of those who don't support US: Trump’s new US ambassador to the United Nations says ‘For those that don’t have our back, we will make points to respond to that accordingly’ United
sports Super Bowl 2017: No cable? How to watch online with Apple TV, Roku, Xbox One, more Apple
sports Super Bowl 2017: No cable? How to watch online with Apple TV, Roku, Xbox One, more Xbox
AskReddit People Who Sit in the Window at Whole Foods on their Computers- Why do you do that? Do you not have a home? Whole Foods
worldnews Niger Delta villagers lose UK court bid to sue Shell over pollution Shell
worldnews Niger Delta villagers lose UK court bid to sue Shell over pollution Delta
OldSchoolCool The forever suave Neil deGrasse Tyson in graduate school - 1982 Tyson
Showerthoughts If Google shows zero results, you know you've been pretty specific Google
Documentaries The Player: Secrets of a Vegas Whale 2014 - Don Johnson Beats the Casino with Black Jack, making a profit of $15 million and explains how he did it. Casino
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WritingPrompts WP You get a Big Mac from McDonald's and as you are about to eat it you discover it can talk. You quickly become best friends and you take Mac as you come to call him everywhere with you, but to everyone else it just looks like a Big Mac. McDonald's
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